Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 5:30-7:00pm| 4/22-5/27 | Spring 2025

YA-Draw | Apr-May
Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 4/22-5/27

Instructor Lori Hochberg






April 22, 2025 - May 27, 2025



Start Time

05:30 PM

End Time

07:00 PM



Number of Sessions


Max Class Size



Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.

Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!

Price $245.00

Art League Members receive discounts on most classes, exhibition entries and events.   But they apply only to current members in good standing. If registrant is later determined to be ineligible for member discount as of the date of this transaction, all charges will be adjusted to reflect the full non-member rate.
