Fearless Watercolor Workshop with Jan Guarino| Fri & Sat 7/25-7/26| 10am-3pm| Summer 2025

WC Workshop JulyGuarino
Fearless Watercolor Workshop with Jan Guarino| Fri & Sat 7/25-7/26| 10am-3pm

Instructor Jan Guarino






July 25, 2025 - July 26, 2025



Start Time

10:00 AM

End Time

02:00 PM


Intermediate, Advanced

Number of Sessions


Max Class Size



I invite you to be part of an immersive experience that will open new ways to approach a blank sheet of white paper. The result will likely forever change the way you think of painting in watercolors. Along with techniques, my clear process to putting paint and water to paper will help you more successfully express your passion for this medium.
I’ll teach you in a way that emulates what I needed as a student and didn’t get. The outcome will be that you become empowered by clear and innovative ideas. You already have the passion and desire, combined with my suggestions ~ you can become a more confident watercolorist.
You’ve taken classes with highly regarded masters . . . watched their videos . . . read their books. I invite you to be part of something that integrates the best of the best and puts them together in one workshop. One in which you will come out the other end a better watercolorist than when you came in and take home tangible ideas to integrate into your paintings.

Participants will come with their own supplies and it is totally hands on experience with demos and one to one guidance throughout the day.

Price $270.00

Art League Members receive discounts on most classes, exhibition entries and events.   But they apply only to current members in good standing. If registrant is later determined to be ineligible for member discount as of the date of this transaction, all charges will be adjusted to reflect the full non-member rate.
