Young Artists will learn about an artist each session and then create their own masterpieces in acrylic painting, while gaining an understanding of design principles, materials, and some color basics. No prior experience necessary.
Pictured is an acrylic painting by Liz Fusco, inspired by George Rodrigue's "Blue Dog" Series.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 110
[SupplyList] => • Acrylic paints (student set is fine or the following colors):
Blue, red, crimson, yellow, green, white
• Synthetic brushes for acrylic paints: 3 sizes- large flat, medium flat, small round
• Container for water
• Paper towels
• Canvas, 9 x 12 (4, one for each class)
• Table top easel or something sturdy to hold your canvas
• Palette- can be plastic or styrofoam plate or anything else to hold paint
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 90
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 210310:Mann, Jess
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-19T12:01:39.973
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-19T12:10:21.237
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56756
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220111_67e5ede307472] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56678
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | Jan/Feb
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday Morning | Jan/Feb
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-12T11:22:06.487
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2022-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 320
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-02-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday Morning 9:30-12:30 | Jan/Feb | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 320
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $50 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 300
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3536363738
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T11:22:06.487
[ModifyDate] => 2022-02-15T16:27:34.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56678
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220111_67e5ede30751e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56782
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Jan/Feb
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Dominic Sparano | Jan/Feb
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-20T10:03:16.733
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 480
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $50 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 400
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3536363831
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T12:03:11
[ModifyDate] => 2022-02-15T16:25:27.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56681
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220115_67e5ede307bde] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56971
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => GameDes|Sat | Jan/Feb
[Description] => Game Design & Development with Patrick Aievoli | Ages 11-17 | Saturday 11am-1pm | Jan/Feb
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-01-13T10:56:29.123
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-01-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-02-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Game Design & Development with Patrick Aievoli | Saturdays 11am-1pm | Ages 11-17 | 1/15-2/19| Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Serious gaming is exploding. In this in-studio class, you will learn how to build custom characters, create multiple levels, keep score, create a timer, etc. By the end, you will construct a full game from concept to working prototype. This class focuses more on the "why" of game development than the "how", all with the ease of use of online platforms. “Logical reasoning” is the key.
Since learning has moved online the ability to develop serious games is an accessible form of learning and fun. Learning how to create in a simple drag and drop environment is already being used in the game industry. Coding is great, but “logical reasoning” is part of the AI and of your future - the Internet of Things. Let’s start answering the “why” - the “how” is so 20th century.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] => Students must bring their own laptops and chargers to participate in this course. Students are responsible for obtaining the software for this class, which is FREE and available for download:
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 240
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207481:Aievoli, Patrick
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-23T13:36:08.153
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-23T13:41:57.307
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56971
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220118_67e5ede307918] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56664
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Jan/Feb
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Tues | Jan/Feb | 5:30-6:45pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-12T10:12:47.637
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-01-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 170
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-12-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Jan/Feb | 5:30-6:45pm | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing. They will learn how to do individual character drawings, as well as characters with scenic backgrounds. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of themes in their cartoons (outer space, animals, etc.). They will learn how to do cartoon drawings in different ways. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 170
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 150
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T10:12:47.637
[ModifyDate] => 2021-12-07T10:53:32.777
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56664
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220118_67e5ede3083a4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 57028
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Jan/Feb
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Tues | Jan/Feb | 7:00-8:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-12-07T10:53:52.957
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-01-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 200
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-12-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Jan/Feb | 7:00-8:30pm | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists will learn about an artist each session and then create their own masterpieces in acrylic painting, while gaining an understanding of design principles, materials, and some color basics. No prior experience necessary.
Pictured is an acrylic painting by Liz Fusco, inspired by George Rodrigue's "Blue Dog" Series.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 113
[SupplyList] => • Acrylic paints (student set is fine or the following colors):
Blue, red, crimson, yellow, green, white
• Synthetic brushes for acrylic paints: 3 sizes- large flat, medium flat, small round
• Container for water
• Paper towels
• Canvas, 9 x 12 (4, one for each class)
• Table top easel or something sturdy to hold your canvas
• Palette- can be plastic or styrofoam plate or anything else to hold paint
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 93
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-19T12:07:26.3
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-19T12:39:23.093
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56757
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220201_67e5ede308859] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56767
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Feb
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | Feb
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-19T13:40:05.043
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-02-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 156
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Space is limited. In-person classes at ALLI follow safety protocols for social distancing. All students are required to wear a mask in the building and under the tent at all times.
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | Feb | 2/1-2/15 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Students will learn the basic foundation skills for watercolor. Students will learn how to use correct materials. They will learn how to transfer a drawing onto watercolor paper. Students will learn color mixing and basic color theory. They will learn how to create washes, wet into wet techinques and dry brush. We will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 156
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 136
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-19T13:40:05.043
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-19T13:42:11.757
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56767
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220202_67e5ede307bc6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56700
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => FundofWater | Feb
[Description] => Fundamentals of Watercolor with Denis Ponsot | Virtual | Wednesday 6:30pm-9:30pm | Feb
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-02-03T09:31:10.147
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-02-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-02-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 242
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-09-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => ALLI Virtual Classes are hosted on Zoom:
• Click the link in your confirmation email to access the virtual classroom. The meeting will start when the instructor (the meeting host) arrives.
• Make sure you download the Zoom app on the device you plan to use PRIOR to the start of class. Download for free here:
• Your Zoom Name must match the name and email you used to register for the class. If your name/email does not match with the registration you will not be accepted into the classroom.
• Prepare for your class a few minutes early to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. Troubleshooting with zoom:
• Find the supplies and materials needed for the first 2 sessions of class in the course description listed online. Your instructor may send an additional materials list on the first day of class.
Tuition for virtual classes in non-refundable.
[Title] => Fundamentals of Watercolor with Denis Ponsot | Virtual | Wednesday 6:30pm-9:30pm | 2/2-2/23 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => With over twenty years’ experience teaching, Instructor Denis Ponsot has designed this informative class to demonstrate all the “shop tricks” in watercolor painting. Both beginning and experienced students will learn to avoid common pitfalls and advance their abilities. The focus will be on students individually, helping them realize their full watercolor potential. Explore a variety of watercolor techniques with an emphasis on developing one’s own style. Includes demonstrations of color and design, wet on wet, and dry-brush techniques. Students choose to paint from still life arrangements, photos, or their own subjects.
Each week students will be sent 3 photos and they will vote for the winner. Denis Ponsot will then send the winning image out to the students with guidance as to what they will need for the class project.
Intro to the class with Denis Ponsot:
Learn more about Denis and his work here: www.denisponsot.comStudents will explore cartooning through character drawings. A variety of people and animal cartoons will inspire our young artist as they fine tune their drawing techniques. Pencil, ink pens and colored pencils/ watercolor will be the mediums used to create their cartoon collection.
Young artists will enjoy this exciting “paint a long” style class. Artist/instructor will demonstrate step-by-step how to paint a winter landscape with acrylics on canvas. Learn how to use acrylic paint, brush techniques and even a toothbrush for special effects! We’ll even make it snow for the grand finale!
Young Artists will learn about an artist each session and then create their own masterpieces in acrylic painting, while gaining an understanding of design principles, materials, and some color basics. No prior experience necessary.
Pictured is an acrylic painting by Liz Fusco, inspired by George Rodrigue's "Blue Dog" Series.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 143.5
[SupplyList] => • Acrylic paints (student set is fine or the following colors):
Blue, red, crimson, yellow, green, white
• Synthetic brushes for acrylic paints: 3 sizes- large flat, medium flat, small round
• Container for water
• Paper towels
• Canvas, 9 x 12 (4, one for each class)
• Table top easel or something sturdy to hold your canvas
• Palette- can be plastic or styrofoam plate or anything else to hold paint
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 123.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-19T12:41:01.987
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-19T12:43:28.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56758
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220301_67e5ede307476] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56679
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | March
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday Morning | March
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-12T11:58:54.203
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-03-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday Morning 9:30-12:30 | March | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $50 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3536363739
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T11:58:54.203
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-12T12:01:04.573
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56679
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220301_67e5ede30791c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56666
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon March
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Tues | March | 5:30-6:45pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-02-25T10:26:50.09
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-03-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 174.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-12-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | March | 5:30-6:45pm | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing. They will learn how to do individual character drawings, as well as characters with scenic backgrounds. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of themes in their cartoons (outer space, animals, etc.). They will learn how to do cartoon drawings in different ways. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 174.5
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 154.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T10:18:31.183
[ModifyDate] => 2021-12-07T11:05:09.93
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56666
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220301_67e5ede307cf1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56685
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | March
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | March
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-12T12:13:18.513
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-03-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 452
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday Afternoon | March | 3/1-3/29 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $50 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 412
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3536363832
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T12:05:03.047
[ModifyDate] => 2022-03-01T15:43:47.513
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56682
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220305_67e5ede30770b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56968
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat Mar
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/5-3/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-23T13:26:12.01
[NumberOfSeats] => 9
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-03-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-03-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-02-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturday 12:30-3:30pm | 3/5-3/26 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Masks are required at all times, Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 197307:Zinzi, Jo Ellen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-23T13:26:12.01
[ModifyDate] => 2022-02-01T13:13:10.523
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2021-11-23T13:26:12.01
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56968
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220305_67e5ede307be2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56972
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => GameDes|Sat | Mar/Apr
[Description] => Game Design & Development with Patrick Aievoli | Ages 11-17 | Saturday 11am-1pm | Mar/Apr
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-01-13T11:42:55.103
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-03-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-04-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 267
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Game Design & Development with Patrick Aievoli | Saturdays 11am-1pm | Ages 11-17 | 3/5-4/9 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Serious gaming is exploding. In this in-studio class, you will learn how to build custom characters, create multiple levels, keep score, create a timer, etc. By the end, you will construct a full game from concept to working prototype. This class focuses more on the "why" of game development than the "how", all with the ease of use of online platforms. “Logical reasoning” is the key.
Since learning has moved online the ability to develop serious games is an accessible form of learning and fun. Learning how to create in a simple drag and drop environment is already being used in the game industry. Coding is great, but “logical reasoning” is part of the AI and of your future - the Internet of Things. Let’s start answering the “why” - the “how” is so 20th century.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 267
[SupplyList] => Students must bring their own laptops and chargers to participate in this course. Students are responsible for obtaining the software for this class, which is FREE and available for download:
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 247
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207481:Aievoli, Patrick
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-23T13:42:19.637
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-23T13:43:19.883
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56972
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220308_67e5ede307482] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56783
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Mar/Apr
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Mar/Apr
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-20T10:09:03.467
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2022-03-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-04-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-03-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Young Artists will learn about an artist each session and then create their own masterpieces in acrylic painting, while gaining an understanding of design principles, materials, and some color basics. No prior experience necessary.
Pictured is an acrylic painting by Liz Fusco, inspired by George Rodrigue's "Blue Dog" Series.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 113
[SupplyList] => • Acrylic paints (student set is fine or the following colors):
Blue, red, crimson, yellow, green, white
• Synthetic brushes for acrylic paints: 3 sizes- large flat, medium flat, small round
• Container for water
• Paper towels
• Canvas, 9 x 12 (4, one for each class)
• Table top easel or something sturdy to hold your canvas
• Palette- can be plastic or styrofoam plate or anything else to hold paint
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 93
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-19T12:43:49.927
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-19T12:44:47.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56759
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220405_67e5ede307b81] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 57809
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw - Fusco - Apr
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | April
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-02-22T13:10:00.57
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-04-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 156
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T15:00:14.243
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 4/5-4/19 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 156
[SupplyList] => Materials List:Join Lesley DeLia in the Art League's Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery and learn about the versatility of polymer clay art in this free discussion.
With the goal of recognizing the versatility of this medium, participants will learn about the characteristics, various products and brands, common techniques and methods, studio tools for getting started and resources for learning more about polymer clay. We will also view the work of some of the award winning polymer clay artists in the international polymer clay community as a source of inspiration.
Take your knowledge of Polymer Clay one step further! Enjoy a hands-on workshop with Lesley in her Polymer Clay One-Day Workshop on April 23 , 2022. Register soon!
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $50 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 370
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3536363830
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T12:01:31.36
[ModifyDate] => 2022-04-09T08:55:22.76
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56680
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220412_67e5ede307915] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56667
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Apr/May
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Tues | Apr/May | 5:30-6:45pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-12T10:21:01.263
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-04-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-05-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 205.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-12-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => There will be no class Tuesday, 4/19.
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Apr/May | 5:30-6:45pm | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing. They will learn how to do individual character drawings, as well as characters with scenic backgrounds. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of themes in their cartoons (outer space, animals, etc.). They will learn how to do cartoon drawings in different ways. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205.5
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T10:21:01.263
[ModifyDate] => 2021-12-07T11:09:40.327
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56667
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220412_67e5ede307c52] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56670
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng - Tues - Apr/May
[Description] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tues | 10am-1pm | Apr/May | 4/12-5/31
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-12T10:33:14.29
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-04-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-05-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 516
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class cancelled on 5/3 - make up day 5/31.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tues | 10am-1pm | Apr/May | 4/12-5/31 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 516
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 476
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3536363730
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T10:33:14.29
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-05T09:13:07.677
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56670
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220412_67e5ede307ceb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56686
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | Apr/May
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | Apr/May
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-12T12:16:26.967
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2022-04-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-05-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 535
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday Afternoon | Apr/May | 4/12-5/17 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $50 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 495
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3536363833
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-12T12:06:13.443
[ModifyDate] => 2022-04-08T12:28:33.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56683
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220416_67e5ede307a99] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56717
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice- Sat -Apr/May
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Apr/May | Sat
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-16T16:43:07.41
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-04-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-05-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 516
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Saturday | 4/16-5/28 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 516
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 476
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-16T16:43:07.41
[ModifyDate] => 2022-04-05T11:40:18.893
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56717
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220418_67e5ede307954] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56663
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => Drawing Basics+ | Apr/May
[Description] => Drawing- The Basics & Then Some (V) | Apr/May | Mary Nagin | Monday 3:30-5:30p
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-04-15T07:49:44.36
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 240
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => (These supplies can be purchased at BEADUTOPIA, 444 W. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington)
Young Artists will learn about an artist each session and then create their own masterpieces in acrylic painting, while gaining an understanding of design principles, materials, and some color basics. No prior experience necessary.
Pictured is an acrylic painting by Liz Fusco, inspired by George Rodrigue's "Blue Dog" Series.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 113
[SupplyList] => • Acrylic paints (student set is fine or the following colors):
Blue, red, crimson, yellow, green, white
• Synthetic brushes for acrylic paints: 3 sizes- large flat, medium flat, small round
• Container for water
• Paper towels
• Canvas, 9 x 12 (4, one for each class)
• Table top easel or something sturdy to hold your canvas
• Palette- can be plastic or styrofoam plate or anything else to hold paint
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 93
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-19T12:45:26.8
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-19T12:46:06.567
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56760
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220512_67e5ede3079ce] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 58622
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => EastAsianBrush | May/Jun
[Description] => East Asian Brush Painting (VIRTUAL) with Sung Sook Setton | Thurs 1-3pm | 5/12-6/9
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-10T11:48:19.613
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-05-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 205.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-04-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => ALLI Virtual Classes are hosted on Zoom:
• Click the link in your confirmation email to access the virtual classroom. The meeting will start when the instructor (the meeting host) arrives.
• Make sure you download the Zoom app on the device you plan to use PRIOR to the start of class. Download for free here:
• Your Zoom Name must match the name and email you used to register for the class. If your name/email does not match with the registration you will not be accepted into the classroom.
• Prepare for your class a few minutes early to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. Troubleshooting with zoom:
• Find the supplies and materials needed for the first 2 sessions of class in the course description listed online. Your instructor may send an additional materials list on the first day of class.
Tuition for virtual classes in non-refundable.
[Title] => (VIRTUAL) East Asian Brush Painting with Sung Sook Setton | 5/12-6/9 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Participants will explore East Asian conceptions of line, brush stroke, and composition with a focus on the traditional subjects of the Four Gracious Plants (plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, and bamboo) and landscapes. East Asian water-ink painting is not merely a visual art; it is also a literary and philosophical one. The regular practice of water-ink painting promotes a better understanding of the beauty within nature and the cultivation of an inner sense of harmony.
Instructor Sungsook Setton employs a flexible and creative approach to her virtual Brush Painting class, integrating group instruction and individual tutoring:
• Instruction and discussion.
• Communication with instructor for commentary on individual practice.
• The class will use a combination of communication tools for individual guidance
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205.5
[SupplyList] => Purchase material kits in advance of your first class:
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196316:Setton, Sung - Sook
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-04-13T08:04:54.96
[ModifyDate] => 2022-04-13T08:06:50.373
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/58622
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220513_67e5ede307f24] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56808
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- May
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | May
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2021-11-20T11:17:26.397
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 216
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | May | 5/13-5/27 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 216
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 196
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2021-11-20T11:17:26.397
[ModifyDate] => 2021-11-20T11:18:48.33
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2537
[Description] => Spring 2022
[StartDate] => 2021-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/56808
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220513_67e5ede307fdb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 56764
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2537
[ShortDescription] => OilPtg Beg|Fusco May
[Description] => Oil Painting for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Friday 10am-1pm | May
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-12T09:14:20.413
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 205.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2021-11-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Oil Painting for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Fri 10am-1pm | May | 5/13-5/27 | Spring 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students will learn the very basics of oil painting and composition. We will paint still life subjects (preferably from life). Students will learn the fundamentals of toning the canvas, mixing colors, creating value studies and underpainting. We will start off with painting a simple subject using a value study, then progress to a full painting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205.5
[SupplyList] => • Canvas or panels- primed. Not bigger than 11 x 14
• Brushes- for oil paints- a few sizes, brights and filberts (large, medium and smaller)
• Palette- wooden or plastic
• Palette knife
• Painting medium (like Liquin) These are some examples of warm vs. cool colors
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3538323230
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-03-22T14:35:11.973
[ModifyDate] => 2022-03-22T14:47:33.47
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/58220
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220607_67e5ede3074ff] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59014
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Jun/Jul
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 6/7-7/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-05T08:00:24.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-06-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-07-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 247
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3538323236
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-03-22T14:59:59.353
[ModifyDate] => 2022-03-22T15:21:22.353
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/58226
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220611_67e5ede307767] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59031
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/11
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-06T08:51:56.92
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-06-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/11 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-05-06T08:51:56.92
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-06T08:52:17.19
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-05-06T08:51:56.92
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59031
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220616_67e5ede3086a7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59026
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | 6/16 AM
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 6/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-05T13:04:49.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-06-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 72
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | 6/16 | Thursdays 10am-1pm | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 72
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 62
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-05-05T13:04:49.423
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-05T13:05:15.447
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59026
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220616_67e5ede3086f1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59024
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | 6/16 PM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 6/16
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-06-14T10:44:42.08
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-06-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 72
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 6/16 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 72
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 62
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-05-05T12:56:38.92
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-05T12:57:10.013
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59024
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220618_67e5ede307770] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59032
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/18
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-06T08:52:33.31
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-06-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-06-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/18 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-05-06T08:52:33.31
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-06T08:52:55.41
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-05-06T08:52:33.31
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59032
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220621_67e5ede307da3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 58627
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => IntroWildPhoto - Jun/Jul
[Description] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tues 7-9 pm | 6/21-7/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-04-13T09:21:12.167
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2022-06-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 220
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-13T12:09:59.13
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-04-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tuesdays 7-9pm | 6/21-7/19 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Local author and photographer John P. Cardone conducts this 10-hour class based on his book Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-03-22T14:48:05.24
[ModifyDate] => 2022-03-22T14:48:51.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/58221
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220712_67e5ede307cdb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 58224
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | July
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 7/12-7/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-03-22T14:55:53.87
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2022-07-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 267
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-03-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 7/12-7/26 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3538323232
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-03-22T14:50:09.57
[ModifyDate] => 2022-07-07T12:11:46.9
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/58222
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220809_67e5ede307ce1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 58225
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | Aug
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 8/9-8/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-03-22T14:56:55.363
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2022-08-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-08-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 267
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-03-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 8/9-8/23 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 247
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3538323237
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-03-22T15:02:23.9
[ModifyDate] => 2022-07-07T12:28:53.903
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/58227
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220813_67e5ede3077b5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59039
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-06T09:04:29.79
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-08-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-08-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/13 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-05-06T09:04:29.79
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-06T09:04:47.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-05-06T09:04:29.79
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59039
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220820_67e5ede3077bb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59040
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/20
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:07.713
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-08-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/20 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:07.713
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:25.193
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:07.713
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59040
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220827_67e5ede3077c4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59041
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/27
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:41.483
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-08-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-08-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-05-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/27 | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:41.483
[ModifyDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:58.487
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2611
[Description] => Summer 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-09-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-05-06T09:05:41.483
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59041
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220827_67e5ede30880f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59292
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2611
[ShortDescription] => WC Workshop Rimmelin Aug
[Description] => Watercolor Finding Flowers Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 8/27 10am - 2pm | Summer 2022
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-06-11T09:44:17.91
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-08-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-08-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 140
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-06-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor Finding Flowers Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 8/27 10 am - 2 pm | Summer 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Finding Flowers in Watercolor Washes Workshop with Lorraine RimmelinWelcome to Art for the Young, a 10-class series by The Art League of Long Island at the Mid Island Y JCC. Designed for Pre-k students, ages 3-5, this class will allow children to experience art making in a hands-on environment that stimulates creativity and independence. Young artists develop a higher level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills through learning about elements of art making and contemporary art. Diverse projects emphasize basic art-making skills and help to build fine motor development.
The classes are all about exploration and discovery, where curiosity is treasured and kids are encouraged to feel, touch and learn through sensory activities. Projects explore drawing, painting, collage, materials found in nature, sculpture, and mixed media. Students have creative freedom within each project to develop artworks that embrace their personal interests.
Welcome to Art for the Young, a 10-class series by The Art League of Long Island at the Mid Island Y JCC. Designed for Grades K-3, this class will allow children to experience art making in a hands-on environment that stimulates creativity and independence. Young artists develop a higher level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills through learning about elements of art making and contemporary art. Diverse projects emphasize basic art-making skills and help to build fine motor development.
The classes are all about exploration and discovery, where curiosity is treasured and kids are encouraged to feel, touch and learn through sensory activities. Projects explore drawing, painting, collage, materials found in nature, sculpture, and mixed media. Students have creative freedom within each project to develop artworks that embrace their personal interests.
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3539343133
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-07-07T12:12:28.817
[ModifyDate] => 2022-08-24T10:23:03.39
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59413
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220913_67e5ede307512] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59512
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Sep/Nov
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 9/13-11/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-07-15T10:45:01.923
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-11-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-08-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 495
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3539343137
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-07-07T12:29:29.62
[ModifyDate] => 2022-07-07T12:36:39.297
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59417
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20220917_67e5ede30759f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59827
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush - Sep/Oct
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-1:00pm | 9/17-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-09-15T09:32:43.197
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-09-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 185
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-04T10:38:03.873
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-08-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-1:00pm | 9/17-10/15 | Fall 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
Born in 1957 of Spanish and Italian descent, John is a self taught artist who also has the rare capacity to see and perceive the world both internally and externally.
"It is the sole responsibility for each one of us to be a light to ourselves and in so doing discover what is authentic and unique."
Biangazzo will present his original oil paintings in a multi media effect of choreographed light and music in the experience entitled " Luminous Landscapes of the mind."
John will invite you into a dialogue regarding the implications of actually SEEING in relationship to the untapped potential of the human mind.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-09-15T11:54:41.477
[ModifyDate] => 2022-09-15T13:50:53.95
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/60411
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20221006_67e5ede3082fa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 60276
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Thu Oct 22
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 10/6-10/27 | Fall 2022
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-08-18T11:34:30.263
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-10-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-10-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-08-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 10/6-10/27 | Fall 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Masks are required at all times, Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194371:Krasowitz, Michael
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-08-18T11:34:30.263
[ModifyDate] => 2022-08-18T11:35:11.26
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-08-18T11:34:30.263
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/60276
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20221008_67e5ede307335] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 60288
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest WS Sept/Oct 22
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Sat 10 am - 1 pm | 10/8-11/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-08-19T11:19:59.61
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-10-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-11-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 391
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T14:12:05.52
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Sat 10 am - 1 pm | 10/8-11/12 | Fall 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting workshop that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition. At the end of the course, students may choose to hang their tree portraits together in the Art League's strolling gallery, creating our own enchanted forest.
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 465
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-07-07T12:37:32.37
[ModifyDate] => 2022-07-07T12:51:41.437
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59418
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20221029_67e5ede307689] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 60457
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/29
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-09-22T08:59:47.06
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-10-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-09-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/29 | Fall 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-09-22T08:59:47.06
[ModifyDate] => 2022-09-22T09:00:07.41
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-09-22T08:59:47.06
[AssignUserId] => 902
[AssignUserName] => Rosemary DeRidder
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/60457
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20221029_67e5ede307ad8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59437
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice- Sat -Oct/Dec
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 10/29-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-07-08T10:05:30.313
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2022-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class 12/26 Thanksgiving weekendThe ancient Japanese firing method called Raku combines chemistry, fire and smoke to
produce gorgeous displays of color and lusters. The firing process is the heart and soul
of the American Raku Technique. The finished pieces are unpredictable. Glazes crackle
in fascinating patterns and metallic oxides change colors depending on the amount of
oxidation in the post firing reduction chamber.
In his hands on Raku workshop, participants should bring 6-8 even thickness bisqueware pots.
The pots for raku should be no larger than 6-8” wide and no taller than 13”. Flat pieces are
acceptable. Tall and narrow are best. Use Raku clay or Stoneware with grog (not sand).
Anyone interested in taking the workshop should give themselves 6 working classes to throw
or hand build 6 pieces. That will allow enough time for the pieces to thoroughly dry out and be
bisque fired. If you're interested in horsehair firing, pieces need to be burnished. Ask your
instructor for assistance on this. Make sure pieces are glazed at least 24 hours ahead of time
to the workshop.
Bring a bag lunch. Beverages will be available. Wear cotton clothing, long sleeves, long pants,
a hat, covered shoes (no sandals). As stated above this is a hands-on workshop. Please do
not make other plans for early that evening, clean up is part of this workshop. Register early -
space limited to 10 participants.
Let Debbie Wells of Artful Circle ( bring the fascinating personal relationships of artists (both famous and less well-known) to life.
What attracts artists to each other…is it love, sex, secrets, similarities in cultural background or artistic styles? Does one serve as muse to the other? Do they support each other equally or is there an imbalance? Does money and fame drive the relationship? In this presentation, we will cover husband and wife artist couples with mainstream values to those marriages that preferred a more bohemian lifestyle. There are also artist teams of parent/child, siblings, mentor/student and unconventional friendship.
No matter the relationship, these artists are permanently intertwined in their place in art history making their private lives as intriguing as the art they created.
Debbie Wells is a museum curator, photographer, graphic artist, and Past President of the Art League of Long Island. Wells is a graduate of Parsons School of Design and active Artist Member of the historic Salmagundi Club in New York City. She is the co-founder of Artful Circle, which provides educational artful virtual and in-person lectures and activities. Join the Artful Circle mailing list at and learn about Artful Circle programs and receive a free daily Fun Art Fact of the Day e-newsletter.
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3539343134
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-07-07T12:16:40.35
[ModifyDate] => 2022-07-07T12:18:09.03
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/59414
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20221115_67e5ede3074e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 59513
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Nov/Dec
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 11/15-12/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-07-15T10:48:53.913
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-11-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-12-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-10-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting workshop that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition. At the end of the course, students may choose to hang their tree portraits together in the Art League's strolling gallery, creating our own enchanted forest.
Please be aware that this course is an extension to the last 6 week session of this course. New students are welcome to join and work o
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] =>
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-05T10:47:47.243
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-05T10:54:33.757
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61037
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20221210_67e5ede3076b7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 60461
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 12/10
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-09-22T09:03:08.42
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-12-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-12-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-09-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/10 | Fall 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-09-22T09:03:08.42
[ModifyDate] => 2022-09-22T09:03:41.773
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-09-22T09:03:08.42
[AssignUserId] => 902
[AssignUserName] => Rosemary DeRidder
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/60461
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20221217_67e5ede3076bf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 60462
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2635
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 12/17
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-09-22T09:04:07.327
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2022-12-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2022-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-09-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/17 | Fall 2022
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-09-22T09:04:07.327
[ModifyDate] => 2022-09-22T09:04:27.553
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2635
[Description] => Fall 2022
[StartDate] => 2022-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-26T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-09-22T09:04:07.327
[AssignUserId] => 902
[AssignUserName] => Rosemary DeRidder
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/60462
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230109_67e5ede3072a2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 60933
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC - 3-5 - 1/9-3/27
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC | with Annemarie Waugh | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 1/9-3/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-10-27T10:27:44.277
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 360.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 1/16 in observance of MLK Day
No class 2/20 in observance of Presidents Day
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC | with Annemarie Waugh | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 1/9-3/27 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to Art for the Young, a 10-class series by The Art League of Long Island at the Mid Island Y JCC. Designed for Grades K-3, this class will allow children to experience art making in a hands-on environment that stimulates creativity and independence. Young artists develop a higher level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills through learning about elements of art making and contemporary art. Diverse projects emphasize basic art-making skills and help to build fine motor development.
The classes are all about exploration and discovery, where curiosity is treasured and kids are encouraged to feel, touch and learn through sensory activities. Projects explore drawing, painting, collage, materials found in nature, sculpture, and mixed media. Students have creative freedom within each project to develop artworks that embrace their personal interests.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360.5
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 360.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-10-27T10:27:44.277
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-23T09:26:59.087
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/60933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230109_67e5ede3072b9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 60934
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC - K-3 - 1/9-3/27
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid-Isl Y JCC with Annemarie Waugh | Grade K-3 | Mon 4:15-4:15 pm | 1/9-3/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-10-27T10:32:20.987
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 360.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:15:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 1/19 in observance of MLK Day
No class 2/20 in observance of President's Day
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC | with Annemarie Waugh | Grades K-3 | Mon 4:15-5:15 pm | 1/9-3/27 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Welcome to Art for the Young, a 10-class series by The Art League of Long Island at the Mid Island Y JCC. Designed for Grades K-3, this class will allow children to experience art making in a hands-on environment that stimulates creativity and independence. Young artists develop a higher level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills through learning about elements of art making and contemporary art. Diverse projects emphasize basic art-making skills and help to build fine motor development.
The classes are all about exploration and discovery, where curiosity is treasured and kids are encouraged to feel, touch and learn through sensory activities. Projects explore drawing, painting, collage, materials found in nature, sculpture, and mixed media. Students have creative freedom within each project to develop artworks that embrace their personal interests.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360.5
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 360.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-10-27T10:32:20.987
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-23T09:29:57.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/60934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede307442] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61442
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | Jan/Feb
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:22:01.127
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
Make up class for missed class on 1/31 will be held on Tuesday, 2/14 from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343432
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:22:01.127
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T11:32:05.82
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61442
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede3074db] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61414
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Jan/Feb
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T12:58:08.817
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tuesdays 6-9pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343134
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T12:58:08.817
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T12:59:36.133
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61414
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede307b52] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61230
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-Jan'23
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 1/10-1/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:30:41.683
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-01-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 1/10-1/24 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:30:41.683
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T12:31:27.33
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61230
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede307c62] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61383
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tues 10am-1pm | 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T09:01:31.09
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T09:01:31.09
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T09:04:16.407
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61383
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede307cb8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61446
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | Jan/Feb
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:29:24.723
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 452
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
Make up class for 1/31 cancelled class will be held on Tuesday 2/14 at 1pm - 5pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 452
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 412
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343436
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:29:24.723
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T11:34:34.443
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61446
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede308053] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61367
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-21T13:46:36.583
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 205.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits with models in seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205.5
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-21T13:46:36.583
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-21T13:55:29.067
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61367
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede3081f5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61189
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tues PM| Jan/Feb
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:05:15.1
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 268
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 268
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 248
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631313839
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:05:15.1
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T08:09:19.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61189
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230110_67e5ede308827] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61225
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Jan'23
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 1/10-1/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T11:57:32.9
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-01-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 1/10-1/24 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Students will learn the basic foundation skills for watercolor. Students will learn how to use correct materials. They will learn how to transfer a drawing onto watercolor paper. Students will learn color mixing and basic color theory. They will learn how to create washes, wet into wet techinques and dry brush. We will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:57:32.9
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-09T15:39:24.697
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61225
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede3070cf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61364
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl-Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 1/12-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-21T13:32:26.293
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 390
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics - with Kevin Larkin | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 390
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 370
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-21T13:32:26.293
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-21T13:35:06.963
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61364
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede307209] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61407
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Jan/Feb
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Dominic Sparano | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 1/12-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T11:12:59.21
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Dominic Sparano | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 1/12-2/16 | SPRING 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T11:12:59.21
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T12:05:58.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61407
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede3074a5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61417
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Jan/Feb
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9pm | 1/12-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T13:09:15.777
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343137
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T13:09:15.777
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-12T16:11:42.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61417
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede3079bf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61695
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => EastAsianBrush | Jan/Feb
[Description] => East Asian Brush Painting (VIRTUAL) with Sung Sook Setton | Thurs 1-3pm | 1/12-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-22T10:20:14.27
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 243
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => ALLI Virtual Classes are hosted on Zoom:
• Click the link in your confirmation email to access the virtual classroom. The meeting will start when the instructor (the meeting host) arrives.
• Make sure you download the Zoom app on the device you plan to use PRIOR to the start of class. Download for free here:
• Your Zoom Name must match the name and email you used to register for the class. If your name/email does not match with the registration you will not be accepted into the classroom.
• Prepare for your class a few minutes early to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. Troubleshooting with zoom:
• Find the supplies and materials needed for the first 2 sessions of class in the course description listed online. Your instructor may send an additional materials list on the first day of class.
Tuition for virtual classes in non-refundable.
[Title] => (VIRTUAL) East Asian Brush Painting with Sung Sook Setton | Thurs 1:00-3:00pm | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Participants will explore East Asian conceptions of line, brush stroke, and composition with a focus on the traditional subjects of the Four Gracious Plants (plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, and bamboo) and landscapes. East Asian water-ink painting is not merely a visual art; it is also a literary and philosophical one. The regular practice of water-ink painting promotes a better understanding of the beauty within nature and the cultivation of an inner sense of harmony.
Instructor Sungsook Setton employs a flexible and creative approach to her virtual Brush Painting class, integrating group instruction and individual tutoring:
• Instruction and discussion.
• Communication with instructor for commentary on individual practice.
• The class will use a combination of communication tools for individual guidance
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 243
[SupplyList] => Purchase material kits in advance of your first class:
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 223
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196316:Setton, Sung - Sook
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-22T10:20:14.27
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-22T10:31:16.993
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61695
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede307bfa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61475
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs-Jan/Feb
[Description] => Handbbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 1/12-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T10:27:17.61
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T10:27:17.61
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-30T08:51:12.02
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61475
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede307e6d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61457
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal TH Eve| Jan/Feb
[Description] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 1/12-2/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:59:48.09
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 1/19
[Title] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 1/12-2/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:59:48.09
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T09:01:07.837
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61457
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede307ea9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61454
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => IntMetal TH AM | Jan/Feb
[Description] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM | 1/12-2/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:53:57.203
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 584
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 1/19
[Title] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm | 1/12-2/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 584
[SupplyList] => Supply kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 544
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:53:57.203
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-20T12:39:42.413
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61454
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede3080a0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61276
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Jan/Feb
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 1/12-2/16 | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-18T12:40:28.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 205
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:40:28.937
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-09T13:38:53.43
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61276
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede3081be] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61213
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Jan/Feb
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:55:49.857
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 268
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 268
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 248
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:55:49.857
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T08:58:16.81
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61213
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede3082f8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61269
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Thu Jan'23
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 1/12-1/26 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-18T12:18:41.713
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-01-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 113
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 1/12-1/26 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 113
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 93
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194371:Krasowitz, Michael
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:18:41.713
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-30T11:45:37.533
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-18T12:18:41.713
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61269
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede3086c3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61404
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Jan/Feb PM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 1/12-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T11:08:43.363
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 391
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 1/12-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 391
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T11:08:43.363
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T11:09:29.46
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61404
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230112_67e5ede308716] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61402
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Jan/Feb AM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 1/12-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T11:04:19.507
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 391
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | 1/12-2/16 | Thursdays 10am-1pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 391
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T11:04:19.507
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T11:05:43.773
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61402
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230113_67e5ede307aa3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61375
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 1/13-2/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T08:33:03.163
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 1/13-2/24 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
Makeup for missed class on 2/3 will be held on Friday, 2/24 from 9 am - 12 pm.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T08:33:03.163
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T11:28:47.923
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61375
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230113_67e5ede307e3e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61460
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AllMetal Fri | Jan/Feb
[Description] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 1/13-2/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:04:45.317
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 584
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 1/20
[Title] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 1/13-2/24 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginner students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 584
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 544
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:04:45.317
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T09:08:53.727
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61460
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230114_67e5ede307331] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61561
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest WS Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Sat 10 am - 1 pm | 1/14-2/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-02T09:55:09.24
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 391
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Sat 10 am - 1 pm | 1/14-2/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
"Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting workshop that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition. At the end of the course, students may choose to hang their tree portraits together in the Art League's strolling gallery, creating our own enchanted forest.
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-02T09:55:09.24
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-12T09:21:13.4
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61561
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230114_67e5ede307359] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61463
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf-Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 1/14-2/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:34:02.83
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 1/14-2/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:34:02.83
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T09:48:46.707
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61463
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230114_67e5ede3073f9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61450
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Sat | Jan/Feb
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturday 9:30 am - 2:00 pm | 1/14-2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:37:53.543
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 452
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30-2:00 | 1/14-2/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 452
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 412
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343530
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:37:53.543
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-15T08:08:04.147
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61450
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230114_67e5ede30765e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61192
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 1/14
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 1/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:21:43.86
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 1/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:21:43.86
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T08:23:14.543
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:21:43.86
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61192
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230114_67e5ede307ad5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61378
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat -Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 1/14-2/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T08:39:16.753
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 1/14-2/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631333738
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T08:39:16.753
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-14T08:12:56.583
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61378
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230114_67e5ede3085fa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61467
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AnimeTN- Schrage- Jan/Feb
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 1/14-2/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T10:08:07.397
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 268
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 1/14-2/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 268
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 248
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T10:08:07.397
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-12T09:21:58.783
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61467
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230117_67e5ede3078ed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61235
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 1/17-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:36:11.22
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 1/17-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing. They will learn how to do individual character drawings, as well as characters with scenic backgrounds. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of themes in their cartoons (outer space, animals, etc.). They will learn how to do cartoon drawings in different ways. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175.5
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631323335
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:36:11.22
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-17T15:47:29.207
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61235
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230117_67e5ede308286] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61393
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PortDev2-Minardi Jan/Feb
[Description] => Portfolio Development II for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30 | 1/17-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T10:45:35.83
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 298
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development II for Teens - with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30pm | 1/17-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Portfolio Development II is a course meant for students in the later stages of their portfolio process, with 9 or more completed pieces ready to be included in their portfolios. As opposed to Portfolio Development I which focuses on portfolio staples, this class functions more like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students in more specialized projects for their portfolios. This can be pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
This class has a pre-requisite of either graduating from Portfolio Development I or proof of 5 or more portfolio ready pieces.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 298
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 278
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T10:45:35.83
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T10:47:05.283
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61393
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230117_67e5ede3083aa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61238
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Jan/Feb'23
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 1/17-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:45:13.317
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 1/17-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] =>
11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:45:13.317
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T12:46:12.073
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61238
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230117_67e5ede308611] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61398
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram - Tue - Jan/Feb
[Description] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 1/17-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T10:52:44.74
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 190
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 1/17-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This ceramic handbuilding class is open to students ages 13-17 and is intended for all levels of sculptors. This class is perfect for those students interested in working in the third dimension to improve their artistic skills, make both decorative and useful items, or create unique pieces to expand their portfolios.
Sculptural and decorative elements will be taught along with the fundamental techniques for anyone to learn pottery. Learn the fundamentals of pottery: pinch potting, coil building and slab construction in this course specialized for artistic teens. Students will bring home completed pieces which have been fired in the kiln and glazed in this course.
Clay is included in this all levels course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 190
[SupplyList] => Clay is included in the price of this course. Students should purchase their own pottery tool kits, available at stores such as Blick Art Materials and Michael's
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 170
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T10:52:44.74
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T10:53:54.527
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61398
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230117_67e5ede308667] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61425
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor- Tues- Jan/Feb
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Robin Rosen-O'Leary | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 1/17-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:08:04.78
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 193
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Robin Rosen-O'Leary | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 1/17-2/14 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color with Dr. Robin Rosen-O'Leary in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive magic and puppetry. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 193
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 173
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 218386:Rosen-O'Leary, Robin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:08:04.78
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T15:10:29.22
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61425
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230119_67e5ede308274] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61221
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PortDev 1-Folk Jan/Feb
[Description] => Portfolio Development I for Teens with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 1/19-2/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T11:48:46.59
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 226
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development I for Teens - with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 1/19-2/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Portfolio Development I is meant for the student preparing the early stages of their portfolio. In this course, accomplished artist Stephanie Folk will work with students to assign projects perfect for the fundamental cornerstone pieces every portfolio needs. Subjects will include portraiture, basic anatomy, still life, complex compositional arrangement, hyperrealism and range in mediums such as ink, colored pencil, acrylic paint, watercolor, pastel and graphite. This course will provide plenty of constructive critique, advice on college applications, expectations of portfolio submissions and more. This course will also focus on developing techniques in portfolio essentials, such as conceptual creations, mood, lighting, art history and more. Throughout the course each student will gain the confidence in their personal mark-making and push the boundaries of their creativity to develop an individualized and dynamic portfolio.
Students who have completed enough projects in this class may graduate into the Portfolio Development II class where more advanced and individualized projects will be completed.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 226
[SupplyList] =>
-Sketchbook of any size
-WATER-MIXABLE oil paints set of 10 - regular oil paints will not be permitted
-Set of brushes
-paint palette
-1 stretched canvas no larger than 18x24
-Prismacolor pencils 24 or more
-arches watercolor pad 10x14
-metal sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 206
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:48:46.59
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-29T12:11:41.557
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61221
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230121_67e5ede3075d6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61432
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush - Jan/Feb
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 1/21-2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:27:22.013
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 135
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 1/21-2/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 135
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 115
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:27:22.013
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-08T09:08:40.033
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61432
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230121_67e5ede307662] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61193
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 1/21
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 1/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:32:43.483
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-01-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 1/21 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:32:43.483
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-24T11:27:43.357
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:32:43.483
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61193
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230121_67e5ede30890d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61429
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YACeram - Sat - Jan/Feb
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 |Saturday 9:30-11 am | 1/21-2/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:14:54.587
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 1/21-2/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete multiple projects over several weeks. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:14:54.587
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T15:16:15.533
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61429
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230124_67e5ede30821c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61644
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PhotoEditWS - Cardone Jan
[Description] => Photo Editing Fundamentals Workshop with John P. Cardone | Tuesdays 7-9pm | 1/24-1/31
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-14T09:35:59.477
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 115
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Photo Editing Fundamentals Workshop with John P. Cardone | Tuesdays 7-9pm | 1/24-1/31 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This fundamental photo editing workshop is meant for photographers interested in entering the digital image enhancement arena. This two session workshop provides fundamental training in the Affinity Photo software for the beginner. While the workshop is not meant to be a complete artistic course in the editing features of the program, a good number of tasks will be covered including tools and features to get the software user started. This includes importing and exporting photos, sharpening tools, photo enhancement features, working with layers, stitching panorama images, resizing images without resolution loss, and adding text and watermarks.
Workshop participants should bring their own laptops and purchase the Affinity Photo software in advance. The software can be purchased and downloaded on their website.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 115
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192399:Cardone, John
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-14T09:35:59.477
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-02T13:13:25.317
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61644
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230128_67e5ede307666] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61194
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 1/28
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 1/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:35:04.86
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-01-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-01-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 1/28 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:35:04.86
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T08:35:31.443
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:35:04.86
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61194
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230202_67e5ede308304] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61270
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Thu Feb'23
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 2/2-2/23 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-18T12:20:36.11
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 2/2-2/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194371:Krasowitz, Michael
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:20:36.11
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-30T11:47:38.803
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-18T12:20:36.11
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61270
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230203_67e5ede307ef7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61258
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- Feb'23
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 2/3-2/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-18T09:33:34.453
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 277.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 2/3-2/24 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 277.5
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 257.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T09:33:34.453
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-18T09:35:24.927
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61258
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230204_67e5ede3076e2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61195
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/4
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:36:06.197
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:36:06.197
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T08:36:44.26
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:36:06.197
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61195
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230207_67e5ede307b5b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61231
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-Feb'23
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 2/7-2/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:31:45.003
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 2/7-2/21 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:31:45.003
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T12:32:22.42
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61231
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230207_67e5ede308831] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61226
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Feb'23
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 2/7-2/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T11:58:50.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 2/7-2/21 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Students will learn the basic foundation skills for watercolor. Students will learn how to use correct materials. They will learn how to transfer a drawing onto watercolor paper. Students will learn color mixing and basic color theory. They will learn how to create washes, wet into wet techinques and dry brush. We will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631323236
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:58:50.917
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-22T10:05:00.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61226
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230211_67e5ede3076cb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61196
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/11
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:37:04.95
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:37:04.95
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T08:37:36.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:37:04.95
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61196
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230218_67e5ede3076d2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61197
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/18
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:37:57.683
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:37:57.683
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T08:38:24.563
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:37:57.683
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61197
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230221_67e5ede3087e6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61875
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => VAAAnimeWS - Schrage
[Description] => VAA Teen Anime Character Design Workshop with Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 2/21-2/23 | 10 am - 12 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-01-12T09:24:29.76
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 156
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => VAA Teen Anime Character Design Workshop with Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 2/21-2/23 | 10 am - 12 pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Join Illustrator and Anime enthusiast Zach Schrage for this vacation teen character design workshop.
Creating characters can be a difficult task. This class aims to teach industry standard methods for character development and conceptualization. Students will learn how to gather and organize ideas, research, and learn to express their characters and bring them to life from the ground up, sketch to finish.
Join other students in talking about characters, shows, and graphic novels while working on developing your own unique characters in this three day workshop!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 156
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
- Sketchbook or Sketchpaper or Bond Paper
- Multimedia Paper or Bristol or teachers recommendation: Legion Stonehenge (can buy
pads at Blick)
- Drawing pencils and micron pens
- Colored medium(student choice) - colored pencils, markers, watercolor, acrylics.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 136
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-01-12T09:24:29.76
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-10T07:25:11.97
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61875
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230221_67e5ede3087ed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61878
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => VAA-Hochberg- 6-8|Feb23
[Description] => Vacation Art Adventure with Lori Hochberg | Ages 6-8 | Cartoons, Sculptures, and Paints | 2/21-2/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-01-12T11:29:52.473
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 142
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-01-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Vacation Art Adventure with Lori Hochberg | Ages 6-8 | Cartoons, Sculptures, and Paints | 2/21-2/23 3-4:30 pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Artist instructor Lori Hochberg for this 3-day vacation art adventure! Each day will cover a different medium for young artists to explore:
Day 1: Fun with Cartoons
Students will explore cartooning through character drawings. A variety of people and animal cartoons will inspire our young artist as they fine tune their drawing techniques. Pencil, ink pens and colored pencils/ watercolor will be the mediums used to create their cartoon collection.
Day 2: Arctic Penguins
Arctic Penguins will be sculpted in this fun filled clay sculpture class. Young artists will use air dry clay to sculpt and then paint their sculptures with acrylic paints. Artist/ instructor will demonstrate the process of sculpting with clay stone clay. Bring a shoebox to transport your sculpture home safely.
Day 3: Snowy acrylic painting
Young artists will enjoy this exciting “paint a long” style class. Artist/instructor will demonstrate step-by-step how to paint a winter landscape with acrylics on canvas. Learn how to use acrylic paint, brush techniques and even a toothbrush for special effects! We’ll even make it snow for the grand finale!
Students must sign up for all three days in the vacation art adventure bundle. Prices will not be prorated for missed days.
All materials included.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 142
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 122
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-01-12T11:29:52.473
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-12T11:36:51.187
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61878
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230225_67e5ede3076da] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61198
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/25
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:38:42.177
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-02-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:38:42.177
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:14:05.043
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:38:42.177
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61198
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede307449] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61443
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | Feb/Apr
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 2/28-4/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:25:14.85
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 391
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 4/4
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 2/28-4/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 391
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343433
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:25:14.85
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T08:26:21.753
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61443
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede3074e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61415
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Feb/Apr
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 2/28-4/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T13:00:15.39
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tuesdays 6-9pm | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T13:00:15.39
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T13:00:44.083
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61415
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede3078fd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61236
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Feb/Mar'23
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 2/28-3/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:40:18.17
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 2/28-3/28 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing. They will learn how to do individual character drawings, as well as characters with scenic backgrounds. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of themes in their cartoons (outer space, animals, etc.). They will learn how to do cartoon drawings in different ways. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175.5
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:40:18.17
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T10:26:58.673
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61236
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede307c65] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61384
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Feb/Apr'23
[Description] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tues 10am-1pm | 2/28-4/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T09:04:37.223
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T09:04:37.223
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T09:05:02.71
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61384
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede307cc2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61448
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | Feb/Apr
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 2/28-4/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:31:23.693
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 535
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 4/4
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 2/28-4/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 535
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 495
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343438
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:31:23.693
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T08:32:25.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61448
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede308058] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61368
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Feb/Mar'23
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-21T13:48:20.333
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 205.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits with models in seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205.5
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-21T13:48:20.333
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-21T13:53:47.937
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61368
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede3081fb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61190
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tues PM| Feb/Apr
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:09:45.483
[NumberOfSeats] => 9
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 268
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 268
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 248
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631313930
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:09:45.483
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-21T10:38:38.19
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61190
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede30828c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61394
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PortDev2-Minardi Feb/Apr
[Description] => Portfolio Development II for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30 | 2/28-4/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T10:47:23.88
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 350
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development II for Teens - with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30pm | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Portfolio Development II is a course meant for students in the later stages of their portfolio process, with 5 or more completed pieces ready to be included in their portfolios. As opposed to Portfolio Development I which focuses on portfolio staples, this class functions more like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students in more specialized projects for their portfolios. This can be pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
This class has a pre-requisite of either graduating from Portfolio Development I or proof of 5 or more portfolio ready pieces.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 350
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 330
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Portfolio Development, Teens (Ages 13-18)
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T10:47:23.88
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T09:04:49.43
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 699
[Description] => Teens (Ages 13-18)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-02-22T09:04:53.003
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 700
[Description] => Portfolio Development
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-02-22T09:04:52.893
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61394
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede3083ad] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61239
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Feb/Mar'23
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 2/28-3/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:59:16.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 2/28-3/28 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] =>
11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631323339
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:59:16.917
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T12:59:48.527
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61239
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede308618] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61399
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram - Tue - Feb/Apr
[Description] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 2/28-4/4
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-09T12:55:07.993
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 224
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 2/28-4/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This ceramic handbuilding class is open to students ages 13-17 and is intended for all levels of sculptors. This class is perfect for those students interested in working in the third dimension to improve their artistic skills, make both decorative and useful items, or create unique pieces to expand their portfolios.
Sculptural and decorative elements will be taught along with the fundamental techniques for anyone to learn pottery. Learn the fundamentals of pottery: pinch potting, coil building and slab construction in this course specialized for artistic teens. Students will bring home completed pieces which have been fired in the kiln and glazed in this course.
Clay is included in this all levels course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 224
[SupplyList] => Clay is included in the price of this course. Students should purchase their own pottery tool kits, available at stores such as Blick Art Materials and Michael's
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 204
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T10:54:12.233
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T10:54:50.67
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61399
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230228_67e5ede30866a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61426
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor- Tues- Feb/Mar
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Robin Rosen-O'Leary | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 2/28-3/28
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-28T13:10:30.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 193
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Robin Rosen-O'Leary | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 2/28-3/28 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color with Dr. Robin Rosen-O'Leary in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive magic and puppetry. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 193
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 173
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 218386:Rosen-O'Leary, Robin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:11:16.663
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T15:11:46.287
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61426
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede3070f3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61365
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl-March'23
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 3/2-3/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-21T13:36:03.26
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics - with Kevin Larkin | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-21T13:36:03.26
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-21T13:37:55.71
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61365
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede307210] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61412
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Mar/Apr
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Dominic Sparano | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 3/2-4/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T12:53:28.6
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 4/6 in observance of Passover.
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Dominic Sparano | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 3/2-4/13 | SPRING 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T12:53:28.6
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T12:55:43.253
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61412
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede3074ad] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61418
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Feb/Apr
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9pm | 3/2-4/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T13:18:38.417
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
No class 4/6 in observance of Passover
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 3/2-4/13 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T13:18:38.417
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-30T08:28:39.937
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61418
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede3079c8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61696
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => EastAsianBrush | March
[Description] => East Asian Brush Painting (VIRTUAL) with Sung Sook Setton | Thurs 1-3pm | 3/2-3/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-22T10:33:25.39
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => ALLI Virtual Classes are hosted on Zoom:
• Click the link in your confirmation email to access the virtual classroom. The meeting will start when the instructor (the meeting host) arrives.
• Make sure you download the Zoom app on the device you plan to use PRIOR to the start of class. Download for free here:
• Your Zoom Name must match the name and email you used to register for the class. If your name/email does not match with the registration you will not be accepted into the classroom.
• Prepare for your class a few minutes early to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. Troubleshooting with zoom:
• Find the supplies and materials needed for the first 2 sessions of class in the course description listed online. Your instructor may send an additional materials list on the first day of class.
Tuition for virtual classes in non-refundable.
[Title] => (VIRTUAL) East Asian Brush Painting with Sung Sook Setton | Thurs 1:00-3:00pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Participants will explore East Asian conceptions of line, brush stroke, and composition with a focus on the traditional subjects of the Four Gracious Plants (plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, and bamboo) and landscapes. East Asian water-ink painting is not merely a visual art; it is also a literary and philosophical one. The regular practice of water-ink painting promotes a better understanding of the beauty within nature and the cultivation of an inner sense of harmony.
Instructor Sungsook Setton employs a flexible and creative approach to her virtual Brush Painting class, integrating group instruction and individual tutoring:
• Instruction and discussion.
• Communication with instructor for commentary on individual practice.
• The class will use a combination of communication tools for individual guidance
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => Purchase material kits in advance of your first class:
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196316:Setton, Sung - Sook
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-22T10:33:25.39
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-22T10:36:04.29
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61696
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede307c04] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61476
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs-Mar/Apr
[Description] => Handbbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 3/2-4/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T10:32:52.49
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 3/2-4/13 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T10:32:52.49
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-30T08:52:13.8
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61476
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede307e7c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61458
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal TH Eve| March
[Description] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 3/2-3/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:02:17.75
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343538
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:02:17.75
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-02T15:50:52.48
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61458
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede307eb8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61455
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => IntMetal TH AM | March
[Description] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM | 3/2-3/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:55:46.097
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 494
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 494
[SupplyList] => Supply kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 454
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343535
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:55:46.097
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-23T08:32:17.707
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61455
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede3080aa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61277
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Mar
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 3/2-3/30 | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-18T12:42:52.797
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:42:52.797
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-22T10:13:00.44
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61277
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede3081c7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61217
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Mar
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T09:07:43.277
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 226
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 226
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 206
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T09:07:43.277
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-28T09:59:03.007
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61217
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede30827a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61222
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PortDev 1-Folk March
[Description] => Portfolio Development I for Teens with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 3/2-3/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T11:52:00.933
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 226
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development I for Teens - with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Portfolio Development I is meant for the student preparing the early stages of their portfolio. In this course, accomplished artist Stephanie Folk will work with students to assign projects perfect for the fundamental cornerstone pieces every portfolio needs. Subjects will include portraiture, basic anatomy, still life, complex compositional arrangement, hyperrealism and range in mediums such as ink, colored pencil, acrylic paint, watercolor, pastel and graphite. This course will provide plenty of constructive critique, advice on college applications, expectations of portfolio submissions and more. This course will also focus on developing techniques in portfolio essentials, such as conceptual creations, mood, lighting, art history and more. Throughout the course each student will gain the confidence in their personal mark-making and push the boundaries of their creativity to develop an individualized and dynamic portfolio.
Students who have completed enough projects in this class may graduate into the Portfolio Development II class where more advanced and individualized projects will be completed.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 226
[SupplyList] =>
-Sketchbook of any size
-WATER-MIXABLE oil paints set of 10 - regular oil paints will not be permitted
-Set of brushes
-paint palette
-1 stretched canvas no larger than 18x24
-Prismacolor pencils 24 or more
-arches watercolor pad 10x14
-metal sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 206
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:52:00.933
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-29T12:19:50.577
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61222
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede308307] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61271
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Thu Mar'23
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-02T12:26:04.79
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194371:Krasowitz, Michael
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:21:58.893
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T13:08:40.57
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-18T12:21:58.893
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61271
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede3086de] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61405
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | March PM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 3/2-3/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T11:09:47.577
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 3/2-3/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T11:09:47.577
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T11:10:40.703
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61405
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230302_67e5ede308720] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61401
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | March AM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 3/2-3/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T10:59:39.053
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | 3/2-3/30 | Thursdays 10am-1pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T10:59:39.053
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-30T12:25:29.387
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61401
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230303_67e5ede30732d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62414
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest WS Mar/Apr
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 3/3-4/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-09T13:11:05.037
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 391
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 3/3-4/7 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
"Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting workshop that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition. At the end of the course, students may choose to hang their tree portraits together in the Art League's strolling gallery, creating our own enchanted forest.
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-09T13:11:05.037
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-09T13:12:06.223
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62414
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230303_67e5ede307ab2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61376
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Mar/Apr'23
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 3/3-4/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T08:36:16.947
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 3/3-4/7 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T08:36:16.947
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-29T13:53:08.183
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61376
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230303_67e5ede307e4e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61461
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AllMetal Fri | Mar/Apr
[Description] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 3/3-4/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:06:34.787
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 584
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 3/3-4/7 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginner students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 584
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 544
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343631
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:06:34.787
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T09:07:11.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61461
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede307361] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61464
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf-Mar/Apr'23
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 3/4-4/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:46:11.673
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 3/4-4/8 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:46:11.673
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T09:49:06.363
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61464
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede3073e5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61451
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Sat | Mar/Apr
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturday 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 3/4-4/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:40:52.35
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 452
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30-1:30 | 3/4-4/1 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 452
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 412
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343531
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:40:52.35
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T10:25:00.807
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61451
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede3075da] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61434
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush - Mar/Apr
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 3/4-4/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:39:58.91
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 3/4-4/1 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 140
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:39:58.91
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-08T09:09:11.523
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61434
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede307707] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61199
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/4
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:39:40.01
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:39:40.01
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:15:46.317
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:39:40.01
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61199
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede307adb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61379
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat -Mar/Apr'23
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 3/4-4/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T08:42:27.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 3/4-4/8 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631333739
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T08:42:27.69
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-18T09:12:22.627
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61379
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede3085d5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62276
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => WC Workshop Mar2023
[Description] => Spring Tulips Watercolor Workshop with Liz Fusco | Saturday 3/4 | 10 am - 2 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-04T12:57:43.72
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Spring Tulips Watercolor Workshop with Liz Fusco | Saturday 3/4 10 am - 2 pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
If you have always wanted to learn how to paint Botanical subjects in watercolor, this class is
for you. We will create a painting of a tulip from start to finish. Working from a live specimen,
students will transfer a drawing onto watercolor paper and start with learning how to apply
layers of washes and build up to a finished painting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] =>
Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman)
Cadmium yellow
lemon yellow
French Ultramarine
Cobalt Blue
Scarlet Lake
Permanent Rose
Sap Green
Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint
Burnt Sienna
Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, hot press
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree)
Artist’s tape
Tracing paper
H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton
I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic
palettes as well
Paper towels. 2 plastic water containers,
• supplies can be purchased online at or jerry’s
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-04T12:57:43.72
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-10T12:34:00.977
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62276
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede3085fd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61472
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AnimeTN- Schrage- Mar/Apr
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 3/4-4/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T10:20:23.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 226
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 3/18
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 3/4-4/8 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 226
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 206
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T10:20:23.917
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-12T09:22:23.483
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61472
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230304_67e5ede308910] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61430
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YACeram - Sat - Mar/Apr
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 |Saturday 9:30-11 am | 3/4-4/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:23:04.737
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-03-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 3/4-4/1 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete multiple projects over several weeks. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343330
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:23:04.737
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T15:24:08.013
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61430
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230307_67e5ede307948] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62054
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Critique Night-Lori H
[Description] => Critique Nights Moderated by Lori Horowitz | 3/7 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-01-25T09:01:55.503
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 3
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-01-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Critique Nights Moderated by Lori Horowitz | 3/7 7pm-9pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Experienced Exhibiting Artists are welcome to bring one-three, 2D and/or 3D works to share in an interactive supportive group
critique with a limit to 10 minutes per participant. The group size is limited to 10 artists.
The group discussion is moderated by Lori Horowitz, local and Internationally exhibiting artist, independent curator, and former director of Studio 5404 Art Space.
Not a Member? Become One Today. Purchase a membership online at or call 631-462-5400 x223.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 10
[MembershipRequired] => 1
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-01-25T09:01:55.503
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-09T11:49:45.827
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62054
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230307_67e5ede307b5f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61232
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-Mar'23
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 3/7-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:32:41.963
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-03-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 3/7-3/21 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631323332
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:32:41.963
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T12:33:11.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61232
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230307_67e5ede308834] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61227
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Mar'23
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 3/7-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-23T10:07:47.593
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 3/7-3/21 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Students will learn the basic foundation skills for watercolor. Students will learn how to use correct materials. They will learn how to transfer a drawing onto watercolor paper. Students will learn color mixing and basic color theory. They will learn how to create washes, wet into wet techinques and dry brush. We will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:59:48.44
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-23T10:06:07.727
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61227
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230310_67e5ede307efb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61260
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- Mar'23
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 3/10-3/31
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-09T16:46:22.48
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 277.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 3/10-3/31 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 277.5
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 257.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T09:35:59.12
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-18T09:37:21.42
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61260
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230311_67e5ede3076e6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61200
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/11
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:40:41.053
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:40:41.053
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:16:37.13
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:40:41.053
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61200
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230311_67e5ede307bf1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62269
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Graphic Novel WS Stuart
[Description] => Graphic Novel Creation Workshop with Jay Stuart | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 3/11-3/25 | Ages 12+
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-02T15:19:49.583
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 252
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Graphic Novel Creation Workshop with Jay Stuart | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 3/11-3/25 | Ages 12+ | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
The Graphic Novel Workshop will teach the student the process of taking your idea and structure it into a plan and process that will help mold the students ideas and samples into a complete, ready to publish graphic novel. We will go over storyboards, drawing techniques that help express the emotion of the scene and how to make your sequential art flow as an exciting story to be viewed. We will make page samples to test these techniques and then finally at the end, go over how to put your work into a PDF and then off to a printing company to make your own books!
Study and learn:
-Figure Drawing
-Dynamic poses
-Thumbnails and Storyboards
-Giving your art a narrative
-Process of self publishing your own book
-Editing your work
-Presenting and selling your book
Illustrator and teacher, Jay Stuart attended School of Visual Arts
for Comic Book Art and has self published his own graphic novels,
comic books and tarot cards.
HB (or #2) Pencils 1 or 2
Kneaded and Plastic Eraser
Watercolor brushes- Round 2, Round 6, 1/2 Flat synthetic
(good brands: Princeton Red Velvet, Aqua Elites or Selects for budget)
Faber Castell Pitt Pen set Black (or any good fineliner set of pigmented ink)
While Gel Pen (Uniball signo is the best!)
Bottle of waterproof India Ink (Dr. Phil Martin's Bombay or Black Star is good)
11x14 sketch book
11x14 Watercolor pad (Arches is very good, Strathmore or canson montval
works for this too and is a little cheaper)
Plastic 6 cup inkwell tray
watercolor tube of Neutral tint
Tube of white gouache
*Watercolor set optional- any will do
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 232
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196634:Stuart, Jason
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-02T15:19:49.583
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-02T14:34:42.26
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62269
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230318_67e5ede3076ee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61201
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/18
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:41:25.02
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:41:25.02
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:18:19.953
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:41:25.02
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61201
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230318_67e5ede307f8e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62435
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TeenDraw-Graf-Mar/Apr'23
[Description] => Observational Drawing and Painting for Teens with Bill Graf | Saturdays 1:30 - 3:30 pm | 3/18-4/1
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-16T09:35:28.007
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Observational Drawing and Painting for Teens with Bill Graf | Saturdays 1:30 - 3:30 pm | 3/18-4/1 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is developed for teens ages 13+ to help improve their drawing skills and take their skills to a higher level. The class will focus on creating stronger construction, proportion and rendering in all areas including portraiture and figure drawing.
For the art school bound students, the class will also concentrate on developing strong portfolio projects, as observational drawing is the cornerstone of any art portfolio.
This drawing and painting "atelier style" class will cover everything from the basics to the finer points of observational drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent years, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
HB, 2B, 4B, 6B to 8B graphite pencils
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white erasers
Foam core board
Drawing paper
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 140
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-10T12:36:46.017
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-10T12:49:17.13
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62435
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230325_67e5ede3076f3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61202
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/18
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/18
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:44:07.433
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:42:04.043
[ModifyDate] =>
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:42:04.043
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61202
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230325_67e5ede3076fe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61203
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/25
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:42:54.56
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-03-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-03-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:42:54.56
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:18:50.15
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:42:54.56
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61203
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230401_67e5ede307712] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61204
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/1
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:46:10.827
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/1 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:46:10.827
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:19:20.463
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:46:10.827
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61204
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230401_67e5ede30837c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62504
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => LGBTQIA+ Workshop Liv 4/1
[Description] => Queer History with Liv Cocozza | 4/1 | 1pm-3pm | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-18T11:55:14.02
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 15
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-01-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is one of three in the series:
Queer History
Saturday, April 1 – 1pm to 3pm
Saturday, May 20 – 1pm to 3pm
Queer Art
Saturday, June 10 – 1pm-3pm
About the Instructor: Liv Cocozza’s artwork explores the relationship between intimate queer experiences and the vulnerability of navigating medical and political spaces as a transgender person. At the same time, acknowledging the unspoken, un-archived, or misconstrued history of queerness. His work employs materials such as silicone, bed sheets, latex, and construction hardware. Their practice is highly influenced by queer political and art history, acknowledging the labor and efforts of those who came before him in queer and trans liberation. Liv aims to use the public paradigm of queerness, and the intimate experiences of queerness to form a path to a restorative future.
This workshop series is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and is administered by The Huntington Arts Council, Inc.
[Title] => Queer History with Liv Cocozza | 4/1 | 1pm-3pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
The Art League of Long Island is proud to host a workshop series led by Liv Cocozza, exploring LGBTQIA+ art and literature from the past and going forward into the future. The workshop series will culminate in an exhibition of works created during the workshop series.
These workshops are free and open to the public. All sessions take place in the Art League’s Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. Please register early as space is limited
Queer History
Saturday, April 1 – 1pm to 3pm
While reflecting on our Queer ancestors, students will learn to use symbols and visual cues to signal LGBTQIA+ history in their artwork. Students will learn to use the visual tools of their predecessors and contribute to sharing Queer experiences and movements in the future while making abstract and symbol-based works of art.
Strolling Gallery Exhibit: June 17-July 29
Welcome to Art for the Young, an 8-class series by The Art League of Long Island at the Mid Island Y JCC. Designed for Grades K-3, this class will allow children to experience art making in a hands-on environment that stimulates creativity and independence. Young artists develop a higher level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills through learning about elements of art making and contemporary art. Diverse projects emphasize basic art-making skills and help to build fine motor development.
The classes are all about exploration and discovery, where curiosity is treasured and kids are encouraged to feel, touch and learn through sensory activities. Projects explore drawing, painting, collage, materials found in nature, sculpture, and mixed media. Students have creative freedom within each project to develop artworks that embrace their personal interests.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 295
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 295
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-09T13:18:15.61
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-10T10:00:22.29
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62416
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230404_67e5ede30794b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62055
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Critique Night-Lori H
[Description] => Critique Nights Moderated by Lori Horowitz | 4/4 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-04T08:56:12.543
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 3
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-01-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Critique Nights Moderated by Lori Horowitz | 4/4 7pm-9pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Experienced Exhibiting Artists are welcome to bring one-three, 2D and/or 3D works to share in an interactive supportive group
critique with a limit to 10 minutes per participant. The group size is limited to 10 artists.
The group discussion is moderated by Lori Horowitz, local and Internationally exhibiting artist, independent curator, and former director of Studio 5404 Art Space.
Not a Member? Become One Today. Purchase a membership online at or call 631-462-5400 x223.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 10
[MembershipRequired] => 1
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-01-25T09:20:07.93
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-04T08:10:15.197
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62055
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230404_67e5ede307b62] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61233
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-Apr'23
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 4/4-4/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:33:28.52
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 4/4-4/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:33:28.52
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T12:33:53.74
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61233
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230404_67e5ede308322] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62852
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Tues Apr'23
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Tuesdays 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 4/4-4/25 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T10:17:12.467
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 185
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Tuesdays 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 4/4-4/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 185
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194191:Kasof, Denise
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-16T11:19:13.787
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-21T08:48:42.24
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-03-16T11:19:13.787
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62852
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230404_67e5ede308838] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61228
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Apr'23
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 4/4-4/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:04:34.163
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 4/4-4/18 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Students will learn the basic foundation skills for watercolor. Students will learn how to use correct materials. They will learn how to transfer a drawing onto watercolor paper. Students will learn color mixing and basic color theory. They will learn how to create washes, wet into wet techinques and dry brush. We will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631323238
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:04:34.163
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-23T10:52:52.743
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61228
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230408_67e5ede307735] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61205
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/8
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:47:00.957
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/8 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:47:00.957
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:21:09.587
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:47:00.957
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61205
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede3070f7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61366
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl-Apr/May'23
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 4/13-5/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-21T13:40:10.06
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 473
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics - with Kevin Larkin | 4/13-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 473
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 433
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-21T13:40:10.06
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-21T13:41:14.453
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61366
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede3079cb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61697
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => EastAsianBrush | Apr/May
[Description] => East Asian Brush Painting (VIRTUAL) with Sung Sook Setton | Thurs 1-3pm | 4/13-5/25
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-13T13:32:34.427
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => ALLI Virtual Classes are hosted on Zoom:
• Click the link in your confirmation email to access the virtual classroom. The meeting will start when the instructor (the meeting host) arrives.
• Make sure you download the Zoom app on the device you plan to use PRIOR to the start of class. Download for free here:
• Your Zoom Name must match the name and email you used to register for the class. If your name/email does not match with the registration you will not be accepted into the classroom.
• Prepare for your class a few minutes early to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. Troubleshooting with zoom:
• Find the supplies and materials needed for the first 2 sessions of class in the course description listed online. Your instructor may send an additional materials list on the first day of class.
Tuition for virtual classes in non-refundable.
[Title] => (VIRTUAL) East Asian Brush Painting with Sung Sook Setton | Thurs 1:00-3:00pm | 4/13-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Participants will explore East Asian conceptions of line, brush stroke, and composition with a focus on the traditional subjects of the Four Gracious Plants (plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, and bamboo) and landscapes. East Asian water-ink painting is not merely a visual art; it is also a literary and philosophical one. The regular practice of water-ink painting promotes a better understanding of the beauty within nature and the cultivation of an inner sense of harmony.
Instructor Sungsook Setton employs a flexible and creative approach to her virtual Brush Painting class, integrating group instruction and individual tutoring:
• Instruction and discussion.
• Communication with instructor for commentary on individual practice.
• The class will use a combination of communication tools for individual guidance
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Purchase material kits in advance of your first class:
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196316:Setton, Sung - Sook
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-22T10:37:45.86
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-12T11:40:05.273
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61697
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede307e7e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61459
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal TH Eve| Apr/May
[Description] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 4/13-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:03:26.117
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 4/13-5/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343539
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:03:26.117
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-30T15:00:42.773
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61459
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede307ebb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61456
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => IntMetal TH AM | Apr/May
[Description] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM | 4/13-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:57:06.007
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 494
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm | 4/13-5/11 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 494
[SupplyList] => Supply kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 454
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343536
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:57:06.007
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T10:41:23.62
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61456
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede3080ad] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61279
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Apr/May
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 4/13-5/25 | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-18T12:55:31.28
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | 4/13-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:55:31.28
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-22T10:29:52.137
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61279
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede30827d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61223
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PortDev 1-Folk Apr/May
[Description] => Portfolio Development I for Teens with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 4/13-5/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T11:52:54.03
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 185
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development I for Teens - with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 4/13-5/4 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Portfolio Development I is meant for the student preparing the early stages of their portfolio. In this course, accomplished artist Stephanie Folk will work with students to assign projects perfect for the fundamental cornerstone pieces every portfolio needs. Subjects will include portraiture, basic anatomy, still life, complex compositional arrangement, hyperrealism and range in mediums such as ink, colored pencil, acrylic paint, watercolor, pastel and graphite. This course will provide plenty of constructive critique, advice on college applications, expectations of portfolio submissions and more. This course will also focus on developing techniques in portfolio essentials, such as conceptual creations, mood, lighting, art history and more. Throughout the course each student will gain the confidence in their personal mark-making and push the boundaries of their creativity to develop an individualized and dynamic portfolio.
Students who have completed enough projects in this class may graduate into the Portfolio Development II class where more advanced and individualized projects will be completed.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 185
[SupplyList] =>
-Sketchbook of any size
-WATER-MIXABLE oil paints set of 10 - regular oil paints will not be permitted
-Set of brushes
-paint palette
-1 stretched canvas no larger than 18x24
-Prismacolor pencils 24 or more
-arches watercolor pad 10x14
-metal sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:52:54.03
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-29T12:20:45.517
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61223
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede308309] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61272
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Thu Apr'23
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 4/13-4/27 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-02T12:27:13.33
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 113
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 4/13-4/27 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 113
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 93
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194371:Krasowitz, Michael
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:23:25.67
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T13:16:59.813
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-18T12:23:25.67
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61272
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede3086e4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61406
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Apr/May PM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 4/13-5/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T11:10:59.573
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 473
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 4/13-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 473
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 433
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T11:10:59.573
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-14T10:20:37.537
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61406
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230413_67e5ede308723] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61403
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Apr/May AM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 4/13-5/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T11:06:10.483
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 473
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | 4/13-5/25 | Thursdays 10am-1pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 473
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 433
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T11:06:10.483
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T11:07:03.03
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61403
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230414_67e5ede307e51] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61462
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AllMetal Fri | Apr/May
[Description] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 4/14-5/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:07:33.323
[NumberOfSeats] => 9
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 494
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 4/14-5/12 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginner students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 494
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 454
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:07:33.323
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-07T10:45:19.533
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61462
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230414_67e5ede307efd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61261
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- Apr/May'23
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 4/14-5/5
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-13T10:37:59.187
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 277.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 4/14-5/5 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 277.5
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 257.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T09:37:42.333
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-18T09:38:34.717
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61261
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230415_67e5ede3073e9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61452
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Sat | Apr/May
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturday 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 4/15-5/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:41:41.677
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 5
[StartDate] => 2023-04-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 535
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30-1:30 | 4/15-5/20 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 535
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 495
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343532
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:41:41.677
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-11T12:29:22.927
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61452
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230415_67e5ede30771a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61206
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/15
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:47:36.427
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/15 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:47:36.427
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:20:04.173
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:47:36.427
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61206
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230415_67e5ede308162] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62433
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => WC Workshop AprMASI
[Description] => Painting Bold with Watercolor Workshop with Antonio Masi | Saturdays 4/15-4/22 | 10 am - 2 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-10T10:21:33.983
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting Bold with Watercolor Workshop with Antonio Masi | Saturdays 4/15-4/22 | 10 am - 2 pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Antonio Masi is president of the American Watercolor Society and International renowned painter. The goal of this workshop is to show the untapped power of watercolor. The focus will be on how to approach this medium from a contemporary point of view, powerful, emotional and delicate. Learn how attention to details and unusual perspective make for poetic, moody works, with strong textural qualities. He will demonstrate land, marine and cityscapes and explain the fundamentals that make a painting successful. The lectures are easily understood and helpful. Students are free to select the subject they like to paint. During his demonstrations, he will explain the uses of his paints, paper, palette and brushes and how he applies color and how to loosen up during painting. He will demo in the morning and the remainder of the day students will receive plenty of one-on-one individual demonstrations. Students are welcome to bring a completed painting on the first day for a skill building critique.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => SUPPLIES:
Bring your preferred watercolor supplies and set up. Ensure that you are working on a high quality watercolor paper. We recommend Arches 150 lb cold pressed paper in the size of your choice.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194877:Masi, Antonio
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-10T10:21:33.983
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-10T10:33:04.243
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62433
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede30744e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61445
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | Apr/May
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 4/18-5/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:27:09.697
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 391
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 391
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 371
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343435
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:27:09.697
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-14T09:36:57.303
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61445
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede3074ef] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61416
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Apr/May
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 4/18-5/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T13:01:12.427
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tuesdays 6-9pm | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T13:01:12.427
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T13:01:53.123
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61416
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede307900] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61237
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Apr/May'23
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 4/18-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:41:09.987
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 205.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => First day 4/18 Class Canceled - Make up date 5/30
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 4/18-5/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing. They will learn how to do individual character drawings, as well as characters with scenic backgrounds. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of themes in their cartoons (outer space, animals, etc.). They will learn how to do cartoon drawings in different ways. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205.5
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:41:09.987
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-26T10:10:21.927
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61237
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede307c69] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61385
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Apr/May'23
[Description] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tues 10am-1pm | 4/18-5/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T09:05:39.813
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T09:05:39.813
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T09:06:15.907
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61385
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede307cc9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61449
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM |Apr/May
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 4/18-5/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T08:33:02.67
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 535
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 535
[SupplyList] =>
Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 495
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343439
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T08:33:02.67
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-06T13:12:06.377
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61449
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede30805b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61369
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Apr/May'23
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-21T13:54:16.663
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 205.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits with models in seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205.5
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-21T13:54:16.663
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-22T10:17:35.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61369
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede3081fe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61191
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tues PM| Apr/May
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:10:44.71
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 268
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 268
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 248
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631313931
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:10:44.71
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-30T15:42:16.573
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61191
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede308290] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61396
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PortDev2-Minardi Apr/May
[Description] => Portfolio Development II for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30 | 4/18-5/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T10:48:22.41
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 350
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development II for Teens - with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30pm | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Portfolio Development II is a course meant for students in the later stages of their portfolio process, with 5 or more completed pieces ready to be included in their portfolios. As opposed to Portfolio Development I which focuses on portfolio staples, this class functions more like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students in more specialized projects for their portfolios. This can be pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
This class has a pre-requisite of either graduating from Portfolio Development I or proof of 5 or more portfolio ready pieces.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 350
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 330
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T10:48:22.41
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T12:31:36.41
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61396
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede3083b1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61240
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Apr/May'23
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 4/18-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T13:00:08.137
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 242.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class cancelled 4/18 - Make up date 5/30
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 4/18-5/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 242.5
[SupplyList] =>
11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 222.5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T13:00:08.137
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-26T10:11:46.753
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61240
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede30861b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61400
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram - Tue - Apr/May
[Description] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 4/18-5/23
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T13:11:53.813
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 224
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 4/18-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This ceramic handbuilding class is open to students ages 13-17 and is intended for all levels of sculptors. This class is perfect for those students interested in working in the third dimension to improve their artistic skills, make both decorative and useful items, or create unique pieces to expand their portfolios.
Sculptural and decorative elements will be taught along with the fundamental techniques for anyone to learn pottery. Learn the fundamentals of pottery: pinch potting, coil building and slab construction in this course specialized for artistic teens. Students will bring home completed pieces which have been fired in the kiln and glazed in this course.
Clay is included in this all levels course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 224
[SupplyList] => Clay is included in the price of this course. Students should purchase their own pottery tool kits, available at stores such as Blick Art Materials and Michael's
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 204
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T10:55:40.523
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T10:56:05.853
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61400
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230418_67e5ede30866d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61427
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor- Tues- Apr/May
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Robin Rosen-O'Leary | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 4/18-5/02
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:12:12.877
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 128
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Robin Rosen-O'Leary | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 4/18-5/2 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color with Dr. Robin Rosen-O'Leary in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive magic and puppetry. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 128
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 108
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 218386:Rosen-O'Leary, Robin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:12:12.877
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-11T08:39:47.793
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61427
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230419_67e5ede30836b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61931
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => StudioVisit-Rimmelin 4/19
[Description] => Professional Artist Studio Visit with Lorraine Rimmelin | 4/19 10-11am
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-01-18T12:53:09.087
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-01-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Professional Artist Studio Visit with Lorraine Rimmelin | 4/19 10-11am
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Visit the professional working studio of artist Lorraine Rimmelin, and see where her creativity allows her paints to explode as she captures the essence of her subjects on paper.
This tour is a benefit of your membership and is free of charge.
The address will be given upon submitting your RSVP online at
or contacting the registration desk.
Space is limited to 8 people.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] => 1
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-01-18T12:53:09.087
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-25T11:46:32.053
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230420_67e5ede307214] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61413
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Apr/May
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Dominic Sparano | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 4/20-5/25
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-25T14:59:50.26
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Dominic Sparano | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 4/20-5/25 | SPRING 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T12:56:30.707
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-19T08:51:57.313
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61413
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230420_67e5ede3074b1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61419
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Apr/May
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9pm | 4/20-5/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T13:22:26.707
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 4/20-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631343139
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T13:22:26.707
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T14:11:29.077
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61419
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230420_67e5ede307c07] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61477
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs-Apr/May
[Description] => Handbbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 4/20-5/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T10:36:22.127
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2021
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 4/20-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T10:36:22.127
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T10:37:10.617
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61477
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230420_67e5ede3081ca] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61218
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Apr/May
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 4/20-5/25 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T13:58:29.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 268
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 4/20-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 268
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 248
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T09:11:59.813
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-19T08:51:19.347
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61218
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230421_67e5ede307ab5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61377
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Apr/May'23
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 4/21-5/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T08:37:02.207
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 4/21-5/26 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631333737
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T08:37:02.207
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-29T13:54:20.037
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61377
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230422_67e5ede307365] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61465
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf-Apr/May'23
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 4/22-5/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T09:47:15.963
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 4/22-5/27 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T09:47:15.963
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-23T09:47:54.86
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61465
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230422_67e5ede3075de] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61435
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush - Apr/May
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 4/22-5/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:41:08.303
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-12-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 4/22-5/20 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 140
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:41:08.303
[ModifyDate] => 2022-12-08T09:09:41.723
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61435
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230422_67e5ede307726] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61207
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/22
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:50:38.67
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/22 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:50:38.67
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:20:30.29
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:50:38.67
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61207
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230422_67e5ede307adf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61380
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat -Apr/May'23
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 4/22-5/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T08:43:20.833
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 4/22-5/27 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T08:43:20.833
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T08:43:53.767
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61380
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230422_67e5ede307f91] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62436
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => TeenDraw-Graf-Apr/May'23
[Description] => Observational Drawing and Painting for Teens with Bill Graf | Saturdays 1:30 - 3:30 pm | 4/22-5/20
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-27T08:36:48.73
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 255
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Observational Drawing and Painting for Teens with Bill Graf | Saturdays 1:30 - 3:30 pm | 4/22-5/20 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This class is developed for teens ages 13+ to help improve their drawing skills and take their skills to a higher level. The class will focus on creating stronger construction, proportion and rendering in all areas including portraiture and figure drawing.
For the art school bound students, the class will also concentrate on developing strong portfolio projects, as observational drawing is the cornerstone of any art portfolio.
This drawing and painting "atelier style" class will cover everything from the basics to the finer points of observational drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent years, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 255
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
HB, 2B, 4B, 6B to 8B graphite pencils
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white erasers
Foam core board
Drawing paper
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 235
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-10T12:50:08.66
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-27T08:36:40.783
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62436
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230422_67e5ede308603] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61473
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AnimeTN- Schrage- Apr/May
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 4/22-5/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-23T10:22:04.683
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 268
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 4/22-5/27 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 228
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 248
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-23T10:22:04.683
[ModifyDate] => 2023-01-12T09:22:45.183
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61473
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230422_67e5ede3088f7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61431
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => YACeram - Sat - Apr/May
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 |Sat 9:30-11 am | 4/22-5/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:24:51.833
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 4/22-5/20 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete multiple projects over several weeks. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:24:51.833
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-22T15:25:48.713
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61431
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230429_67e5ede30733e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62415
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest WS Apr/May
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Sat 10 am - 1 pm | 4/29-5/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-09T13:13:25.233
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees Workshop with Shain Bard | Sat 10 am - 1 pm | 4/29-5/20 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
"Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting workshop that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition. At the end of the course, students may choose to hang their tree portraits together in the Art League's strolling gallery, creating our own enchanted forest.
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-09T13:13:25.233
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-09T13:15:12.617
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62415
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230429_67e5ede30772e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61208
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/29
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:51:17.42
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-04-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-04-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/29 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:51:17.42
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:20:51.743
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:51:17.42
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61208
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230502_67e5ede3071ba] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61220
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => AdvWildPhoto - May
[Description] => Advanced Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tues 7-9 pm | 5/2-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T11:46:33.167
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 220
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tuesdays 7-9pm | 5/2-5/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course is for the photographer looking to develop advanced skills in wildlife, waterscape, & landscape picture taking techniques. During the 5-week session, LI author, lecturer, and photographer John P. Cardone will present the works of two master photographers; one featuring waterscape and landscape photography and one known for outstanding wildlife photos. During his presentations, John will lead a discussion reviewing the best features of the images including subject choice, photo composition, natural lighting, locations, camera settings, image editing, and printing. Weekly photo-shoot assignments will give students the opportunity to incorporate advanced techniques in their own picture taking experience. These assignments will mirror the work of the masters. Students will also have the opportunity to exhibit their best photos in the Art League strolling gallery as part of the "Art in the Hall" program. Prerequisites include either John's introductory course or comparable experience in outdoor photography.
This class is geared towards 35 mm digital cameras, but students can also participate with a cell phone camera!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 220
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 200
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192399:Cardone, John
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631323230
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:46:33.167
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T11:47:24.35
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61220
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230502_67e5ede307b65] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61234
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-May'23
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 5/2-5/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:34:12.85
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 5/2-5/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:34:12.85
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-17T12:34:37.983
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61234
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230502_67e5ede308346] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61255
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PrintSample - May'23
[Description] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 5/2-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-18T09:27:26.26
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 452
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 5/2-5/30 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => For both novices and experienced artists, printmaking can broaden your skills and get new creative juices flowing. Try several types of printmaking such as monotype/monoprint, drypoint, collagraph, carborundum, and solarplate etching. Through demonstrations, explore different ways of working within each technique using both oil- and water-based mediums. No experience necessary. Learn, experiment, and make wonderful prints! Materials fee of $20 payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 452
[SupplyList] => Bring:
• 1/16” or 3/32” thick plexiglass (11”x14” or larger)
If you own any of the following please bring:
• Watercolors
• Water-soluble crayons
• Watercolor brushes
• Oil paints.
• Oil base etching/relief inks
• Oil brushes
• Palette or palette pad
• Wax paper
• Paper towels. Rags or white towels that have been washed
• 18”x24” newsprint pad
• Brayer
• Printmaking Paper: Rives, BFK, Stonehenge, Folio, etc.
(Paper can also be purchased in class)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 412
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195310:Navon-Jacobson, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T09:27:26.26
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-18T09:29:36.547
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61255
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230502_67e5ede30883b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61229
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg May'23
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 5/2-5/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T12:05:25.2
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 5/2-5/16 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Students will learn the basic foundation skills for watercolor. Students will learn how to use correct materials. They will learn how to transfer a drawing onto watercolor paper. Students will learn color mixing and basic color theory. They will learn how to create washes, wet into wet techinques and dry brush. We will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T12:05:25.2
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-25T11:53:03.92
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61229
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230504_67e5ede308310] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61273
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Thu May'23
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 5/4-5/25 | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-02T12:30:03.75
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 5/4-5/25 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194371:Krasowitz, Michael
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T12:24:50.433
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-07T13:14:07.763
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-18T12:24:50.433
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61273
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230506_67e5ede307758] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61209
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/6
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:51:58.997
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/6 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:51:58.997
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:22:42.34
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:51:58.997
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61209
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230507_67e5ede308388] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61381
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Raku Workshop 5/7/23
[Description] => Raku Firing Workshop with Justin Mullady | Sunday 5/7 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T08:44:57.303
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-05-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T08:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] => 1
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Rain date will be Sunday 5/21.
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Raku Firing Workshop with Justin Mullady | Sunday 5/7 8:30 am - 5:00 pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
The ancient Japanese firing method called Raku combines chemistry, fire and smoke to
produce gorgeous displays of color and lusters. The firing process is the heart and soul
of the American Raku Technique. The finished pieces are unpredictable. Glazes crackle
in fascinating patterns and metallic oxides change colors depending on the amount of
oxidation in the post firing reduction chamber.
In his hands on Raku workshop, participants should bring 6-8 even thickness bisqueware pots.
The pots for raku should be no larger than 6-8” wide and no taller than 13”. Flat pieces are
acceptable. Tall and narrow are best. Use Raku clay or Stoneware with grog (not sand).
Anyone interested in taking the workshop should give themselves 6 working classes to throw
or hand build 6 pieces. That will allow enough time for the pieces to thoroughly dry out and be
bisque fired. If you're interested in horsehair firing, pieces need to be burnished. Ask your
instructor for assistance on this. Make sure pieces are glazed at least 24 hours ahead of time
to the workshop.
Bring a bag lunch. Beverages will be available. Wear cotton clothing, long sleeves, long pants,
a hat, covered shoes (no sandals). As stated above this is a hands-on workshop. Please do
not make other plans for early that evening, clean up is part of this workshop. Register early -
space limited to 10 participants.
Sign up deadline is 4/13. Rain date is Sunday 5/21.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 145
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631333831
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T08:44:57.303
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-14T12:04:49.36
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61381
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230509_67e5ede308637] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61428
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor- Tues- May
[Description] => The Magic Of Color | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 5/9-5/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-22T15:13:11.677
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 128
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 5/9-5/23 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 128
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 108
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 218386:Rosen-O'Leary, Robin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-22T15:13:11.677
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-26T11:36:17.373
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61428
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230511_67e5ede308280] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61224
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => PortDev 1-Folk May/Jun
[Description] => Portfolio Development I for Teens with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 5/11-6/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T11:54:14.307
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 185
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development I for Teens - with Stephanie Folk | Thurs 6:00-8:00pm | 5/11-6/1 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Portfolio Development I is meant for the student preparing the early stages of their portfolio. In this course, accomplished artist Stephanie Folk will work with students to assign projects perfect for the fundamental cornerstone pieces every portfolio needs. Subjects will include portraiture, basic anatomy, still life, complex compositional arrangement, hyperrealism and range in mediums such as ink, colored pencil, acrylic paint, watercolor, pastel and graphite. This course will provide plenty of constructive critique, advice on college applications, expectations of portfolio submissions and more. This course will also focus on developing techniques in portfolio essentials, such as conceptual creations, mood, lighting, art history and more. Throughout the course each student will gain the confidence in their personal mark-making and push the boundaries of their creativity to develop an individualized and dynamic portfolio.
Students who have completed enough projects in this class may graduate into the Portfolio Development II class where more advanced and individualized projects will be completed.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 185
[SupplyList] =>
-Sketchbook of any size
-WATER-MIXABLE oil paints set of 10 - regular oil paints will not be permitted
-Set of brushes
-paint palette
-1 stretched canvas no larger than 18x24
-Prismacolor pencils 24 or more
-arches watercolor pad 10x14
-metal sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T11:54:14.307
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-29T13:08:46.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61224
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230512_67e5ede307f00] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61262
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- May'23
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 5/12-5/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-14T09:56:34.193
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 5/12-5/26 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-18T09:38:55.94
[ModifyDate] => 2022-11-18T09:55:51.133
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61262
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230513_67e5ede30773d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61210
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:52:46.677
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/13 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:52:46.677
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:21:30.89
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:52:46.677
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61210
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230519_67e5ede307f2e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63646
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- May'23
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 12-3pm | 5/19-5/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-26T12:20:28.497
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 12-3pm | 5/19-5/26 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-26T12:20:28.497
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:09:46.633
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63646
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230520_67e5ede307741] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61211
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/13
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:56:26.93
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2022-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/13 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:53:27.193
[ModifyDate] =>
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:53:27.193
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61211
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230520_67e5ede307748] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61212
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/20
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:53:51.913
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/20 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:53:51.913
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:23:31.623
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:53:51.913
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61212
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230520_67e5ede307de8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62505
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => LGBTQIA+Workshop Liv 5/20
[Description] => LGBTQIA+ Words with Liv Cocozza | 5/20 | 1pm-3pm | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-18T12:14:55.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 15
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-01-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is one of three in the series:
Queer History
Saturday, April 1 – 1pm to 3pm
Saturday, May 20 – 1pm to 3pm
Queer Art
Saturday, June 10 – 1pm-3pm
About the Instructor: Liv Cocozza’s artwork explores the relationship between intimate queer experiences and the vulnerability of navigating medical and political spaces as a transgender person. At the same time, acknowledging the unspoken, un-archived, or misconstrued history of queerness. His work employs materials such as silicone, bed sheets, latex, and construction hardware. Their practice is highly influenced by queer political and art history, acknowledging the labor and efforts of those who came before him in queer and trans liberation. Liv aims to use the public paradigm of queerness, and the intimate experiences of queerness to form a path to a restorative future.
This workshop series is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and is administered by The Huntington Arts Council, Inc.
[Title] => LGBTQIA+ Words with Liv Cocozza | 5/20 | 1pm-3pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
The Art League of Long Island is proud to host a workshop series led by Liv Cocozza, exploring LGBTQIA+ art and literature from the past and going forward into the future. The workshop series will culminate in an exhibition of works created during the workshop series.
These workshops are free and open to the public. All sessions take place in the Art League’s Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. Please register early as space is limited
Saturday, May 20 – 1pm to 3pm
Sharing words in forms of poetry, fiction, and protest/speech has always been a tool to educate and share personal experiences within the Queer community. Students will read excerpts of Queer writers' current and past, then make their own writing and visual books called zines.
Strolling Gallery Exhibit: June 17-July 29
The exhibition will contain works by the instructor and
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224437:Cocozza, Liv
[ProgramDetailId] => 3632353035
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-18T12:14:55.69
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-16T10:01:46.017
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62505
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230525_67e5ede307342] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62575
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => NAMI WS 5/25/23
[Description] => Art Soothes the Mindful Soul Workshop | Thursday 5/25 | 6 - 7:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-23T08:47:42.333
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Soothes the Mindful Soul Workshop | Thursday 5/25 | 6 - 7:30pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn about the importance of mental health and the benefits of meditation and art therapy.
Elizabeth Castelli, a meditation instructor and life coach, will lead the group through a guided meditation session that will begin with a relaxation/body scan.
Rachel Woelfel, a Masters candidate in Art Therapy at Pratt Institute, will then lead you in expressing your emotions through color and mixed media art materials.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All are Welcome
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213592:Castelli, Elizabeth|207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3632353735
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-23T08:47:42.333
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-13T08:31:55.56
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62575
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230525_67e5ede307e9a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63478
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal TH Eve| May/June
[Description] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM |5/25-6/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T07:12:59.807
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 5/25-6/8 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633343738
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:12:59.807
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T08:29:16.903
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63478
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230525_67e5ede307ebf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63477
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => IntMetal TH AM | May/June
[Description] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM | 5/25-6/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T07:06:48.51
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/25-6/8 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Supply kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633343737
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:06:48.51
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T09:42:16.22
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63477
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230526_67e5ede307e54] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63479
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AllMetal Fri | May/June
[Description] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/26-6/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T07:18:03.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/26-6/9 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginner students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:18:03.423
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T08:05:06.33
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63479
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230527_67e5ede307750] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61214
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/27
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T08:57:27.21
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/27 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:57:27.21
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:23:12.42
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:57:27.21
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61214
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230601_67e5ede3086ed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63480
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | June PM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 6/1-6/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T07:26:23.47
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 6/1-6/29 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:26:23.47
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T07:27:44.723
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63480
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230601_67e5ede308726] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63481
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | June AM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 6/1-6/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T07:29:34.38
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | 6/1-6/29 | Thursdays 10am-1pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:29:34.38
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T07:48:57.747
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63481
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230603_67e5ede307780] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61215
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/3
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/3
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T07:01:09.923
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/3 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T08:58:54.167
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:22:00.303
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T08:58:54.167
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61215
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede307452] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63144
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | June
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 6/6-6/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:16:23.153
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 6/6-6/20 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art LEague's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313434
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:16:23.153
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-15T08:19:44.47
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63144
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede3074fb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63359
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Jun/Jul
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-10T10:11:47.12
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
No class 7/4 in observance of Independence Day.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tuesdays 6-9pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds of handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633333539
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-10T10:11:47.12
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-11T17:05:23.28
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63359
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede307906] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63328
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Jun/Jul
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-06T11:53:16.673
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 7/4 in observance of Independence Day.
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T08:08:03.26
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:40:51.63
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63328
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede307b68] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63234
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-June
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 6/6-6/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T10:18:06.907
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 6/6-6/20 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition. Students can learn in depth knowledge about drawing materials and techniques, while observing both teacher demonstrations and individual instruction time. Beginner students will work from life learning to render simple objects to fully realized drawings. Returning students work on their skills and learn to compose more advanced works, develop more involved techniques, and draw increasingly complex objects. Join in on this calming and meditative experience as we observe life and appreciate its finer details on paper!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T10:18:06.907
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-31T10:40:05.053
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63234
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede307c6c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63492
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Jun/Jul
[Description] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tues 10am-1pm | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:31:13.543
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
No Class 7/4/2023
[Title] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:31:13.543
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T10:22:46.573
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63492
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede307cd2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63147
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | June
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 6/6-6/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:50:38.657
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 6/6-6/20 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313437
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:50:38.657
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-15T08:09:39.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63147
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede307da6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63226
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => IntroWildPhoto - Jun/Jul
[Description] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tues 7-9 pm | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T05:53:37.413
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class 7/4 in observance of Independence Day.
[Title] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tuesdays 7-9pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Local author and photographer John P. Cardone conducts this 10-hour class based on his book Waterviews: A Collection of Photographs, Thoughts, and Experiences. This class, designed for the beginner to intermediate photographer, is interactive as John brings up topics and hands out weekly photo-shoot assignments to get you involved. So, take lots of outdoor pictures and come prepared to discuss your photo work while learning with others. Topics covered include: camera features, the technical side, waterscape photo composition and techniques, natural lighting, panorama photography, wildlife photography - including the challenge of birds-in-flight - understanding sequential photography and settings, and a look at macro photography. Plus, extras such as adding watermarks, copyright info, choosing print sizes, and how to mat a photo. Students will mat one of their own photos. A $20 materials fee is paid to the instructor.
This class is geared towards 35 mm digital cameras, but students can also participate with a cell phone camera!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => A $20 materials fee is paid to the instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192399:Cardone, John
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T05:53:37.413
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-05T05:59:44.783
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63226
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede30805f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63773
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Jun/Jul
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-06T09:43:59.533
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
No class 7/11
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-10T17:39:37.527
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-05T09:29:28.363
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63773
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede308201] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63222
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tues PM| Jun/Jul
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T05:16:58.63
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class Tuesday, 7/4 in observance of Independence Day
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images, or they can work on still lives which can be composed with the input of the instructor. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting, while focusing on drawing, composition, mark making and color theory.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. This class offers a comfortable balance of relaxation and challenge, where conversation ind interchange between the instructor and students keeps the pastels bug infectious as ever! All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T05:16:58.63
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-11T13:03:04.613
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63222
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede30823b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63475
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Minardi June/Jul
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30 | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T06:50:44.023
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 305
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class 7/4
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Margaret has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 305
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 285
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T06:50:44.023
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-31T10:56:09.3
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63475
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede3083b6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63330
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Jun/Jul
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | Ages 8-12 | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-06T11:28:17.18
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 205
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 7/4 in observance of Independence Day.
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture, perspective, and more drawing fundamentals in this course. Students will have the opportunity to sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings amongst a wider variety of subjects including people, animals, landscapes, and more! Young artists can enjoy an atmosphere of both concentration and study mixed with the fun of live demos, conversation, one on one instruction, and time to share their work with other students. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T09:11:02.143
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:41:35.967
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63330
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede30861e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63484
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram - Tue - Jun/Jul
[Description] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 6/6-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-06T09:21:01.343
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 190
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class Tuesday 7/4
[Title] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 6/6-7/11 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This ceramic handbuilding class is open to students ages 13-17 and is intended for all levels of sculptors. This class is perfect for those students interested in working in the third dimension to improve their artistic skills, make both decorative and useful items, or create unique pieces to expand their portfolios.
Sculptural and decorative elements will be taught along with the fundamental techniques for anyone to learn pottery. Learn the fundamentals of pottery: pinch potting, coil building and slab construction in this course specialized for artistic teens. Students will bring home completed pieces which have been fired in the kiln and glazed in this course.
Clay is included in this all levels course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 190
[SupplyList] => Clay is included in the price of this course. Students should purchase their own pottery tool kits, available at stores such as Blick Art Materials and Michael's
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 170
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:55:14.593
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T09:56:56.287
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63484
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230606_67e5ede30883e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63230
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg June
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 6/6-6/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T10:04:21.397
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 6/6-6/20 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T10:04:21.397
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-05T10:14:29.65
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63230
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230608_67e5ede30710a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63781
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl-Jun/Jul
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 6/8-7/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-11T11:53:42.853
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics - with Kevin Larkin | 6/8-7/13 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-11T11:53:42.853
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-11T11:55:11.827
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63781
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230608_67e5ede307201] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63337
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Jun/Jul
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 6/8-7/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T10:01:53.86
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 6/8-7/13 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
A student can expect to finish a stage of the ceramics process every class, whether it be throwing/fabricating a new piece, trimming, carving, decorating, or glazing. Many students have multiple pieces in multiple stages of development in this lively class. Pieces/projects are assigned both based on the overall classes interests as well as on an individual basis. Beginner students can expect to have one to three small completed pieces at the end of their first multi-week session, but should be prepared that sometimes your first pieces have flaws and are all part of the learning process.
Students in this class converse frequently about what they're working on and offer guidance to one another based on their own experiences in the ceramics studio. The instructor will lead class discussions and perform demos of all techniques covered, as well as offer plenty of one on one instruction time to suit individual students needs. All levels and all questions are welcome in this encouraging class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T10:01:53.86
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-12T09:26:41.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63337
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230608_67e5ede3074b5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63357
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Jun/Jul
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9pm | 6/8-7/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-10T10:02:56.703
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 6/8-7/6 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds of handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633333537
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-10T10:02:56.703
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-25T14:59:36.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63357
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230608_67e5ede307c0a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63333
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs- Jun/Jul
[Description] => Handbbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 6/8-7/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T09:47:18.75
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2021
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 6/8-7/13 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T09:47:18.75
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-02T07:46:03.267
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63333
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230608_67e5ede3080b0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63488
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Jun/Jul
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 6/8-7/13 | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:06:16.853
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | 6/8-7/13 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:06:16.853
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-22T10:19:53.273
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63488
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230608_67e5ede3081cd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63224
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Jun/Jul
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 6/8-7/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T05:39:21.483
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 6/8-7/13 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images, or they can work on still lives which can be composed with the input of the instructor. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting, while focusing on drawing, composition, mark making and color theory.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. This class offers a comfortable balance of relaxation and challenge, where conversation ind interchange between the instructor and students keeps the pastels bug infectious as ever! All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T05:39:21.483
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-05T05:41:49.627
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63224
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230609_67e5ede307300] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63142
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Jun/Jul
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 6/9-7/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T07:36:47.477
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 6/9-7/14 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T07:36:47.477
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-04T08:15:41.433
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63142
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230609_67e5ede307abd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63505
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Jun/Jul
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 6/9-7/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T10:09:05.747
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 6/9-7/14 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T10:09:05.747
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T10:19:22.28
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63505
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230609_67e5ede307f07] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63850
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- Jun
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 6/9-6/30
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-13T11:25:27.143
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 6/9-6/30 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-19T08:47:46.893
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-09T10:09:38.443
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63850
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230609_67e5ede3087a6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63730
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera Jun/Jul
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 6/9-7/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-04T08:21:17.117
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 6/9-7/14 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
- Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Purchase the largest affordable size.
Winsor & Newton Watercolor Paint:
- Neutral Tint
- Brown Madder
- Burnt Sienna
- Winsor Yellow
- Yellow Ochre
- Aureolin Yellow
- Winsor Red
- Cadmium Scarlet
- Quinacridone Magenta
- Antwerp Blue
- Cerulean Blue
- Winsor Blue
- French Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Palette:
3036-1002 Blick Covered Palette
- Masking:
Pebeo Drawing Gum
- Sketch Pad
- Kneaded Eraser
- HB Pencils
- Masking Tape
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-04T08:21:17.117
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-27T10:02:33.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63730
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230610_67e5ede3075e2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63498
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush - Jun/Jul
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 6/10-7/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:43:07.09
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 7/1
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 6/10-7/15 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:43:07.09
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-09T10:47:24.55
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63498
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230610_67e5ede307763] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61216
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/10
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-11-17T09:01:59.853
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-02-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/10 | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-11-17T09:01:59.853
[ModifyDate] => 2023-02-22T11:22:21.06
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2022-11-17T09:01:59.853
[AssignUserId] => 880
[AssignUserName] => Melissa Lessmann
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61216
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230610_67e5ede307ae3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63528
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat -Jun/Jul
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 6/10-7/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-21T06:30:24.47
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
No Class 7/1/23
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 6/10-7/15 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-21T06:30:24.47
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-21T06:33:19.5
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63528
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230610_67e5ede308378] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 62506
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2666
[ShortDescription] => LGBTQ Art with Liv 6/10
[Description] => Queer Art with Liv Cocozza | 6/10 | 1pm-3pm | Spring 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-02-18T12:39:45.43
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-01-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is one of three in the series:
Queer History
Saturday, April 1 – 1pm to 3pm
Saturday, May 20 – 1pm to 3pm
Queer Art
Saturday, June 10 – 1pm-3pm
About the Instructor: Liv Cocozza’s artwork explores the relationship between intimate queer experiences and the vulnerability of navigating medical and political spaces as a transgender person. At the same time, acknowledging the unspoken, un-archived, or misconstrued history of queerness. His work employs materials such as silicone, bed sheets, latex, and construction hardware. Their practice is highly influenced by queer political and art history, acknowledging the labor and efforts of those who came before him in queer and trans liberation. Liv aims to use the public paradigm of queerness, and the intimate experiences of queerness to form a path to a restorative future.
This workshop series is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and is administered by The Huntington Arts Council, Inc.
[Title] => Queer Art with Liv Cocozza | 6/10 | 1pm-3pm | Spring 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The Art League of Long Island is proud to host a workshop series led by Liv Cocozza, exploring LGBTQIA+ art and literature from the past and going forward into the future. The workshop series will culminate in an exhibition of works created during the workshop series.
These workshops are free and open to the public. All sessions take place in the Art League’s Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. Please register early as space is limited
Queer Art
Saturday, June 10 – 1pm-3pm
In the final workshop, attendees will learn about the current movers of Queer visual language and create a collaborative art piece to encapsulate the workshop series. The last seminar work will be to make a collaborative banner to commemorate our knowledge and shared experiences.
Strolling Gallery Exhibit: June 17-July 29
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-02-18T12:39:45.43
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-16T09:27:55.57
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2666
[Description] => Spring 2023
[StartDate] => 2022-12-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/62506
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230610_67e5ede308606] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63335
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AnimeTN- Schrage- Jun/Jul
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 6/10-7/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-13T11:26:25.523
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class on 7/1
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 6/10-7/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T09:53:18.88
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-07T09:58:19.413
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63335
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230610_67e5ede3088fb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63496
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => YACeram - Sat - Jun/Jul
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 |Sat 9:30-11 am | 6/10-7/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-13T11:28:51.497
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class 7/1
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 6/10-7/15 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete multiple projects over several weeks. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:38:41.23
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-09T10:53:32.627
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63496
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230613_67e5ede307db5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64021
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 817
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Class
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Class
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/817
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => JomonReception 6/13
[Description] => Jomon Pottery Workshop 6/13/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-07T13:44:55.583
[NumberOfSeats] => 100
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-07T16:36:28.22
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Jomon Pottery Workshop 6/13/23
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => We are inviting students from Brentwood Schools to view a reception of the works they created in the workshops they attended. Meagan will be setting up the event in the gallery the day of and the students will be bringing home their pieces after the reception concludes. The EOC staff with be there and they will be bringing their own refreshments.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] =>
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-07T13:44:55.583
[ModifyDate] =>
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64021
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230613_67e5ede30834c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63332
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PrintSample - June
[Description] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 6/13-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-09T11:48:47.21
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 6/13-6/27 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => For both novices and experienced artists, printmaking can broaden your skills and get new creative juices flowing. Try several types of printmaking such as monotype/monoprint, drypoint, collagraph, carborundum, woodcut and solarplate etching. Through demonstrations, explore different ways of working within each technique using both oil- and water-based mediums. No experience necessary. Beginners more than welcome - first timers will experience the excitement of various students working in different types of printmaking and quickly observe that the world of printmaking is endless! Students can expect to generate 1-3 prints per week depending on working speed and techniques used. Stephanie works with students individually to develop personalized projects based on the skills you are most interested in. Learn, experiment, and make wonderful prints in this energetic class!
Materials fee of $20 payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels - beginners welcome!
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Bring:
• 1/16” or 3/32” thick plexiglass (11”x14” or larger)
If you own any of the following please bring:
• Watercolors
• Water-soluble crayons
• Watercolor brushes
• Oil paints.
• Oil base etching/relief inks
• Oil brushes
• Palette or palette pad
• Wax paper
• Paper towels. Rags or white towels that have been washed
• 18”x24” newsprint pad
• Brayer
• Printmaking Paper: Rives, BFK, Stonehenge, Folio, etc.
(Paper can also be purchased in class)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195310:Navon-Jacobson, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T09:31:29.89
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-01T06:51:48.22
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63332
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230616_67e5ede307d3c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63152
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Enamel WS Mencher 6/16
[Description] => Intro to Enamels Workshop with Marla Mencher | Friday 6/16 | 10 am - 3 pm | Summer 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-15T12:02:18.253
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Enamels Workshop with Marla Mencher | Friday 6/16 | 10 am - 3 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this introduction to enameling workshop you will create some beautiful cloisonné enameled pieces . Cloisonné is an ancient technique where small fine silver wires are fused onto an enameled disc ( which you will form and powder ). Then, different enamel color is applied with a brush into each section of your design and fired multiple times until the entire piece is filled with color. It’s like painting with glass. Your finished pieces can be set into frames or be used in other jewelry creations. Some basic wire working skills are helpful.
Please bring detailed sketches in oval or round shapes of designs you would like to use for your cloisonné template. Looking at stained glass windows can help with designing. Bring tweezers, a few small thin paint brushes and small metal wire cutters if you have.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Please bring detailed sketches in oval or round shapes of designs you would like to use for your cloisonné template. Looking at stained glass windows can help with designing. Bring tweezers, a few small thin paint brushes and small metal wire cutters if you have.
$20 materials fee payable to instructor covers enamels, copper discs, and cloisonné wire.
Silver cinch mounts and bales extra.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T11:02:38.617
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-13T07:19:42.47
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63152
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230617_67e5ede30776d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63651
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/17
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-27T08:00:56.64
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/17 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-27T08:00:56.64
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-27T08:02:06.563
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-04-27T08:00:56.64
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63651
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230617_67e5ede30816b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63722
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Silk WS Danziger 6/17
[Description] => Painting on Silk Workshop with Oksana Danziger | Saturday 6/17 | 10 am - 1 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-15T09:54:03.43
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting on Silk Workshop with Oksana Danziger | Saturday 6/17 | 10 am - 1 pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this workshop, students will learn about traditional Indonesian textile motifs and learn how to transfer designs onto silk. Then students will and paint their designs onto specially prepared fabric with unique silk dyes. Oksana Danziger, an experienced textile designer working in the industry for over twenty years, creates designs for apparel and home furniture textile. She uses different techniques to explore a colorful world of batik in her artwork and textile designs.
The Serti (closing of fence) technique is the silk painting technique where designs are outlined with gutta or water-based resists, which are applied to white silks that have been pre-washed, dried, and stretched. Once the gutta has dried, it acts as a barrier for the dye or paint keeping the color within the outlined areas of design and allowing you to achieve sharply defined borders. After the dye or paint has been properly set, the clear gutta is removed and a defining line the color of original fabric remains.This technique come to us from Indonesia and originally uses a natural wax as a resist.
Many Indonesian batik patterns are symbolic. Infants are carried in batik slings decorated with symbols designed to bring the child luck, and certain batik designs are reserved for brides and bridegrooms, as well as their families. Some designs are reserved for royalties, and even banned to be worn by commoners. Consequently, a person's rank could be determined by the pattern of the batik he or she wore. Enjoy engaging with this unique practice of silk dye in this one of a kind workshop!
$20 materials fee payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to the instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192796:Danziger, Oksana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T16:18:17.567
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-03T16:32:05.76
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63722
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230621_67e5ede3082ae] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63714
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PCM WS Mencher 6/21
[Description] => Precious Clay Metal Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 6/21 | 10 am - 3 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-03T09:29:59.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-06-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Precious Clay Metal Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 6/21 | 10 am - 3 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Explore the fascinating world of metal kissed by fire! Pieces sculpted with precious clay metal resemle carved or casted jewelry without the painstaking processes involved. Creating jewelry with precious clay metal is fun and low stress and the results are beautiful. Students will design fine silver jewelry in this one day workshop using precious metal clay. Starting with the clay material students will learn how to flatten, roll out, texturize, and cut designs to make thrilling pieces that will then be heated into silver!
Materials fee of $60 payable to instructor covers all precious metal kits.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633373134
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T09:29:59.937
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-23T10:03:46.377
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63714
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230624_67e5ede307776] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63693
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/24
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:21:49.537
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:21:49.537
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:22:19.233
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:21:49.537
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63693
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230627_67e5ede307f58] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63717
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WC WS Rimmelin 6/27
[Description] => Negative Watercolor Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Tuesday 6/27 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-03T09:54:41.45
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-06-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 95
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Negative Watercolor Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Tuesday 6/27 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Negative painting is a valuable technique for all watercolorists. When used effectively it is incredible to see the magical results in your artwork when negative space is placed deliberately. This is a terrific workshop for any artist who aspires to advance their skills or an artist looking for an introduction on this important concept. Innovative examples and demos from instructor Lorraine Rimmelin will help artists become aware of the many possibilities they can explore. Strengthen your command and execution of washes, values, and edges. Join Lorraine as she leads you step by step into the joy of negative painting.
All skill levels welcome - no drawing skills required.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 95
[SupplyList] => Brushes:- #6, #8, #10 round
- 1" flat
- #4 rigger or liner
- Any other brushes you like to paint with
Paint:- Bring any colors you like painting with!
- 1 piece of minimum 9" x 12" or up to 11" x 15" 140lb watercolor paper (we recommend Arches 140lb or Fabriano Artistico 140lb)
Additional Supplies:- pencil & eraser
- masking tape or clips and a large board to hold paper
- spray bottle of water
- 2 water containers
- paper towels
- a palette with a large mixing area
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 75
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T09:54:41.45
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-03T10:37:28.537
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63717
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230707_67e5ede307f0a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63851
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- Jul
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 7/7-7/28
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-15T09:52:47.403
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 7/7-7/28 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-19T08:50:00.577
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-19T08:50:39.27
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63851
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230708_67e5ede307368] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63501
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf - July
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 7/8-7/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:48:35.943
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 7/8-7/29 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:48:35.943
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T08:50:14.937
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63501
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230708_67e5ede3077a8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63694
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/8
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:24:35.99
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/8 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:24:35.99
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:30:02.493
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:24:35.99
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63694
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230708_67e5ede307866] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63719
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WC WS Rimmelin 7/8
[Description] => Color Theory in Watercolor Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 7/8 10am - 2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-03T10:41:11.11
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Color Theory in Watercolor Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 7/8 10am - 2pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Do you want to paint with color confidence? In order to acheive the greatest freedom of expressions with color you must have a basic understanding of the colors on your palette. Many artists are bewildered by the huge assortment of colors available for purchase. but within your palette hides an amazing array of colors that you might not realize you own. Join Lorraine Rimmelin as she helps make color work for you. We will also explore how to make beautiful varieties of browns and grays.
All skill levels welcome - no drawing skills required
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Brushes:Paint:- Cad yellow medium hue
- Lemon yellow
- Cad red medium hue
- permanent alizarin crimson
- ultramarine blue
- pthalo blue
- 2 pieces of 11" x 15" 140lb watercolor paper (we recommend Arches 140lb or Fabriano Artistico 140lb)
Additional Supplies:- pencil & eraser
- masking tape or clips and a large board to hold paper
- spray bottle of water
- 2 water containers
- paper towels
- a palette with a large mixing area
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T10:41:11.11
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-03T10:58:38.537
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63719
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230710_67e5ede3083cf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61682
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 11-12 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 11-12, Session 1, 7/10-7/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:41:21.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1021
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] =>
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 11-12 | Session 1: July 10-21
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will continue to develop and advance their skills in our 2-week program, offering opportunity to blossom into creative and thought-provoking artists. Teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity while developing drawing and painting skills, as well as sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. They will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly theme. Mature Artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and an outdoor opportunity. Bring a bag lunch. Students will be grouped age appropriately. All mature artists will receive individualized attention from out expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom. (PLEIN AIR PAINTING FIELD TRIP - PARENTS PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION)
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1021
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 971
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:41:21.423
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:47:30.373
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61682
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230710_67e5ede3083ed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61684
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 13-14 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 13-14, Session 1, 7/10-7/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:48:32.213
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1021
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] =>
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 13-14 | Session 1: July 10-21
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will continue to develop and advance their skills in our 2-week program, offering opportunity to blossom into creative and thought-provoking artists. Teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity while developing drawing and painting skills, as well as sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. They will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly theme. Mature Artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and an outdoor opportunity. Bring a bag lunch. Students will be grouped age appropriately. All Mature Artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom. (PLEIN AIR PAINTING FIELD TRIP - PARENTS PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION)
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1021
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 971
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:48:32.213
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-09T09:19:24.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61684
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230710_67e5ede30842d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61672
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-7 1
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-7, Session 1 "Boardwalk Impressions", 7/10-7/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:00:15.657
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 6-7 | Session 1: “Boardwalk Impressions” - July 10-14
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be group aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant i the classroom.
Session 1: “Boardwalk Impressions”
July 10-14
Put on your flip flops and walk along the Coney Island boardwalk with Melinda Morgan and Bill Bell, as they transport you to the historic Brooklyn amusement park. Dip into a candy-striped carnival tent to see a show or ride the famous Cyclone roller coaster. At the end of your action packed day, imagine the fading sunset, soft wind, sand swirling & waves crashing. Study Derek Buckner’s impressionistic “Coney Island”, and learn to use impressionistic techniques to create a summery whirlwind of carnival fun and lazy summer beach days.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631363732
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:00:15.657
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:44:50.07
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61672
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230710_67e5ede30847a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61677
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 8-10 1
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 8-10, Session 1 "Boardwalk Impressions", 7/10-7/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:23:40.26
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 15
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 8-10 | Session 1: “Boardwalk Impressions” - July 10-14
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be grouped aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom.
Session 1: “Boardwalk Impressions”
July 10-14
Put on your flip flops and walk along the Coney Island boardwalk with Melinda Morgan and Bill Bell, as they transport you to the historic Brooklyn amusement park. Dip into a candy-striped carnival tent to see a show or ride the famous Cyclone roller coaster. At the end of your action packed day, imagine the fading sunset, soft wind, sand swirling & waves crashing. Study Derek Buckner’s impressionistic “Coney Island”, and learn to use impressionistic techniques to create a summery whirlwind of carnival fun and lazy summer beach days.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:23:40.26
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:45:59.097
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61677
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230711_67e5ede30745a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63145
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | July
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 7/11-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:45:49.897
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 7/11-7/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art LEague's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313435
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:45:49.897
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-30T10:46:24.237
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63145
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230711_67e5ede307b6f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63326
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-July
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 7/11-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T08:03:46.37
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 7/11-7/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition. Students can learn in depth knowledge about drawing materials and techniques, while observing both teacher demonstrations and individual instruction time. Beginner students will work from life learning to render simple objects to fully realized drawings. Returning students work on their skills and learn to compose more advanced works, develop more involved techniques, and draw increasingly complex objects. Join in on this calming and meditative experience as we observe life and appreciate its finer details on paper!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T08:03:46.37
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-07T08:04:17.98
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63326
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230711_67e5ede307cd8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63148
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | July
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 7/11-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:56:47.817
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 7/11-7/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313438
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:56:47.817
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-30T10:57:27.277
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63148
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230711_67e5ede3082b1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61699
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => PrecoPort Session1
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio Development, Session 1 7/11-7/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-22T12:48:28.613
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1100
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $100 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Pre-College Portfolio Development Program | Session 1: 7/11-7/21
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this 2-week studio intensive, students will develop skills that lead to expressive and creative portfolio quality works. Projects will range from an hour to a few days. Students will explore mediums such as colored pencil, acrylic, graphite and watercolor, and more. Students will create 4-5 portfolio ready pieces in this course specific to their needs, at any stage of portfolio development. This course focuses both on observational projects as well as conceptual, as colleges most often look for both in a college ready portfolio. Please bring a few examples of what you consider to be your best works to the first class for a critique! Guidance on what colleges and universities look for in a portfolio will also be discussed.
- Get feedback on your existing portfolio
- Develop your artistic voice while exploring new materials
- Life drawing from a live model
- Small class size with lots of individual instruction and guidance
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1100
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
The Art League will supply most of the materials for the Pre-College Portfolio Development
Program. Students are required to supply the following:
- Sketchbook of any size - whatever they use at home
- 16” x 20” Chip Board
- Black Vine Charcoal
- Set of Graphite Drawing pencils(2B, HB, 6H)
- Kneaded Eraser
- Ruler
- Micron Ink Pen Set
- “Found objects” for found object sculptures (i.e. hardware, interesting pieces of plastic,
wood, and other scraps)
- ***optional*** Watercolor set, palette, and brushes (do not buy, only bring if you already
have at home)
These required materials can be found on Amazon with prime shipping or at Blick Art Materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 1000
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-22T12:48:28.613
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-29T10:13:04.973
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61699
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230711_67e5ede308326] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63853
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Tues Jul
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Tuesdays 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 7/11-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-19T08:54:23.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Tuesdays 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 7/11-7/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194191:Kasof, Denise
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-19T08:54:23.837
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-30T11:48:40.253
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-19T08:54:23.837
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63853
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230711_67e5ede308844] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63232
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg July
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 7/11-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T10:15:04.743
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 7/11-7/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633323332
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T10:15:04.743
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-05T10:15:50.677
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63232
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230712_67e5ede30747a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63150
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Wed | July
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10 am - 3 pm | 7/12-7/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:59:07.95
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-07-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10 am - 3 pm | 7/12-7/26 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art LEague's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313530
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:59:07.95
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-30T11:00:41.74
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63150
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230712_67e5ede30838b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63721
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Raku Workshop 7/12/2023
[Description] => Raku Firing Workshop with Justin Mullady | Wednesday 7/12 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-03T15:30:28.31
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T08:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Rain date will be 7/19.
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Raku Firing Workshop with Justin Mullady | Wednesday 7/12 8:30 am - 5:00 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The ancient Japanese firing method called Raku combines chemistry, fire and smoke to produce gorgeous displays of color and lusters. The firing process is the heart and soul of the American Raku Technique. The finished pieces are unpredictable. Glazes crackle in fascinating patterns and metallic oxides change colors depending on the amount of oxidation in the post firing reduction chamber.
This workshop is intended for experienced potters who can produce and bisque fire pieces ahead of this workshop. In his hands on Raku workshop, participants should bring 6-8 even thickness bisqueware pots. Bisque firing is not included in this workshop. The pots for raku should be no larger than 6-8” wide and no taller than 13”. Flat pieces are acceptable. Tall and narrow are best. Handbuilt pieces should be built evenly to prevent kiln explosions. The instructor has the right to deny a piece entry into the firing if he determines it is at high risk for explosion. Use Raku clay or Stoneware with grog (not sand). Art League students interested in taking the workshop should give themselves 6 working classes to throw
or hand build 6 pieces. That will allow enough time for the pieces to thoroughly dry out and be bisque fired ahead of the workshop. If you're interested in horsehair firing, pieces need to be burnished. Ask your instructor for assistance on this. Make sure pieces are glazed at least 24 hours ahead of time to the workshop.
Bring a bag lunch. Beverages will be available. Wear cotton clothing, long sleeves, long pants, a hat, covered shoes (no sandals). As stated above this is a hands-on workshop. Please do not make other plans for early that evening, clean up is part of this workshop. Register early -
space limited to 10 participants.
Rain Date is 7/19.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 145
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T15:30:28.31
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-03T15:39:11.237
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63721
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230713_67e5ede30727a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63726
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Jewelry Barbera 7/13-7/27
[Description] => Alternative Jewelry Making Workshop with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 7/13-7/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-04T08:00:00.103
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Alternative Jewelry Making Workshop with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 7/13-7/27 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Ross Barbera in a fascinating exploration into alternative materials jewelry making! This Jewelry Design Workshop introduces students to non-traditional materials and methods used to create beautifully colorful jewelry. Students will experiment and learn to make wearable jewelry, with emphasis on materials, processes, design, and a creative approach. They will be instructed in Ross' unique paper and wire fabrication process that frees their creative imaginations, enabling them to achieve finely crafted results in the creation of distinctively original pendants, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. In addition to working three dimensionally on the jewelry objects, students are also engaged with the relationship between form and color, and are introduced to watercolor and acrylic painting to incorporate wonderfully fluid designs and splashes of vibrant colors into their creations!
View some of the many incredible creations possible in this realm of jewelry making on Ross' website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Tools and Materials:
- The Self-healing Cutting Board
- 16ga round copper or brass wire. Can be purchased at Michaels
- Thai Banana Paper 1 sheet, 22" x 37" Natural
- Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set, 10 Colors, 5ml
- Round Watercolor Brush
- Flat Watercolor Brush
- Protective Eye Goggles
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-04T08:00:00.103
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-27T10:14:29.723
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63726
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230713_67e5ede30867d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64157
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathOS | July AM
[Description] => The Painters Path Open Studio | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 7/13-7/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-05T09:43:58.157
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 72
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path Open Studio | 7/13-7/20 | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This two week session is an opportunity for Painter's Path students to continue to work on their painting in the Art League studio while David Peikon is away. Enjoy the controlled natural lighting of the classroom and time spend with peers from class in this two week session. This time is uninstructed.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 72
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 62
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-05T09:43:58.157
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-10T13:41:49.053
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64157
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230713_67e5ede308682] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64156
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathOS | July AM
[Description] => The Painters Path Open Studio | Thursday 10am-1pm | 7/13-7/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-05T09:40:55.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 72
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path Open Studio | 7/13-7/20 | Thursdays 10am-1pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This two week session is an opportunity for Painter's Path students to continue to work on their painting in the Art League studio while David Peikon is away. Enjoy the controlled natural lighting of the classroom and time spend with peers from class in this two week session. This time is uninstructed.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 72
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 62
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-05T09:40:55.423
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-05T09:47:38.04
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64156
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230715_67e5ede30778d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63695
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/15
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:30:37.653
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/15 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:30:37.653
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:31:03.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:30:37.653
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63695
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230715_67e5ede3079ee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63723
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => EcoPrint Danziger 7/15
[Description] => Eco Printing Workshop with Oksana Danziger | Saturday 7/15 | 10 am - 1 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-14T08:16:23.31
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Eco Printing Workshop with Oksana Danziger | Saturday 7/15 | 10 am - 1 pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique workshop is where the exciting world of printmaking and fiber arts collide! In this workshop Oksana Danziger will lead students through the process of printing designs on scarves utilizing only natural materials, engaging in a centuries old heritage process of creating beauty!
The basic principle of eco printing is that various leaves and plant materials (fresh or dried) possess tannins which have the innate ability to print permanent color onto fabric fibers when combined with the proper technique and procedure. Eco printing is directly related to the art of dyeing with natural plant materials. The process usually involves some form of heat and pressure to create a distinctive print. Historically, the dyeing of fabric with natural plant material has been around since 100 A.D. All levels of designers will have fun and be appropriately challenged to create unique wearable art through this process.
Lately, sustainable art forms have become very popular. We can make the process experimental and creative using natural sources of dye. We believe designing in sustainable ways will impact the entire world. Hopefully one day, this will be the norm and it will help protect future generations and the environment.
$20 materials fee payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to the instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192796:Danziger, Oksana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T16:30:47.32
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-03T16:37:46.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63723
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230717_67e5ede308430] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61673
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-7 2
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-7, Session 2 "Fruity Critters", 7/17-7/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:10:47.363
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-07-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 6-7 | Session 2: “Fruity Critters” - July 17-21
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be group aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant i the classroom.
Session 2: “Fruity Critters”
Live Animal Show –
July 17-21
Create a zoological forest of “morphed” animal friends and their habitats, where animals and their surroundings gradually transform into half animal-half fruit. Study Rob Foote’s: “CowBerri”, “CrabApple”, and “ManGorilla” for a delicious illustrative experience. DeviantArt’s “Orange” by ShadoWica and “Duck a L’orange” by Cryptid-Creations will set the stage for your most fruity animalistic creations. Engage in a live animal show this week to help inspire a surrealistic version of the animal kingdom.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631363733
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:10:47.363
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:49:42.203
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61673
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230717_67e5ede30847d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61678
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 8-10 2
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 8-10, Session 2 "Fruity Critters", 7/17-7/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:34:48.49
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-07-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 8 -10 | Session 2: “Fruity Critters” - July 17-21
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be grouped aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom.
Session 2: “Fruity Critters”
Live Animal Show –
July 17-21
Create a zoological forest of “morphed” animal friends and their habitats, where animals and their surroundings gradually transform into half animal-half fruit. Study Rob Foote’s: “CowBerri”, “CrabApple”, and “ManGorilla” for a delicious illustrative experience. DeviantArt’s “Orange” by ShadoWica and “Duck a L’orange” by Cryptid-Creations will set the stage for your most fruity animalistic creations. Engage in a live animal show this week to help inspire a surrealistic version of the animal kingdom.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631363738
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:34:48.49
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:51:15.773
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61678
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede307502] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63360
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Jul/Aug
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-10T10:16:28.443
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tuesdays 6-9pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633333630
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-10T10:16:28.443
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-10T10:17:43.05
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63360
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede307909] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63329
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Jul/Aug
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T08:16:49.25
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 210
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 210
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 190
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T08:16:49.25
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:52:00.473
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63329
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede307c6f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63494
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Jul/Aug
[Description] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tues 10am-1pm | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:34:02.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Katie Rocks | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208771:Rocks, Katie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:34:02.05
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-09T09:46:51.033
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63494
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede307d70] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63704
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WaxCarve WS Salta Jul/Aug
[Description] => Intro to Wax Carving Workshop with Jen Salta | Tuesdays 6-9 pm | 7/18-8/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-03T08:18:53.873
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 8/1
[Title] => Intro to Wax Carving Workshop with Jen Salta | Tuesdays 6-9 pm | 7/18-8/8 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Start your wax carving adventure with Jen Salta! Learn the art of wax carving during this three-part beginner class. Lead by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta. This class is structured toward true beginners and is project based, where students will create individual designs in cast metal. Each student will leave the course with a finished pendant!
Jennifer will guide you through the process on how to lay out your design, transfer it to wax, and send it out to be cast.You will learn a variety of techniques and learn all the essentials that will give you the knowledge and confidence to continue exploring the amazing world of wax carving and lost wax casting on your own. You will be provided with a tool/vendor list for your reference. Wax carving opens so many possibilities for design and there is much to learn. Take this leap into the exciting world of wax on Tuesday nights.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials. Bring a sketchbook and some ideas for designs on the first day.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T08:18:53.873
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-03T08:57:48.953
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63704
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede308066] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63774
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Jul/Aug
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-10T17:46:38.177
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1-4pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-10T17:46:38.177
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-22T10:15:41.823
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63774
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede308207] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63223
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tues PM| Jul/Aug
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T05:35:34.623
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4 PM | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images, or they can work on still lives which can be composed with the input of the instructor. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting, while focusing on drawing, composition, mark making and color theory.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. This class offers a comfortable balance of relaxation and challenge, where conversation ind interchange between the instructor and students keeps the pastels bug infectious as ever! All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633323233
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T05:35:34.623
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-08T10:05:08.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63223
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede308241] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63476
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Minardi July/Aug
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30 | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T06:58:46.407
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 355
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens - with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Margaret has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 355
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 335
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T06:58:46.407
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-31T11:02:07.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63476
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede3083b9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63331
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Jul/Aug
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | Ages 8-12 | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T10:38:25.21
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture, perspective, and more drawing fundamentals in this course. Students will have the opportunity to sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings amongst a wider variety of subjects including people, animals, landscapes, and more! Young artists can enjoy an atmosphere of both concentration and study mixed with the fun of live demos, conversation, one on one instruction, and time to share their work with other students. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T09:27:09.83
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:52:35.593
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63331
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230718_67e5ede308624] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63486
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram - Tue - Jul/Aug
[Description] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T10:36:52.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Ceramic Handbuilding with Dominic Sparano | Ages 13-17 | Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This ceramic handbuilding class is open to students ages 13-17 and is intended for all levels of sculptors. This class is perfect for those students interested in working in the third dimension to improve their artistic skills, make both decorative and useful items, or create unique pieces to expand their portfolios.
Sculptural and decorative elements will be taught along with the fundamental techniques for anyone to learn pottery. Learn the fundamentals of pottery: pinch potting, coil building and slab construction in this course specialized for artistic teens. Students will bring home completed pieces which have been fired in the kiln and glazed in this course.
Clay is included in this all levels course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Clay is included in the price of this course. Students should purchase their own pottery tool kits, available at stores such as Blick Art Materials and Michael's
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196519:Sparano, Dominic
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:00:17.82
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T08:02:03.477
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63486
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230719_67e5ede308121] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63973
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => OSShortPose CordesJul/Aug
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose with Lilli Cordes | 7/19-8/9 | Weds 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-01T08:13:28.52
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 115
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose with Lilli Cordes | 7/19-8/9 | Weds 6-9pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 115
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205874:Cordes, Lilli
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-01T08:13:28.52
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-06T12:48:23.213
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63973
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230720_67e5ede307205] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63338
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Jul/Aug
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 7/20-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T10:09:54.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 7/20-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
A student can expect to finish a stage of the ceramics process every class, whether it be throwing/fabricating a new piece, trimming, carving, decorating, or glazing. Many students have multiple pieces in multiple stages of development in this lively class. Pieces/projects are assigned both based on the overall classes interests as well as on an individual basis. Beginner students can expect to have one to three small completed pieces at the end of their first multi-week session, but should be prepared that sometimes your first pieces have flaws and are all part of the learning process.
Students in this class converse frequently about what they're working on and offer guidance to one another based on their own experiences in the ceramics studio. The instructor will lead class discussions and perform demos of all techniques covered, as well as offer plenty of one on one instruction time to suit individual students needs. All levels and all questions are welcome in this encouraging class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T10:09:54.917
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-30T07:28:36.17
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63338
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230720_67e5ede3074bd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63358
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Jul/Aug
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9pm | 7/20-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-10T10:09:26.44
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 7/20-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds of handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633333538
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-10T10:09:26.44
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-17T13:30:51.807
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63358
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230720_67e5ede307c18] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63334
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs- Jul/Aug
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 7/20-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T09:50:37.257
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2021
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 7/20-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T09:50:37.257
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-12T09:20:42.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63334
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230720_67e5ede3080b3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63489
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Jul/Aug
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 7/20-8/24 | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:12:42.86
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | 7/20-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:12:42.86
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-22T10:18:39.593
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63489
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230720_67e5ede3081d1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63225
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Jul/Aug
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 7/20-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T05:42:16.267
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 7/20-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images, or they can work on still lives which can be composed with the input of the instructor. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting, while focusing on drawing, composition, mark making and color theory.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. This class offers a comfortable balance of relaxation and challenge, where conversation ind interchange between the instructor and students keeps the pastels bug infectious as ever! All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T05:42:16.267
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-05T05:43:00.497
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63225
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230721_67e5ede307304] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63143
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Jul/Aug
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 7/21-8/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:09:42.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 7/21-8/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:09:42.837
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-04T08:19:57.45
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63143
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230721_67e5ede307ac4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63506
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Jul/Aug
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 7/21-8/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T10:19:49.717
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 7/21-8/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633353036
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T10:19:49.717
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-21T08:34:11.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63506
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230721_67e5ede3087a9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63732
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera Jul/Aug
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 7/21-8/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-04T08:31:02.803
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 7/21-8/25 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => - Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Purchase the largest affordable size.
Winsor & Newton Watercolor Paint:
- Neutral Tint
- Brown Madder
- Burnt Sienna
- Winsor Yellow
- Yellow Ochre
- Aureolin Yellow
- Winsor Red
- Cadmium Scarlet
- Quinacridone Magenta
- Antwerp Blue
- Cerulean Blue
- Winsor Blue
- French Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Palette:
3036-1002 Blick Covered Palette
- Masking:
Pebeo Drawing Gum
- Sketch Pad
- Kneaded Eraser
- HB Pencils
- Masking Tape
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-04T08:31:02.803
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-27T10:07:24.253
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63732
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230722_67e5ede3075e6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63499
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush - Jul/Aug
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 7/22-8/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:46:07.81
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 8/19 due to open house.
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:45pm | 7/22-8/26 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:46:07.81
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:54:25.36
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63499
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230722_67e5ede307796] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63696
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/22
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:31:30.85
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:31:30.85
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:31:55.85
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:31:30.85
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63696
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230722_67e5ede307aed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63529
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat -Jul/Aug
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 7/22-8/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-21T06:33:41.257
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-05-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
No class 8/19 due to open house.
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 7/22-8/26 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-21T06:33:41.257
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-27T07:55:05.753
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63529
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230722_67e5ede308609] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63336
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AnimeTN- Schrage- Jul/Aug
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 7/22-8/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T09:58:49.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:30-3:30pm | 7/22-8/26 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T09:58:49.937
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-07T09:59:54.963
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63336
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230722_67e5ede3088fe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63497
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => YACeram - Sat - Sept/Oct
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 |Sat 9:30-11 am | 9/23-10/21
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T11:55:14.9
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 9/23-10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete multiple projects over several weeks. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:40:49.003
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-21T11:16:50.673
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63497
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230724_67e5ede3083d8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61683
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 11-12 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 11-12, Session 2, 7/24-8/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:46:21.297
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1021
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] =>
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 11-12 | Session 2: July 24 - August 4
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will continue to develop and advance their skills in our 2-week program, offering opportunity to blossom into creative and thought-provoking artists. Teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity while developing drawing and painting skills, as well as sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. They will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly theme. Mature Artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and an outdoor opportunity. Bring a bag lunch. Students will be grouped age appropriately. All mature artists will receive individualized attention from out expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom. (PLEIN AIR PAINTING FIELD TRIP - PARENTS PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION)
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1021
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 971
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:46:21.297
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T15:00:31.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61683
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230724_67e5ede3083f6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61685
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 13-14 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 13-14, Session 2, 7/24-8/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:50:29.703
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1021
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] =>
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 13-14 | Session 2: July 24 - August 4
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will continue to develop and advance their skills in our 2-week program, offering opportunity to blossom into creative and thought-provoking artists. Teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity while developing drawing and painting skills, as well as sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. They will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly theme. Mature Artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and an outdoor opportunity. Bring a bag lunch. Students will be grouped age appropriately. All Mature Artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom. (PLEIN AIR PAINTING FIELD TRIP - PARENTS PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION)
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1021
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 971
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:50:29.703
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-09T09:17:18.58
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61685
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230724_67e5ede308433] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61674
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-7 3
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-7, Session 3 "Floating Cities", 7/24-7/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:12:35.363
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 6-7 | Session 3: “Floating Cities” - July 24-28
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be group aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant i the classroom.
Session 3: “Floating Cities”
July 24-28
Hover above the earth among architectural cities that defy gravity with Erin Morrow‘s “Floating City”. Study DeviantArt’s “Hope” by Acrylic Dreams and “Floating City” by TheRafaArts to create a world full of new-world levitating structures, trees, people, animals & air transportation. What does your world look like and how does it change when gravity is removed? Learn techniques in perspective to successfully illustrate the illusion of depth and suspension.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:12:35.363
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:56:08.203
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61674
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230724_67e5ede308481] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61679
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 8-10 3
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 8-10, Session 3 "Floating Cities", 7/24-7/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:36:20.353
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 8-10 | Session 3: “Floating Cities” - July 24-28
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be grouped aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom.
Session 3: “Floating Cities”
July 24-28
Hover above the earth among architectural cities that defy gravity with Erin Morrow‘s “Floating City”. Study DeviantArt’s “Hope” by Acrylic Dreams and “Floating City” by TheRafaArts to create a world full of new-world levitating structures, trees, people, animals & air transportation. What does your world look like and how does it change when gravity is removed? Learn techniques in perspective to successfully illustrate the illusion of depth and suspension.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:36:20.353
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T14:33:47.36
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61679
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230725_67e5ede3071be] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63229
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AdvWildPhoto - Jul/Aug
[Description] => Advanced Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tues 7-9 pm | 7/25-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-24T05:18:28.833
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tuesdays 7-9pm | 7/25-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course is for the photographer looking to develop advanced skills in wildlife, waterscape, & landscape picture taking techniques. During the 5-week session, LI author, lecturer, and photographer John P. Cardone will present the works of two master photographers; one featuring waterscape and landscape photography and one known for outstanding wildlife photos. During his presentations, John will lead a discussion reviewing the best features of the images including subject choice, photo composition, natural lighting, locations, camera settings, image editing, and printing. Weekly photo-shoot assignments will give students the opportunity to incorporate advanced techniques in their own picture taking experience. These assignments will mirror the work of the masters. Students will also have the opportunity to exhibit their best photos in the Art League strolling gallery as part of the "Art in the Hall" program. Prerequisites include either John's introductory course or comparable experience in outdoor photography.
This class is geared towards 35 mm digital cameras, but students can also participate with a cell phone camera!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192399:Cardone, John
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T10:00:30.967
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-05T10:01:57.443
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63229
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230725_67e5ede3082bd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61700
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => PrecoPort Session2
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio Development, Session 2 7/25-8/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-22T12:51:18.713
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1100
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $100 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Pre-College Portfolio Development Program | Session 2: 7/25-8/4
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this 2-week studio intensive, students will develop skills that lead to expressive and creative portfolio quality works. Projects will range from an hour to a few days. Students will explore mediums such as colored pencil, acrylic, graphite and watercolor, and more. Students will create 4-5 portfolio ready pieces in this course specific to their needs, at any stage of portfolio development. This course focuses both on observational projects as well as conceptual, as colleges most often look for both in a college ready portfolio. Please bring a few examples of what you consider to be your best works to the first class for a critique! Guidance on what colleges and universities look for in a portfolio will also be discussed.
- Get feedback on your existing portfolio
- Develop your artistic voice while exploring new materials
- Life drawing from a live model
- Small class size with lots of individual instruction and guidance
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1100
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
The Art League will supply most of the materials for the Pre-College Portfolio Development
Program. Students are required to supply the following:
- Sketchbook of any size - whatever they use at home
- 16” x 20” Chip Board
- Black Vine Charcoal
- Set of Graphite Drawing pencils(2B, HB, 6H)
- Kneaded Eraser
- Ruler
- Micron Ink Pen Set
- “Found objects” for found object sculptures (i.e. hardware, interesting pieces of plastic,
wood, and other scraps)
- ***optional*** Watercolor set, palette, and brushes (do not buy, only bring if you already
have at home)
These required materials can be found on Amazon with prime shipping or at Blick Art Materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 1000
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-22T12:51:18.713
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-29T10:16:07.633
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61700
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230726_67e5ede307a02] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64028
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 817
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Class
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Class
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/817
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FacultyMeeting 7/26/23
[Description] => FacultyMeeting 7/26/23
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-24T05:21:46.987
[NumberOfSeats] => 30
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-09T13:10:55.75
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => FacultyMeeting 7/26/23
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Faculty Meeting with instructors in gallery from 6-8:30 pm. We need 30 chairs arranged around tables. the second half will be an optional workshop for teambuilding with our faculty led by Ross Barbara. He will arrange material needs. One table at the front of the room for meagan and Marianne and a projector and screen set up.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] =>
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-09T10:14:25.543
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-09T10:15:08.67
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64028
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230727_67e5ede3086f7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63483
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Jul/Aug PM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 7/27-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T07:51:46.093
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 7/27-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:51:46.093
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T07:52:43.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63483
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230727_67e5ede308729] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63482
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Jul/Aug AM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 7/27-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T07:31:37.293
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-11-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | 7/27-8/24 | Thursdays 10am-1pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633343832
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T07:31:37.293
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T07:50:53.98
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63482
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230729_67e5ede30779e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63697
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/29
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:32:33.46
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-07-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/29 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:32:33.46
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:34:44.107
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:32:33.46
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63697
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230731_67e5ede308436] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61675
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-7 4
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-7, Session 4 "Furry MAD Mania", 7/31-8/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:16:15.473
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-07-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 6-7 | Session 4: “Furry MAD Mania” - July 31 - August 4
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be group aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant i the classroom.
Session 4: “Furry MAD Mania”
Live Animal Show –
July 31-Aug 4
Bobble around with your favorite furry “fathead” pal. Re-imagine a MAD life with that giant head and tiny body to create caricature versions of yourself with your best furry or winged friends. Check out Basil Wolverton’s original “Gross-Out” illustrations and discover the origins of MAD magazine comic illustrations. Learn techniques in cartooning and 3-pt perspective to create an alias life in a “MAD-fathead” world.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3631363735
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:16:15.473
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T15:04:34.957
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61675
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230731_67e5ede308484] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61680
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 8-10 4
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 8-10, Session 4 "Furry MAD Mania", 7/31-8/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:37:58.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-07-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 8-10 | Session 4: “Furry MAD Mania” - July 31 - August 4
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be grouped aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom.
Session 4: “Furry MAD Mania”
Live Animal Show –
July 31-Aug 4
Bobble around with your favorite furry “fathead” pal. Re-imagine a MAD life with that giant head and tiny body to create caricature versions of yourself with your best furry or winged friends. Check out Basil Wolverton’s original “Gross-Out” illustrations and discover the origins of MAD magazine comic illustrations. Learn techniques in cartooning and 3-pt perspective to create an alias life in a “MAD-fathead” world.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:37:58.05
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T15:06:14.01
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61680
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230801_67e5ede308329] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63854
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Print OS Tues Aug
[Description] => Printmaking Open Studio | Tuesdays 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 8/1 & 8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-19T08:57:45.27
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 8/8 or 8/15
[Title] => Printmaking Open Studio | Tuesdays 9:30 am - 1:30 pm | 8/1 & 8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Join a community of other artists looking to spend extra time on class projects or their own projects in the Art League printmaking studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 85
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 194191:Kasof, Denise
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-19T08:57:45.27
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-30T11:49:04.717
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-19T08:57:45.27
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63854
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230801_67e5ede308849] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63233
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg August
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 8/1-8/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-05T10:16:15.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 8/1-8/15 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633323333
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-05T10:16:15.937
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-12T08:07:01.443
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63233
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230804_67e5ede307f0d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63852
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => MixedMedia- Jul
[Description] => Mixed Media Workshop with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 7/7-7/28
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-15T09:53:13.027
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media & Independent Study with Carole Jay | Fridays 1-4pm | 7/7-7/28 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jumpstart your artistic practice by adding techniques to your creative toolbelt! Experiment with collage, paint, and transfer techniques to further expand your visual vocabulary. Achieve new insights into creating compositions and developing your unique artistic statement. Learn how to use collage-appropriate imagery, gel mediums, glues, as well as how to incorporate painting, drawing, image transfers, and mixed media. Build upon your work and your process in the context of both Contemporary Art and Art History, through discussion of artists and art books with instructor and classmates. Please contact the instructor to discuss which materials would be most appropriate for your practice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Contact Instructor- Info in Confirmation Letter upon registration.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205231:Jay, Carole
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-19T08:50:58.037
[ModifyDate] =>
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63852
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230805_67e5ede30736c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63502
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf - August
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 8/5-8/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-20T08:50:40.147
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 8/5-8/26 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-20T08:50:40.147
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-20T08:52:31.347
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63502
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230805_67e5ede3077cb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63698
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/5
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/5
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:35:45.287
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/5 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:35:45.287
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:36:58.847
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:35:45.287
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63698
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230807_67e5ede308439] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61676
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-7 5
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-7, Session 5 "Bubblefactory", 8/7-8/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:19:42.19
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 6-7 | Session 5: “Bubblefactory” - August 7 - 11
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be group aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant i the classroom.
Session 5: “Bubblefactory”
August 7-11
Float around in a world of soft reflective bubbles with Josephine Wall’s “Bubble Flower” or explore bubbles underwater with “Breathe” by pop surrealist painter, Lisa LaRose. Does Steve Smith’s “Bubble” explode and out tumbles a secondary world or do you ride atop the bubbles as the soft wind blows. Study the world of bubble art and learn techniques to create reflection and transparency.
Bubble music party this week-bring your best bubblemakers on Wednesday
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:19:42.19
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T15:07:59.223
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61676
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230807_67e5ede308487] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 61681
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2679
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 8-10 5
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 8-10, Session 5 "Bubblefactory", 8/7-8/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2022-12-21T12:39:28.26
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 566
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => *Early Bird Special!*
January 1st-February 1st 2023 non-members of the Art League can register with $50 off each program session. Registrations with early bird discounts taken by phone only. Call the Art League at 631-462-5400 x 222 to register!
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Young Artists Ages 8-10 | Session 5: “Bubblefactory” - August 7-11
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young artists will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing artistic skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more. All young artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through a weekly theme. Young artists will enjoy an air-conditioned classroom and outdoor recess. Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful summer experience. Students will be grouped aged appropriately. All young artists will receive individualized attention from our expert art instructors, as well as an assistant in the classroom.
Session 5: “Bubblefactory”
August 7-11
Float around in a world of soft reflective bubbles with Josephine Wall’s “Bubble Flower” or explore bubbles underwater with “Breathe” by pop surrealist painter, Lisa LaRose. Does Steve Smith’s “Bubble” explode and out tumbles a secondary world or do you ride atop the bubbles as the soft wind blows. Study the world of bubble art and learn techniques to create reflection and transparency.
Bubble music party this week-bring your best bubblemakers on Wednesday
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 566
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2022-12-21T12:39:28.26
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-18T15:08:40.79
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2679
[Description] => SAA 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/61681
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230808_67e5ede307462] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63146
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue AM | August
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 8/8-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:46:58.203
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 5
[StartDate] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 9:30-12:30 | 8/8-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313436
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:46:58.203
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-30T10:47:38.71
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63146
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230808_67e5ede307951] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63734
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => SumAnime - Schrage - wk 1
[Description] => Digital and Studio Anime Mystery Box with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 8/8-8/11 | 10 am - 1 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-08T08:54:25.863
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Digital and Studio Anime Mystery Box with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 8/8-8/11 | 10 am - 1 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Illustrator and Anime enthusiast Zach Schrage for this summer vacation Anime Illustration workshop!
Creating characters can be a difficult task. Even more so, characters in anime are often highly specialized with unique items, clothing, and character traits that make the world of anime so alluring. This class aims to challenge students to think creatively about characters and the worlds they exist in. Students will draw items, topics, and challenges out of Zach's specially tailored mystery box and engage in fun challenges to think critically and adapt like a true illustrator.
This class is a hybrid between studio and digital art instruction. Students are encouraged to either work with studio materials or ipads, or both! If students wish to work digitally, they are responsible to bring their own ipads and apple pencils outfitted with procreate in order to participate. Please make sure procreate is working properly on your device before attending your first class, and that all necessary software updates are installed.
Join other students in talking about characters, shows, and graphic novels while working on developing your own unique characters in this four day workshop!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
- Paper (student's choice. if you will be working in acrylic or watercolor, appropriate paper is recommended.)
- or Ipad with apple pencil and procreate**
- Pencils and inking pens (such as micron pens)
- Colored medium(student choice) - colored pencils, markers, watercolor, or acrylics.
**If students wish to work digitally, they are responsible to bring their own ipads and apple pencils outfitted with procreate in order to participate. Please make sure procreate is working properly on your device before attending your first class, and that all necessary software updates are installed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-04T08:39:41.173
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-04T08:55:36.223
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63734
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230808_67e5ede307b78] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63327
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw-Fusco-August
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 8/8-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-04-07T08:04:37.373
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-02-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 8/8-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition. Students can learn in depth knowledge about drawing materials and techniques, while observing both teacher demonstrations and individual instruction time. Beginner students will work from life learning to render simple objects to fully realized drawings. Returning students work on their skills and learn to compose more advanced works, develop more involved techniques, and draw increasingly complex objects. Join in on this calming and meditative experience as we observe life and appreciate its finer details on paper!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633333237
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-07T08:04:37.373
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-19T11:06:14.427
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63327
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230808_67e5ede307cde] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63149
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | August
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 8/8-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T10:57:45.71
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-03-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 8/8-8/22 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313439
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T10:57:45.71
[ModifyDate] => 2023-03-30T10:58:22.683
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63149
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230809_67e5ede30747e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63151
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Wed | August
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10 am - 3 pm | 8/9-8/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-03-30T11:01:02.33
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10 am - 3 pm | 8/9-8/23 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3633313531
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-03-30T11:01:02.33
[ModifyDate] => 2023-06-06T14:37:16.32
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63151
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230810_67e5ede30711f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63782
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl-Aug
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 8/10-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-11T11:55:34.117
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics - with Kevin Larkin | 8/10-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-11T11:55:34.117
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-11T11:56:39.993
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63782
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230810_67e5ede30727f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63728
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Jewelry Barbera 8/10-8/24
[Description] => Alternative Jewelry Making Workshop with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 8/10-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-09T06:56:17.49
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Alternative Jewelry Making Workshop with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 8/10-8/24 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Ross Barbera in a fascinating exploration into alternative materials jewelry making! This Jewelry Design Workshop introduces students to non-traditional materials and methods used to create beautifully colorful jewelry. Students will experiment and learn to make wearable jewelry, with emphasis on materials, processes, design, and a creative approach. They will be instructed in Ross' unique paper and wire fabrication process that frees their creative imaginations, enabling them to achieve finely crafted results in the creation of distinctively original pendants, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. In addition to working three dimensionally on the jewelry objects, students are also engaged with the relationship between form and color, and are introduced to watercolor and acrylic painting to incorporate wonderfully fluid designs and splashes of vibrant colors into their creations!
View some of the many incredible creations possible in this realm of jewelry making on Ross' website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Tools and Materials:
- The Self-healing Cutting Board
- 16ga round copper or brass wire. Can be purchased at Michaels
- Thai Banana Paper 1 sheet, 22" x 37" Natural
- Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set, 10 Colors, 5ml
- Round Watercolor Brush
- Flat Watercolor Brush
- Protective Eye Goggles
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-04T08:13:22.767
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-27T10:17:46.863
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63728
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230812_67e5ede3077b2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63699
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/12
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:37:29.31
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/12 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:37:29.31
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:37:53.303
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:37:29.31
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63699
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230815_67e5ede307561] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63710
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => SilverEar WS Salta 8/15
[Description] => Beginners Silver Earrings Workshop with Jen Salta |Tuesday 8/15 | 6-9 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-15T10:34:40.58
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 110
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginners Silver Earrings Workshop with Jen Salta |Tuesday 8/15 | 6-9 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Make your own pair of earrings and learn valuable wire wrapping techniques with artist Jennifer Salta! During this one day class students will choose from a variety of natural gemstone beads and will create their very own pair of cluster earrings. This is a great intro to jewelry making, teaching beginners how to work with sterling silver and basic tools int he Art League's state of the art metalsmithing studio.
All tools beads, sterling silver wire and ear hooks are included in class. All students who wear glasses are encouraged to double check that they have them with them and/or appropriate magnifiers.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 110
[SupplyList] => $10 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 90
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T09:18:27.76
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-14T07:14:45.33
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63710
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230815_67e5ede307e04] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63737
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => SumAnime - Schrage - wk 2
[Description] => Manga and Anime in Ink with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 8/15-8/18 | 10 am - 1 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-04T08:57:30.157
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Manga and Anime in Ink with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 8/15-8/18 | 10 am - 1 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Illustrator and Anime enthusiast Zach Schrage for this summer vacation Anime Illustration workshop!
The world of manga and anime is incredibly vast and an unbelievably huge international market. Illustrators around the world work tirelessly to create the graphic novels and show so many anime lovers enjoy every day. Zach Schrage will engage students in some of the key fundamentals of creating anime illustrations by introducing students to key concepts in ink. Ink is the foundation of all manga and anime, and there is so much to learn!
Students will work on individualized projects all the while receiving instruction from Zach on the history of pen and ink, inking materials and techniques, and its application to manga and anime illustration.
Join other students in talking about characters, shows, and graphic novels while working on developing your own unique characters in this four day workshop!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
- Paper (Bristol or comic paper of your choice)
- Micron Pens
- Pencils
- Hard and kneaded eraser (we will learn the difference and when to use each)
- 1 oz. bottle Black India Ink or Acrylic ink (even better would be Daler Rowney FW ink or Dr. Ph. Martin's Star India Ink matte)
- Pen and nibs (Deleter set highly recommended, found at the link below, Speedball would also work, found at the second link)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-04T08:57:30.157
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-04T09:10:32.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63737
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230819_67e5ede307608] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63650
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/19AM
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | EXTRA session Saturday 8/19 9 am - 12 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-17T05:46:41.59
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-04-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | EXTRA session Saturday 8/19 9 am - 12 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
This is an additional session on Saturday 8/19 in the morning when Justin's class typically meets.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-04-27T07:56:47.307
[ModifyDate] => 2023-04-27T07:59:50.48
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-04-27T07:56:47.307
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63650
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230819_67e5ede307656] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63700
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/19
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 11:00am-2:00pm | 8/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:39:41.64
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/19 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:39:41.64
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-17T05:50:26.193
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:39:41.64
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63700
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230822_67e5ede308181] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63718
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => WC WS Rimmelin 8/22
[Description] => Painting Watercolor Flowers Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Tuesday 8/22 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-03T10:14:22.54
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 95
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-04-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting Watercolor Flowers Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Tuesday 8/22 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => If you'd love to paint watercolor flowers in a loose style then this workshop is for you! It all starts with painting washes that are filled with color and texture. By using negative painting techniques you will learn how to make the stunning flowers appear. Painting outside the lines and bending the rules is what we do to have fun, push the boundaries, and create lovely botanicals in this workshop.
Join Lorraine Rimmelin as she guides you through the compelling and fascinating process of painting flowers.
No drawing skills required - all skill levels welcome
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 95
[SupplyList] => Brushes:- #6, #8, #10 round
- 1" flat
- #4 rigger or liner
- Any other brushes you like to paint with
Paint:- Bring any colors you like painting with!
- 1 piece of minimum 9" x 12" or up to 11" x 15" 140lb watercolor paper (we recommend Arches 140lb or Fabriano Artistico 140lb)
Additional Supplies:- pencil & eraser
- masking tape or clips and a large board to hold paper
- spray bottle of water
- 2 water containers
- paper towels
- a palette with a large mixing area
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 75
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-03T10:14:22.54
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-03T16:42:27.137
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63718
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230822_67e5ede3087d7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63963
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 817
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Class
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Class
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/817
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Training Class
[Description] => Training class Summer 2023
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-08T06:55:32.877
[NumberOfSeats] => 9
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0.5
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-05-30T14:43:35.3
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Training class Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Class
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 0.5
[SupplyList] => Supplies
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0.25
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-30T11:46:56.76
[ModifyDate] =>
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63963
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230826_67e5ede3077c1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 63701
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2717
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/26
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-05-02T12:40:24.017
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2020-12-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/26 | Summer 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-05-02T12:40:24.017
[ModifyDate] => 2023-05-02T12:41:26.933
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2717
[Description] => Summer 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-05-02T12:40:24.017
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/63701
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230911_67e5ede3072b5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64186
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC | 3-5 | 9/11-11/27
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 9/11-11/27
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-15T10:01:46.613
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 369
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 9/25 or 10/9.
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 9/11-11/27 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => To paraphrase Picasso. every child is born an artist. in our early learner Art classes, we will be discovering and cultivating the artist that lies within each of us. Unique expression and responses to seeing the world, art, the environment and the voice within will be cultivated in a myriad of projects. We will be drawing, painting, sculpting, making prints and puppets. We will be learning new words and looking at both new and old artists and influences. In a supportive and friendly environment, where there are no wrong answers, where we learn to enjoy the freedom of expression while using new materials and concepts; art will be the pathway to encourage our sense of wonder, creativity and discovery.
Lessons for our earliest learners will be introduced with fun storybooks, poems and even music! We may even sneak in some art history! New words and materials will inspire our young creatives to go beyond coloring books and explore the possibilities of finding their own voices. We will learn new skills, new forms of art; explore shapes, colors, and pattern; wet and dry, large and small, flat and not.
Young school age artistic explorers, as we like to describe them, will be introduced to the elements and principles of art with age appropriate activities that will encourage looking at artworks and artist visions. Learning to see, to describe and to communicate those visions as well as creating their own. Words like medium, background, foreground, sculpture will be used to open up our choices while creating fun and exciting projects; some will be neat, some will be very messy; some will be small, others will need two hands to hold.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 369
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 369
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Ceramics
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T04:27:26.217
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-13T06:31:59.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 650
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-13T04:27:26.217
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64186
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230911_67e5ede3072d4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64187
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC | K-3 | 9/11-11/27
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid-Isl Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Grades K-3 | Mon 4:15-5:15 pm | 9/11-11/27
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-15T10:02:37.173
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 369
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:15:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 9/25 or 10/9.
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Grades K-3 | Mon 4:15-5:15 pm | 9/11-11/27 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => To paraphrase Picasso. every child is born an artist. in our early learner Art classes, we will be discovering and cultivating the artist that lies within each of us. Unique expression and responses to seeing the world, art, the environment and the voice within will be cultivated in a myriad of projects. We will be drawing, painting, sculpting, making prints and puppets. We will be learning new words and looking at both new and old artists and influences. In a supportive and friendly environment, where there are no wrong answers, where we learn to enjoy the freedom of expression while using new materials and concepts; art will be the pathway to encourage our sense of wonder, creativity and discovery.
Lessons for our earliest learners will be introduced with fun storybooks, poems and even music! We may even sneak in some art history! New words and materials will inspire our young creatives to go beyond coloring books and explore the possibilities of finding their own voices. We will learn new skills, new forms of art; explore shapes, colors, and pattern; wet and dry, large and small, flat and not.
Young school age artistic explorers, as we like to describe them, will be introduced to the elements and principles of art with age appropriate activities that will encourage looking at artworks and artist visions. Learning to see, to describe and to communicate those visions as well as creating their own. Words like medium, background, foreground, sculpture will be used to open up our choices while creating fun and exciting projects; some will be neat, some will be very messy; some will be small, others will need two hands to hold.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 369
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 369
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T04:35:11.387
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-13T06:22:04.317
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64187
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230912_67e5ede30750e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64354
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Sept/Oct
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T10:45:58.437
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tuesdays 6-9pm | 9/12-10/17 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T10:45:58.437
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-27T09:00:18.04
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64354
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230912_67e5ede307b7b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64200
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw Fusco| Sept/Oct
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 pm | 9/12-10/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T08:58:45.363
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 9/26
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 PM | 9/12-10/24 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T08:58:45.363
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-13T09:03:15.513
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64200
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230912_67e5ede307c42] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64350
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Sept/Oct
[Description] => Handbuilding with Instructor TBD| Tues 10am-1pm | 9/12-10/10
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-22T13:01:07.613
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
No Class 7/4/2023
[Title] => Handbuilding with Instructor TBD | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 9/12-10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T09:32:55.857
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-16T10:59:24.307
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64350
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230912_67e5ede307da9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64134
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => IntroWildPhoto - Sep/Oct
[Description] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tues 7-9 pm | 9/12-10/10
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-11T07:16:47.217
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Tuesdays 7-9pm | 9/12-10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Local author and photographer John P. Cardone conducts this 10-hour class based on his book Waterviews: A Collection of Photographs, Thoughts, and Experiences. This class, designed for the beginner to intermediate photographer, is interactive as John brings up topics and hands out weekly photo-shoot assignments to get you involved. So, take lots of outdoor pictures and come prepared to discuss your photo work while learning with others. Topics covered include: camera features, the technical side, waterscape photo composition and techniques, natural lighting, panorama photography, wildlife photography - including the challenge of birds-in-flight - understanding sequential photography and settings, and a look at macro photography. Plus, extras such as adding watermarks, copyright info, choosing print sizes, and how to mat a photo. Students will mat one of their own photos and create a class photo calendar from the best outdoor photographs. A $20 materials fee is paid to the instructor.
This class is geared towards 35 mm digital cameras, but students can also participate with a cell phone camera!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192399:Cardone, John
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-29T15:00:14.19
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T07:17:25.6
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64134
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230912_67e5ede308082] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64237
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Sept/Oct
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1pm-4pm | 9/12 - 10/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T11:02:40.923
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1pm-4pm | 9/12 - 10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T11:02:40.923
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-19T11:15:01.56
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64237
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230912_67e5ede308217] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64128
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tues PM| Sep/Oct
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2:00-4:00PM | 9/12-10/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T14:35:38.943
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2:00-4:00 PM | 9/12-10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-29T14:35:38.943
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-01T07:50:07.37
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64128
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230912_67e5ede308850] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64155
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Sep/Oct
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 9/12-10/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-05T09:01:21.257
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-06-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 9/26.
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 10am-12pm | 9/12-10/24 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-05T09:01:21.257
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T07:38:14.737
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-05T09:06:29.9
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-05T09:06:29.9
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64155
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230913_67e5ede307883] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64690
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Liv 9/13
[Description] => Create Nights - Community Works: Buttons with Liv Cocozza | 9/13 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-07T11:08:15.48
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Create Nights - Community Works: Buttons with Liv Cocozza | 9/13 | 7pm-9pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Inspired by the wearable ephemera created for Pride events, LGBT organizations, and Queer political/activist campaigns. Attendees will discover the deep visual history of button making and have the opportunity to make pin-back buttons to share and wear. All supplies will be provided. All skill levels, no experience needed.
This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224437:Cocozza, Liv
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-07T11:08:15.48
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-07T12:19:18.313
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64690
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230913_67e5ede308105] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64222
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Sept/Oct
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 9/13-10/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T08:41:38.767
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 9/13-10/11
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T08:41:38.767
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-31T07:11:05.347
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64222
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230913_67e5ede3084d4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64416
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => SmartPhone Hunt Sept
[Description] => SmartPhone Photography 101-103 Workshop with Holly Hunt| Wednesday 09/13-9/27 | 6:30-8:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T07:29:07.817
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SmartPhone Photography 101 with Holly Hunt | Wednesday 9/13-9/27 | 6:30 pm-8:30 pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
In this hands-on course, Holly teaches simple, easy to learn skills on Smartphone photography, composition, lighting, and technicality. In this 3 week course, you will discuss techniques from the best time of day to photograph through how to work with light and reflections.Holly will teach you how to take the best pictures with your smartphone, how to edit in your smartphone software, and how to use smartphone camera applications SNAPSEED and LIGHTLEAP. Holly looks forward to sharing with you the excitement that can be felt by capturing a beautiful image- one that you can be proud if and can call your own.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Smart Phone and charger
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228180:Hunt, Holly
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T07:29:07.817
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-26T08:03:09.723
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64416
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230913_67e5ede30889b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64572
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-Wed- Sept/Oct
[Description] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 10am - 1pm | 9/13-10/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T08:03:05.447
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 10am - 1pm | 9/13-10/11| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In pottery, Wheel Throwing 101 will provide students with an excellent introduction into the world of wheel thrown ceramics. Whether you have never touched clay before or you are looking to hone your craft, this is the perfect class for you. Each student will learn the core fundamentals of wheel throwing while diving into basic techniques which lay the groundwork for the beginning artist to throw larger and lighter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T08:03:05.447
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-08T06:45:08.267
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64572
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230913_67e5ede3088a2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64595
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-Wed- Sept/OctPM
[Description] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm | 9/13-10/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T09:58:43
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm | 9/13-10/11| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In pottery, Wheel Throwing 101 will provide students with an excellent introduction into the world of wheel thrown ceramics. Whether you have never touched clay before or you are looking to hone your craft, this is the perfect class for you. Each student will learn the core fundamentals of wheel throwing while diving into basic techniques which lay the groundwork for the beginning artist to throw larger and lighter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T09:58:43
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T10:38:13.817
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64595
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede307126] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64141
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl- Sep/Oct
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T11:00:33.753
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T11:00:33.753
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T07:33:34.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64141
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede30722c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64546
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Sep/Oct
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-01T10:28:35.103
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 9/14-10/12| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-01T10:28:35.103
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-13T06:57:21.39
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64546
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede30728e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64192
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AltJwlry Barbera| Sep/Oct
[Description] => Alternative Jewelry with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-13T11:25:41.043
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Alternative Jewelry with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Ross Barbera in a fascinating exploration into alternative materials jewelry making! This Jewelry Design Workshop introduces students to non-traditional materials and methods used to create beautifully colorful jewelry. Students will experiment and learn to make wearable jewelry, with emphasis on materials, processes, design, and a creative approach. They will be instructed in Ross' unique paper and wire fabrication process that frees their creative imaginations, enabling them to achieve finely crafted results in the creation of distinctively original pendants, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. In addition to working three dimensionally on the jewelry objects, students are also engaged with the relationship between form and color, and are introduced to watercolor and acrylic painting to incorporate wonderfully fluid designs and splashes of vibrant colors into their creations!
View some of the many incredible creations possible in this realm of jewelry making on Ross' website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Tools and Materials:
- The Self-healing Cutting Board
- 16ga round copper or brass wire. Can be purchased at Michaels
- Thai Banana Paper 1 sheet, 22" x 37" Natural
- Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set, 10 Colors, 5ml
- Round Watercolor Brush
- Flat Watercolor Brush
- Protective Eye Goggles
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T07:42:33.393
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T08:40:26.36
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64192
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede3074a1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64356
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Sept/Oct
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 9/14-10/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T11:04:38.67
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2021
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 9/14-10/19 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Designed to take a beginner to the next step, work with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms. Learn how to throw tall cylinders and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Enhance forms with surface decoration techniques like slip trailing and sgraffito.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T11:04:38.67
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-26T06:00:00.84
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64356
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede307a82] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64201
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Sept/Oct
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T09:05:12.417
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 215
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T09:05:12.417
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-30T14:49:31.243
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64201
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede307c1b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64347
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs- Sept/Oct
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T08:57:32.397
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2021
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T08:57:32.397
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-21T08:59:51.013
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64347
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede307e88] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64270
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal TH Eve| Sept/Oct
[Description] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T10:39:19.333
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T10:39:19.333
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-20T10:43:48.55
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64270
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede307ec8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64265
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => IntMetal Th AM | Sep/Oct
[Description] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T10:13:06.723
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Supply kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T10:13:06.723
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-27T08:45:17.973
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64265
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede3080b6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64202
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Sept/Oct
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 9/14-10/12 | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T09:14:00.333
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T09:14:00.333
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-19T11:30:38.097
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64202
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede3081d4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64129
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Sep/Oct
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T14:41:10.503
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-29T14:41:10.503
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T07:16:18.51
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64129
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede3086b7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64298
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Sept/Oct
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:45:48.01
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 9/14-10/12 Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:45:48.01
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-20T11:49:01.26
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64298
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230914_67e5ede308703] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64292
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath Th Sept/Oct
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 9/14-10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:35:03.39
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 9/14-10/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:35:03.39
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-20T11:38:09.73
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64292
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230915_67e5ede307308] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64154
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Sep/Oct
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 9/15-10/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-05T08:54:24.767
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2022-08-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 9/15-10/13 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-05T08:54:24.767
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-09T09:16:43.093
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-05T09:07:35.327
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-05T09:07:35.327
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-05T09:07:35.323
[AssignUserId] => 862
[AssignUserName] => Meagan Moore
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64154
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230915_67e5ede307ac7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64568
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Sept/Oct
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 9/15-10/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T07:43:01.227
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 9/15-10/13| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T07:43:01.227
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-02T07:48:49.183
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64568
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230915_67e5ede307e57] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64285
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AllMetal Fri | Sept/Oct
[Description] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 9/15-10/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:21:30.663
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 9/15-10/13 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginner students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:21:30.663
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-27T08:47:39.423
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64285
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230915_67e5ede3087ac] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64196
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Sept/Oct
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 9-/15-10/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T08:30:50.077
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 9/15-10/13 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link
to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T08:30:50.077
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-13T07:56:30.923
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64196
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230916_67e5ede307370] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64227
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf - Sept/Oct
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 9/16 - 10/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T09:08:58.62
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 9/16 - 10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T09:08:58.62
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-27T08:23:56.07
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64227
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230916_67e5ede307398] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64422
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Bahamian WKSH-Minardi Sep
[Description] => Bahamian Cultural Workshop with Margaret Minardi | Sat 10:00am -1:00pm |9/16/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T09:19:57.72
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Bahamian Cultural Workshop with Margaret Minardi | Sat 10:00am -1:00pm |9/16/23| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this workshop, Margaret will discuss a history of the culture of Bahamian art. “Like the vibrant culture of the Bahamas, island artists reflect African, American, and British influences, and also the tropical landscapes, colorful houses and people of the Bahamian islands.”
In this workshop, students will create a still life using 'Trompe L’oeil' as a technique. Trompe L’oeil means to fool the eye so students will be working in a high realism style. Included in each still life will be an object purchased in the Bahamas reflecting the culture of bold and colorful art. Each piece will be drawn using Prismacolor Premier colored pencils. Techniques in colored pencil will be demonstrated.
This program is sponsored by Walmart.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T09:19:57.72
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-09T09:20:26.737
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64422
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230916_67e5ede3077d5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64987
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 9/16
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-15T10:43:04.32
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-15T10:43:04.32
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T10:46:08.577
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-08-15T10:43:04.32
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64987
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230916_67e5ede307e0a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64575
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => MarkedFire-Sat -Sept/Oct
[Description] => Marked by Fire with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 9/16-10/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T08:15:08.76
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 458
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Three prior ceramics courses at the Art League, under any instructor, are required. This class is designed for advanced ceramics students.
[Title] => Marked by Fire with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 9/16-10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Marked by Fire is the quintessential ceramics class for advanced artists looking to learn and participate in alternative firings on Long Island. During each course block one of the following firings will take place and taught.
- Raku
- Naked Raku
- Horsehair
- Pit fire (wood)
- Pit fire (copper reduction)
- Cone 6 Reduction
- Obvara
- Sagar
On top of the knowledge of the firing process, students will learn the history behind and importance of each process. Students will work on perfecting their craft, honing their skills as artists, both on the wheel and while hand building.
Three prior ceramics courses at the Art League, under any instructor, are required. This class is designed for advanced ceramics students.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 458
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 418
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T08:15:08.76
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T10:35:39.443
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64575
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230919_67e5ede30743e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64144
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue | Sep/Oct
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 9/19-10/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T11:15:09.45
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 6
[StartDate] => 2023-09-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 9/19-10/24 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T11:15:09.45
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T07:42:15.133
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64144
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230919_67e5ede30790f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64135
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Sep/Oct
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 9/19-10/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T10:31:28.28
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 145
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 9/19-10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 145
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 125
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T10:31:28.28
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T07:21:19.547
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64135
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230919_67e5ede307ce7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64161
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | Sep/Oct
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 9/19-10/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-06T08:05:36.893
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-09-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 9/19-10/24 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-06T08:05:36.893
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T09:24:43
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64161
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230919_67e5ede308247] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64234
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Minardi Sept/Oct
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30 | 9/19 - 10/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T10:51:02.503
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 250
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30pm | 9/19 - 10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Margaret has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 250
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 230
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T10:51:02.503
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-09T09:21:17.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64234
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230919_67e5ede30839e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64138
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Sep/Oct
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 9/19- 10/10 | Fall 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T10:44:44.237
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 170
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 9/19- 10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 170
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 150
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T10:44:44.237
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T07:26:57.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64138
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230919_67e5ede30865b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64193
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor | Sept/Oct
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 9/19-10/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T07:51:16.287
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb| Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 9/19-10/10 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T07:51:16.287
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-09T09:48:22.06
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64193
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230920_67e5ede3078c9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64438
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ring WS Salta Sept
[Description] => Creating a Ring - lost wax casting technique with Jen Salta | Wednesday 6-9 pm | 9/20-9/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T12:49:24.213
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creating a Ring - lost wax casting technique with Jen Salta | Wednesday 6-9 pm | 9/20-9/27 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Start your wax carving adventure with designer and model maker Jen Salta! Learn to create custom rings using the lost wax casting techniques during this two-part beginner workshop.This program is structured toward true beginners and is project based, where students will create individual designs in cast metal. Each student will leave the course with a finished ring of their own.
Jennifer will guide you through the process on how to lay out your design, transfer it to wax, and send it out to be cast. Wax carving opens so many possibilities for design and there is much to learn. Take this leap into the exciting world of wax!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T12:49:24.213
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-12T07:59:23.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64438
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230920_67e5ede307f4e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64490
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => MonPrint Ambery | Sep/Oct
[Description] => Monotype Printmaking with Chris Ann Ambery | Wed 5pm-7:30pm | 9/20-10/4
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-20T06:09:30.13
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 300
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Monotype Printmaking with Chris Ann Ambery | Wed 5pm-7:30pm | 9/20-10/4 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the expressive, painterly, and environmentally friendly method of printmaking called monotype.
Beginner and seasoned artists alike will enjoy drawing upon their creative energy to create unique prints. During this workshop we will explore black and white as well as color inking and will use items found in nature to create interesting layers and textures. Students will learn to use the printing press as well as learn to print images by hand. Prior printmaking experience is not required.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 300
[SupplyList] => MATERIALS: Materials such as ink, brayers, brushes, plates, and paper will be provided by instructor however you are welcome to bring your own. Materials fee $20
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 290
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191801:Ambery, Chris Ann
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-28T11:35:58.477
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-31T04:14:22.48
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64490
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230923_67e5ede307410] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64148
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Sat | Sep/Oct
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 9/23-10/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-02T09:42:51.853
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2023-09-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 535
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class Saturday, 10/16.
Saturday 9/25 class will be held 12:30-3:30pm.
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 9/23-10/28 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 535
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 495
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-02T09:42:51.853
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-21T07:45:44.25
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64148
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230923_67e5ede3075d2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64361
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush - Sept/Oct
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 9/23-10/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-22T11:06:45.32
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 9/23-10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-22T11:06:45.32
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-29T10:20:54.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64361
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230923_67e5ede3077e1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64988
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 9/23
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-15T10:46:30.313
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/23 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-15T10:46:30.313
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T10:46:53.893
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-08-15T10:46:30.313
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64988
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230923_67e5ede30822f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64231
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Graf Sept/Oct
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 1:30pm-3:30pm | 9/23 - 10/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T09:22:46.177
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 247
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 1:30pm-3:30pm | 9/23 - 10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Bill Graf helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Graf has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 247
[SupplyList] => xOil paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Odorless turpentine
Palette or palette paper.
Acrylic paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Palette or palette paper.
Colored Pencil
Prisma Pencils assorted set
Generals 2B, 4B, 6B
2B, 4B, 6B
Strathmore or Canson
Drawing Paper
Strathmore Charcoal Paper
Cotton Duct Canvas of any size
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 227
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T09:22:46.177
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-16T11:07:21.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64231
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230923_67e5ede3085f4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64419
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AnimeTN- Schrage- Sep/Oct
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 9/23-10/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T08:33:20.123
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 9/23-10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T08:33:20.123
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-26T08:35:37.503
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64419
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230923_67e5ede3088ef] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64358
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => YACeram - Sat - Sep/Oct
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 9/23-10/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T11:21:08.847
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-09-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 9/23-10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T11:21:08.847
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-08T08:47:28.767
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64358
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230926_67e5ede3075f9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64429
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => FallClr WS Rimmelin 9/26
[Description] => Capturing the Colors of Fall Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Tuesday 9/26 | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T11:19:12.38
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Capturing the Colors of Fall Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin |Tuesday 9/26 | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Lorraine Rimmelin as she guides you through the compelling and fascinating process of capturing the colors of Fall. From choosing the colors for creating brilliant trees to full colorful landscapes, students will use simple negative painting techniques and a variety of values to produce watercolor paintings using the intense colors of the season. Painting with watercolor and allowing the watercolor to flow loose and free is what makes this medium so unique.
No drawing skills required - all skill levels welcome
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T11:19:12.38
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-02T13:53:53.167
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64429
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230927_67e5ede3087d1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64799
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PlayDough | 3-5 | 9/27
[Description] => Toddler and Me Play Dough Class | Ages 3-5 | Wednesday 9:30am-10:30am | 9/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-08T10:48:38.103
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Toddler and Me Play Dough Class | Ages 3-5 | Wednesday 9:30am-10:30am | 9/27 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Calling caretakers and youth artists! Join us for one hour of hands-on creative play and play-dough making! Join your young artist ages 3-5 in this activity where they will make soft moldable play dough from all natural ingredients, while enhancing their fine motor skills, improving their focus, and socializing with new friends. Plus you'll be making art all and precious memories the while away from screen time. All materials are included, plus you'll receive a take away container to bring your dough home with you.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Ceramics
[InstructorListWithID] => 229469:Marino, Jessica
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-08T10:48:38.103
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-21T09:51:36.077
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 650
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-08-08T10:48:38.103
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64799
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230930_67e5ede3077ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64989
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 9/30
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-15T10:47:12.51
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/30 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-15T10:47:12.51
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T10:47:35.17
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-08-15T10:47:12.51
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64989
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230930_67e5ede307862] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64436
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Collage T&T WS Owens Sep
[Description] => Collage Tools and Techniques Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 9/30 12:30 pm-3:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T12:12:42.383
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Collage Tools and Techniques Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 9/30 12:30 pm-3:30 pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T12:12:42.383
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-14T12:43:31.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64436
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20230930_67e5ede308226] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64995
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PopPrint WS Spect 9/30
[Description] => Pop Printing Linocut Workshop with Daniela Spect | Saturday 9/30 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-28T08:40:28.057
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-09-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-09-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 125
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pop Printing Linocut Workshop with Daniella Spect | Saturday 9/30 10:00 am - 1:00 pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come explore the art of linocut! In this 3 hour printmaking class, students will be introduced to the artwork of Keith Haring, an American artist whose pop art emerged from the New York City graffiti subculture of the 1980s. Students will then carve out their own versions of Haring’s iconic images before inking and printing them to take home.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 125
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 105
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228644:Spect, Daniela
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-16T10:23:56.063
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-18T06:20:01.303
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64995
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231004_67e5ede30739c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64994
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => LWrpBrclt Sepanski 10/4
[Description] => Beaded Leather Wrap Bracelet Workshop with Michelle Sepanski | Wednesday 5-8 pm | 10/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-16T09:50:59.803
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 50
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Kits can be purchased for $20
[Title] => Beaded Leather Wrap Bracelet Workshop with Michelle Sepanski | Wednesday 5-8 pm | 10/4 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Discover the wonderful world of jewelry making with this boho inspired leather beaded wrap bracelet. You will learn how to string beads on leather, incorporate a clasp to fit your specific wrist and how to make beautiful knots that help secure your bracelet. Come join us for this beginner friendly class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 50
[SupplyList] => Bead mat
Tape measure
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228639:Sepanski, Michelle
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-16T09:50:59.803
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-17T08:00:52.187
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64994
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231004_67e5ede307dda] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64591
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => MixMetWshpMencher | Oct
[Description] => Laying Mixed Metals Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10/4-10/11 | 10 am-2 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T09:31:58.64
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Laying Mixed Metals Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10/4-10/11 | 10 am-2 pm| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this exciting 2 day workshop you will make a multi-layered pendant from a chosen geometric design, landscape idea or still life . You will learn how to texture and cut out (pierce) metals like silver, copper and brass, rivet together, polish and assemble creating a beautiful 3-D piece of jewelry.
Material fee approximately $30 per student (depending on size).
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] => Material fee approximately $30 per student (depending on size).
Students will need to bring a thin sharpie and small pad for sketching.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T09:31:58.64
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-02T09:37:06.32
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64591
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231007_67e5ede307690] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65295
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/7
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-26T05:23:46.413
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/7 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-09-26T05:23:46.413
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-26T05:25:08.54
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-09-26T05:23:46.413
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65295
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231011_67e5ede3078b8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64704
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Liv 10/11
[Description] => Create Nights - Rocky Horror Film Screening with Liv Cocozza | 10/11 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-07T11:21:50.43
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Create Nights - Rocky Horror Film Screening with Liv Cocozza | 10/11 | 7pm-9pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Come and join us for a Halloween screening event of Rocky Horror Picture Show! This campy film is the perfect way to celebrate Halloween. Come dressed up, watch the movie, and engage in a discussion about its cultural impact.
This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224437:Cocozza, Liv
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-07T11:21:50.43
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-07T12:20:17.92
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64704
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231011_67e5ede307c95] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64489
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ink&Tech Stuart| Oct
[Description] => Inking and Watercolor with Jay Stuart | Wednesdays 6 pm- 9 pm | 10/11-10/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-28T11:25:11.617
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Inking and Watercolor with Jay Stuart | Wednesdays 6 pm- 9 pm | 10/11-10/25 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn how to ink your artwork using professional materials and techniques! Drawing fundamentals will be shown as well! Follow up with a crash course on watercolor materials and using them to add color and life to your inkwork! After going over all the possibilities of this medium and completing a piece, you will be shown how to properly varnish your watercolor painting so you won't need glass to display it!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] =>
-HB Pencil and sharpener (or a mechanical pencil with HB lead)
-12 inch ruler with inking edge
-Kneaded and Plastic Eraser
-Set of Fineliner Waterproof inking Pens (Microns, Faber Castell Pitt pens, ect)
-Bottle of Waterproof Black Ink
-Nib Pen Holder
-Pen Nibs (Zig G-Nibs are good, Speedball 512 ok)
-Watercolor brushes (decent to good quality) Rounds 2,6,10
Oval Wash (Blick Scholastic or Velvet Touch) 1/2 and 3/4
-Set of watercolors (Anything in your price range. Price does dictate quality but either will work)
-9x12 sketch book
-9x12 or larger Watercolor Pad or Block (Blocks are great but more money)
Only get 100% cotton Cold Press 140 lbs (Arches, Hahnemule, Blick Premier Red Label, Saunders)
-White Gouache
-White Gelpen (uniball signo)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228209:Stuart, Jay
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-28T11:25:11.617
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-28T11:33:56.12
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64489
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231014_67e5ede307672] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65336
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/14
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-29T10:13:44.94
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-09-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/14 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-09-29T10:13:44.94
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-29T10:14:22.917
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-09-29T10:13:44.94
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65336
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231017_67e5ede3078f4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64136
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon - Oct/Nov
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 10/17-11/21 | Fall 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T10:34:45.65
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 10/17-11/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T10:34:45.65
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-02T07:15:15.31
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64136
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231017_67e5ede307c3f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64351
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Oct/Nov
[Description] => Handbuilding with Instructor TBD| Tues 10am-1pm | 10/17-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-13T08:43:46.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class Cancelled11/7/2023
[Title] => Handbuilding with Instructor TBD | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 10/17-11/21| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] => 1
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T09:36:08.09
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-26T06:07:56.57
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64351
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231017_67e5ede30807f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64238
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Oct/Nov
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1pm-4pm | 10/17 - 11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T11:15:31.653
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tues 1pm-4pm | 10/17 - 11/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
No Class 11/7/2023
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T11:15:31.653
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-21T16:51:37.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64238
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231017_67e5ede308213] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64132
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tues PM| Oct/Nov
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2:00-4:00PM | 10/17-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T14:53:34.71
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 11/7. Building closed.
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2:00-4:00 PM | 10/17-11/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-29T14:53:34.71
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-04T15:03:58.29
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64132
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231017_67e5ede308253] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64235
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Minardi Oct/Nov
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30 |10/17 - 11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T10:56:22.123
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 305
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 11/7/2023
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 4:00-6:30pm | 10/17 - 11/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Margaret has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 305
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 285
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T10:56:22.123
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-09T09:22:28.6
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64235
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231017_67e5ede308394] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64139
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Oct/Nov
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 10/17- 11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T10:47:46.437
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 205
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class cancelled 11/7. Building closed.
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 10/17- 11/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T10:47:46.437
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-06T07:30:22.89
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64139
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231017_67e5ede308658] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64220
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor | Oct/Nov
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 10/17 - 11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T08:26:23.993
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 193
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 11/7/2023
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 10/17 - 11/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 193
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 173
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T08:26:23.993
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-09T09:50:06.547
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64220
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede3070d7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64142
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl- Oct/Nov
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T11:03:09.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T11:03:09.96
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-27T10:00:18.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64142
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede307224] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65296
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Oct/Nov
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 10/19 - 11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-26T05:36:58.527
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 10/19 - 11/16| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-09-26T05:36:58.527
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-04T15:05:01.06
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65296
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede307283] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64194
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AltJwlry Barbera| Oct/Nov
[Description] => Alternative Jewelry with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T08:00:20.547
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Alternative Jewelry with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Ross Barbera in a fascinating exploration into alternative materials jewelry making! This Jewelry Design Workshop introduces students to non-traditional materials and methods used to create beautifully colorful jewelry. Students will experiment and learn to make wearable jewelry, with emphasis on materials, processes, design, and a creative approach. They will be instructed in Ross' unique paper and wire fabrication process that frees their creative imaginations, enabling them to achieve finely crafted results in the creation of distinctively original pendants, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. In addition to working three dimensionally on the jewelry objects, students are also engaged with the relationship between form and color, and are introduced to watercolor and acrylic painting to incorporate wonderfully fluid designs and splashes of vibrant colors into their creations!
View some of the many incredible creations possible in this realm of jewelry making on Ross' website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Tools and Materials:
- The Self-healing Cutting Board
- 16ga round copper or brass wire. Can be purchased at Michaels
- Thai Banana Paper 1 sheet, 22" x 37" Natural
- Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set, 10 Colors, 5ml
- Round Watercolor Brush
- Flat Watercolor Brush
- Protective Eye Goggles
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T08:00:20.547
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T08:38:56.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64194
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede307c0d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64348
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs- Oct/Nov
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T09:01:24.74
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2021
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T09:01:24.74
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-21T14:48:18.787
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64348
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede307e70] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64273
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal TH Eve| Oct/Nov
[Description] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T10:45:03.5
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T10:45:03.5
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-28T09:51:01.45
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64273
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede307eac] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64266
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => IntMetal Th AM | Oct/Nov
[Description] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T10:21:27.823
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Supply kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T10:21:27.823
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-05T12:45:08.867
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64266
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede3080a3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64203
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Oct/Nov
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 10/19-11/16 | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T09:21:32.163
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T09:21:32.163
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-21T14:22:50.813
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64203
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede3081c1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64130
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Oct/Nov
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T14:48:29.263
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-29T14:48:29.263
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-26T10:27:12.573
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64130
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede30868b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64300
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Oct/Nov
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:49:27.563
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 10/19-11/16 Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:49:27.563
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-20T11:51:09.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64300
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231019_67e5ede3086c9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64295
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath Th Oct/Nov
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 10/19-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:39:34.777
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 10/19-11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:39:34.777
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-23T12:29:23.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64295
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231020_67e5ede307314] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64217
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Nov/Dec
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am - 1pm | 10/20 - 11/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T08:07:35.867
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 10/20 - 11/17 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T08:07:35.867
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-19T08:13:55.38
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-19T08:07:35.867
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-19T08:07:35.867
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-19T08:07:35.867
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64217
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231020_67e5ede307aa7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64569
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Oct/Nov
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 10/20-11/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T07:52:42.82
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 10/20-11/17| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T07:52:42.82
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-02T07:55:24.81
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64569
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231020_67e5ede307e41] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64287
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AllMetal Fri | Oct/Nov
[Description] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 10/20-11/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:24:45.133
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 10/20-11/17 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginner students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:24:45.133
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-09T15:28:18.65
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64287
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231020_67e5ede3087af] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64197
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Oct/Nov
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am- 1 pm | 10/20-11/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T08:35:40.033
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 10/20-11/17 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link
to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T08:35:40.033
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-13T07:55:18.863
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64197
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231021_67e5ede30767d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65337
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/21
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-29T10:14:40.47
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-09-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-09-29T10:14:40.47
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-29T10:15:01.373
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-09-29T10:14:40.47
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65337
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231025_67e5ede3078cd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64457
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => StoneSet WS Salta Sept
[Description] => Creating Stone Settings in Wax Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesday 6-9 pm | 10/25-11/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-27T07:05:20.193
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creating Stone Settings in Wax Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesday 6-9 pm | 10/25-11/1 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this two-part class, students will learn how to make stone settings using the lost wax casting technique. Using a variety of different wax students will make two different settings for cabochon stones: one bezel and one prong setting. Students will be using a combination of hand tools and flex shafts.
First week of class will be a wax working class and the second week we will be cleaning and setting the stones.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => A $20 material fee is due the first class. Hand tools and wax will be provided. Students are welcome to bring their own stones as long as they are no smaller then 6mm and flat back. Otherwise, stones will be available at the first class for an additional fee.
Students will also receive a suggested tool list upon sign up. As well as a resource list for future projects. ?
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-27T07:05:20.193
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-28T09:54:42.043
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64457
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231025_67e5ede3080e1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64225
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Oct/Nov
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 10/25 - 11/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T08:56:49.497
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 10/25 - 11/22
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T08:56:49.497
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-21T14:07:20.437
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64225
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231025_67e5ede3084f6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64592
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => SpinRingsMencher | Oct
[Description] => Spinner Rings Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10/25 | 9:30 am-1:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T09:43:44.417
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Spinner Rings Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 10/25 | 9:30 am-1:30 pm| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Make something new for yourself or as a gift!
Experience simple jewelry making in this exciting one day workshop.
Make a dynamic movable spinner ring using sterling silver and mixed metals.
Learn how to texture and form metal, build ring shapes, spot solder and finish your unique ring design.
Material fee approximately $30 per student (depending on size).
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Material fee approximately $30 per student (depending on size).
Students will need to bring a thin sharpie and small pad for sketching.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T09:43:44.417
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-02T09:52:01.637
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64592
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231025_67e5ede3087cd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65010
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PlayDough | 3-5 | 10/25
[Description] => Toddler and Me Play Dough Class | Ages 3-5 | Wednesday 9:30am-10:30am | 10/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-23T08:02:21.873
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Toddler and Me Play Dough Class | Ages 3-5 | Wednesday 9:30am-10:30am | 10/25 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Calling caretakers and youth artists! Join us for one hour of hands-on creative play and play-dough making! Join your young artist ages 3-5 in this activity where they will make soft moldable play dough from all natural ingredients, while enhancing their fine motor skills, improving their focus, and socializing with new friends. Plus you'll be making art all and precious memories the while away from screen time. All materials are included, plus you'll receive a take away container to bring your dough home with you.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Ceramics
[InstructorListWithID] => 229469:Marino, Jessica
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-23T08:02:21.873
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-21T09:52:17.003
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 650
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-08-23T08:02:21.873
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65010
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231025_67e5ede308898] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64590
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-Wed- Oct/Nov
[Description] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 10am - 1pm | 10/25-11/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T09:21:16.763
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 10am - 1pm | 10/25-11/22 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In pottery, Wheel Throwing 101 will provide students with an excellent introduction into the world of wheel thrown ceramics. Whether you have never touched clay before or you are looking to hone your craft, this is the perfect class for you. Each student will learn the core fundamentals of wheel throwing while diving into basic techniques which lay the groundwork for the beginning artist to throw larger and lighter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T09:21:16.763
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-24T09:38:11.21
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64590
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231025_67e5ede30889e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64594
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-Wed- Oct/NovPM
[Description] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm | 10/25-11/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T09:56:38.003
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Wheel Throwing 101 with Justin Mullady | Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm | 10/25-11/22 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In pottery, Wheel Throwing 101 will provide students with an excellent introduction into the world of wheel thrown ceramics. Whether you have never touched clay before or you are looking to hone your craft, this is the perfect class for you. Each student will learn the core fundamentals of wheel throwing while diving into basic techniques which lay the groundwork for the beginning artist to throw larger and lighter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T09:56:38.003
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-02T10:20:10.497
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64594
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231026_67e5ede30803a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64239
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **OS w/ModelLong Oct/Dec
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Thu 1pm-4pm | 10/26 - 12/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T11:20:33.547
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-08-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => C10
[LocationName] => Nassau Community College
[LocationFullAddress] => 1 Education Drive Building G Garden City, NY 11530 United States
[LocationId] => 748
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 748
[Name] => Nassau Community College
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11530
[Address1] => 1 Education Drive
[Address2] => Building G
[City] => Garden City
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
Class canceled 11/23
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 11/28 - 12/19 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T11:20:33.547
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T11:50:19.913
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64239
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231026_67e5ede3080a6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64204
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **OS w/Model Shrt Oct/Dec
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | 10/26-12/7 | Thurs 9:30am-12:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T09:24:14.54
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => C10
[LocationName] => Nassau Community College
[LocationFullAddress] => 1 Education Drive Building G Garden City, NY 11530 United States
[LocationId] => 748
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 748
[Name] => Nassau Community College
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11530
[Address1] => 1 Education Drive
[Address2] => Building G
[City] => Garden City
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
C?lass canceled 11/23
[Title] => Open Studio with Model - Short Poses | Thursday 10/26-12/7 | Thurs 9:30am-12:30pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T09:24:14.54
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T11:48:55.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64204
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231026_67e5ede308732] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64297
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **PaintersPath Th Oct/Dec
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 9:30-12:30pm | 10/26-12/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:41:17.533
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T21:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => G162
[LocationName] => Nassau Community College
[LocationFullAddress] => 1 Education Drive Building G Garden City, NY 11530 United States
[LocationId] => 748
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 748
[Name] => Nassau Community College
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11530
[Address1] => 1 Education Drive
[Address2] => Building G
[City] => Garden City
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/16, 11/23
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 9:30-12:30pm | 10/26-12/7 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:41:17.533
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T12:16:54.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64297
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231027_67e5ede30730c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64218
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **ArtForest Bard Oct/Dec
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10:30am - 1:30pm | 10/27-12/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T08:14:26.007
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationFullAddress] => One Museum Drive The Manes Center Roslyn, NY 11576 United States
[LocationId] => 749
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 749
[Name] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11576
[Address1] => One Museum Drive
[Address2] => The Manes Center
[City] => Roslyn
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/24
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10:30am - 1:30pm | 10/27-12/8 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
-one 20" x 40" canvas
-Paints (either acrylic or oil)
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt sienna
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
Supplies required on day 1:
-a 9"x12" drawing pad
-glue (any kind)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T08:14:26.007
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T11:55:32.19
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-19T08:14:26.007
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-19T08:14:26.007
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-19T08:14:26.007
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64218
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231027_67e5ede3087b3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64198
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **WCwrld Barbera| Oct/Dec
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am- 1 pm | 10/27-12/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T08:38:01.81
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationFullAddress] => One Museum Drive The Manes Center Roslyn, NY 11576 United States
[LocationId] => 749
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 749
[Name] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11576
[Address1] => One Museum Drive
[Address2] => The Manes Center
[City] => Roslyn
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/24
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10 am - 1 pm | 10/27-12/8| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link
to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T08:38:01.81
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T11:54:08.157
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64198
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231028_67e5ede30735d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64228
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf - Oct/Dec
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 10/28 - 12/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T09:11:31.977
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No classes 11/11, 11/25, and 12/02
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm | 10/28 - 12/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class will cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent years, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing
Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals and an introduction to “grisaille painting” (painting with gray values) which teaches the students to see values and learn brush techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T09:11:31.977
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-17T09:48:27.617
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64228
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231028_67e5ede307685] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65338
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/28
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-29T10:15:23.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-10-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-09-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/28 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-09-29T10:15:23.837
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-29T10:15:42.667
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-09-29T10:15:23.837
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65338
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231028_67e5ede307e07] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64584
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => ***MarkedFire-Sat -Nov
[Description] => Marked by Fire with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm | 11/4, 11/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-02T08:46:13.647
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 370
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Three prior ceramics courses at the Art League, under any instructor, are required. This class is designed for advanced ceramics students.
C?lass cancelled 11/11, 11/25, 12/2
[Title] => Marked by Fire with Justin Mullady |Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm |11/4, 11/18| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Marked by Fire is the quintessential ceramics class for advanced artists looking to learn and participate in alternative firings on Long Island. During each course block one of the following firings will take place and taught.
- Raku
- Naked Raku
- Horsehair
- Pit fire (wood)
- Pit fire (copper reduction)
- Cone 6 Reduction
- Obvara
- Sagar
On top of the knowledge of the firing process, students will learn the history behind and importance of each process. Students will work on perfecting their craft, honing their skills as artists, both on the wheel and while hand building.
Three prior ceramics courses at the Art League, under any instructor, are required. This class is designed for advanced ceramics students.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 70
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 350
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-02T08:46:13.647
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-14T12:07:09.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64584
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede3074df] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64355
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **TU Beg&BeyCeram Oct/Nov
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 10/31, 11/14, 11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T10:57:30.387
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
No class 11/7/23
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tuesdays 6-9pm | Tues 6-9 pm | 10/31, 11/14, 11/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T10:57:30.387
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-27T08:09:11.237
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64355
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede3078f6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64137
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **YA-Cartoon - Oct/Dec
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 10/31-12/12 | Fall 2023
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T10:38:30.52
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 210
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Music Room
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 10/31-12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 210
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 190
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T10:38:30.52
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T11:23:13.253
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64137
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede307ba4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64982
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **FundDraw Fusco| Oct/Dec
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 12:00-2:00pm | 10/31-12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-15T08:42:42.46
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => C10
[LocationName] => Nassau Community College
[LocationFullAddress] => 1 Education Drive Building G Garden City, NY 11530 United States
[LocationId] => 748
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 748
[Name] => Nassau Community College
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11530
[Address1] => 1 Education Drive
[Address2] => Building G
[City] => Garden City
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7, 11/28
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 12:00-2:00pm | 10/31-12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-15T08:42:42.46
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T07:51:50.437
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64982
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede308168] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64433
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => HolCrds WS Rimmelin 10/31
[Description] => Painting Holiday Cards Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Tuesday 10/31 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T11:38:46.193
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting Holiday Cards Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Tuesday 10/31 10:00 am - 2:00 pm| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Lorraine Rimmelin as she shares her favorite card paintings and the simple step by step process of painting them. Lorraine will guide students with watercolor to enjoy painting from the heart to kick off the holiday season. These special hand painted holiday cards will be a wonderful gift to send to friends and family.
No drawing skills required - all skill levels welcome
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T11:38:46.193
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-28T10:47:20.723
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64433
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede308219] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64133
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **Pastels |Tues| Nov/Dec
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2:30-4:30PM | 10/31-12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T14:56:13.27
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => C10
[LocationName] => Nassau Community College
[LocationFullAddress] => 1 Education Drive Building G Garden City, NY 11530 United States
[LocationId] => 748
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 748
[Name] => Nassau Community College
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11530
[Address1] => 1 Education Drive
[Address2] => Building G
[City] => Garden City
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays Tuesdays 2:30-4:30PM | 10/31-12/12| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-29T14:56:13.27
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-28T06:46:05.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64133
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede308256] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64236
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **PortDev-Minardi Oct/Dec
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 5:30-7:30 |10/31 - 12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T10:59:30.373
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 355
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 11/7
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Margaret Minardi | Tues 5:30:-7:30pm | 10/31 - 12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Margaret Minardi helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Margaret has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 355
[SupplyList] => 1 Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil 72 pack
1Castle Art Supplies Large Acrylic Paint Set
(found on Amazon Prime)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 335
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195125:Minardi, Margaret
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T10:59:30.373
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T11:13:12.71
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64236
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede3083c3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64140
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **YA-Realistic Oct/Dec
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg| Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 10/31- 12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T10:53:21.227
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 205
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7, 11/28
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 10/31- 12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 205
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 185
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T10:53:21.227
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-28T17:51:30.893
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64140
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede308639] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64221
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **MagicColor| Oct/Dec
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:00-5:00pm | 10/31 - 12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T08:39:22.91
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 226
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 11/28 - 12/19 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 226
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 206
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T08:39:22.91
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-18T11:21:09.697
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64221
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231031_67e5ede308865] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64199
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **WC-Beg Oct/Dec
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 9:30am-11:30pm | 10/31-12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T08:51:07.963
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => C10
[LocationName] => Nassau Community College
[LocationFullAddress] => 1 Education Drive Building G Garden City, NY 11530 United States
[LocationId] => 748
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 748
[Name] => Nassau Community College
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11530
[Address1] => 1 Education Drive
[Address2] => Building G
[City] => Garden City
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7, 11/28
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 9:30am-11:30pm | 10/31-12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T08:51:07.963
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-28T09:38:25.57
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-13T08:51:07.963
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-13T08:51:07.963
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64199
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231101_67e5ede3084dd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64491
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => SolarPlate Ambery | Nov
[Description] => Solar Plate Etching with Chris Ann Ambery | Wed 5pm-7:30pm | 11/1-11/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-28T11:41:44.54
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 300
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-28T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Classes will take place every other week due to 11/8 and 11/22 being holidays.
[Title] => Solar Plate Etching with Chris Ann Ambery | Wed 5pm-7:30pm | 11/1-11/29 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the incredibly versatile and environmentally friendly method of printmaking called Solarplate etching. Beginner and seasoned artists alike will enjoy exploring this exciting, non-toxic medium. Solarplate etching utilizes a thin steel plate that is coated with a UV light sensitive photopolymer. All that is needed to create a plate is sunlight, water, and your imagination! No harsh chemicals or solvents involved. This method works well for photography as well as drawing. Artists will explore various materials and learn a variety of ways to create unique plates and prints. Photographers must print images on clear transparency before class. Image size should be 6” x 8”
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 300
[SupplyList] => MATERIALS: Materials such as ink, brayers, brushes, plates, and paper will be provided by instructor however you are welcome to bring your own. Materials fee $20
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 290
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191801:Ambery, Chris Ann
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-28T11:41:44.54
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-12T08:22:34.27
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64491
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231102_67e5ede30748e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64357
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **TH Beg&BeyCeram Oct/Nov
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 11/2, 11/9, 11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T11:08:22.37
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm |11/2, 11/9, 11/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Designed to take a beginner to the next step, work with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms. Learn how to throw tall cylinders and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Enhance forms with surface decoration techniques like slip trailing and sgraffito.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T11:08:22.37
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-30T09:59:15.143
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64357
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231104_67e5ede3075b3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64362
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **BookBrush - Nov/Dec
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 11/4-12/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-22T11:10:52.87
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Cancelled 11/11, 11/25
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 11/4-12/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-22T11:10:52.87
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-26T09:22:20.307
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64362
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231104_67e5ede30822c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64232
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **PortDev-Graf Nov/Dec
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 1:00pm-3:00pm | 11/4 - 12/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T09:28:12.627
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 247
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No classes 11/11, 11/25
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 1:00pm-3:00pm | 11/4 - 12/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Bill Graf helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Graf has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 247
[SupplyList] => Oil paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Odorless turpentine
Palette or palette paper.
Acrylic paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Palette or palette paper.
Colored Pencil
Prisma Pencils assorted set
Generals 2B, 4B, 6B
2B, 4B, 6B
Strathmore or Canson
Drawing Paper
Strathmore Charcoal Paper
Cotton Duct Canvas of any size
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 227
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T09:28:12.627
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-13T13:21:32.21
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64232
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231104_67e5ede30860e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64420
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **AnmeTN- Schrage-Nov/Dec
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 10:30-1:30pm | 11/4-12/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-26T08:36:57.767
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Music Room
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Cancelled 11/11, 11/25
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 10:30-1:30pm | 11/4-12/16| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-26T08:36:57.767
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-13T13:23:36.697
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64420
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231104_67e5ede3088d3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64359
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => **YACeram - Sat - Nov/Dec
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 11/4-12/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-21T11:23:52.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-10-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Cancelled 11/11, 11/25
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 11/4-12/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T11:23:52.69
[ModifyDate] => 2023-10-26T09:25:00.963
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64359
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231108_67e5ede30788c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64709
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Liv 11/08
[Description] => Create Nights - Mending and Making: Fiber Art with Liv Cocozza | 11/08 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-07T11:26:30.393
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-11-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Create Nights - Mending and Making: Fiber Art with Liv Cocozza | 11/08 | 7pm-9pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Let's craft! In this session, attendees will be able to learn valuable skills in sewing machine operation and crochet techniques. Learn to translate your current practice of making into fiber arts. All supplies will be provided. All skill levels, no experience needed.
This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224437:Cocozza, Liv
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-07T11:26:30.393
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-17T08:01:42.07
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64709
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231114_67e5ede30742e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64145
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue | Nov/Dec
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 11/14-12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T11:19:51.673
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2023-11-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 11/14-12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T11:19:51.673
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-21T07:53:18.483
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64145
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231114_67e5ede307cbc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64162
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue PM | Nov/Dec
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 11/14-12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-06T08:10:26.033
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2023-11-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 11/14-12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-06T08:10:26.033
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-21T07:21:57.86
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64162
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231114_67e5ede30833c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64233
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PrintSample - Nov/Dec
[Description] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 11/14 - 12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T10:06:44.517
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 11/14 - 12/12 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => For both novices and experienced artists, printmaking can broaden your skills and get new creative juices flowing. Try several types of printmaking such as monotype/monoprint, drypoint, collagraph, carborundum, woodcut and solarplate etching. Through demonstrations, explore different ways of working within each technique using both oil- and water-based mediums. No experience necessary. Beginners more than welcome - first timers will experience the excitement of various students working in different types of printmaking and quickly observe that the world of printmaking is endless! Students can expect to generate 1-3 prints per week depending on working speed and techniques used. Stephanie works with students individually to develop personalized projects based on the skills you are most interested in. Learn, experiment, and make wonderful prints in this energetic class!
Materials fee of $20 payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels - beginners welcome!
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Bring:
• 1/16” or 3/32” thick plexiglass (11”x14” or larger)
If you own any of the following please bring:
• Watercolors
• Water-soluble crayons
• Watercolor brushes
• Oil paints.
• Oil base etching/relief inks
• Oil brushes
• Palette or palette pad
• Wax paper
• Paper towels. Rags or white towels that have been washed
• 18”x24” newsprint pad
• Brayer
• Printmaking Paper: Rives, BFK, Stonehenge, Folio, etc.
(Paper can also be purchased in class)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 435
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195310:Navon-Jacobson, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T10:06:44.517
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-22T11:19:32.05
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64233
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231118_67e5ede307401] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64149
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Sat | Nov/Dec
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 11/18-12/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-02T09:52:49.437
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 5
[StartDate] => 2023-11-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 11/25
No class 12/2. Holiday Fair
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 11/18-12/16 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-02T09:52:49.437
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-13T09:26:20.033
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64149
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231118_67e5ede30785f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65226
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Collage T&T WS Owens Nov
[Description] => Collage Tools and Techniques Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 11/18 9am-12pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-22T06:48:02.893
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-09-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Collage Tools and Techniques Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 11/18 9am-12pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-09-22T06:48:02.893
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-27T10:44:57.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65226
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231128_67e5ede307c3c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64352
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => HndBldng-Tues- Nov/Dec
[Description] => Handbuilding with Instructor TBD | Tues 10am-1pm | 11/28-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-09-13T08:43:20.637
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-09-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Instructor TBD | Tuesdays 10am-1pm | 11/28-12/19| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course you will learn skills that provide a great foundation to create functional and sculptural work. Coil and slab construction, press molds, sprig attachments, surface texture, and painting are a few techniques that will be demonstrated throughout the course. Designed to give creative approaches in clay away from the potter’s wheel, participants will learn fundamental making and decorating techniques and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] => 1
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T09:40:43.63
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-26T06:05:44.237
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64352
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231129_67e5ede3080e4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64226
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Nov/Dec
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 11/29 - 12/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-19T08:58:20.76
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 140
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 11/29 - 12/20
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 140
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 120
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-19T08:58:20.76
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-22T11:18:32.363
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64226
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede3070e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64143
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl- Nov/Dec
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 11/30-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-30T11:04:51.58
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 11/30-12/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-30T11:04:51.58
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-20T11:07:43.89
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64143
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede307227] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65297
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram - Thur - Nov/Dec
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 11/30 - 12/21
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-21T10:01:09.487
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-09-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm | 11/30 - 12/21| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-09-26T05:39:49.003
[ModifyDate] => 2023-09-26T05:43:27.367
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65297
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede30728a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64195
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AltJwlry Barbera| Nov/Dec
[Description] => Alternative Jewelry with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 11/30-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-13T08:02:49.373
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Alternative Jewelry with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 2-5 pm | 11/30-12/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Ross Barbera in a fascinating exploration into alternative materials jewelry making! This Jewelry Design Workshop introduces students to non-traditional materials and methods used to create beautifully colorful jewelry. Students will experiment and learn to make wearable jewelry, with emphasis on materials, processes, design, and a creative approach. They will be instructed in Ross' unique paper and wire fabrication process that frees their creative imaginations, enabling them to achieve finely crafted results in the creation of distinctively original pendants, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. In addition to working three dimensionally on the jewelry objects, students are also engaged with the relationship between form and color, and are introduced to watercolor and acrylic painting to incorporate wonderfully fluid designs and splashes of vibrant colors into their creations!
View some of the many incredible creations possible in this realm of jewelry making on Ross' website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Tools and Materials:
- The Self-healing Cutting Board
- 16ga round copper or brass wire. Can be purchased at Michaels
- Thai Banana Paper 1 sheet, 22" x 37" Natural
- Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set, 10 Colors, 5ml
- Round Watercolor Brush
- Flat Watercolor Brush
- Protective Eye Goggles
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T08:02:49.373
[ModifyDate] => 2023-08-15T08:38:10.19
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64195
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede307c15] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64349
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Thurs- Nov/Dec
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thurs 1pm-4pm | 11/30-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-21T10:01:27.71
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2021
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Thursdays 1-4PM | 11/30-12/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-21T09:03:33.47
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-14T12:05:46.38
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64349
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede307e76] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64274
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal TH Eve| Nov/Dec
[Description] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 11/30-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T10:47:45.707
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Beginner with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM | 11/30-12/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T10:47:45.707
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-20T10:50:52.877
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64274
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede307eb2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64267
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => IntMetal Th AM | Nov/Dec
[Description] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30-1:30 PM | 11/30-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T10:24:11.923
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 385
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing Intermediate with Dana Neger Lagos | Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm | 11/30-12/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 385
[SupplyList] => Supply kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 365
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T10:24:11.923
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-27T08:46:42.307
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64267
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede3081c4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64131
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Nov/Dec
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 11/30-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-06-29T14:50:02.007
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-06-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 7-9pm | 11/30-12/21 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-06-29T14:50:02.007
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-05T11:31:23.393
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64131
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231130_67e5ede308692] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64302
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Nov/Dec
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 11/30-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:51:36.197
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 11/30-12/21 Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] => 1
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:51:36.197
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-21T14:23:50.82
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64302
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231201_67e5ede307aaf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64986
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Fri- Dec
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 12/1-12/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-21T10:03:20.013
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Many Thanks to Ceramic Supply, Inc. - Ceramics Studio Sponsors 2023
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Justin Mullady | Fridays 9 am - 12 pm | 12/1-12/22| Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class encourages finding you own path with guidance. Be it hand building methods or wheel thrown forms, find your favorite technique to create sculpture or functional work with your own unique touch. Guidance and assistance provided to learn the basic rules of each technique with freedom to explore limitless possibilities of this tactile material. Learn the use of colored slips and combination of glazes to make unique surfaces to complement the form.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195246:Mullady, Justin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-15T10:29:10.97
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-22T11:14:49.927
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64986
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231201_67e5ede307e47] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64288
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => AllMetal Fri | Dec
[Description] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 12/1-12/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-20T11:27:37.143
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 385
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Metalsmithing All Levels with Dana Neger Lagos | Friday 9:30am-1:30pm | 12/1-12/22 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginner students will learn the fundamentals of metal smithing, including soldering, hammering, and polishing techniques. Intermediate and advanced students will explore advanced techniques in wax carving as well as soldering, forging, and stone setting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 385
[SupplyList] => Materials kits available for purchase from instructor - $20 per kit
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 365
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195313:Neger Lagos, Dana
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-20T11:27:37.143
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-22T11:16:17.213
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64288
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231204_67e5ede3072a9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64190
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC | 3-5 | 12/4-3/4
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 12/4-3/4
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-16T10:02:31.76
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 369
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 12/25, 1/1, 1/15, and 2/19
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 12/4-3/4 |Winter 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => To paraphrase Picasso. every child is born an artist. in our early learner Art classes, we will be discovering and cultivating the artist that lies within each of us. Unique expression and responses to seeing the world, art, the environment and the voice within will be cultivated in a myriad of projects. We will be drawing, painting, sculpting, making prints and puppets. We will be learning new words and looking at both new and old artists and influences. In a supportive and friendly environment, where there are no wrong answers, where we learn to enjoy the freedom of expression while using new materials and concepts; art will be the pathway to encourage our sense of wonder, creativity and discovery.
Lessons for our earliest learners will be introduced with fun storybooks, poems and even music! We may even sneak in some art history! New words and materials will inspire our young creatives to go beyond coloring books and explore the possibilities of finding their own voices. We will learn new skills, new forms of art; explore shapes, colors, and pattern; wet and dry, large and small, flat and not.
Young school age artistic explorers, as we like to describe them, will be introduced to the elements and principles of art with age appropriate activities that will encourage looking at artworks and artist visions. Learning to see, to describe and to communicate those visions as well as creating their own. Words like medium, background, foreground, sculpture will be used to open up our choices while creating fun and exciting projects; some will be neat, some will be very messy; some will be small, others will need two hands to hold.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 369
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 369
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Ceramics
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T05:00:25.9
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-14T11:16:52.29
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 650
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-13T05:00:25.9
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64190
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231204_67e5ede3072c0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64188
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC | K-3 | 12/4-3/4
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid-Isl Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Grades K-3 | Mon 4:15-5:15 pm | 12/4-3/4
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-16T10:03:02.86
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 369
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:15:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 12/25, 1/1, 1/15, and 2/19
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Grades K-3 | Mon 4:15-5:15 pm | 12/4-3/4 | Winter 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => To paraphrase Picasso. every child is born an artist. in our early learner Art classes, we will be discovering and cultivating the artist that lies within each of us. Unique expression and responses to seeing the world, art, the environment and the voice within will be cultivated in a myriad of projects. We will be drawing, painting, sculpting, making prints and puppets. We will be learning new words and looking at both new and old artists and influences. In a supportive and friendly environment, where there are no wrong answers, where we learn to enjoy the freedom of expression while using new materials and concepts; art will be the pathway to encourage our sense of wonder, creativity and discovery.
Lessons for our earliest learners will be introduced with fun storybooks, poems and even music! We may even sneak in some art history! New words and materials will inspire our young creatives to go beyond coloring books and explore the possibilities of finding their own voices. We will learn new skills, new forms of art; explore shapes, colors, and pattern; wet and dry, large and small, flat and not.
Young school age artistic explorers, as we like to describe them, will be introduced to the elements and principles of art with age appropriate activities that will encourage looking at artworks and artist visions. Learning to see, to describe and to communicate those visions as well as creating their own. Words like medium, background, foreground, sculpture will be used to open up our choices while creating fun and exciting projects; some will be neat, some will be very messy; some will be small, others will need two hands to hold.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 369
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 369
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T04:48:40.39
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-13T10:29:17.847
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64188
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231206_67e5ede307c92] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64998
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => SqBead Sepanski 12/6
[Description] => Hip to be Square Beaded Pendant Workshop with Michelle Sepanski | Wednesday 9:30-12:30 pm | 12/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-17T07:48:31.417
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 50
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Kits can be purchased for $20
P?lease consider wearing reading glasses for seeing tiny beads
[Title] => Hip to be Square Beading Workshop with Michelle Sepanski | Wednesday 9:30-12:30 pm | 12/6 | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Channel your creativity to create this stunning pendant using a beginner beadweaving technique. Learn how to peyote stitch bugle beads with fireline and needles. You will then learn how to create a pearl and crystal dangle and incorporate them all together to form a pendant that can be hung on a metal chain. If you are new to the world of beads or have some knowledge, you will be sure to enjoy this project.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 50
[SupplyList] => Bead mat
Tape measure
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228639:Sepanski, Michelle
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-17T07:48:31.417
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-16T11:29:15.557
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64998
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231213_67e5ede3078bc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64712
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Liv 12/13
[Description] => Create Nights - Safe Space Open Studio with Liv Cocozza | 12/13 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-07T11:33:06.727
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-08-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Create Nights - Safe Space Open Studio with Liv Cocozza | 12/13 | 7pm-9pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
It is important to stay grounded within your community and art practice during the holiday season. Please bring your in-progress works, sketchbook, and finished pieces. This session's primary focus will be refining current works and developing new ideas. The instructor will be present to provide 1 on 1 feedback and resources. This is a community space to workshop ideas with other queer artists.
This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224437:Cocozza, Liv
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-08-07T11:33:06.727
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-16T11:31:30.38
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64712
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231213_67e5ede3082ab] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64150
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2733
[ShortDescription] => PCM WS Mencher Dec 2023
[Description] => Precious Clay Metal Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 12/13-12/20 | 10 am-3 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-07-02T10:05:46.16
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 330
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Precious Clay Metal Workshop with Marla Mencher | Wednesday 12/13-12/20 | 10 am-3 pm | Fall 2023
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Explore the fascinating world of metal kissed by fire! Pieces sculpted with precious clay metal resemle carved or casted jewelry without the painstaking processes involved. Creating jewelry with precious clay metal is fun and low stress and the results are beautiful. Students will design fine silver jewelry in this one day workshop using precious metal clay. Starting with the clay material students will learn how to flatten, roll out, texturize, and cut designs to make thrilling pieces that will then be heated into silver!
Materials fee of $60 payable to instructor covers all precious metal kits.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] => $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 310
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-02T10:05:46.16
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-16T11:28:43.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2733
[Description] => Fall 2023
[StartDate] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64150
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231227_67e5ede307296] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66085
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2778
[ShortDescription] => AnimIllu WS Schra Dec2023
[Description] => Anime Illustration Workshop with Zach Schrage | 12/27-12/29 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-20T12:23:01.577
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Anime Illustration Workshop with Zach Schrage | 12/27-12/29 10am-1pm | Winter 23-24
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn how to construct illustrations from the ground up. Dive into figure and anatomy, perspective, composition and color to bring the imagination to life.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-20T12:23:01.577
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-20T12:36:02.747
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2778
[Description] => Winter 2023-24
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66085
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231227_67e5ede307b2e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66021
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2778
[ShortDescription] => FingKnit WS Tisch Dec2023
[Description] => Finger Knitting Workshop with Amy Tischler | Wednesday 12/27 6pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-17T08:18:16.72
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Finger Knitting Workshop with Amy Tischler | Wednesday 12/27 6pm-9pm | Winter 23-24
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come and join us for a fun night of FINGER KNITTING for adults and teens. A master of crafts, artist Amy Tischler, will walk us step-by-step through the art of finger knitting chunky chenille yarn into a warm cuddly blanket. Please bring a pair of sharp scissors & 4 skeins of Chunky Chenille Yarn in the color of your choice. (125 yards creates approximately a 3’ x 5’ blanket)
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => $12.99/skein of Chunky Chenille Yarn at Michaels found here.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-17T08:18:16.72
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-17T10:30:42.1
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2778
[Description] => Winter 2023-24
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66021
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231228_67e5ede307e01] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66022
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2778
[ShortDescription] => MacWall WS Tisch Dec2023
[Description] => Macrame Wall Hanging Workshop with Amy Tischler | Thursday 12/28 6pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-17T08:29:44.12
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Macrame Wall Hanging Workshop with Amy Tischler | Thursday 12/28 6pm-9pm | Winter 23-24
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come and join us for a perfect for a night out with your teen. A master of crafts, artist Amy Tischler, will walk us step-by-step through the art of knot making to create a beginner macrame wall hanging. Please bring a pair of sharp scissors and a small roll of painters tape. Price includes a 6" Dowel and 30 yards of macrame cord.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-17T08:29:44.12
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-17T09:05:26.183
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2778
[Description] => Winter 2023-24
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66022
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20231229_67e5ede307dfe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66023
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2778
[ShortDescription] => MacWrea WS Tisch Dec2023
[Description] => Macrame Mandala Wreath Workshop with Amy Tischler | Friday 12/29 6pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-17T08:36:53.643
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2023-12-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2023-12-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Macrame Mandala Wreath Workshop with Amy Tischler | Friday 12/29 6pm-9pm | Winter 23-24
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come and join us for a fun night of patterns and knots. A master of crafts, artist Amy Tischler, will walk us step-by-step through the art of knot making to create an intermediate macrame Mandala Wreath. Please bring a pair of sharp scissors and a small roll of painters tape. Price includes a 10' Hoop and 82 yards of macrame cord. This workshop is for adults and teens.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-17T08:36:53.643
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-17T09:05:50.377
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2778
[Description] => Winter 2023-24
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66023
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240103_67e5ede3087a3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65993
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2778
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Jan2024
[Description] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering...Workshop with Derek Owens | Wednesday 1/03 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-16T09:49:57.353
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationFullAddress] => One Museum Drive The Manes Center Roslyn, NY 11576 United States
[LocationId] => 749
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 749
[Name] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11576
[Address1] => One Museum Drive
[Address2] => The Manes Center
[City] => Roslyn
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering, Cutting and Tearing, Gluing and Pasting Workshop with Derek Owens | Wednesday 1/03 10am - 1pm | Winter 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-16T09:49:57.353
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-17T08:17:53.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2778
[Description] => Winter 2023-24
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65993
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240104_67e5ede307c8c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65994
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2778
[ShortDescription] => WireEarWS Barbera Jan2024
[Description] => Handcrafted Wire Earrings Workshop with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 1/04
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-16T10:12:47
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationFullAddress] => One Museum Drive The Manes Center Roslyn, NY 11576 United States
[LocationId] => 749
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 749
[Name] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11576
[Address1] => One Museum Drive
[Address2] => The Manes Center
[City] => Roslyn
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Handcrafted Wire Earrings Workshop with Ross Barbera | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 1/04 | Winter 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this workshop, participants will be taught various wire wrapping techniques that can be used for crafting wire earrings. Utilizing essential tools like jewelry-making pliers and jigs, participants will have hands-on experience creating unique earrings, including those inspired by the Egyptian link, Figure-8 link, S-link, and Hoop designs. Additionally, the workshop will cover the fabrication of fundamental jewelry components such as fasteners and earring hooks.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-16T10:12:47
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-08T08:10:15.67
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2778
[Description] => Winter 2023-24
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65994
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240105_67e5ede307d35] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66024
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2778
[ShortDescription] => IntroWC WS Fusco Jan2024
[Description] => Into to Watercolor Workshop with Liz Fusco | Friday 1/05 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-17T08:54:12.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationFullAddress] => One Museum Drive The Manes Center Roslyn, NY 11576 United States
[LocationId] => 749
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 749
[Name] => Nassau County Museum of Art
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11576
[Address1] => One Museum Drive
[Address2] => The Manes Center
[City] => Roslyn
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Watercolor Workshop with Liz Fusco | Friday 1/05 10am-1pm | Winter 23-24
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to Watercolor! Tuesday evenings from 6-8pm
Have you always wanted to try watercolor but don’t know where to start? Watercolor can be a bit tricky, but if you learn the foundations, you can learn to love this medium.
You will learn how to mix colors and set up a palette, understand the materials so you can have successful outcomes, learn how to apply wet into wet washes and practice simple exercises to make you feel more confident.
After learning some of the basic techniques, you will learn how to choose a reference photo and learn how to transfer to watercolor paper and have fun painting. Minimal drawing skills required.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Arches cold press watercolor paper (block or pad, 10 x 14) good paper is crucial for watercolor!
foam core (dollar Tree sells) or board to support your paper
artist or painters tape
tracing paper
H, 2H pencils, kneaded eraser
2 containers for water
paper towels
watercolor brushes ( your preference, but I recommend 1 flat wash brush (1 in.) round brush (#8) round brush (4), one small stiff brush for lifting paint, one inexpensive mixing brush
portable, closable palette (I recommend Mijello)
Paint- I recommend Winsor and Newton (not Cotman) in the following colors:
Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Burnt Sienna. You can use pans or tubes. I use tubes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-17T08:54:12.34
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-01T12:57:43.39
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2778
[Description] => Winter 2023-24
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66024
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240109_67e5ede3078f0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66125
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon Jan
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 1/9-1/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-27T14:34:42.273
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 145
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Music Room
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 1/9-1/30 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 145
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 125
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-27T14:34:42.273
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-27T14:39:59.763
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66125
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240109_67e5ede3083bf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66127
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Jan
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg| Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 1/9- 1/30
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-08T13:45:00.1
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 170
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Music Room
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 1/9- 1/30 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 150
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-27T14:42:45.34
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-20T13:31:14.85
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66127
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240109_67e5ede308640] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66101
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Jan
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 1/9-1/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-21T14:51:42.82
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/7
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 1/9-1/30 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-21T14:51:42.82
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-18T10:36:01.617
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66101
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240109_67e5ede308862] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66123
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Jan
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 6pm-9pm | 1/9-1/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-27T14:14:30.597
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tues 6pm-9pm | 1/9-1/30 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-27T14:14:30.597
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-27T14:19:44.31
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-11-27T14:14:30.597
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-11-27T14:14:30.597
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66123
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240111_67e5ede30713b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66098
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl- Jan
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 6-9pm | 1/11-1/25
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-12T08:26:30.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => A-107
[LocationName] => Northport High
[LocationFullAddress] => 154 Laurel Hill Rd North Port, NY 11786 United States
[LocationId] => 751
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 751
[Name] => Northport High
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11786
[Address1] => 154 Laurel Hill Rd
[Address2] =>
[City] => North Port
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 6-9pm 1/11-1/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-21T14:01:07.033
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-21T14:30:06.387
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66098
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240111_67e5ede30748a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66124
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Jan
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 1/11- 1/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-27T14:24:18.017
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 222
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm |1/11- 1/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Designed to take a beginner to the next step, work with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms. Learn how to throw tall cylinders and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Enhance forms with surface decoration techniques like slip trailing and sgraffito.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-27T14:24:18.017
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-27T14:31:45.8
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66124
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240111_67e5ede30819b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66097
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu Eve| Jan
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 1/11-1/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-21T13:44:03.66
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Room 220
[LocationName] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationFullAddress] => 375 Wolf Hill Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 750
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 750
[Name] => Half Hollow Hills West High School
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 375 Wolf Hill Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 1/11-1/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636303937
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-21T13:44:03.66
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-21T13:47:33.36
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66097
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240111_67e5ede308685] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66100
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Jan
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 1/11 & 1/25
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-10T09:54:36.257
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Long Island Museum
[LocationFullAddress] => 1200 Route 25A Stony Brook, NY 11790 United States
[LocationId] => 759
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 759
[Name] => Long Island Museum
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11790
[Address1] => 1200 Route 25A
[Address2] =>
[City] => Stony Brook
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 1/11 & 1/25 Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-21T14:24:34.253
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-19T11:44:27.07
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66100
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240113_67e5ede3075a7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66129
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush- Jan
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 1/13-1/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-27T14:57:45.693
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 1/13-1/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 85
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-27T14:57:45.693
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-14T12:07:26.593
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66129
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240113_67e5ede308229] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66102
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Graf Jan
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 1-3pm | 1/13 - 1/27
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-12T08:01:02.77
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 156
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 1-3pm | 1/13 - 1/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Bill Graf helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Graf has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 156
[SupplyList] => Oil paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Odorless turpentine
Palette or palette paper.
Acrylic paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Palette or palette paper.
Colored Pencil
Prisma Pencils assorted set
Generals 2B, 4B, 6B
2B, 4B, 6B
Strathmore or Canson
Drawing Paper
Strathmore Charcoal Paper
Cotton Duct Canvas of any size
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 136
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-21T15:00:06.113
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-21T15:03:26.21
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66102
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240113_67e5ede30860c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66130
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN- Schrage-Jan
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 10:30-1:30pm | 1/13-1/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-27T15:02:12.787
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Classroom
[RoomDescription] => Music Room
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 10:30-1:30pm | 1/13-1/27| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-27T15:02:12.787
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-27T15:06:04.177
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66130
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240113_67e5ede3088c9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66128
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YACeram - Sat - Jan
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 1/13-1/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-27T14:50:50.797
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-01-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-01-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 120
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Main Space
[LocationName] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationFullAddress] => 2 Mellville Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 747
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 747
[Name] => The Spirit of Huntington Art Center
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 2 Mellville Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Huntington Station
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-11-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 1/13-1/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 100
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-27T14:50:50.797
[ModifyDate] => 2023-11-27T14:55:16.59
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66128
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede307432] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66253
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue | Feb-March
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T14:20:48.963
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/20 for Spring Break
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636323533
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T14:20:48.963
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-20T08:26:22.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66253
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede3074eb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66258
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Feb-Mar
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T14:51:56.737
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 2/20 for Spring Break
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636323538
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T14:51:56.737
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-22T09:21:57.8
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66258
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede307938] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66251
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw Feb-Mar
[Description] => Creative Cartooning/ Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-7:0pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T13:41:21.757
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 210
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled2/20 for spring break
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-7:00pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 210
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 190
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T13:41:21.757
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-06T10:42:23.887
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66251
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede307b87] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66250
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw| Fusco| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T13:33:00.853
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/20
Class canceled 3?/5
Class canceled 3?/12
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T13:33:00.853
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T09:06:24.25
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66250
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede307c1e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66257
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T14:45:46.127
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 2/20 for spring break
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 2/6-3/19| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T14:45:46.127
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T10:44:59.693
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66257
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede307cc6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66254
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue| Feb- March
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T14:31:58.073
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 585
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/20
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 585
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 545
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636323534
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T14:31:58.073
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-14T14:35:44.313
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66254
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede308043] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66255
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Feb-March
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T14:36:52.413
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
Class canceled 2/20
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T14:36:52.413
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T10:37:55.11
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66255
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede308210] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66247
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T13:01:12.017
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/20 for Spring Break
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 2-4pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636323437
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T13:01:12.017
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-25T10:52:16.84
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66247
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede308259] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66369
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PortDev- Germano Feb-Mar
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Tom Germano | Tues 4:00-6:30 |2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-27T12:37:11.047
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 355
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/20 for spring break
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Tom Germano | Tuesdays 4:00-6:30 |2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This seminar is designed for High School Juniors and Seniors who are looking to build their portfolios before applying to a college art program. Students will create five drawings and a sixth work of art in a medium of their choice that will boost any portfolio to be at a highly competitive level with the goal of greater chances for college acceptance and potentially earning a scholarship to the chosen school of the individual student’s choice. Students enrolled in the weekly class are asked to spend equal time outside of class meetings. (15 hours in class, and 15 hours working between the six weekly classes.) The course is a hands-on studio class with very clear goals of creating individual projects that are designed to become outstanding portfolio pieces. There will be much personal feed-back and constructive criticism from the instructor, Thomas Germano. Thomas Germano is a professional artist and college Professor, teaching drawing, painting, and art history. His work can be viewed at and on Instagram: Thomas_Germano_Artist
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 355
[SupplyList] => 1. required supplies to have before the start of the classes:-white paper 18 x 24” minimum 80lb, 30 sheets
-pencils HB, 2B, 4B and 6B
-erasers pink and kneaded
-ruler 36”
First assignment: self-portrait drawn from life on white 18x24” paper
2. Drawing a perspective system
3. An exploration using line
4. Tonal drawing using pencil on paper
5. Drawing the ¾ head, neck and shoulders from a life model
6. Independent projects: a self initiated work in a medium of the student’s choice.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 335
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231243:Germano, Thomas
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-27T12:37:11.047
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-17T17:21:31.59
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66369
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede3083c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66252
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Feb-March
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg| Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 2/6- 3/19
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-12T10:25:31.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/20 for Spring Break
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 2/6- 3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T13:54:24.87
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-18T14:19:37.747
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66252
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede30864f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66366
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Feb-Mar
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5-6pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-27T11:51:34.953
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 243
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/20 for spring break
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 243
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 223
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-27T11:51:34.953
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-28T12:10:59.003
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66366
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240206_67e5ede308868] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66249
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg | Feb-Mar
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 10am-12pm | 2/6-3/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T13:20:28.877
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/20 for Spring Break
Class Canceled 3/5 and 3/12
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 10am-12pm | 2/6-3/19 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636323439
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T13:20:28.877
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-13T11:49:15.873
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-12-14T13:20:28.877
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-12-14T13:20:28.877
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66249
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240207_67e5ede3071cd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66372
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedPM- Feb-Mar
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 2/7-3/20
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-06T12:08:05.94
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/21 for Spring Break
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 2/7-3/20 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-27T13:05:46.12
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T11:59:12.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66372
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240207_67e5ede3071df] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66371
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedAM- Feb-Mar
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/7-3/20
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-01T07:52:50.457
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/21 for Spring Break
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/7-3/20 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-27T12:56:05.403
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T11:56:56.02
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66371
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240207_67e5ede3080ee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66353
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Feb-Mar
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 2/7-3/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-20T14:29:48.07
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
Class canceled 2/21 for Spring break
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 2/7-3/20 Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-20T14:29:48.07
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T11:40:58.367
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66353
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede3070ef] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66260
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl- Feb-March
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T15:04:13.867
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm 2/8-3/21 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T15:04:13.867
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-04T11:59:59.67
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66260
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede307238] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66265
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | Feb-Mar
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T09:24:18.44
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/22 for Spring Break
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/8-3/21| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T09:24:18.44
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-30T12:39:14.297
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66265
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede307492] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66266
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Feb-Mar
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T09:43:39.393
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class Canceled 2/22 for Spring Break
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm |2/8-3/21 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Designed to take a beginner to the next step, work with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms. Learn how to throw tall cylinders and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Enhance forms with surface decoration techniques like slip trailing and sgraffito.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636323636
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T09:43:39.393
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-01T09:19:14.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66266
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede307a85] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66267
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm |2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T09:51:32
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/22 for Spring break
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 2/8-3/21 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T09:51:32
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-22T05:08:51.41
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66267
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede3080c7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66354
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Feb-Mar
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-20T14:36:38.94
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
Class canceled 2/22 for Spring break
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 2/8-3/21 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-20T14:36:38.94
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-06T07:08:51.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66354
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede3081a8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66259
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu | Feb-March
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-14T14:58:02.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 327
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/22 for Spring Break
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 2/8-3/21 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 327
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 307
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-14T14:58:02.423
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-08T10:11:53.43
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66259
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede3086db] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66264
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Feb-Mar PM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T09:16:52.073
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/22 for Spring break
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 2/8-3/21 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T09:16:52.073
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-27T13:29:34.633
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66264
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240208_67e5ede30871d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66263
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | Feb-Mar AM
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 2/8-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T09:07:16.57
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/22 for Spring Break
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon| Thursdays 10am-1pm| 2/8-3/21 Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T09:07:16.57
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-15T09:14:29.183
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66263
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240209_67e5ede307317] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66269
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Feb-Mar
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am - 1pm | 2/9-3/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-08T10:45:02.617
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/23 for Spring break
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am - 1pm | 2/9-3/22 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 20" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
For the first class, please be prepared with:
-photos taken of trees you would like to paint in hard copies around 4 1/2" x 6" to work from
-a 30" x 40" canvas
-a basic set of paints in either oils or acrylics
-a paper pallette pad or drawing pad
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt Sienna
For the course you will need:
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T10:35:34.667
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-23T08:05:26.123
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2023-12-15T10:35:34.667
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-12-15T10:35:34.667
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-12-15T10:35:34.667
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66269
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240209_67e5ede307d29] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66373
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-FriAM- Feb-Mar
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 10am-1pm | 2/9-3/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-06T11:52:51.94
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/23 for Spring Break
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 10am-1pm | 2/9-3/22| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => I like to first asses the ability of the students and then proceed with learning/refining of techniques. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on. After assessing, Ideally throwing bigger and consistent is a goal I like to start with. Shapes as such come with the knowledge of the techniques. Surface decorations will be taught as well to add dimension to the pieces being created. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191914:Badke, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-27T13:15:55.88
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-03T14:00:22.503
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66373
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240209_67e5ede307d2f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66374
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-FriPM- Feb-Mar
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 1pm-4pm | 2/9-3/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-27T13:25:55.063
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/23 for Spring Break
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 1pm-4pm | 2/9-3/22| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => I like to first asses the ability of the students and then proceed with learning/refining of techniques. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on. After assessing, Ideally throwing bigger and consistent is a goal I like to start with. Shapes as such come with the knowledge of the techniques. Surface decorations will be taught as well to add dimension to the pieces being created. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191914:Badke, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-27T13:25:55.063
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-12T09:18:05.617
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66374
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240209_67e5ede3087b6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66268
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Feb-Mar
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am - 1pm | 2/9-3/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T10:30:27.113
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/23 for Spring Break
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am - 1pm | 2/9-3/22 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link
to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T10:30:27.113
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-15T10:39:07.657
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66268
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede30738c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66355
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf - Feb-Mar
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9am-12pm | 2/10-3/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-20T14:42:19.707
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for Spring break
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9am-12 pm | 2/10-3/23 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-20T14:42:19.707
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-01T09:54:55.027
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66355
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede307405] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66270
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Sat | Feb-Mar
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 2/10-3/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T10:41:07.467
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 5
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-12-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for Spring break
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 2/10-3/23 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636323730
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T10:41:07.467
[ModifyDate] => 2023-12-22T08:18:02.123
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66270
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede3075b6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66273
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 2/10-3/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T10:55:31.877
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for Spring Break
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 2/10-3/23 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T10:55:31.877
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-01T10:07:20.883
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66273
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede3076c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67034
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/10
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T16:25:55.97
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/10 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T16:25:55.97
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-30T16:36:07.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-30T16:25:55.97
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67034
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede307a8c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66522
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat-Jan24
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/10-3/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-12T08:53:14.533
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 458
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Cancelled for Winter Break 2/24/2024
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/10-3/23 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own
voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics –
and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique
to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to
pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 458
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 418
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-12T08:53:14.533
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-12T10:13:21.287
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66522
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede308234] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66356
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Graf Feb-Mar
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 12:30pm-2:30pm | 2/10-3/23
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-09T07:26:57.73
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for Spring break
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 12:30pm-2:30pm | 2/10-3/23| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Bill Graf helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Graf has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => xOil paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Odorless turpentine
Palette or palette paper.
Acrylic paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Palette or palette paper.
Colored Pencil
Prisma Pencils assorted set
Generals 2B, 4B, 6B
2B, 4B, 6B
Strathmore or Canson
Drawing Paper
Strathmore Charcoal Paper
Cotton Duct Canvas of any size
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-20T14:49:30.98
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-02T09:43:06.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66356
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede3085e1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66271
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage|Feb-Mar
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 2/10-3/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T10:46:08.61
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/24 for Spring break
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 2/10-3/23| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T10:46:08.61
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-06T14:43:29.617
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66271
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240210_67e5ede3088d6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66272
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 2/10-3/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-12-15T10:50:47.883
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for spring break
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 2/10-3/23 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-12-15T10:50:47.883
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-01T09:56:57.047
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66272
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240214_67e5ede30782e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67190
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 2/14
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-14T08:34:59.24
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/14 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-14T08:34:59.24
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-14T10:23:23.583
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-02-14T08:34:59.24
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67190
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240217_67e5ede3076ce] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67035
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/17
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T16:36:32.75
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/17 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T16:36:32.75
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-30T16:36:51.147
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-30T16:36:32.75
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67035
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240217_67e5ede308791] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66798
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Feb2024
[Description] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering...Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 2/17 12:30pm-3:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-22T12:55:58.523
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering, Cutting and Tearing, Gluing and Pasting Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 2/17 12:30pm - 3:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-22T12:55:58.523
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-06T13:07:10.81
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66798
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240220_67e5ede3087e0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66502
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => VAA-Hochberg 6-8yr Feb24
[Description] => VAA Cartoons, Sculptures, and Paints with Lori Hochberg | Ages 6-8 | 2/20-2/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-10T10:24:43.293
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 142
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => VAA Cartoons, Sculptures, and Paints with Lori Hochberg | Ages 6-8 | 2/20-2/22 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Vacation Art Adventures!
Join Instructor Lori Hochberg for three days of winter fun! Fun with Cartoon Characters
Students will explore cartooning through character drawings. A variety of people and animal cartoons will inspire our young artist as they fine tune their drawing techniques. Pencil, ink pens and colored pencils/ watercolor will be the mediums used to create their cartoon collection.
Elephant Sculptures
Elephants will be sculpted in this fun filled clay sculpture class. Young artists will use air dry clay to sculpt and then paint their sculptures with acrylic paints. Artist/ instructor will demonstrate the process of sculpting with clay stone clay. Bring a shoebox to transport your sculpture home safely.
Snowy Red Cardinal acrylic painting
Young artists will enjoy this exciting “paint a long” style class. Artist/instructor will demonstrate step-by-step how to paint a winter landscape with acrylics on canvas. Learn how to use acrylic paint, brush techniques and even a toothbrush for special effects! We’ll even make it snow for the grand finale!
Students must sign up for all three days in the vacation art adventure bundle. Prices will not be prorated for missed days.
All materials included.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 142
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 122
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-10T10:24:43.293
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-20T13:49:53.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66502
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240220_67e5ede3087e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66645
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| VAA 2024
[Description] => VAA Magic of Color in Collage & Sculpture with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | 11am-12pm | 2/20-2/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-20T12:13:36.45
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 122
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => VAA Magic of Color in Collage & Sculpture with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | 11am-12pm | 2/20-2/22 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students will enter the exciting world of sculpture and combines while learning of the works of Louise Nevelson and Joseph Cornell. We will be taking household paper recyclables and creating three dimensional relief works using collage, painting, and puzzle-like three dimensional structures. Each day focuses on another element of the project. The works will be free standing and fit together to form a wall of color, texture and form. After examining our unique and exciting creation, each student will have their own self contained relief sculpture. Students are encourage to bring newspapers, magazines and any pictures they would like to feature. Recyclable paper items will be provided with all artist materials.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 122
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 102
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-17T17:26:37.03
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-20T08:14:18.14
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66645
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240220_67e5ede3087e9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66528
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => VAAAnime-Schrage - Feb24
[Description] => VAA Teen Anime Character Design Workshop with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 2/20-2/23 | 10am - 1pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-19T14:22:08.197
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => VAA Teen Anime Character Design Workshop with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | 2/20-2/23 | 10am - 1pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Illustrator and Anime enthusiast Zach Schrage for this vacation teen character design workshop.
Creating characters can be a difficult task. This class aims to teach industry standard methods for character development and conceptualization. Students will learn how to gather and organize ideas, research, and learn to express their characters and bring them to life from the ground up, sketch to finish.
Join other students in talking about characters, shows, and graphic novels while working on developing your own unique characters in this three day workshop!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
- Sketchbook or Sketchpaper or Bond Paper
- Multimedia Paper or Bristol or teachers recommendation: Legion Stonehenge (can buy
pads at Blick)
- Drawing pencils and micron pens
- Colored medium(student choice) - colored pencils, markers, watercolor, acrylics.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-12T14:22:21.93
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-20T13:37:48.17
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66528
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240224_67e5ede3076d6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67036
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/24
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/24
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-23T08:44:05.47
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/24 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T16:37:13.93
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-30T16:37:55.747
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-30T16:37:13.93
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67036
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240228_67e5ede307831] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67203
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 2/28
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-15T11:45:32.717
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/28 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-15T11:45:32.717
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-15T11:45:56.567
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-02-15T11:45:32.717
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67203
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240228_67e5ede307894] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66818
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 2/28
[Description] => Create Nights - Queer Code and Fashion: Bracelet Weaving with Rob Stenzel | 2/28 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-24T07:38:16.227
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-02-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - Queer Coded Fashion: Bracelet Weaving with Rob Stenzel | 2/28 | 7pm-9pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
“Queer Code and Fashion”
Jewelry and clothing have long been used as a method of communication within the LGBTQ community, referred to as “Code”. This workshop focuses on an easy cord finger weaving technique that can be used to create flag colored friendship bracelets and necklaces. There will be a discussion on the origins and evolution of coded fashion.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-24T07:38:16.227
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-24T08:21:30.147
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240229_67e5ede3088a4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66527
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram| Thur | Feb-Mar
[Description] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm | 2/29-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-12T13:29:12.857
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-02-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 156
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will purchase Art League Reclaim Clay at a $1/lb for the amount they use each class. This payment is to be rendered by the end of each class at the front desk. The Instructor will keep track of each students usage.
[Title] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm | 2/29-3/21| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This beginner-friendly wheel class is for teens who want to challenge themselves and who don’t mind getting a little messy. During this 4 - week course, they will be introduced to all the steps needed to create a finished piece. They will learn about the different stages clay goes through, the tools needed to throw and trim their pieces and how to glaze them.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 156
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 136
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-12T13:29:12.857
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-12T13:45:30.887
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66527
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240302_67e5ede3076f6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67501
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/2
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/2
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-01T10:08:42.697
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 2/24 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-01T10:08:42.697
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-01T10:10:34.857
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-03-01T10:08:42.697
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67501
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240302_67e5ede307c99] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66802
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ink&Tech Stuart| March
[Description] => Inking and Watercolor workshop with Jay Stuart | Saturdays 10am- 1pm | 3/2-3/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-22T13:17:56.283
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Inking and Watercolor workshop with Jay Stuart | Saturdays 10am- 1pm | 3/2-3/16 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn how to ink your artwork using professional materials and techniques! Drawing fundamentals will be shown as well! Follow up with a crash course on watercolor materials and using them to add color and life to your inkwork! After going over all the possibilities of this medium and completing a piece, you will be shown how to properly varnish your watercolor painting so you won't need glass to display it!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] =>
-HB Pencil and sharpener (or a mechanical pencil with HB lead)
-12 inch ruler with inking edge
-Kneaded and Plastic Eraser
-Set of Fineliner Waterproof inking Pens (Microns, Faber Castell Pitt pens, ect)
-Bottle of Waterproof Black Ink
-Nib Pen Holder
-Pen Nibs (Zig G-Nibs are good, Speedball 512 ok)
-Watercolor brushes (decent to good quality) Rounds 2,6,10
Oval Wash (Blick Scholastic or Velvet Touch) 1/2 and 3/4
-Set of watercolors (Anything in your price range. Price does dictate quality but either will work)
-9x12 sketch book
-9x12 or larger Watercolor Pad or Block (Blocks are great but more money)
Only get 100% cotton Cold Press 140 lbs (Arches, Hahnemule, Blick Premier Red Label, Saunders)
-White Gouache
-White Gelpen (uniball signo)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228209:Stuart, Jay
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-22T13:17:56.283
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-12T07:54:06.46
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66802
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240305_67e5ede3084d1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67133
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => SmartPhone Hunt March
[Description] => SmartPhone Photography 101-103 Workshop with Holly Hunt| Tuesdays 3/5-3/19 | 6:30-8:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-08T11:47:16.38
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SmartPhone Photography 101 with Holly Hunt | Tuesdays 3/5-3/19 | 6:30pm-8:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
In this hands-on course, Holly teaches simple, easy to learn skills on Smartphone photography, composition, lighting, and technicality. In this 3 week course, you will discuss techniques from the best time of day to photograph through how to work with light and reflections.Holly will teach you how to take the best pictures with your smartphone, how to edit in your smartphone software, and how to use smartphone camera applications SNAPSEED and LIGHTLEAP. Holly looks forward to sharing with you the excitement that can be felt by capturing a beautiful image- one that you can be proud if and can call your own.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Smart Phone and charger
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228180:Hunt, Holly
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-08T11:47:16.38
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-04T09:51:00.923
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67133
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240306_67e5ede30783d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67202
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 3/6
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-15T11:42:07.87
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/6 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-15T11:42:07.87
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-21T08:25:31.583
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-02-15T11:42:07.87
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67202
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240306_67e5ede308881] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67120
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Jewelry Barbera 3/6-3/12
[Description] => Watercolor Paper and Wire Pendant with Ross Barbera | Wednesdays 2-4:30 pm | 3/6-3/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-07T10:11:39.23
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor Paper and Wire Pendant with Ross Barbera | Wednesdays 2-4:30 pm | 3/6-3/12 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this workshop, Ross introduces an exclusive jewelry-making process that combines painted watercolor paper with jewelry wire, resulting in uniquely original and vibrant pendants. Participants in the workshop will receive step-by-step guidance in crafting their own individual pendants. The instructions cover the creation of the wire armature for the pendant, the seamless integration of pre-painted paper with the jewelry wire, and the final varnishing process. The completed pendants will serve as wearable expressions of form, line, and color.
View some of the many incredible creations possible in this realm of jewelry making on Ross' website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => All essential materials and tools, including the pre-painted watercolor paper, will be supplied for the duration of the class.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-07T10:11:39.23
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-29T11:50:14.677
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67120
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240307_67e5ede307dd8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67006
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MetalLandsca- Thu | March
[Description] => Landscapes in Metal/ Layering Mixed Metals with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 3/7-3/21
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-07T06:56:56.583
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 395
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Landscapes in Metal/ Layering Mixed Metals with Marla Mencher Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 3/7-3/21 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this exciting 3 day workshop you will make a multi- layered pendant or earrings from a chosen geometric design, landscape idea or
still life. You will learn how to texture and cut out metals like silver, copper and brass, rivet together, polish, and assemble creating a beautiful 3-D piece of jewelry. Beginner class but experienced students can work on more complex ideas.
Material fee ~ $35 (depending on size of piece) to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 395
[SupplyList] => Bring sharpie and small pad for sketching and notes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T10:00:59.73
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-21T08:52:38.957
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67006
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240309_67e5ede30770f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67531
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/9
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-05T15:22:11.933
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-05T15:22:11.933
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-05T15:23:27.713
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-03-05T15:22:11.933
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67531
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240311_67e5ede3072ad] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64191
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC | 3-5 | 3/11-6/3
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 3/11-6/3
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-16T10:03:58.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 369
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 4/22, 4/29, and 5/27
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 3-5 | Mon 3:15-4 pm | 3/11-6/3| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => To paraphrase Picasso. every child is born an artist. in our early learner Art classes, we will be discovering and cultivating the artist that lies within each of us. Unique expression and responses to seeing the world, art, the environment and the voice within will be cultivated in a myriad of projects. We will be drawing, painting, sculpting, making prints and puppets. We will be learning new words and looking at both new and old artists and influences. In a supportive and friendly environment, where there are no wrong answers, where we learn to enjoy the freedom of expression while using new materials and concepts; art will be the pathway to encourage our sense of wonder, creativity and discovery.
Lessons for our earliest learners will be introduced with fun storybooks, poems and even music! We may even sneak in some art history! New words and materials will inspire our young creatives to go beyond coloring books and explore the possibilities of finding their own voices. We will learn new skills, new forms of art; explore shapes, colors, and pattern; wet and dry, large and small, flat and not.
Young school age artistic explorers, as we like to describe them, will be introduced to the elements and principles of art with age appropriate activities that will encourage looking at artworks and artist visions. Learning to see, to describe and to communicate those visions as well as creating their own. Words like medium, background, foreground, sculpture will be used to open up our choices while creating fun and exciting projects; some will be neat, some will be very messy; some will be small, others will need two hands to hold.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 369
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 369
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Ceramics
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T05:06:48.297
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-14T11:21:00.093
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 650
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2023-07-13T05:06:48.297
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64191
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240311_67e5ede3072c4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 64189
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MIYJCC | K-3 | 3/11-6/3
[Description] => Art For the Young at Mid-Isl Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Grades K-3 | Mon 4:15-5:15 pm | 3/11-6/3
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2023-08-16T10:04:17.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 10
[TuitionFee] => 369
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:15:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:15:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2023-07-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 4/22, 429, and 5/27
[Title] => Art For the Young at Mid Island Y JCC with Linda Gottlieb | Grades K-3 | Mon 4:15-5:15 pm | 3/11-6/3 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => To paraphrase Picasso. every child is born an artist. in our early learner Art classes, we will be discovering and cultivating the artist that lies within each of us. Unique expression and responses to seeing the world, art, the environment and the voice within will be cultivated in a myriad of projects. We will be drawing, painting, sculpting, making prints and puppets. We will be learning new words and looking at both new and old artists and influences. In a supportive and friendly environment, where there are no wrong answers, where we learn to enjoy the freedom of expression while using new materials and concepts; art will be the pathway to encourage our sense of wonder, creativity and discovery.
Lessons for our earliest learners will be introduced with fun storybooks, poems and even music! We may even sneak in some art history! New words and materials will inspire our young creatives to go beyond coloring books and explore the possibilities of finding their own voices. We will learn new skills, new forms of art; explore shapes, colors, and pattern; wet and dry, large and small, flat and not.
Young school age artistic explorers, as we like to describe them, will be introduced to the elements and principles of art with age appropriate activities that will encourage looking at artworks and artist visions. Learning to see, to describe and to communicate those visions as well as creating their own. Words like medium, background, foreground, sculpture will be used to open up our choices while creating fun and exciting projects; some will be neat, some will be very messy; some will be small, others will need two hands to hold.
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
This class takes place at the Mid Island Y JCC located at: 45 Manetto Hill Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 369
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 369
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-07-13T04:55:01.873
[ModifyDate] => 2023-07-13T06:16:13.09
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/64189
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240313_67e5ede307834] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67299
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 3/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-21T09:28:46.953
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/13 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-21T09:28:46.953
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-21T09:29:14.883
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-02-21T09:28:46.953
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67299
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240316_67e5ede307597] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67508
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WS Rimmelin 3/16
[Description] => Blowing Watercolor Flowers Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 3/16 10am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-01T12:00:15.84
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Blowing Watercolor Flowers and Negative Painting Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 3/16 10am-2pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Flowers are a topic most artists love to paint and in this workshop you will explore a totally new style of creating flowers. Negative painting
combined with the technique of blowing watercolor paint will allow you to paint unrestricted and completely outside the lines. Seeing the flower shapes within an abstract wash is the beginning of the process. Layering flowers that are filled with colors & movement will define your individual style and end results. This is a must try technique for all artists. Whether you are an experienced artist or just started painting with water color this is a great way to loosen up your artwork. And best of all you do not need any drawing skills for this class. Painting flowers can be fun. This workshop will show you a new way of imagining & envisioning flowers in a way that you haven’t likely encountered before.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Brushes:
#6, #8, and #10 round 1" flat #4 rigger or liner (any brushes you like painting with)
Paper: 1 piece 9"x12" up to 11"x15" 140lb watercolor paper plus additional scrap/practice paper
Additional Supplies:
Pencil and eraser
Masking tape or large clips
A board to hold paper
Spray bottle of water
2 water containers
Paper towels
A palette with a large mixing area
This list is to allow you to have the essential supplies needed without overburdening you with unnecessary items. Bring whatever supplies you are comfortable painting with.
Most importantly, bring a cheerful and playful spirit!!!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-01T12:00:15.84
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-12T08:04:05.273
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67508
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240316_67e5ede3076ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67532
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/16
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-05T15:24:30.14
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/16 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-05T15:24:30.14
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-05T15:25:28.08
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-03-05T15:24:30.14
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67532
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240320_67e5ede307837] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67568
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 3/20
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-11T09:07:04.07
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/20 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-11T09:07:04.07
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-21T09:05:29.453
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-03-11T09:07:04.07
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67568
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240320_67e5ede3087d4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67119
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PlayDough | 3-5 | 3/20
[Description] => Toddler and Me Play Dough Class with Jessica Marino| Ages 3-5 | Wednesday 10am-11am | 3/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-02-07T09:33:31.613
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Toddler and Me Play Dough Class with Jessica Marino | Ages 3-5 | Wednesday 10am-11am | 3/20 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Join us for a sensory play dough making experience. Toddlers and their adults will be guided to make their own play dough from scratch. Using non toxic safe ingredients. To promote creative imaginative play, once the play dough is made, children will be given themed sensory trinkets and kinetic sand to create their very own scene! Also enjoy story time before the class and take your play dough and sensory creations home!
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Ceramics
[InstructorListWithID] => 229469:Marino, Jessica
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-07T09:33:31.613
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-20T06:50:42.613
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 650
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-02-07T09:33:31.613
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67119
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240323_67e5ede3076fa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67571
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/23
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-11T09:08:51.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/23 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-11T09:08:51.423
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-11T09:09:37.653
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-03-11T09:08:51.423
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67571
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240327_67e5ede30783a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67569
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 3/27
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-11T09:07:50.07
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-11T09:07:50.07
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-11T09:13:31.487
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-03-11T09:07:50.07
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67569
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240327_67e5ede307880] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66820
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 3/27
[Description] => Create Nights - AIDS Memorial Quilting with Rob Stenzel | 3/27 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-24T08:18:08.397
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - AIDS Memorial Quilting with Rob Stenzel | 3/27 | 7pm-9pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The AIDS Memorial Quilt is considered the largest community art project in history. Participants will have the opportunity to create a collage design which will be scanned and printed on fabric. One print will be added into a quilt panel to be shown in the June show and then donated to the project, and a second print will be finished and taken home as a wall hanging. Collage materials will be supplied, in addition students are welcome to bring an 8 by 10 photo of someone with AIDs or HIV they would like to commemorate.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-24T08:18:08.397
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-24T08:20:55.917
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66820
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240330_67e5ede307703] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67572
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/30
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/30
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-11T09:10:18.92
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 3/30 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-11T09:10:18.92
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-11T09:12:24.687
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-03-11T09:10:18.92
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67572
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240330_67e5ede308794] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66799
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Mar2024
[Description] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering...Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 3/30 12:30pm-3:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-22T13:00:53.47
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-03-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-03-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering, Cutting and Tearing, Gluing and Pasting Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 3/30 12:30pm-3:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-22T13:00:53.47
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-30T10:21:27.997
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66799
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede3074f3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66903
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Apr-May
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T10:49:50.107
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 4/2-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636393033
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T10:49:50.107
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-02T08:45:24.877
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66903
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede307b8a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66888
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw| Fusco| Apr-May
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T09:09:27.5
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 4/23
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 4/2-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 217
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T09:09:27.5
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-19T06:52:08.053
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66888
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede307c21] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66902
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Apr-May
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T10:45:51.32
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 4/2-5/7| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T10:45:51.32
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T10:46:59.983
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66902
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede308046] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66901
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Apr-May
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T10:38:57.003
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 4/2-5/7| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T10:38:57.003
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T10:40:35.783
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66901
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede3081e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66866
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue| Apr-May
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-25T10:47:57.5
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 4/2-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-25T10:47:57.5
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-17T07:06:47.377
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66866
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede30825c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67811
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PortDev- Germano Apr/May
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Tom Germano | Tues 4:00-6:30| 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-21T11:09:21.32
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 355
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Tom Germano| Tuesdays 4:00-6:30 | 4/2-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This seminar is designed for High School Juniors and Seniors who are looking to build their portfolios before applying to a college art program. Students will create five drawings and a sixth work of art in a medium of their choice that will boost any portfolio to be at a highly competitive level with the goal of greater chances for college acceptance and potentially earning a scholarship to the chosen school of the individual student’s choice. Students enrolled in the weekly class are asked to spend equal time outside of class meetings. (15 hours in class, and 15 hours working between the six weekly classes.) The course is a hands-on studio class with very clear goals of creating individual projects that are designed to become outstanding portfolio pieces. There will be much personal feed-back and constructive criticism from the instructor, Thomas Germano. Thomas Germano is a professional artist and college Professor, teaching drawing, painting, and art history. His work can be viewed at and on Instagram: Thomas_Germano_Artist
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 355
[SupplyList] => 1. required supplies to have before the start of the classes:-white paper 18 x 24” minimum 80lb, 30 sheets
-pencils HB, 2B, 4B and 6B
-erasers pink and kneaded
-ruler 36”
First assignment: self-portrait drawn from life on white 18x24” paper
2. Drawing a perspective system
3. An exploration using line
4. Tonal drawing using pencil on paper
5. Drawing the ¾ head, neck and shoulders from a life model
6. Independent projects: a self initiated work in a medium of the student’s choice.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 335
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231243:Germano, Thomas
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-21T11:09:21.32
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-21T11:18:54.767
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67811
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede308652] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66889
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Apr-May
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5-6pm | 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T09:23:59.273
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 243
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 4/2-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 243
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 223
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T09:23:59.273
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T09:25:40.887
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66889
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240402_67e5ede30886b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66885
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg | Apr-May
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 10am-12pm | 4/2-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T08:19:13.1
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 4/23
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 10am-12pm | 4/2-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636383835
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T08:19:13.1
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T08:22:17.73
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-26T08:19:13.1
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-26T08:19:13.1
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66885
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240403_67e5ede3071d0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66908
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedPM- Apr-May
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 4/3-5/8
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-27T10:20:42.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 4/3-5/8 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T11:59:42.66
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T12:00:35.357
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66908
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240403_67e5ede3071ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66907
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedAM-April/May
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm |4/3-5/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T11:57:21.603
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 4/3-5/8 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T11:57:21.603
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T10:06:34.687
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66907
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240403_67e5ede307849] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68000
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 4/3
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/3
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T06:45:55.473
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/3 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T06:45:55.473
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T06:46:23.3
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T06:45:55.473
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68000
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240403_67e5ede307b26] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67276
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => CrWriting April
[Description] => Finding your Writers Voice: Creative Writing with Gae Polisner Wednesday 4/3-4/17| 6pm-7:15pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T05:45:35.933
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-20T12:38:58.397
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:15:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Finding your Writers Voice: Creative Writing Workshop with Gae Polisner Wednesday 4/3-4/17| 6pm-7:15pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => FINDING YOUR WRITER’S VOICE by award winning author Gae Polisner: Just as great singers have unique and recognizable voices, so do the best writers. Yet schools these days simply do not have much time for creative writing, nor the ability to nurture writer’s voice in the elementary through high school years. This class will be chock-full of hands-on creative writing including memoir, poetry, short story and/or novel writing, and students will use these forms as a chance to not only learn basic and more sophisticated craft, but also to discover and explore our own unique writer’s voice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 50
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 222326:Polisner, Gae
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-02-20T10:49:13.66
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-02T08:42:15.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67276
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240403_67e5ede3080f5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66905
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Apr-May
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 4/3-5/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T11:43:58.343
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 4/3-5/8 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T11:43:58.343
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T11:45:48.11
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66905
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240403_67e5ede308362] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67758
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => ProCreate Yellin| Apr/May
[Description] => ProCreate with Stu Yellin | Wednesdays 6-8 pm | 4/3-5/8
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T05:45:53.06
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => ProCreate with Stu Yellin | Wednesdays 6:00-8:00pm | 4/3-5/8 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => An introductory class for teens interested in learning one of the most popular digital art programs available today! Class will cover the
basics workings and layouts of the program, go through the basic drawing, painting and editing tools, and allow the students to create
small projects that will reinforce their new literacy of the application.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Ipad
Procreate softrware/app installed
Apple Pencil (very strongly recommended!)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-20T08:39:24.193
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-02T08:43:05.783
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67758
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede3070fe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66909
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcryl- Apr-May
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 4/4-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T12:04:45.267
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm 4/4-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T12:04:45.267
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T12:05:45.567
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66909
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede307240] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66913
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | Apr-May
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 4/4-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T12:16:51.473
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 4/4-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T12:16:51.473
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-02T08:03:05.02
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66913
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede307496] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66904
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram Apr-May
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 4/4-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T11:29:33.173
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 4/4-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Designed to take a beginner to the next step, work with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms. Learn how to throw tall cylinders and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Enhance forms with surface decoration techniques like slip trailing and sgraffito.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636393034
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T11:29:33.173
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T11:37:08.367
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66904
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede307a74] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67657
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Apr/May
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 4/4-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-15T06:01:32.087
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 4/4-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-15T06:01:32.087
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-15T06:02:56.077
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67657
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede3080cd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66906
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Apr-May
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 4/4-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T11:53:43.293
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 4/4-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T11:53:43.293
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-06T07:29:50.05
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66906
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede3081ae] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66867
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu | Apr-May
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 4/4-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-25T10:55:40.54
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 327
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 4/4-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 327
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 307
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-25T10:55:40.54
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-05T08:56:42.927
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66867
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede3084ce] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67585
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => SmartPhone Hunt April
[Description] => SmartPhone Photography 101-103 Workshop with Holly Hunt| Thursdays 4/4-4/18 | 6:30-8:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-20T08:35:08.3
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SmartPhone Photography 101 with Holly Hunt | Thursdays 4/4-4/18 | 6:30pm-8:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
In this hands-on course, Holly teaches simple, easy to learn skills on Smartphone photography, composition, lighting, and technicality. In this 3 week course, you will discuss techniques from the best time of day to photograph through how to work with light and reflections.Holly will teach you how to take the best pictures with your smartphone, how to edit in your smartphone software, and how to use smartphone camera applications SNAPSEED and LIGHTLEAP. Holly looks forward to sharing with you the excitement that can be felt by capturing a beautiful image- one that you can be proud if and can call your own.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Smart Phone and charger
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228180:Hunt, Holly
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-12T06:54:14.34
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-12T06:57:51.28
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67585
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240404_67e5ede3088a7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66914
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram| Thur | Apr-May
[Description] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm | 4/4-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T08:13:25.79
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will purchase Art League Reclaim Clay at a $1/lb for the amount they use each class. This payment is to be rendered by the end of each class at the front desk. The Instructor will keep track of each students usage.
[Title] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm | 4/4-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This beginner-friendly wheel class is for teens who want to challenge themselves and who don’t mind getting a little messy. During this 4 - week course, they will be introduced to all the steps needed to create a finished piece. They will learn about the different stages clay goes through, the tools needed to throw and trim their pieces and how to glaze them.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T12:18:42.3
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T12:23:57.957
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66914
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240405_67e5ede307310] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66992
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Apr-May
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am - 1pm | 4/5-5/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T07:35:42.7
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/23 for Spring break
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am - 1pm | 4/5-5/10 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 30" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
For the first class, please be prepared with:
-photos taken of trees you would like to paint in hard copies around 4 1/2" x 6" to work from
-a 30" x 40" canvas
-a basic set of paints in either oils or acrylics
-a paper pallette pad or drawing pad
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt Sienna
For the course you will need:
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T07:35:42.7
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-12T11:17:41.467
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-30T07:35:42.7
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-30T07:35:42.7
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-01-30T07:35:42.7
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66992
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240405_67e5ede307d2c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67534
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-FriAM- Apr/May
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 10am-1pm| 4/5-5/10
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-05T06:32:35.74
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/23 for Spring Break
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 10am-1pm| 4/5-5/10| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => I like to first asses the ability of the students and then proceed with learning/refining of techniques. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on. After assessing, Ideally throwing bigger and consistent is a goal I like to start with. Shapes as such come with the knowledge of the techniques. Surface decorations will be taught as well to add dimension to the pieces being created. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191914:Badke, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-05T15:45:36.13
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-05T15:46:30.357
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67534
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240405_67e5ede307d32] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67533
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-FriPM- Apr/May
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 1pm-4pm | 4/5-5/10
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-20T08:01:11.52
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/23 for Spring Break
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Laura Badke | Fridays 1pm-4pm | 4/5-5/10| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => I like to first asses the ability of the students and then proceed with learning/refining of techniques. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on. After assessing, Ideally throwing bigger and consistent is a goal I like to start with. Shapes as such come with the knowledge of the techniques. Surface decorations will be taught as well to add dimension to the pieces being created. I will always supply articles/videos of interest to the project we will be working on.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 191914:Badke, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-05T15:43:42.317
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-17T06:51:33.92
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67533
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240405_67e5ede3087b9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66991
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Apr-May
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am - 1pm | 4/5-5/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T07:32:01.81
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/23 for Spring Break
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am - 1pm | 4/5-5/10 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link
to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T07:32:01.81
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-20T11:02:19.077
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66991
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240406_67e5ede30738f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66993
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf - Apr-May
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9am-12pm | 4/6-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T07:38:34.76
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9am-12 pm | 4/6-5/11 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T07:38:34.76
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-02T11:07:45.177
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66993
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240406_67e5ede3075c2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66996
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Apr-May
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 4/6-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-05T07:50:31.63
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for Spring Break
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 4/6-5/11 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T07:44:00.683
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-30T07:44:40.17
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66996
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240406_67e5ede307731] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68002
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/6
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T07:10:43.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/6 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T07:10:43.96
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T07:12:15.677
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T07:10:43.96
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68002
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240406_67e5ede307a8f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67541
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat April/May
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 4/6-5/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-07T07:12:42.317
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 458
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 4/6-5/10 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own
voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics –
and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique
to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to
pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 458
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 418
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-07T07:12:42.317
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-07T07:14:44.67
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67541
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240406_67e5ede308238] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66994
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PortDev-Graf Apr-May
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 12:30pm-2:30pm | 4/6-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-20T08:07:57.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for Spring break
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Bill Graf | Sat 12:30pm-2:30pm | 4/6-5/11 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Portfolio Development is a course meant for students hoping to generate quality artworks to aid in the construction of their portfolios. This class functions much like an open studio, where accomplished instructor Bill Graf helps students at their pace in specialized projects for their portfolios. Students can expect to complete a series of projects Graf has developed over a long career of portfolio instruction before moving on to pieces that certain colleges require for applications, more conceptual pieces that students wish to tackle, and projects from school that require more time and individualized critique and discussion. This class will facilitate plenty of constructive critique and more in depth discussions about college application processes, like how to write an artist statement, piece descriptions, artist CVs, and more.
Projects in this class runs the gamut from abstract to high realism. Each project is created with the intent that it will be portfolio quality all while skill building develops through the creation of each piece of art. Projects take from one to 6 sessions to complete. Instruction will be highly individualized to each student to promote their best work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => xOil paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Odorless turpentine
Palette or palette paper.
Acrylic paints
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Brushes (instructor will bring some)
Palette or palette paper.
Colored Pencil
Prisma Pencils assorted set
Generals 2B, 4B, 6B
2B, 4B, 6B
Strathmore or Canson
Drawing Paper
Strathmore Charcoal Paper
Cotton Duct Canvas of any size
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T07:40:18.057
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-30T07:41:02.467
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66994
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240406_67e5ede3085ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67535
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| Apr/May
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 4/6-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-05T15:48:17.74
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 2/24 for Spring break
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 4/6-5/11| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-05T15:48:17.74
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-05T15:49:13.033
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67535
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240406_67e5ede3088df] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66995
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Apr-May
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 4/6-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T07:42:16.683
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 2/24 for spring break
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 4/6-5/11 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T07:42:16.683
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-18T09:57:47.653
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66995
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240409_67e5ede307436] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66894
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue | Apr-May
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 4/9-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T10:11:11.447
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2024-04-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 395
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 4/2
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 4/9-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 395
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636383934
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T10:11:11.447
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-04T15:38:17.29
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66894
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240409_67e5ede307912] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66890
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon April-May
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm |4/9-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T09:36:13.58
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 145
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => - Class canceled 4/2
Class canceled 4/30
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm |4/9-5/7| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 145
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 125
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T09:36:13.58
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T09:46:41.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66890
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240409_67e5ede307ccc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66898
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue| Apr-May
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 4/9-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T10:23:19.537
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-04-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 530
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 4/2
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 4/9-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 530
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 490
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636383938
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T10:23:19.537
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-30T10:17:57.51
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66898
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240409_67e5ede3083c9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66892
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic Apr-May
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg| Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 4/9-5/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T10:00:45.31
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 170
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 4/2
C?lass canceled 4/30
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 4/9-5/7 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 170
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 150
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T10:00:45.31
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-13T07:59:41.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66892
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240410_67e5ede307840] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68006
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 4/10
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T07:15:43.77
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/10 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T07:15:43.77
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:01.667
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T07:15:43.77
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68006
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240411_67e5ede30726e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67640
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AllSilver- Thur | Apr-May
[Description] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 4/11-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-14T10:16:45.07
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 397
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 4/11-5/9| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 397
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 357
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-14T10:16:45.07
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-14T10:20:10.247
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67640
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240411_67e5ede30869e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66911
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPath | AM Apr-May
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 4/11-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T12:09:49.067
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 4/11-5/9 |Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T12:09:49.067
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-08T10:28:31.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66911
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240411_67e5ede3086e1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66910
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| April/May
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 4/11-5/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T12:07:18.76
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 4/11-5/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T12:07:18.76
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-08T08:47:00.15
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66910
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240413_67e5ede307409] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66900
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Sat | Apr-May
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 4/13-5/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-26T10:30:27.23
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2024-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 397
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 4/6
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 4/13-5/11 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 397
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 357
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3636393030
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-26T10:30:27.23
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-13T08:01:09.757
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66900
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240413_67e5ede307716] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68003
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T07:12:47.14
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/13 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T07:12:47.14
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-16T12:22:11.273
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T07:12:47.14
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240417_67e5ede307843] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68007
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 4/17
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:18.83
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/17 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:18.83
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:35.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:18.83
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68007
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240420_67e5ede307722] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68004
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/20
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T07:13:23.463
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/20 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T07:13:23.463
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T07:13:45.98
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T07:13:23.463
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68004
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240420_67e5ede307df4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67538
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WS Rimmelin 4/20
[Description] => Loose Liquid Landscape Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 4/20| 10am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-06T09:42:04.987
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Loose Liquid Landscape Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 4/20| 10am-2pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Do you want to loosen up your painting style?
P?ainting loose requires the ability to let go of controlling watercolor and allowing the paint to move freely on paper. Loosing control during a painting can be an artists worse nightmare but in this workshop, loosing control is what helps create these dramatic landscapes. What's most impressive about this painting process is the movement of pigment & water and the stunning shapes & designs you will achieve.
Are you ready to put paint on paper and let it flow?
Lets unlock our creativity and allow the watercolor paints to take us on a journey and see what we can create when we let the paint flow.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Brushes:
#10 round or larger 2" flat #4 rigger or liner (any brushes you like painting with)
Paint: ANY COLORS YOU LIKE PAINTING WITH. Tubes of paint only as we will be squeezing paint directly from the tubes
4 pieces of 11"x15" 140lb watercolor paper
a full sheet (22"x30") can be broken down to smaller pieces
I highly recommend you purchase Arches 140lb or 300lb
The techniques we will be doing only work on a high quality paper
Additional Supplies:
Masking tape or large clips
A board to hold paper
Spray bottle of water
An old towel or cookie sheet for dripping paper on
2 water containers
Paper towels
A palette with a large mixing area
An old/ used credit or gift card
This list contains essential supplies needed to participate in this workshop
Most importantly, bring a cheerful and playful spirit!!!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-06T09:42:04.987
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-19T07:16:23.763
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67538
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240424_67e5ede307846] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68008
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 4/24
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:54.783
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/24 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:54.783
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T07:21:27.007
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T07:16:54.783
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68008
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240424_67e5ede3078b5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66822
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 4/24
[Description] => Create Nights - Queer Cult Classics: "But I'm a Cheerleader" with Rob Stenzel | 4/24 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-24T08:22:21.36
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - Queer Cult Classics: "But I'm a Cheerleader" with Rob Stenzel | 4/24 | 7pm-9pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This 1999 cult classic contains a diverse cast with many queer icons including Great Neck native Natasha Lyonne. It is a piece of cinematographic art and cultural commentary that captures the journey of coming out and discovery of sexuality and gender in a tongue in cheek wave of kitsch, while also bringing light to the dangers of reparative therapy.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-24T08:22:21.36
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-05T08:38:20.073
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240427_67e5ede30772a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68005
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/27
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-01T07:14:06.907
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 4/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-01T07:14:06.907
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T07:14:23.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-01T07:14:06.907
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68005
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240427_67e5ede308797] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66800
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Apr2024
[Description] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering...Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 4/27 9:30am-12:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-22T13:03:48.62
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-04-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-04-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering, Cutting and Tearing, Gluing and Pasting Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 4/27 9:30am-12:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-22T13:03:48.62
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-16T06:41:57.11
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66800
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240501_67e5ede30784c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68510
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 5/1
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 5/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-01T07:10:17.707
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 5/1 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T07:10:17.707
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T07:10:37.377
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T07:10:17.707
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68510
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240501_67e5ede3084d7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67586
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => SmartPhone Hunt May
[Description] => SmartPhone Photography 101-103 Workshop with Holly Hunt| Wednesdays 5/1-5/15 | 6:30-8:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-30T06:59:53.303
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-03-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SmartPhone Photography 101 with Holly Hunt | Wednesdays 5/1-5/15 | 6:30pm-8:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
In this hands-on course, Holly teaches simple, easy to learn skills on Smartphone photography, composition, lighting, and technicality. In this 3 week course, you will discuss techniques from the best time of day to photograph through how to work with light and reflections.Holly will teach you how to take the best pictures with your smartphone, how to edit in your smartphone software, and how to use smartphone camera applications SNAPSEED and LIGHTLEAP. Holly looks forward to sharing with you the excitement that can be felt by capturing a beautiful image- one that you can be proud if and can call your own.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Smart Phone and charger
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228180:Hunt, Holly
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-12T06:55:44.863
[ModifyDate] => 2024-03-12T06:57:14.293
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67586
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240501_67e5ede3084e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68087
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Silvrings1-|May
[Description] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 2pm-6pm | 5/1
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-30T06:59:35.49
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 325
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-09T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 2pm-6pm | 5/1| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Design, torch, hammer, and stamp sterling silver to turn it into an heirloom-quality ring! Students learn to use metalsmithing tools, such as a torch and hammer, to create a unique piece of jewelry. Add words and/or stamped patterns to your piece. Professionally finish your work so that it can be comfortably worn.
This workshop is great for beginners, as well as experienced artists who just want to have fun in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. It includes all materials and tool usage. Class is open to adults ages 18 and older.
Instructor Rachel prides herself on the encouragement and individualized attention she gives to students. She has more than two decades of jewelry-making experience and has taught classes all across Long Island. See her work at and
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 325
[SupplyList] => Bring sharpie and small pad for sketching and notes
Materials Fee of $40 payable to the instructor?
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 300
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-09T08:36:20.92
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-10T09:01:59.003
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68087
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240502_67e5ede307d6d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68115
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WaxCarve WS Salta| May
[Description] => Intro to Wax Carving Workshop with Jen Salta | Thursday 6-9 pm | 5/2 & 5/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T10:22:54.203
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 5/9
[Title] => Intro to Wax Carving Workshop with Jen Salta | Thursdays 6-9 pm | 5/2 & 5/16| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Start your wax carving adventure with Jen Salta! Learn the art of wax carving during this three-part beginner class. Lead by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta. This class is structured toward true beginners and is project based, where students will create individual designs in cast metal. Each student will leave the course with a finished pendant!
Jennifer will guide you through the process on how to lay out your design, transfer it to wax, and send it out to be cast.You will learn a variety of techniques and learn all the essentials that will give you the knowledge and confidence to continue exploring the amazing world of wax carving and lost wax casting on your own. You will be provided with a tool/vendor list for your reference. Wax carving opens so many possibilities for design and there is much to learn. Take this leap into the exciting world of wax on Tuesday nights.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials. Bring a sketchbook and some ideas for designs on the first day.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T10:22:54.203
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-10T10:55:55.65
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68115
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240504_67e5ede307755] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68513
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/4
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-01T07:35:43.417
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/4 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T07:35:43.417
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T07:36:03.903
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T07:35:43.417
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68513
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240504_67e5ede30815f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 66804
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WC Workshop MayMASI
[Description] => Painting Bold with Watercolor Workshop with Antonio Masi | Saturday 5/4 & 5/11| 10 am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-22T14:08:56.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting Bold with Watercolor Workshop with Antonio Masi | Saturdays 5/4 & 5/11 | 10 am - 2 pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Antonio Masi is president of the American Watercolor Society and International renowned painter. The goal of this workshop is to show the untapped power of watercolor. The focus will be on how to approach this medium from a contemporary point of view, powerful, emotional and delicate. Learn how attention to details and unusual perspective make for poetic, moody works, with strong textural qualities. He will demonstrate land, marine and cityscapes and explain the fundamentals that make a painting successful. The lectures are easily understood and helpful. Students are free to select the subject they like to paint. During his demonstrations, he will explain the uses of his paints, paper, palette and brushes and how he applies color and how to loosen up during painting. He will demo in the morning and the remainder of the day students will receive plenty of one-on-one individual demonstrations. Students are welcome to bring a completed painting on the first day for a skill building critique.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => SUPPLIES:
Bring your preferred watercolor supplies and set up. Ensure that you are working on a high quality watercolor paper. We recommend Arches 150 lb cold pressed paper in the size of your choice.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194877:Masi, Antonio
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-22T14:08:56.837
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-26T10:05:57.457
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/66804
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240508_67e5ede307852] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68511
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 5/8
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 5/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-01T07:13:17.797
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 5/8 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T07:13:17.797
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T07:16:18.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T07:13:17.797
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68511
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240511_67e5ede307739] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68514
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/11
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-01T07:36:25.73
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/11 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T07:36:25.73
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T07:37:50.137
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T07:36:25.73
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68514
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240514_67e5ede3078d0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68116
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => StoneSet WS Salta| May
[Description] => Creating Stone Settings in Wax Workshop with Jen Salta| Tuesday 6-9 pm | 5/14 & 5/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T10:52:02.777
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No class 5/21
[Title] => Creating Stone Settings in Wax Workshop with Jen Salta | Tuesday 6-9 pm | 5/14 & 5/28 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this two-part class, students will learn how to make stone settings using the lost wax casting technique. Using a variety of different wax students will make two different settings for cabochon stones: one bezel and one prong setting. Students will be using a combination of hand tools and flex shafts.
First week of class will be a wax working class and the second week we will be cleaning and setting the stones.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] => 1
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => A $20 material fee is due the first class. Hand tools and wax will be provided. Students are welcome to bring their own stones as long as they are no smaller then 6mm and flat back. Otherwise, stones will be available at the first class for an additional fee.
Students will also receive a suggested tool list upon sign up. As well as a resource list for future projects.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T10:52:02.777
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-16T12:28:45.207
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68116
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240515_67e5ede30784f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68512
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Wed 5/15
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 5/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-01T07:16:48.78
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-02-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 5/15 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T07:16:48.78
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T07:17:18.667
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T07:16:48.78
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68512
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240518_67e5ede307744] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68515
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/18
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-01T07:38:04.227
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/18 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T07:38:04.227
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T07:38:20.097
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T07:38:04.227
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68515
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240518_67e5ede307b31] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67539
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WS Rimmelin 5/18
[Description] => Flower Washes Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 5/18 10am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-06T09:55:44.637
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Flower Washes Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 5/18 10am-2pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Looking to loosen up your floral paintings? Try loosening up your washes!
M?y favorite watercolor paintings are the ones in which I allow the paint to do its thing. watercolor has a unique quality when mixed with water, it flows, it moves, it mingles with other colors. Some artists say it has a mind of its own. Some say its unpredictable and hard to control. These qualities are what I love most about watercolor.
L?ets let the paint flow in this exciting workshop. Encourage the paint to make blooms & ruffled edges while you imagine flowers are taking shape. Use water to make interesting marks and see what happens.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Brushes:
#6, #8, and #10 round 1" flat #4 rigger or liner (any brushes you like painting with)
Paper: 1 piece 9"x12" up to 11"x15" 140lb watercolor paper plus additional scrap/practice paper
Additional Supplies:
Pencil and eraser
Masking tape or large clips
A board to hold paper
Spray bottle of water
2 water containers
Paper towels
A palette with a large mixing area
This list is to allow you to have the essential supplies needed without overburdening you with unnecessary items. Bring whatever supplies you are comfortable painting with.
Most importantly, bring a cheerful and playful spirit!!!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-06T09:55:44.637
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-17T06:47:30.04
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67539
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240518_67e5ede30879a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68334
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens May2024
[Description] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering...Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 5/18 12-3pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-19T07:02:17.787
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering, Cutting and Tearing, Gluing and Pasting Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 5/18 12pm-3pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-19T07:02:17.787
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-10T05:46:25.447
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68334
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede30743a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68111
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BegSilv- Tue | May/June
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am - 12:30 pm | 5/21-6/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T08:36:13.393
[NumberOfSeats] => 5
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 395
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 5/21-6/18 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 395
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638313131
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T08:36:13.393
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-02T13:30:15.587
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68111
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede3074f7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68034
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram May-June
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 5/21-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:19:25.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 5/21-6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638303334
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:19:25.917
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-23T06:51:53.037
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68034
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede307903] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68157
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Cartoon May-June
[Description] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 5/21-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-12T09:49:29.11
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:45:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues 5:30-6:45pm | 5/21-6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Cartooning! Students will have fun while learning the basics of cartoon drawing in this energetic and friendly class. This class is both product and process oriented with the instructor leading students through projects in classic cartooning, character development, anime, comics, and more! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of cartooning skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many cartoons / cartoonists. The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-12T09:49:29.11
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T10:00:38.527
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68157
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede307c24] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68033
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| May-June
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 5/21-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:17:09.91
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 5/21-6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:17:09.91
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T07:18:31.833
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68033
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede307ccf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68112
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue| May/June
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 5/21-6/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T08:38:31.557
[NumberOfSeats] => 7
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 530
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 5/21-6/18 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $60 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 530
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $60 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 490
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T08:38:31.557
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-10T08:41:55.173
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68112
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede308049] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68109
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong May/June
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 5/21-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T06:38:39.763
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 5/21-6/25 Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T06:38:39.763
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-10T06:40:03.313
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68109
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede3081e9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68031
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue| May-June
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 5/21-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:09:49.907
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 5/21-6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638303331
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:09:49.907
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-17T07:11:46.433
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68031
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede30825f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68138
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PortDev- Germano May/June
[Description] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Tom Germano | Tues 4:00-6:30| 5/21 - 6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-11T07:12:55.08
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 355
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Portfolio Development for Teens with Tom Germano| Tuesdays 4:00-6:30 | 5/21 - 6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
This seminar is designed for High School Juniors and Seniors who are looking to build their portfolios before applying to a college art program. Students will create five drawings and a sixth work of art in a medium of their choice that will boost any portfolio to be at a highly competitive level with the goal of greater chances for college acceptance and potentially earning a scholarship to the chosen school of the individual student’s choice. Students enrolled in the weekly class are asked to spend equal time outside of class meetings (15 hours in class, and 15 hours working between the six weekly classes). The course is a hands-on studio class with very clear goals of creating individual projects that are designed to become outstanding portfolio pieces. There will be much personal feed-back and constructive criticism from the instructor, Thomas Germano. Thomas Germano is a professional artist and college Professor, teaching drawing, painting, and art history. His work can be viewed at and on Instagram: Thomas_Germano_Artist
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 355
[SupplyList] => 1. required supplies to have before the start of the classes:-white paper 18 x 24” minimum 80lb, 30 sheets
-pencils HB, 2B, 4B and 6B
-erasers pink and kneaded
-ruler 36”
First assignment: self-portrait drawn from life on white 18x24” paper
2. Drawing a perspective system
3. An exploration using line
4. Tonal drawing using pencil on paper
5. Drawing the ¾ head, neck and shoulders from a life model
6. Independent projects: a self initiated work in a medium of the student’s choice.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 335
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231243:Germano, Thomas
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-11T07:12:55.08
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-23T09:43:12.303
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68138
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede3083cc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68158
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YA-Realistic May-June
[Description] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg| Ages 8-12 | Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 5/21-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-12T09:54:29.497
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 255
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 7:00-8:30pm | 5/21-6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the fundamentals of drawing and become a better artist in this fun class! Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. Pencil, charcoal and ink are the mediums covered in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 255
[SupplyList] => 11 x 14 or larger sketchpad (preferably spiral bound)
1 large sheet Mi teintes charcoal/ pastel paper ( medium grey color)
Soft vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencil
Drawing pencils HB, 2b, 6b
Kneaded eraser
White 2b conte
black ink pen ( microns or thin sharpies are good)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 235
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-12T09:54:29.497
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T09:57:41.44
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68158
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240521_67e5ede308655] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68032
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| May-June
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5-6pm | 5/21-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:14:52.343
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 243
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 5/21-6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 243
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 223
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:14:52.343
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T07:16:20.11
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68032
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240522_67e5ede3071d4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68161
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedPM- May/June
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 5/22-6/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-12T11:18:39.75
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 5/22-6/26 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-12T11:18:39.75
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T11:21:15.773
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68161
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240522_67e5ede3071e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68160
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedAM-May/June
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 5/22-6/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-12T11:16:33.837
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 5/22-6/26 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-12T11:16:33.837
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T11:17:08.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68160
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240522_67e5ede307daf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68066
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntroWildPhoto| May-June
[Description] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Wed 7-9pm | 5/22-6/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-28T08:56:08.88
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 6/19
[Title] => Introduction to Waterscape and Wildlife Photography with John P. Cardone | Wednesdays 7-9pm | 5/22-6/26 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Local author and photographer John P. Cardone conducts this 10-hour class based on his book Waterviews: A Collection of Photographs, Thoughts, and Experiences. This class, designed for the beginner to intermediate photographer, is interactive as John brings up topics and hands out weekly photo-shoot assignments to get you involved. So, take lots of outdoor pictures and come prepared to discuss your photo work while learning with others. Topics covered include: camera features, the technical side, waterscape photo composition and techniques, natural lighting, panorama photography, wildlife photography - including the challenge of birds-in-flight - understanding sequential photography and settings, and a look at macro photography. Plus, extras such as adding watermarks, copyright info, choosing print sizes, and how to mat a photo. Students will mat one of their own photos and create a class photo calendar from the best outdoor photographs. A $20 materials fee is paid to the instructor.
This class is geared towards 35 mm digital cameras, but students can also participate with a cell phone camera!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192399:Cardone, John
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-05T07:52:11.19
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-22T09:45:35.253
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68066
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240522_67e5ede3080f8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68036
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short May-June
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 5/22-6/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-22T09:34:35.143
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 5/22-6/26 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:25:46.47
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-22T09:34:23.65
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68036
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240522_67e5ede308365] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68332
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 820
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Graphic Design
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Graphic Design
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/820
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => ProCreate Yellin| May/Jun
[Description] => ProCreate with Stu Yellin | Wednesdays 6-8 pm | 5/22-6/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-22T09:36:06.187
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => ProCreate with Stu Yellin | Wednesdays 6:00-8:00pm | 5/22-6/26 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => An introductory class for beginners interested in learning one of the most popular digital art programs available today! Class will cover the
basics workings and layouts of the program, go through the basic drawing, painting and editing tools, and allow the students to create
small projects that will reinforce their new literacy of the application.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Ipad
Procreate softrware/app installed
Apple Pencil (very strongly recommended!)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-19T06:40:34.88
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-22T09:35:02.073
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68332
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240522_67e5ede3084f0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68110
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Silvrings1-|May
[Description] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 5pm-9pm | 5/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T08:18:53.86
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 5pm-9pm | 5/22| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Design, torch, hammer, and stamp sterling silver to turn it into an heirloom-quality ring! Students learn to use metalsmithing tools, such as a torch and hammer, to create a unique piece of jewelry. Add words and/or stamped patterns to your piece. Professionally finish your work so that it can be comfortably worn.
This workshop is great for beginners, as well as experienced artists who just want to have fun in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. It includes all materials and tool usage. Class is open to adults ages 18 and older.
Instructor Rachel prides herself on the encouragement and individualized attention she gives to students. She has more than two decades of jewelry-making experience and has taught classes all across Long Island. See her work at and
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Bring sharpie and small pad for sketching and notes
Materials Fee of $40 payable to the instructor
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 200
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T08:18:53.86
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-22T12:41:28.92
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68110
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede307102] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68039
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic |May-June
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 5/23-6/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:38:17.857
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 5/23-6/13 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:38:17.857
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T07:42:06.277
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68039
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede307247] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68140
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | May/June
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 5/23 - 6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-11T07:26:32.177
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 5/23 - 6/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638313430
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-11T07:26:32.177
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-30T07:05:50.413
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68140
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede307272] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68113
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AllSilver- Thur | May/Jun
[Description] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 5/23-6/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T08:43:11.843
[NumberOfSeats] => 5
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 397
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 5/23-6/20 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 397
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 357
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638313133
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T08:43:11.843
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-02T13:29:31.61
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68113
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede3072fd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67017
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Veterans WS 5/23/24
[Description] => ART of Healing - Veteran workshop with John Melillo | Thursday 5/23 | 4 - 6pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T12:46:01.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => ART of Healing - Veteran workshop with John Melillo | Thursday 5/23 | 4 - 6pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => ART of Healing Veteran workshop by John Melillo, East End Artist/Disabled Vietnam Veteran
On Thursday, May 23rd 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. join Veteran artist John Melillo at The Art League of L.I. for a painting workshop. John, a member of the Art League of L.I. & Disabled Vietnam Veteran, has found solace from PTSD through the ART of painting. John will share his story and triumphs with other Veterans and participants suffering through their own situations as we enjoy a painting workshop. No experience needed. John will guide the participants through the practice of painting to create a painting of their own to take home.
This free workshop is open to veterans, first responders, and active military, including those who are Art League of Long Island members.
John Melillo is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran who never painted before retiring when his PTSD Trauma became overwhelming. He was to then realize this New Gift of “ART” as a 3rd ACT! ART Saved Me!
John has been sharing his journey of Survival with a GLOBAL MESSAGE!
“We all have our VIETNAM’s” …… be a death in family, accident, illness, bad relationship, something that stays with us that affects Our lives. It’s something you don’t heal from, you have to learn how to live with! “How we deal with it TENDS TO DEFINE US”. Our theory has been, do something that has self-worth for yourself and in doing so you might find solace! Painting is my Life Saver!” I’m dealing with my PTSD condition by sharing my journey and in hopes to help others. JM
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All are Welcome
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T12:46:01.05
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-01T05:56:19.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67017
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede307499] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68042
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram| May-June
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 5/23-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:51:59.15
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 5/23-6/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Designed to take a beginner to the next step, work with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms. Learn how to throw tall cylinders and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Enhance forms with surface decoration techniques like slip trailing and sgraffito.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:51:59.15
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T07:53:05.357
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68042
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede307a78] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67770
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| May/June
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 5/23-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-03-20T10:39:50.217
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 5/23-6/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-03-20T10:39:50.217
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-07T08:48:53.17
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67770
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede3080d0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68038
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short May-June
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 5/23-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:32:14.74
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 5/23-6/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:32:14.74
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T07:33:35.123
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68038
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede3081b1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68037
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Thu | May-June
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 5/23-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:30:10.963
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 327
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 5/23-6/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 327
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 307
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:30:10.963
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T07:31:12.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68037
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede3086a4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68040
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| May-June
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 5/23-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:44:53.51
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 5/23-6/27 |Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:44:53.51
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T07:47:26.32
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68040
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede3086ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68041
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| May/June
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 5/23-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:48:54.437
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 5/23-6/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:48:54.437
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-04T07:46:51.433
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68041
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240523_67e5ede3088ab] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68163
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram| Thur | May-Jun
[Description] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm | 5/23-6/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-12T11:32:59.13
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will purchase Art League Reclaim Clay at a $1/lb for the amount they use each class. This payment is to be rendered by the end of each class at the front desk. The Instructor will keep track of each students usage.
[Title] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm | 5/23-6/27 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This beginner-friendly wheel class is for teens who want to challenge themselves and who don’t mind getting a little messy. During this 4 - week course, they will be introduced to all the steps needed to create a finished piece. They will learn about the different stages clay goes through, the tools needed to throw and trim their pieces and how to glaze them.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-12T11:32:59.13
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T11:33:58.403
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68163
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240524_67e5ede307322] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68045
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest May/June
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm| 5/24-6/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T08:05:43.91
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm | 5/24-6/28 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 30" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
For the first class, please be prepared with:
-photos taken of trees you would like to paint in hard copies around 4 1/2" x 6" to work from
-a 30" x 40" canvas
-a basic set of paints in either oils or acrylics
-a paper pallette pad or drawing pad
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt Sienna
For the course you will need:
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T08:05:43.91
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T08:07:07.943
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-03T08:05:43.91
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-03T08:05:43.91
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-03T08:05:43.91
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68045
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240524_67e5ede307d19] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68211
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-FriPM- May/June
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 5/24-6/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-15T09:21:40.75
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 5/24-6/28 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.?
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-15T09:21:40.75
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-15T09:46:01.42
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68211
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240524_67e5ede3087c3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68044
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| May-June
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 5/24-6/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T08:01:18.403
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 5/24-6/28 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638303434
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T08:01:18.403
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T08:05:01.713
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68044
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240525_67e5ede30740d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68114
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Sat | May/June
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/25-6/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-10T08:46:31.313
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2024-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 329
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 6/15
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/25-6/22 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $50 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 329
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 289
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638313134
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-10T08:46:31.313
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-07T11:30:11.343
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68114
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240525_67e5ede30774b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68516
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 5/25
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-01T07:38:46.587
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 5/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T07:38:46.587
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T07:39:02.77
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T07:38:46.587
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68516
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240525_67e5ede307a5f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68336
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WS Fashion 5/25
[Description] => Fashion Design Frenzy Workshop with Gia Sonnenfeld | Saturday 5/25 | 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-24T09:41:08.04
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Colored pencil, watercolor, brushes, water containers, fashion markers, pencils, erasers, handouts, tracing paper, watercolor paper and illustration paper
[Title] => Fashion Design Frenzy Workshop with Gia Sonnenfeld | Saturday 5/25 | 11am-2pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course students will learn how to sketch a garment on a fashion figure. Students will gain knowledge of basic drawing techniques and use a variety of materials to render fabric. The Elements and Principles of Art and Design and fashion vocabulary will be introduced throughout the projects. There will be an emphasis on color theory, line, mark, shape and form. Students will use inspiration to develop a creative portfolio that reflects their individual styles, ideas and concepts.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Students should come prepared with at least 4 bisqued and 4 leather hard tiles to experiment on
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234455:Sonnenfeld, Gia
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] =>
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-19T07:10:03.02
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-08T11:58:20.217
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68336
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240525_67e5ede307a93] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68048
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FindVoice-Sat| May-June
[Description] => Finding Your Voice with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 5/25-6/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T08:21:48.537
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 458
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Finding Your Voice with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 5/25-6/29 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 458
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 418
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T08:21:48.537
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-03T08:25:18.31
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68048
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240525_67e5ede3085f7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68162
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| May/June
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm |5/25-6/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-12T11:29:54.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 5/25-6/29| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-12T11:29:54.96
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-12T11:31:52.523
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68162
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240528_67e5ede307b8d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68072
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw| Fusco| May/June
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 5/28-6/18
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-28T08:55:27.89
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 4/23
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm |5/28 - 6/18| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 217
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-05T08:37:44.9
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-17T08:25:11.603
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68072
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240528_67e5ede308353] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68035
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PrintSample - May-June
[Description] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/28-6/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T07:22:05.97
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/28-6/25 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => For both novices and experienced artists, printmaking can broaden your skills and get new creative juices flowing. Try several types of printmaking such as monotype/monoprint, drypoint, collagraph, carborundum, woodcut and solarplate etching. Through demonstrations, explore different ways of working within each technique using both oil- and water-based mediums. No experience necessary. Beginners more than welcome - first timers will experience the excitement of various students working in different types of printmaking and quickly observe that the world of printmaking is endless! Students can expect to generate 1-3 prints per week depending on working speed and techniques used. Stephanie works with students individually to develop personalized projects based on the skills you are most interested in. Learn, experiment, and make wonderful prints in this energetic class!
Materials fee of $20 payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels - beginners welcome!
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Bring:
• 1/16” or 3/32” thick plexiglass (11”x14” or larger)
If you own any of the following please bring:
• Watercolors
• Water-soluble crayons
• Watercolor brushes
• Oil paints.
• Oil base etching/relief inks
• Oil brushes
• Palette or palette pad
• Wax paper
• Paper towels. Rags or white towels that have been washed
• 18”x24” newsprint pad
• Brayer
• Printmaking Paper: Rives, BFK, Stonehenge, Folio, etc.
(Paper can also be purchased in class)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 435
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195310:Navon-Jacobson, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T07:22:05.97
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-24T11:07:02.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68035
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240528_67e5ede30886e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68069
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg | May-June
[Description] => Watercolor for Adult Beginners with Liz Fusco| Tuesdays 10am-12pm | 5/28-6/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-05T08:31:32.633
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor for Beginners with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 10am-12pm | 5/28-6/18 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638303639
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-05T08:31:32.633
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-16T07:38:21.24
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-05T08:31:32.633
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-04-05T08:31:32.633
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68069
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240529_67e5ede3078c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68284
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 5/29
[Description] => Create Nights - The First Pride was a Riot with Rob Stenzel | 5/29 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-17T11:32:13.073
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - The First Pride was a Riot with Rob Stenzel | 5/29 | 7pm-9pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The LGBTQ community has fought an uphill battle to gain full access to their civil rights. This has included ongoing protests,
including the famous Stonewall Rebellion in NYC. No protest is complete without a sign, and this stencil cutting workshop will teach students how to easily produce multiple signs and T-shirts with their favorite slogan or design. Each participant will take home a finished T-shirt and signs made during this workshop will be included in the June show.
*This project will be taking place outdoors
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-17T11:32:13.073
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-18T06:25:12.54
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68284
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240529_67e5ede3080fb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68732
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short May-June
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 5/29-6/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-24T09:05:23.06
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 172
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 5/29-6/26 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 172
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 152
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-24T09:05:23.06
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-28T09:57:44.077
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68732
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240601_67e5ede307394] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68047
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf| June
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9am-12pm | 6/1-6/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-03T08:13:46.5
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9am-12 pm | 6/1-6/29 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-03T08:13:46.5
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-17T10:26:16.21
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68047
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240601_67e5ede3075c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68074
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| May-June
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 6/1-6/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-05T09:12:30.133
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 6/1-6/29 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-05T09:12:30.133
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-16T09:35:07.457
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68074
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240601_67e5ede307761] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68771
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/1
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T07:55:57.313
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/1 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T07:55:57.313
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-29T07:56:34.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-29T07:55:57.313
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68771
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240601_67e5ede308375] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68520
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PuffPaint | 5-7 | 6/1
[Description] => Puffy Paint with Jessica Marino| Ages 5-7 | Saturday 10am-11am | 6/1
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-01T07:07:19.187
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Puffy Paint with Jessica Marino| Ages 5-7 | Saturday 10am-11am | 6/1 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Join us for our very first Puffy Painting class! Instructor, Jessica Marino, will guide children to make puffy paint, mix in colors, then apply the paint to their canvases. This 45 minute class allows children to explore mixing a unique form of paint, tap into their imaginations to create art, while enhancing fine motor skills through painting!
*Please dress your child in clothes that are ok to get messy*
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Ages 5-7
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => All materials are included in this class. Please dress for an artful experience.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Ceramics
[InstructorListWithID] => 229469:Marino, Jessica
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-01T08:59:14.857
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-01T09:07:19.857
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 650
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-01T08:59:14.857
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68520
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240601_67e5ede3088e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68073
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| May-June
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 6/1-6/29
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-01T06:29:56.883
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 6/1-6/29 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-05T09:08:03.593
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-05T09:11:31.46
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68073
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240603_67e5ede3084cb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68333
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WS Daly 6/3
[Description] => Sgraffito and Surface Decoration Workshop with Sara Daly | Monday 6/3 | 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-19T06:47:25.003
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => We recommend using white clay for this workshop.
[Title] => Sgraffito and Surface Decoration Workshop with Sara Daly | Monday 6/3 | 6-9pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
In this workshop you will learn several different surface decoration techniques. We will go through sgraffito, slip trailing, marbling, bubble glaze, and if there is time we can explore some others.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => Students should come prepared with at least 4 bisqued and 4 leather hard tiles to experiment on
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 204058:Daly, Sara
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-19T06:47:25.003
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-30T06:15:39.31
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68333
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240608_67e5ede307787] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68772
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/8
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T07:56:50.287
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/8 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T07:56:50.287
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-29T07:57:06.817
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-29T07:56:50.287
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68772
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240612_67e5ede307189] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68018
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Holbein Acrylics
[Description] => Acrylics Workshop with Jim Minet of HK Holbein Artist Materials Wednesday 6/12 6-8pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-02T10:33:25.887
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 20
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 20
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-02T13:28:07.143
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Acrylics Workshop with Jim Minet of HK Holbein Artist Materials Wednesday 6/12 6-8pm| Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The workshop experience consists of an informational presentation to educate the students to who Holbein, Legion, and General Pencil are, as well as the Brand Ambassador Jim Minet. Then, students will work with the materials provided, in a guided format where Jim will guide students on the use, characteristics, and potential applications for each of the products. Questions will be welcomed and answered throughout the hands-on experience. Jim will demonstrate a brush stroke or two where applicable throughout the session as needed.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 20
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided. The Holbein Acrylics products workshop includes, Heavy Body Acrylic, Fluid Acrylic, Matt Acrylic, Acrylic Gouche, Acrylic Ink, Acrylic Mediums, Legion Paper Products, and General Pencil drawing tools.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 10
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 233903:Minet, Jim
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638303138
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-02T10:33:25.887
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-11T12:38:35.32
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68018
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240615_67e5ede30776a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68773
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/15
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T07:57:22.52
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/15 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T07:57:22.52
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-29T07:57:41.04
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-29T07:57:22.52
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68773
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede307773] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68774
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/22
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T07:58:03.13
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/22 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T07:58:03.13
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-29T07:58:52.92
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-29T07:58:03.13
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68774
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede3082df] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68872
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PRIDE/Makeup 6/22
[Description] => PRIDE - Drag Makeup with Tom Catt | 6/22 | 3pm-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T07:37:07.437
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => PRIDE - Drag Makeup with Tom Catt | 6/22 | 3pm-4pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the artistry of drag makeup with Long Island’s own drag queen, Tom Catt. This class will teach you the basics of drag makeup from eyebrows to lipstick. To emphasize that drag is art, the makeup will be applied on quality paper. This project is a love letter to drag queens; without drag queens and the trans community we would not have pride today!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T07:37:07.437
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-06T10:38:55.323
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68872
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede3082e2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68878
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PRIDE/Community 6/22
[Description] => PRIDE - Drop-in Community Art Workshop | 6/22 | 2pm-8pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T08:26:11.213
[NumberOfSeats] => 50
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => PRIDE - Drop-in Community Art Workshop | 6/22 | 2pm-8pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will be ongoing through out the day's events and you are welcome to drop-in anytime between 2pm-8pm. Please make sure to register so that we have adequate supplies.
All attendees of PRIDE at the Art League are invited to decorate their own paper people cut outs to represent their identity and personality. Participants will attach their creations to a golden arch creating a mosaic to symbolize unity, strength, and support for the LGBTQIA+ community and allies on Long Island.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T08:26:11.213
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-06T08:56:40.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68878
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede3082e5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68876
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PRIDE/Bracelet-A 6/22
[Description] => PRIDE - Friendship Bracelet Workshop-A with Robert Stenzel | 6/22 | 2:30pm-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T08:18:01.027
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => PRIDE - Friendship Bracelet Workshop-A with Robert Stenzel | 6/22 | 2:30pm-4pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join artist Robert Stenzel to create your own unique friendship bracelet! This workshop will guide participants in bracelet making techniques using strings, beads, and more. Come and celebrate pride by making a fun bracelet for yourself or a friend.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T08:18:01.027
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-06T08:19:02.777
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68876
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede3082e8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68875
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PRIDE/Bracelet-B 6/22
[Description] => PRIDE - Friendship Bracelet Workshop-B with Robert Stenzel | 6/22 | 5pm-6:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T08:11:27.573
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => PRIDE - Friendship Bracelet Workshop-B with Robert Stenzel | 6/22 | 5pm-6:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join artist Robert Stenzel to create your own unique friendship bracelet! This workshop will guide participants in bracelet making techniques using strings, beads, and more. Come and celebrate pride by making a fun bracelet for yourself or a friend.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T08:11:27.573
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-06T08:17:48.243
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68875
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede3082eb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68873
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PRIDE/Sea 6/22
[Description] => PRIDE - Sea of Visibility CONTEXT 2 CONTENT Workshop with Anu Annam | 6/22 | 4pm-6pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T07:58:01.777
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => PRIDE - Sea of Visibility CONTEXT 2 CONTENT Workshop with Anu Annam | 6/22 | 4pm-6pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Participants will create, paint, and sculpt works of art inspired by the model/musician Andraleia Buch. Throughout this Sea of Visibility workshop, Anu Annam teaches participants how to imbue truth and meaning into their art. Participants will use model interviews, appearance, instrumentation, voice, and lyrics to inspire a piece of art that genuinely engages the viewer and shows a visual representation of what the music means.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T07:58:01.777
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-13T08:52:54.773
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68873
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede3082ee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68874
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PRIDE/Watercolor-A 6/22
[Description] => PRIDE - Watercolor Workshop-A with Michael Lombardi | 6/22 | 2:30pm-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T08:05:56.13
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => PRIDE - Watercolor Workshop-A with Michael Lombardi | 6/22 | 2:30pm-4pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A step by step guide and how to produce a basic forest watercolor landscape. Michael Lombardi will guide you in learning the basic wash techniques to cover a background, basic tree shapes and finishing with the details in the foreground that will make the landscape come to life and pop!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T08:05:56.13
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-06T08:11:13.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68874
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240622_67e5ede3082f2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68877
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => PRIDE/Watercolor-B 6/22
[Description] => PRIDE - Watercolor Workshop-B with Michael Lombardi | 6/22 | 5pm-6:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T08:20:22.987
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => PRIDE - Watercolor Workshop-B with Michael Lombardi | 6/22 | 5pm-6:30pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A step by step guide and how to produce a basic forest watercolor landscape. Michael Lombardi will guide you in learning the basic wash techniques to cover a background, basic tree shapes and finishing with the details in the foreground that will make the landscape come to life and pop!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T08:20:22.987
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-06T08:21:14.77
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68877
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240626_67e5ede307886] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68870
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 6/26
[Description] => Create Nights - Drawing with a Drag Queen moderated by Rob Stenzel | 6/26 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-06T07:07:52.84
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - Drawing with a Drag Queen moderated by Rob Stenzel | 6/26 | 7pm-9pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A relaxed, clothed figure drawing class featuring a local Queen as our model. There will be a progression from short to long poses and entertainment in between. Beginners are welcomed and encouraged, basic instruction will be given. Drawing supplies will be provided or students may bring their own (no oils).
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-06T07:07:52.84
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-18T11:48:34.083
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68870
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240628_67e5ede307292] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68683
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Alzheimer's WS 6/28
[Description] => Alternative Meditation - Mandala Memory Tree with Brittany Colasanto | Friday 6/28 | 11am - 2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-21T08:14:19.293
[NumberOfSeats] => 25
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Alternative Meditation - Mandala Memory Tree with Brittany Colasanto | Friday 6/28 | 11am - 2pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for those looking for an alternative meditation technique to focus on memory. The workshop will involve a Mandala-making art project that will culminate in a collaborative tree mural. Coloring mandalas has the same impact as meditation, serving as a meditation alternative, helping participants manage the complex emotions that come with memory loss. Coloring mandalas will assist in disengaging from anxious feelings and acquiring pleasant thoughts. Feelings of anxiety, frustration and sadness are common among people experiencing memory issues. Engaging with art can help patients cope with the emotional impact of memory loss. We feel this workshop would be especially helpful for patients and caregivers affected by Alxheimer's and other memory impairments. This workshop will be held on June 28th from 10am -1pm. Led by Brittany Colasanto ATR-BC, LCAT of Good Samaritan University Hospital
"We are honored to collaborate with Brittany Colasanto to provide this meaningful workshop," stated Amy Tischler, Marketing and Engagement Coordinator. "We believe that art has the power to bring people together and foster healing, and we are excited to offer this opportunity to the Alzheimer's community."
The completed tree mural will be on display in the Art League's Strolling Gallery, serving as a testament to the resilience and creativity of those affected by Alzheimer's disease.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All are Welcome
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-21T08:14:19.293
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-05T10:43:15.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68683
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240629_67e5ede30777d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68775
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 6/29
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/29
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T07:59:09.643
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 6/29 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T07:59:09.643
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-29T07:59:27.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-05-29T07:59:09.643
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68775
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240629_67e5ede30879d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68335
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens June2024
[Description] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering...Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 6/29 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-19T07:04:21.367
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering, Cutting and Tearing, Gluing and Pasting Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 6/29 1pm-4pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-19T07:04:21.367
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-26T09:35:19.87
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68335
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240629_67e5ede3087dd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68233
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => WS Rimmelin 6/29
[Description] => Under the Sea Watercolor Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 6/29 | 10am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-04-16T09:24:49.98
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Under the Sea Watercolor Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 6/29 | 10am-2pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Seahorses and Starfish are fun subjects to paint because of their fascinating shapes and extraordinary colors. In this workshop ‘Under
the Sea’ you’ll be guided in designing a painting composed of these delight & colorful undersea animals. Using simple techniques like textured washes & negative painting you’ll watch them come to life on your paper. Painting sea life can be as calming as a day at the shore and there is no limit to the colors you can use. So plan on joining Lorraine and discovering how effortless it can be to paint these adorable sea creatures.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Brushes:
#6, #8, and #10 round 1" flat #4 rigger or liner (any brushes you like painting with)
Paper: 1 piece 9"x12" up to 11"x15" 140lb watercolor paper plus additional scrap/practice paper. Arches 140lb & Fabriano Artistic 140lb recommended, just make sure its 100% cotton paper.
Additional Supplies:
Pencil and eraser
Masking tape or large clips and a board to hold paper
Spray bottle of water
2 water containers
Paper towels
A palette with a large mixing area
A blow dryer
This list is to allow you to have the essential supplies needed without overburdening you with unnecessary items. Bring whatever supplies you are comfortable painting with.
Most importantly, bring a cheerful and playful spirit!!!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-04-16T09:24:49.98
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-19T07:15:53.74
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68233
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240630_67e5ede308382] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68537
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2737
[ShortDescription] => Raku Workshop 6/30/2024
[Description] => Raku Firing Workshop with Jeff Gomez | Sunday 6/30 8:30am-5:00pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-06T08:59:49.283
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T08:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] => 1
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
Rain Date is 7/7/24.
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Raku Firing Workshop with Jeff Gomez | Sunday 6/30 8:30am-5:00pm | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The ancient Japanese firing method called Raku combines chemistry, fire and smoke to produce gorgeous displays of color and lusters. The firing process is the heart and soul of the American Raku Technique. The finished pieces are unpredictable. Glazes crackle in fascinating patterns and metallic oxides change colors depending on the amount of oxidation in the post firing reduction chamber.
This workshop is intended for experienced potters who can produce and bisque fire pieces ahead of this workshop. In his hands on Raku workshop, participants should bring 6-8 even thickness bisqueware pots. Bisque firing is not included in this workshop. The pots for raku should be no larger than 6-8” wide and no taller than 13”. Flat pieces are acceptable. Tall and narrow are best. Handbuilt pieces should be built evenly to prevent kiln explosions. The instructor has the right to deny a piece entry into the firing if he determines it is at high risk for explosion. Use Raku clay or Stoneware with grog (not sand). Art League students interested in taking the workshop should give themselves 6 working classes to throw
or hand build 6 pieces. That will allow enough time for the pieces to thoroughly dry out and be bisque fired ahead of the workshop. If you're interested in horsehair firing, pieces need to be burnished. Ask your instructor for assistance on this. Make sure pieces are glazed at least 24 hours ahead of time to the workshop.
Bring a bag lunch. Beverages will be available. Wear cotton clothing, long sleeves, long pants, a hat, covered shoes (no sandals). As stated above this is a hands-on workshop. Please do not make other plans for early that evening, clean up is part of this workshop. Register early -
space limited to 10 participants.
Rain Date is 7/7/24.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 145
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234815:Gomez, Jeff
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-06T08:59:49.283
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-06T09:04:49.89
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2737
[Description] => Spring 2024
[StartDate] => 2023-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68537
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede30750a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68765
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg&BeyCeram Jul-Aug
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T06:54:12.55
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 8/13
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let's get muddy! In this energetic and upbeat all levels class, our motto is that a positive atmosphere makes learning easy.
This class is perfect for true ceramics beginners as well as more seasoned students looking to hone their budding pottery skills. This class will be committed to the basic techniques and the fundamentals of wheel and hand built pottery. Learn the basics of how to use all types of pottery tools while learning the vocabulary of a state of the art ceramics studio. Our main focus of this class will be centering on the wheel, tips on making even walled pieces, mastering throwing bowls and cylindrical forms, and lastly hand built forms. This class will also give you an introduction to cone 6 glazes and surface decoration. This class will include demos from the instructor as well as independent and guided working time.
This class also accommodates handbuilders, who will enjoy learning all kinds handbuilding and decoration techniques. Beginner students can expect plenty of time observing demos as well as one on one time with their instructor to develop personalized projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373635
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T06:54:12.55
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-28T08:58:28.35
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68765
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede307574] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68840
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg July-Aug
[Description] => Beginners Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:31:25.94
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/13
[Title] => Beginner Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:31:25.94
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-13T11:11:56.217
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:31:25.94
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:31:25.94
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68840
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede3078d3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69098
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw Jul-Aug
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues | 5:30-7:00pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-02T10:53:03.593
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 285
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/13
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 285
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 265
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-02T10:53:03.593
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-02T11:53:13.263
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69098
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede3078d7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68798
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw Jul-Aug
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues | 5:30-7:00pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-02T08:49:28.97
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 285
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] =>
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/13
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 | Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 285
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 265
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-30T11:16:55.087
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-02T06:54:09.917
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68798
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede307b9e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68842
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw Fusco| Jul-Aug
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30 pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:43:13.32
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/13
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30pm | 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:43:13.32
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-13T11:11:31.917
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68842
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede307c26] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68844
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| July-Aug
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T18:02:42.12
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 7/23
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Tues 10am-1pm | 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T18:02:42.12
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-25T12:45:29.547
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68844
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede307d02] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68839
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => WC-Int Jul-Aug
[Description] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9-11am | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:24:29.543
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/13
[Title] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9am-11am | 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:24:29.543
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-13T11:10:56.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:24:29.543
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:24:29.543
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68839
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede30804c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68846
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Jul-Aug
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T18:14:00.383
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/13
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 7/2-8/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T18:14:00.383
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-03T18:17:13.367
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68846
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240702_67e5ede3081ec] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68616
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue| Jul-Aug
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 7/2-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-17T10:48:38.407
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-07-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 7/23
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 7/2-8/20 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638363136
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-17T10:48:38.407
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-25T12:37:11.35
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68616
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240703_67e5ede3071d7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68812
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedPM- Jul/Aug
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 7/3-8/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-31T09:17:57.443
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/14
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 7/3-8/21 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-31T09:17:57.443
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-31T09:37:53.14
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68812
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240703_67e5ede3071e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68811
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedAM-Jul/Aug
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 7/3-8/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-31T09:13:40.693
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/14
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 7/3-8/21 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-31T09:13:40.693
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-31T09:17:08.57
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68811
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240703_67e5ede3080fe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68850
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Jul-Aug
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 7/3-8/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T18:38:21.683
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
Class canceled 8/14
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 7/3-8/21 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T18:38:21.683
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-03T18:40:45.61
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68850
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240705_67e5ede307325] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68903
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Jul-Aug
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm| 7/5-8/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-10T14:08:32.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 515
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/16
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm | 7/5-8/23 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 30" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 515
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
For the first class, please be prepared with:
-photos taken of trees you would like to paint in hard copies around 4 1/2" x 6" to work from
-a 30" x 40" canvas
-a basic set of paints in either oils or acrylics
-a paper pallette pad or drawing pad
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt Sienna
For the course you will need:
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 475
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-10T14:08:32.05
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-10T14:15:00.19
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-10T14:08:32.05
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-10T14:08:32.05
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-10T14:08:32.05
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68903
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240705_67e5ede307d1c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68881
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Fri- July-Aug
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 7/5-8/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-07T09:01:18.037
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 7/5-8/23 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 546
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-07T09:01:18.037
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-09T09:28:35.787
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68881
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240705_67e5ede3087c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68600
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Jul-Aug
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 7/5-8/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-16T11:37:43.457
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 515
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/16
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 7/5-8/23 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 515
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 475
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-16T11:37:43.457
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-16T11:54:34.79
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68600
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240706_67e5ede307387] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68684
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf| Jul-Aug
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 7/6-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-21T09:05:29.637
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/17
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 7/6-8/24 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-21T09:05:29.637
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-21T09:26:27.993
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68684
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240706_67e5ede3075ca] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68829
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| June-July
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 7/6-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T12:08:45.42
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 183
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/17
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 7/6-8/24 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 183
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 163
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T12:08:45.42
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-03T12:16:06.473
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68829
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240706_67e5ede3077a4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69106
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/6
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-03T07:59:11.557
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/6 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-03T07:59:11.557
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-03T07:59:35.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-03T07:59:11.557
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69106
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240706_67e5ede307d22] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68891
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Sat- July-Aug
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 7/6-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-07T10:22:22.1
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 7/6-8/24 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 546
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-07T10:22:22.1
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-09T09:33:50.3
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68891
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240706_67e5ede3085ed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68598
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| Jul-Aug
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 7/6-8/23
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-06T07:01:32.197
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/17
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 7/6-8/23 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-16T09:50:26.753
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-16T10:33:56.07
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68598
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240706_67e5ede3088e6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68836
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| July-Aug
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 7/6-8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:04:48.16
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 247
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/17
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 7/6-8/24 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 247
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 227
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:04:48.16
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-03T17:30:45.25
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68836
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240708_67e5ede3083e5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65960
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 11-12 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 11-12, Session One, 7/8-7/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-14T15:00:59.03
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1041
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 11-12 | Session One: July 8-19
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature Artists ages 11-14 can hone their artistic skills in one or both 10-day sessions. Mature Artists we will continue your journey to develop and advance your skills in our two-week program. Offering opportunities to grow into creative and thought provoking artists. Our art teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity, while developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. We will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly themes. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1041
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 991
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-14T15:00:59.03
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:51:17.817
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65960
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240708_67e5ede308401] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65961
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 13-14 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 13-14, Session One, 7/8-7/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-14T15:10:41.36
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1041
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 13-14 | Session One: July 8-19
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature Artists ages 11-14 can hone their artistic skills in one or both 10-day sessions. Mature Artists we will continue your journey to develop and advance your skills in our two-week program. Offering opportunities to grow into creative and thought provoking artists. Our art teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity, while developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. We will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly themes. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1041
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 991
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-14T15:10:41.36
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:50:42.643
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65961
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240708_67e5ede308409] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65976
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini PM Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-11T10:21:02.94
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:09:25.613
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:49:58.667
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65976
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240708_67e5ede308419] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65977
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini AM Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM , Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T07:45:24.183
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM , Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:10:32.76
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:49:15.037
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65977
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240708_67e5ede308442] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65964
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-14T16:56:01.753
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-14T16:56:01.753
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:46:46.833
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65964
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240708_67e5ede308490] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65965
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-14T16:59:08.38
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 1 "Whiley Wiry Market", 7/8-7/12
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-14T16:59:08.38
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:49:36.59
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65965
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240709_67e5ede3071b6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68770
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => AdvSilver- Tue | July
[Description] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesdays 1-5pm | 7/9-7-23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T07:54:04.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesdays 1-5pm | 7/9-7-23 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373730
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T07:54:04.05
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-10T14:21:00.48
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68770
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240711_67e5ede30710d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68595
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic |Jul-Aug
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 7/11-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-16T09:33:28.79
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/15
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 7/11-8/22 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638353935
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-16T09:33:28.79
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-16T09:42:30.167
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68595
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240711_67e5ede30724c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68792
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | July
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 7/11-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T10:22:52.463
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 7/11-7/25 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373932
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-30T10:22:52.463
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-17T19:01:17.633
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68792
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240711_67e5ede30749d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68768
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg&BeyCeram| Jul-Aug
[Description] => Beginners & Beyond Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 7/11-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T07:18:11.24
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 8/15
[Title] => Beginners & Beyond - Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thursdays 6-9pm | 7/11-8/22 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Designed to take a beginner to the next step, work with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms. Learn how to throw tall cylinders and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Enhance forms with surface decoration techniques like slip trailing and sgraffito.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373638
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T07:18:11.24
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-28T09:05:27.01
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68768
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240711_67e5ede307a7b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68690
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Jul-Aug
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 7/11-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-22T06:51:44.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/15
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 7/11-8/22 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-22T06:51:44.69
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-22T06:56:11.73
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68690
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240711_67e5ede3080d3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68848
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Jul-Aug
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 7/11-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T18:29:05.72
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
Class canceled 8/15
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 7/11-8/22 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T18:29:05.72
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-03T18:31:40.53
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68848
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240711_67e5ede3081b4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68618
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Pastels | Thurs | Jul-Aug
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 7/11-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-17T11:01:33
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/14
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 7/11-8/22 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-17T11:01:33
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-01T08:32:25.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68618
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240711_67e5ede3088b0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68793
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram| Thur | July
[Description] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm-5:00pm | 7/11-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T10:31:59.873
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 113
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will purchase Art League Reclaim Clay at a $1/lb for the amount they use each class. This payment is to be rendered by the end of each class at the front desk. The Instructor will keep track of each students usage.
[Title] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm-5:00pm | 7/11-7/25 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This beginner-friendly wheel class is for teens who want to challenge themselves and who don’t mind getting a little messy. During this 4 - week course, they will be introduced to all the steps needed to create a finished piece. They will learn about the different stages clay goes through, the tools needed to throw and trim their pieces and how to glaze them.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 113
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 103
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-30T10:31:59.873
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-30T10:38:49.81
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68793
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240712_67e5ede307c8f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68789
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => PrintmakingWkshp
[Description] => Handmade Stamps and Cardmaking Workshop with Anna Laimo | Friday 7/12 & 7/19 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T06:54:40.897
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Handmade Stamps and Cardmaking Workshop with Anna Laimo | Friday 7/12 & 7/19 11am-2pm| Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this 2-day workshop, students will learn the basics of linocut printmaking. Introductory techniques such as carving, rolling out ink, and pulling prints will be covered. This project will allow students to create custom greeting cards for various occasions.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] =>
All materials will be provided
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231856:Laimo, Anna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-30T06:54:40.897
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-10T07:37:38.96
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68789
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240713_67e5ede30778a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69107
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-03T07:59:49.927
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/13 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-03T07:59:49.927
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-03T08:00:13.263
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-03T07:59:49.927
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69107
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240713_67e5ede308888] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68731
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Blick
[Description] => Watercolor Workshop with Jay Stuart of Blick Carle Place Saturday 7/13 1-3pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-24T07:23:45.933
[NumberOfSeats] => 25
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 25
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolor Workshop with Jay Stuart of Blick Carle Place Saturday 7/13 | 1-3pm| Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come July 13th to the Long Art League of Long Island to see a very special demonstration by your friends at Blick Art Materials! We will be discussing watercolors: from professional paper, watercolor paints, brushes and demonstrating different techniques and effects! You will be able to try some of these amazing supplies such as Blick’s own 100% cotton Watercolor Paper Blocks, Neptune brushes, Utrecht Watercolor Paints and more! Product will also be available to purchase at the end of the Demo with also a raffle to win a Cotman Travel Watercolor Set! Sign Up now!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228209:Stuart, Jay
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373331
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-24T07:23:45.933
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-24T08:48:34.227
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68731
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240715_67e5ede30840c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65979
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini PM Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-11T10:21:23.083
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:14:08.983
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:53:03.98
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65979
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240715_67e5ede30841c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65978
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini AM Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T07:45:51.387
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:12:58.123
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:52:04.21
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65978
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240715_67e5ede308446] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65966
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:29:28.343
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2024-07-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3635393636
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:29:28.343
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:52:39.017
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65966
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240715_67e5ede308493] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65967
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:30:29.75
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 2 "Camouflaged Kingdom", 7/15-7/19
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:30:29.75
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T14:53:28.797
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65967
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240716_67e5ede3082ba] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67000
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => PrecoPort Session1
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio Development, Session 1: 7/16-7/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T09:38:03.373
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1100
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Pre-College Portfolio Development Program | Session 1: 7/16-7/26
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Elevate your work and develop your portfolio for college! The Art League offers an intensive 2-week program for high school students to fully immerse themselves in the creative process and build their portfolios for college. Students will experience professional studio practices in observational and figure drawing, painting, mixed media projects, and more. Subjects will include the drawing from the live model, design principles, still life, conceptual compositions and 3D building.
Teens who are serious about pursuing art in college need a comprehensive portfolio. This program will guide teens in developing a well-rounded portfolio for applying to competitive art programs. Get feedback on your existing portfolio and develop your own voice as you explore new materials.
Sessions take place in the Art League’s Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. Student Gallery Exhibition with a closing reception will take place Saturday, August 17th from 1pm to 3pm.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1100
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
The Art League will supply most of the materials for the Pre-College Portfolio Development
Program. Students are required to supply the following:
- Sketchbook of any size - whatever they use at home
- 16” x 20” Chip Board
- Black Vine Charcoal
- Set of Graphite Drawing pencils(2B, HB, 6H)
- Kneaded Eraser
- Ruler
- Micron Ink Pen Set
- “Found objects” for found object sculptures (i.e. hardware, interesting pieces of plastic,
wood, and other scraps)
- ***optional*** Watercolor set, palette, and brushes (do not buy, only bring if you already
have at home)
These required materials can be found on Amazon with prime shipping or at Blick Art Materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 1000
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T09:38:03.373
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-01T09:12:13.26
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67000
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240717_67e5ede3084da] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68912
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => SmartPhone Hunt July
[Description] => SmartPhone Photography 101-103 Workshop with Holly Hunt| Wednesdays 7/17-7/31 | 6:30-8:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-12T07:17:21.233
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SmartPhone Photography 101 with Holly Hunt | Wednesdays 7/17-7/31 | 6:30pm-8:30pm | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
In this hands-on course, Holly teaches simple, easy to learn skills on Smartphone photography, composition, lighting, and technicality. In this 3 week course, you will discuss techniques from the best time of day to photograph through how to work with light and reflections.Holly will teach you how to take the best pictures with your smartphone, how to edit in your smartphone software, and how to use smartphone camera applications SNAPSEED and LIGHTLEAP. Holly looks forward to sharing with you the excitement that can be felt by capturing a beautiful image- one that you can be proud if and can call your own.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Smart Phone and charger
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228180:Hunt, Holly
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-12T07:17:21.233
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-12T07:22:44.713
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68912
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240720_67e5ede307793] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69108
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/20
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-03T08:00:26.607
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/20 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-03T08:00:26.607
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-03T08:00:44.333
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-03T08:00:26.607
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69108
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240722_67e5ede3083ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65963
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 11-12 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 11-12, Session Two, 7/22-8/02
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-14T15:13:31.83
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1041
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 11-12 | Session Two: July 22 - August 2
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature Artists ages 11-14 can hone their artistic skills in one or both 10-day sessions. Mature Artists we will continue your journey to develop and advance your skills in our two-week program. Offering opportunities to grow into creative and thought provoking artists. Our art teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity, while developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. We will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly themes. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1041
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 991
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3635393633
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-14T15:13:31.83
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:02:21.413
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65963
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240722_67e5ede308407] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65962
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 13-14 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 13-14, Session Two, 7/22-8/02
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-14T15:12:13.31
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1041
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 13-14 | Session Two: July 22 - August 2
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature Artists ages 11-14 can hone their artistic skills in one or both 10-day sessions. Mature Artists we will continue your journey to develop and advance your skills in our two-week program. Offering opportunities to grow into creative and thought provoking artists. Our art teachers will help guide Mature Artists toward expressing their innate creativity, while developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, mixed media and more. We will study an artist of the week and find inspiration through our weekly themes. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1041
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 991
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-14T15:12:13.31
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:02:52.863
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65962
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240722_67e5ede308410] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65981
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini PM Session 3
[Description] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-11T10:21:42.067
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:16:35.227
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:03:16.567
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65981
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240722_67e5ede30841f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65980
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini AM Session 3
[Description] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T07:46:15.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 2880
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:15:35.7
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:03:40.3
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65980
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240722_67e5ede308453] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65969
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Session 3
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:33:13.717
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:33:13.717
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:04:04.613
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65969
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240722_67e5ede30849e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65968
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Session 3
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:31:18.643
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 3 "Robot Galaxy", 7/22-7/26
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:31:18.643
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:04:35.39
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65968
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240724_67e5ede3079fb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68966
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ink WS Schrage
[Description] => Everything I Know About Pen & Ink Workshop with Zach Schrage | Wednesdays 6-9pm| 7/31-8/14
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-25T09:30:12.243
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Everything I Know About Pen & Ink Workshop with Zach Schrage | Wednesdays 6-9pm| 7/24-8/7 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Zach teaches everything he knows about pen and ink in this workshop. Students will learn a multitude of inking techniques, learn about materials, and the history of pen and ink illustration. Class is for students who wish to use inking as a means for illustration, fine art, and design.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] => - Mapping Pen
- GPen and Nib Holder
- Ink: DalerRowney Acrylic Ink - Black and gold
- Paper: Stonehenge Paper
- Pigment Pen
- Brush Pen
- 01 Round Brush
- rubbing alcohol (for cleaning inking materials)
- paper towels
- Pencils
- pencil sharpener
- kneaded eraser
- Hard eraser
- straight edge (ruler)
- electronic device phone or ipad etc. for references.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-20T12:46:50.04
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-25T09:15:43.31
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68966
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240725_67e5ede3086aa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68854
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| July/Aug
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 7/25-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-04T07:44:53.643
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 7/25 - 8/22 |Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-04T07:44:53.643
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-04T07:46:13.523
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68854
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240725_67e5ede3086f3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68852
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| July/Aug
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 7/25-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-04T07:41:15.257
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 7/25-8/22 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-04T07:41:15.257
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-04T07:51:00.24
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68852
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240727_67e5ede30779b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69109
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 7/27
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-03T08:01:01.637
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-07-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 7/27 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-03T08:01:01.637
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-03T08:01:18.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-03T08:01:01.637
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69109
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240729_67e5ede308413] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65983
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini PM Session 4
[Description] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-11T10:22:05.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:19:25.057
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:05:49.633
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65983
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240729_67e5ede308422] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65982
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini AM Session 4
[Description] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T07:46:32.607
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:17:59.61
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:05:03.67
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65982
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240729_67e5ede308459] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65970
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Session 4
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:34:29.653
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:34:29.653
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:05:26.53
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65970
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240729_67e5ede3084a4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65971
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Session 4
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:37:25.187
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 4 "Groovy 'Florally' Fluorescents", 7/29-8/02
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:37:25.187
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:06:15.123
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65971
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240730_67e5ede3082c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67001
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => PrecoPort Session2
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio Development, Session 2: 7/30-8/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T09:41:27.15
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1100
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-02-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Pre-College Portfolio Development Program | Session 2: 7/30-8/9
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Elevate your work and develop your portfolio for college! The Art League offers an intensive 2-week program for high school students to fully immerse themselves in the creative process and build their portfolios for college. Students will experience professional studio practices in observational and figure drawing, painting, mixed media projects, and more. Subjects will include the drawing from the live model, design principles, still life, conceptual compositions and 3D building.
Teens who are serious about pursuing art in college need a comprehensive portfolio. This program will guide teens in developing a well-rounded portfolio for applying to competitive art programs. Get feedback on your existing portfolio and develop your own voice as you explore new materials.
Sessions take place in the Art League’s Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. Student Gallery Exhibition with a closing reception will take place Saturday, August 17th from 1pm to 3pm.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1100
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
The Art League will supply most of the materials for the Pre-College Portfolio Development
Program. Students are required to supply the following:
- Sketchbook of any size - whatever they use at home
- 16” x 20” Chip Board
- Black Vine Charcoal
- Set of Graphite Drawing pencils(2B, HB, 6H)
- Kneaded Eraser
- Ruler
- Micron Ink Pen Set
- “Found objects” for found object sculptures (i.e. hardware, interesting pieces of plastic,
wood, and other scraps)
- ***optional*** Watercolor set, palette, and brushes (do not buy, only bring if you already
have at home)
These required materials can be found on Amazon with prime shipping or at Blick Art Materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 1000
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T09:41:27.15
[ModifyDate] => 2024-02-01T09:13:31.51
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67001
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240731_67e5ede3079f8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70351
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ink WS Schrage
[Description] => Everything I Know About Pen & Ink Workshop with Zach Schrage | Wednesdays 6-9pm| 7/31-8/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-25T09:20:22.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-07-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Everything I Know About Pen & Ink Workshop with Zach Schrage | Wednesdays 6-9pm| 7/31-8/14 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Zach teaches everything he knows about pen and ink in this workshop. Students will learn a multitude of inking techniques, learn about materials, and the history of pen and ink illustration. Class is for students who wish to use inking as a means for illustration, fine art, and design.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] => - Mapping Pen
- GPen and Nib Holder
- Ink: DalerRowney Acrylic Ink - Black and gold
- Paper: Stonehenge Paper
- Pigment Pen
- Brush Pen
- 01 Round Brush
- rubbing alcohol (for cleaning inking materials)
- paper towels
- Pencils
- pencil sharpener
- kneaded eraser
- Hard eraser
- straight edge (ruler)
- electronic device phone or ipad etc. for references.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-25T09:20:22.34
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-25T09:21:05.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70351
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240801_67e5ede307824] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70292
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Thurs 8/1
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Thursday 9:30-11:30am | 8/1
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-25T08:34:23.61
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T21:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T23:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Thursday 9:30-11:30am | 8/1 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-19T06:14:19.283
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-25T07:46:10.143
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-19T06:14:19.283
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70292
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240802_67e5ede30816e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68943
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Pollock WS Larkin 24
[Description] => Painting Pollock Workshop with Kevin Larkin | Friday 8/2 10am-12:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-02T08:54:47.17
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 100
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting Pollock Workshop with Kevin Larkin | Friday 8/2 10am-12:30 pm | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Paint in the style of one of America's most famous artists, Jackson Pollock. Instructor Kevin Larking will guide students through a discussion of the life and career of Jackson Pollock before moving into the hands on fun of pouring paint! Students will create two large Jackson Pollock inspired paintings with the guidance of Kevin Larkin in different techniques, color choices, and stylistic methods. At the end of the workshop, students will take home their masterpieces created by dripping and pouring acrylic paint into complex webs of interlacing lines of color.
Please wear clothes and shoes that you won't mind getting paint on.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 100
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
-1 plastic drop cloth 9ft x 12 ft
-4 or 8 oz tubes of acrylic paint (no craft paint)
Students choice of colors but must include black & white
-2 stretched canvases 18" x 24" or larger
8-10 cheap brushes - 1" china hair brushes, plastic or wood handle (sold at Home Depot in the paint section for less than $1)
-12 solo cups for pouring
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 80
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-14T07:04:42.37
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-15T08:03:46.813
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68943
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240803_67e5ede3077c7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70458
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/3
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/3
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-01T08:39:29.433
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/3 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-01T08:39:29.433
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-01T08:39:48.037
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-01T08:39:29.433
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70458
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240805_67e5ede308416] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65975
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini PM Session 5
[Description] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-11T08:52:32.627
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 11:30-2PM, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:08:06.953
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:07:24.67
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65975
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240805_67e5ede308425] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65974
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - Mini AM Session 5
[Description] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T07:47:54.03
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 338
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Mini 9-11:30AM, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mini Artists age 5 (must be 5 by 7/01/2024) enjoy a shortened day while engaging in weekly themed art adventures. Mini Artists get ready for a fantastic summer filled with fun and creativity. In our classes, we'll explore lots of exciting activities to help you become amazing artists while also boosting your fine and gross motor skills. We'll have a special artist to learn about each week, and their work will inspire our own creations. While having fun, we'll also practice sharing, making friends, and doing things on our own. Mondays – Fridays, AM Session 9-11:30AM / PM Session 11:30-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 338
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 288
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T08:06:50.27
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:07:48.277
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65974
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240805_67e5ede308462] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65973
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Session 5
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:39:34.347
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3635393733
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:39:34.347
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:06:59.977
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65973
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240805_67e5ede3084af] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 65972
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Session 5
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2023-11-15T07:38:32.407
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 586
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Session 5 "Prismal Color Warp", 8/05-8/09
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Young Artists ages 6-10 participate in weekly themed activities centered around exploring animals, the environment, artists, and artistic genres. Choose one or all five weeks of art adventures! Young Artists we will engage in a variety of creative experiences, which include developing skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. All of our Young Artists will develop the confidence they need to practice and create art. We will study an artist of the week, as well as find inspiration through the weekly theme. Mondays – Fridays, 9am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 586
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 536
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2023-11-15T07:38:32.407
[ModifyDate] => 2024-01-08T15:06:37.543
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/65972
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240806_67e5ede3073a3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68776
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Tue | August
[Description] => Beginner and Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesdays 1-5pm | 8/6-8/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T08:25:22.693
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 8
[StartDate] => 2024-08-06T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner and Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesdays 1-5pm | 8/6-8/20| Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373736
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T08:25:22.693
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-10T14:23:19.753
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68776
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240810_67e5ede3077af] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70459
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/10
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-01T08:40:03.853
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/10 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-01T08:40:03.853
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-01T08:40:32.84
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-01T08:40:03.853
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70459
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240813_67e5ede307827] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70608
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Tues 8/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Tuesday 6:00pm-9:00pm | 8/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T07:43:39.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Tuesday 6:00pm-9:00pm | 8/13 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T07:43:39.937
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-12T09:14:57.597
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-08T07:43:39.937
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70608
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240813_67e5ede3082c9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 67002
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2776
[ShortDescription] => PrecoPort Session3
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio Development, Session 3: 8/13-8/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-01-30T09:42:54.54
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 550
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-04-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Pre-College Portfolio Development Program | Session 3: 8/13-8/16
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => New to The Art League Summer Portfolio Program is our 1 week, 20 hour figure drawing marathon. Immerse yourself in a dynamic artistic journey with our intensive figure drawing course tailored for high school students aspiring to strengthen their college portfolios. This transformative experience spans a week of immersive learning, covering essential techniques such as gestural drawing, mastering short and long poses, exploring a diverse range of mediums, and encouraging creative experimentation. Culminating in a formal critique session, participants will not only refine their technical skills but also develop a keen understanding of the expressive power of figure drawing. Elevate your artistic prowess and leave with a portfolio-ready collection that reflects your dedication and passion for the visual arts as well a sophisticated understanding of human anatomy.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 550
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
The Art League will supply most of the materials for the Pre-College Portfolio Development
Program. Students are required to supply the following:
- Sketchbook of any size - whatever they use at home
- 16” x 20” Chip Board
- Black Vine Charcoal
- Set of Graphite Drawing pencils(2B, HB, 6H)
- Kneaded Eraser
- Ruler
- Micron Ink Pen Set
- ***optional*** Watercolor set, palette, and brushes (do not buy, only bring if you already
have at home)
These required materials can be found on Amazon with prime shipping or at Blick Art Materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 500
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-01-30T09:42:54.54
[ModifyDate] => 2024-04-16T11:04:23.893
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2776
[Description] => SAA 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/67002
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240815_67e5ede307820] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70609
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Thurs 8/15
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Thursday 6:00pm-9:00pm | 8/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T07:46:06.93
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Thursday 6:00pm-9:00pm | 8/15 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T07:46:06.93
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-16T08:07:45.233
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-08T07:46:06.93
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70609
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240817_67e5ede3077b8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70460
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/17
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-01T08:40:53.877
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/17 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-01T08:40:53.877
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-01T08:41:23.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-01T08:40:53.877
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70460
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240817_67e5ede3087a0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70241
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Aug2024
[Description] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering...Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 8/17 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-16T11:18:42.11
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Secret Arts of Hunting and Gathering, Cutting and Tearing, Gluing and Pasting Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 8/17 1pm-4pm| Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This workshop will cover a range of collaging tools and techniques used by professional collage and mixed media artists, with a particular focus on dry mounting adhesive methods. Students will be introduced to a range of past and contemporary artists, as well as sources for collaborating and exhibiting their own work. Each student will have their pick from literally thousands of vintage papers, fabric samples, and other collaging materials. Whether interested in abstract compositions or more narrative presentations, this workshop is aimed at beginning and advanced artists alike.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-16T11:18:42.11
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-16T11:19:59.687
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70241
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240824_67e5ede3077be] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70461
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 8/24
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-01T08:41:49.227
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 8/24 | Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-01T08:41:49.227
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-01T08:42:09.937
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-01T08:41:49.227
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70461
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240824_67e5ede307f55] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69137
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2849
[ShortDescription] => WC WS Rimmelin 8/24
[Description] => Negative Watercolor Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 8/24 10am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-09T12:46:05.53
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Acknowledging the Negative: A Watercolorist's Guide to Negative Painting Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin |Saturday 8/24 10am-2pm| Summer 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Negative painting is a valuable technique for all watercolorists. When used effectively it is incredible to see the magical results in your artwork when negative space is placed deliberately. This is a terrific workshop for any artist who aspires to advance their skills or an artist looking for an introduction on this important concept. Innovative examples and demos from instructor Lorraine Rimmelin will help artists become aware of the many possibilities they can explore. Strengthen your command and execution of washes, values, and edges. Join Lorraine as she leads you step by step into the joy of negative painting.
All skill levels welcome - no drawing skills required.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Brushes:- #6, #8, #10 round
- 1" flat
- #4 rigger or liner
- Any other brushes you like to paint with
Paint:- Bring any colors you like painting with!
- 1 piece of minimum 9" x 12" or up to 11" x 15" 140lb watercolor paper (we recommend Arches 140lb or Fabriano Artistico 140lb)
Additional Supplies:- pencil & eraser
- masking tape or clips and a large board to hold paper
- spray bottle of water
- 2 water containers
- paper towels
- a palette with a large mixing area
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-09T12:46:05.53
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-09T12:47:29.973
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2849
[Description] => Summer 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-05-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69137
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240909_67e5ede308895] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68816
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-MonPM- Sep/Oct
[Description] => Wheel 102 with Sophie Yoon | Mondays 6pm-9pm | 9/9-10/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-31T09:47:17.923
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Wheel 102 with Sophie Yoon | Mondays 6pm-9pm | 9/9-10/14 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Pushing beyond the basics of throwing, students will be learning fundamental forms and systems to establish a stronger foundation in throwing. Students will focus on bowls, cups, taller pieces, and a taste of production pottery. Students will also be learning how to glaze and the basic chemistry behind them. This is not a true beginners class and it is recommended that students take at least one true beginners class before registering for Wheel 102. Classes will focus on the individual's style and process. We will go over projects and or skills each student may want to refine or learn new skills that require more guidance and tutorial.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-31T09:47:17.923
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-23T08:38:11.803
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede3071b2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68778
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AdvSilv- Tue| Sept-Oct
[Description] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T08:37:41.28
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 575
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 10/1
[Title] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5 pm | 9/10-10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 575
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $70 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 535
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373738
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T08:37:41.28
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-10T14:25:21.453
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68778
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede307558] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70240
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg101 Ceram Sept-Oct
[Description] => Beginners 101 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 9/10 - 10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-16T11:18:20.777
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners 101 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9 pm | 9/10 - 10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Dare to be MUDDY! In this program, you'll get your hands dirty and work towards making finished bowls, mugs and small vases. This course is for the true beginner who has never taken a ceramic class or is still working on budding basic skills in clay.
Designed to take a beginner from the very first step of opening their first bag of clay to glazing a piece to take home. We will spend time on wedging and centering clay to work on the very basics of wheel throwing, as well as coil, slab and pinch-pot techniques in hand-building. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-16T11:18:20.777
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-16T11:26:49.39
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70240
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede307587] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68838
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Sep-Oct
[Description] => Beginners Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:20:17.277
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 9/10-10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:20:17.277
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-01T10:01:46.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:20:17.277
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:20:17.277
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68838
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede3078e6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68800
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw Sept-Oct
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T11:34:10.017
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 9/12-10/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-30T11:34:10.017
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-10T11:05:45.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68800
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede307ba1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68841
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw Fusco| Sept/Oct
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30 pm | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:39:20.123
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30pm | 9/10-10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:39:20.123
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-09T13:41:47.567
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68841
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede307c7c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69130
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Sep-Oct
[Description] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-11:30 | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-10T06:21:22.44
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 350
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will:
* Develop an understanding of basic ceramic techniques and terminology
* Create a personal body of work that reflects individual artistic vision
* Analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art
* Cultivate critical thinking skills through self-reflection and peer review
* Grow creatively through experimentation and exploration of different techniques and styles
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-11:30 | 9/10-10/15| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this comprehensive course, students will delve into the fundamental methods of hand-building with clay, exploring the endless possibilities of this versatile medium. The course will introduce students to essential ceramic terms and techniques, providing a solid foundation for creating unique and thought-provoking pieces.
Throughout the program, students will be encouraged to develop their personal artistic vision, experimenting with different techniques and styles to produce a cohesive body of work. As they explore the possibilities of clay, students will also analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art, gaining a deeper understanding of the medium's evolution and significance.
Through this course, students will develop their critical thinking skills, analyzing and refining their own work as well as that of their peers. By the end of the program, students will have created a distinctive portfolio showcasing their growth and artistic development in the ceramic arts.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 350
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236241:Henson, Mandy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-09T11:48:35.937
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-09T12:04:41.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69130
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede307cb5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68777
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue | Sept-Oct
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T08:32:23.783
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 10/1
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm |9/10-10/15| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $70 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373737
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T08:32:23.783
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-10T14:24:25.793
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68777
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede307d05] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68837
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WC-Int Sep-Oct
[Description] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9-11am | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:16:00.65
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9am-11am | 9/10-10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:16:00.65
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-01T10:00:44.943
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:16:00.65
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-03T17:16:00.65
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68837
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede30804f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68845
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Sept-Oct
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T18:10:33.227
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 9/10-10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T18:10:33.227
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-03T18:12:27.78
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68845
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede3081ef] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68617
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue| Sep-Oct
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-17T10:55:42.2
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 9/10-10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-17T10:55:42.2
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-09T13:42:18.28
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68617
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede3082a8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70214
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PortFig- Folk- Sept/Oct
[Description] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 9/10 - 10/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-10T06:18:03.097
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 355
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-03-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 9/10 - 10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course offers a comprehensive exploration of figure drawing, suitable for presenting a piece with your portfolio. Through formal instruction, students will engage in a range of exercises from quick gestural studies to extended long poses.
Throughout the course, students will experiment with a variety of mediums, including charcoal, graphite, ink, and pastels, to develop a versatile approach to figure drawing. Each session will conclude with a class critique, providing an opportunity for constructive feedback and discussion to foster artistic growth and a deeper understanding of the figure drawing process.
Students will gain confidence in rendering the human figure with precision and expressiveness in a professional studio environment.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 355
[SupplyList] => Materials: (not limited too)
Newsprint pad 18x24
Sketch book
Drawing pencils
Soft charcoal sticks
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 335
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-15T07:08:17.973
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-01T10:02:35.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70214
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240910_67e5ede30864c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69038
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Sept-Oct
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 9/10-10/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-10T06:15:05.253
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 243
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 9/10-10/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 243
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 223
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-27T09:53:12.157
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T09:59:25.863
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69038
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240911_67e5ede3071c9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68814
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-MonAM-Sep/Oct
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Mondays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 9/9-10/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-31T09:43:41.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 9/11-10/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-31T09:43:41.96
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-17T07:50:08.41
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68814
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240911_67e5ede3071db] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68815
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WhThrow-WedPM- Sep/Oct
[Description] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 9/11-10/16
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-11T06:01:48.07
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Wheel Throwing with Sophie Yoon | Wednesdays 6pm-9pm | 9/11-10/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students who feel confident in their current wheel throwing practice to approach new projects engaging in honing foundational skills and/or learning to push their skills forward. Bigger clay, bigger pots means we need to focus on the core of the practice. Knowing how to wedge, knowing the clay body and its limitations and potential, understanding heatwork and basic glaze chemistry, an advanced class is both a practical study dedicating more intensive time at the wheel and in deepening the technical understanding of the material. Special topics may include coil throwing and compositie throwing, surface alteration, and an exploration of different clay bodies if the studio allows.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => - Throwing tools - any and all are welcome but the basics are required for certain
techniques to be covered in class : Wooden knife, Sponge, Metal Rib, Wooden rib, sharp
trimming tools, small (firm) kidney rib, wiretool
- Short nails
- Masking tape/Sharpie
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231242:Yoon, Sophie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-31T09:45:44.937
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-31T09:46:46.563
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68815
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240911_67e5ede307c39] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68843
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Wed| Sept-Oct
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 9/11-10/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T17:59:51.967
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 9/11-10/16| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T17:59:51.967
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-09T11:47:25.693
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68843
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240911_67e5ede307dd5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 69011
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntroPhoto| Sept-Oct
[Description] => Landscape and Nature Photography with Keith Krejci | Wed 6:30-8:30pm | 9/11-10/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-27T07:28:41.727
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => -Dive into the world of aesthetic photography. Learn how to use composition, lighting, and color to create visually pleasing images. Discover what makes a landscape truly captivating.
-Master your camera settings for landscapes, seascapes, and wildlife. Understand exposure, depth of field, and focus techniques. We’ll demystify technical jargon and empower you to take control of your gear
-Explore the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing. Learn how to create balance and visual harmony in your shots. Discover the magic of foreground and middle ground elements.
-Capture the drama of sunrise and sunset. Learn optimal shooting times, long exposure techniques, and how to harness golden hour light. The ocean becomes your canvas.
-Get up close and personal with nature’s creatures. Understand animal behavior, patience, and ethical practices. Learn to freeze motion and create intimate portraits.
-Your image isn’t complete until it’s printed and exhibited. We’ll cover monitor calibration, choosing the right print service, and framing options. Discover how lighting affects your display.
[Title] => Landscape and Nature Photography with Keith Krejci | Wed 6:30-8:30pm | 9/11-10/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => By the end of this workshop, students will walk away with the understanding and what it takes to create breathtaking landscape and wildlife images ready for exhibition. Whether you dream of gallery shows, home decor, or sharing your work online, this course will empower you to showcase your artistry.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Bring your DSLR or mirrorless camera, camera phones are acceptable too (no experience required). A fee of 20.00 will also be collected for materials
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236042:Krejci, Keith
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-27T07:28:41.727
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-15T10:00:47.043
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/69011
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240911_67e5ede308101] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68849
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Wed OS Short Sep-Oct
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 9/11-10/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T18:33:43.897
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
Class canceled 10/2
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 9/11-10/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T18:33:43.897
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-06T11:49:05.847
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68849
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240911_67e5ede308891] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70178
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WaxIntensive- Salta| Sept
[Description] => Wax Carving Intensive with Jen Salta| Wednesday 6-9 pm | 9/11 - 10/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-12T09:51:21.21
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-09-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 465
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Wax Carving Intensive with Jen Salta| Wednesday 6-9 pm | 9/11 - 10/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join our six-week wax carving intensive led by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta, where you will explore the ancient art of lost wax casting by creating a custom ring and an intricate gemstone pendant. This hands-on course is designed for all skill levels and allows students to design their own projects, providing a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques involved. The custom ring project will teach essential skills such as prepping wax for casting and converting wax weight to metal for cost estimation. The gemstone pendant project offers the opportunity to shop for natural gemstones and design a unique piece. While the instructor provides tools, students are encouraged to invest in their own basic set, and all wax material is supplied. However, students are responsible for the final cost of their castings and stones. This intensive course offers a perfect introduction to the limitless design possibilities of wax carving.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] => 1
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 465
[SupplyList] => A $20 material fee is due the first class. Hand tools and wax will be provided. Students are welcome to bring their own stones as long as they are no smaller then 6mm and flat back. Otherwise, stones will be available at the first class for an additional fee.
Students will also receive a suggested tool list upon sign up. As well as a resource list for future projects.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 445
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730313738
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-12T09:51:21.21
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-17T09:31:49.007
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70178
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede307123] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68597
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic |Sep-Oct
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 9/12-10-17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-16T09:39:47.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Requisite: Students should have taken a drawing fundamentals class.
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 9/12-10-17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-16T09:39:47.423
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-25T07:38:06.203
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68597
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede307250] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68796
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | Sept-Oct
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-30T11:08:05.633
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 9/12-10/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-30T11:08:05.633
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-17T19:00:50.573
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68796
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede307429] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68779
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Thur | Sep-Oct
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T08:49:18.107
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 397
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 10/3
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 9/12-10/17| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 397
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 357
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T08:49:18.107
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-10T14:26:16.24
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68779
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede307594] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70244
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => TH Bey 202 Ceram|sept-oct
[Description] => Beyond Beginner 202 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 9/12 - 10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-16T11:28:38.18
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 473
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beyond Beginner 202 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 9/12 - 10/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Dare to get MUDDIER! In this program, you'll get your hands dirty and make personalized gifts and/or handmade, food-safe dinnerware for your home while advancing your skills in ceramics.
Designed to take you beyond beginner to the next step, while working with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn how to throw tall cylinders, 2-part pieces, and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Push your skills to create lidded jars and multiples using a technique called “throwing off the hump.”
Individuals should have taken at least 2 beginner level courses, have the ability to center clay on the wheel, and all the necessary basic steps to complete a ceramic piece.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 473
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 433
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730323434
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-16T11:28:38.18
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-19T10:22:23.13
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70244
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede307a7e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68691
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Sep-Oct
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 9/12-10/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-22T06:57:38.07
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 10/3
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 9/12-10/24 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-22T06:57:38.07
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-13T09:56:05.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68691
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede307d87] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70252
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BlackSmith- Thurs| Sept
[Description] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Thursdays 6-9pm | 9/12-9/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-17T07:40:02.203
[NumberOfSeats] => 4
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Thursdays 6-9pm | 9/12-9/26 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come make a ring the way a Blacksmith would. Swing a hammer, work the anvil, and leave with a piece of art that fits around your finger— one crafted from more than just your hands. This class is intended for those new to the world of blacksmith jewelry. It is open to all who are willing to swing the hammer and endure the fires of the forge.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $65 payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 237369:Colombo, Nicholas
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-17T07:40:02.203
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-18T11:11:13.813
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70252
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede3080d6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68847
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Sep-Oct
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T18:26:24.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
Class canceled 10/3
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 9/12-10/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T18:26:24.423
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-06T11:48:20.663
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68847
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede3081b7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68619
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Pastels | Thurs | Sep-Oct
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-17T11:20:48.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 327
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-17T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 9/12-10/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 327
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 307
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-17T11:20:48.69
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-12T07:28:40.65
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68619
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede3086b3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70771
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| Sep/Oct
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-14T09:15:40.623
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 9/12-10/17 |Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-14T09:15:40.623
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-14T09:16:19.24
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70771
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede308700] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70772
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| Sep/Oct
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-14T09:17:26.72
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm | 9/12-10/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-14T09:17:26.72
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-14T09:18:15.09
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70772
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240912_67e5ede3088b3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68797
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram| Thur | Sep-Oct
[Description] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm-5:00pm | 9/12-10/17
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-12T08:22:08.343
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will purchase Art League Reclaim Clay at a $1/lb for the amount they use each class. This payment is to be rendered by the end of each class at the front desk. The Instructor will keep track of each students usage.
[Title] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm-5:00pm | 9/12-10/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This beginner-friendly wheel class is for teens who want to challenge themselves and who don’t mind getting a little messy. During this 4 - week course, they will be introduced to all the steps needed to create a finished piece. They will learn about the different stages clay goes through, the tools needed to throw and trim their pieces and how to glaze them.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-30T11:10:24.077
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-02T06:42:41.233
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68797
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240913_67e5ede307329] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68902
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Sept-Oct
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm| 9/13-10/18
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-13T11:03:42.913
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm | 9/13-10/18 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 30" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
For the first class, please be prepared with:
-photos taken of trees you would like to paint in hard copies around 4 1/2" x 6" to work from
-a 30" x 40" canvas
-a basic set of paints in either oils or acrylics
-a paper pallette pad or drawing pad
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt Sienna
For the course you will need:
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-10T14:06:01.12
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-10T14:07:49.043
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-10T14:06:01.12
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-10T14:06:01.12
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-10T14:06:01.12
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68902
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240913_67e5ede307d1f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68880
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Fri- Sept/Oct
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 9/13-10/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-07T08:56:06.453
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 498
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 9/13-10/18 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 498
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 458
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-07T08:56:06.453
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-07T08:58:44.663
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68880
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240913_67e5ede307d74] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68923
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BegAcry Sept-Oct
[Description] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-12pm| 9/13-10/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-13T06:41:26.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-12pm| 9/13-10/18| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course is designed as a basic introduction to the versatile medium of acrylic paint. Introducing students to the properties and characteristics of acrylic and how to develop proficiency in the various acrylic painting techniques such as layering, blending, and texture creation. In each class we will complete a 9”x12” canvas, exploring different subjects like landscape, still life and florals. We will paint from life and from photographs. There will be step-by-step instruction with each project along with individual guidance as well.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => Acrylic Painting Class Materials List
Acrylic Paint:
Any brand: Liquitex, Golden, Grumbacher (stay away from store brands and student grade if possible)
Paint Colors:
Titanium White
Hansa Yellow
Cadmium Yellow Light hue
Yellow Ochre
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Light hue
Phthalo Green (blue shade)
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
10. Burnt Sienna
11. Burnt Umber
Brush Suggestions:
1. Flat Brushes Sizes 1/2 inch, 1 inch
2. Round Brushes Sizes 2, 4, 6
3. Filbert Brushes Sizes 4, 8
4. Fan Brushes Sizes 2, 4
5. Detail Brush Size 1
Palette Knives- In addition to brushes, having a couple of palette knives can be useful for mixing
colors and applying thick layers of paint or texture.
Variety Pack of Brushes: Starting out you may consider getting a variety pack that includes different
shapes and sizes for a cost-effective way to build your brush collection.
Recommended Brush Brands:
1. Princeton Velvetouch
- Known for their balance of quality and affordability.
- Comfortable to hold and versatile.
2. Winsor & Newton Galeria
- Designed specifically for acrylics
- Durable and offer good control and spring.
3. Royal & Langnickel Zen
- Economical vet durable.
- Ideal for students and beginners.
Painting Surface:
9x12 inch or 11x14 inch canvas panels or stretched canvas
12 x 16 inch palette paper pad
Press & Seal Roll and a 14x18 inch or larger or smaller white cardboard
Additional Supplies:
Plastic container for water
Paper towels
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-13T06:41:26.917
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-14T05:57:15.733
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-13T06:41:26.917
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-13T06:41:26.917
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-06-13T06:41:26.917
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68923
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240913_67e5ede307d97] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70148
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntoMetal - Sept
[Description] => Introduction to Metalsmithing with Rachel Kalina |Fridays 12pm-3pm | 9/13 - 9/27
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-13T05:24:30.373
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 395
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Metalsmithing with Rachel Kalina |Fridays 12pm-3pm | 9/13 - 9/27 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This is a great place to begin your metalsmithing journey! Design and create a pendant or earrings in brass or copper. Learn how to cut out shapes from sheet metal with a jeweler's saw. Add texture, patina, and/or metal stamp patterns to your piece. Sand and polish your work with a flex shaft so that it can be comfortably worn. Class includes all materials and tool usage. Bring a sketchpad, pencil, apron (optional), and a storage box for your project. (Please note: There is no soldering in this class.)
$55 materials fee is due to the instructor at the first class
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 395
[SupplyList] => Class includes all materials and tool usage. Bring a sketchpad, pencil, apron (optional), and a storage box for your project. (Please note: There is no soldering in this class.)
$55 materials fee is due to the instructor at the first class
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 360
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-11T07:43:52.603
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-11T07:58:17.4
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70148
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240913_67e5ede3087ca] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68601
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Sep-Oct
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 9/13-10/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-16T11:55:32.193
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 9/13-10/18 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-16T11:55:32.193
[ModifyDate] => 2024-05-16T11:57:45.903
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68601
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240914_67e5ede30737c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68685
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf| Sep-Oct
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 9/14-10/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-21T09:18:01.83
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 9/14-10/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-21T09:18:01.83
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-23T09:31:04.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68685
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240914_67e5ede3075ce] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68832
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Sept-Oct
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 9/14-10/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-03T12:18:30.45
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 9/14-10/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-03T12:18:30.45
[ModifyDate] => 2024-06-03T17:03:18.73
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68832
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240914_67e5ede3077d2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71035
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 9/14
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-24T08:43:23.307
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/14 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-24T08:43:23.307
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-24T08:43:55.767
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-24T08:43:23.307
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71035
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240914_67e5ede307d25] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68892
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Sat- Sept/Oct
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 9/14-10/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-06-07T10:26:20.457
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 9/14-10/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-06-07T10:26:20.457
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-27T08:59:28.05
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68892
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240914_67e5ede3085f1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68599
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| Sep-Oct
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 9/14-10/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-16T10:31:19.72
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 9/14-10/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-16T10:31:19.72
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-13T07:06:34.79
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68599
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240914_67e5ede3088e9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70177
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Sept-Oct
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 9/14 - 10/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-12T09:39:19.87
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-06-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/17
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 9/14 - 10/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-12T09:39:19.87
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-18T08:15:00.697
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70177
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240919_67e5ede3079f4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70345
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 819
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Fiber Arts
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Fiber Arts
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/819
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => EmbroiderWS Tims
[Description] => Embroidery Workshop with Betty Lynn Tims | Thursdays 6-9pm| 9/19-10/3
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-25T09:47:23.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students are encouraged to bring a digital device to mockup a quick digital pattern for transfer.
[Title] => Embroidery Workshop with Betty Lynn Tims | Thursdays 6-9pm| 9/19-10/3| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join fabric artist, Betty Lynn Tims, in generating a vision for your work that could include any of the following fabric mediums to explore: floss, buttons, appliqué, ribbon embroidery, watercolor, frames, hoops, various background fabrics, yarn and more! Emphasis will be placed on creating an original pattern to transfer (no need to know how to draw!) with the use of a computer and drawing app and or
traditional drawing and tracing with a light pad for tracing. Various stitches will be explicitly taught including French knot, Satin stitch, Woven Wheel, various leaf stitches and more in both embroidery floss and ribbon. Finishing the back of a project, in various ways, will also be taught. Students may work on any projects from traditional embroidery hoops to quilting hoops, larger tapestries, stuffed animals, clothing embellishments and more.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] => REQUIRED:
Needles - various sizes
Needle threader
Embroidery Hoop
Embroidery Floss (various colors)
Stitch Ripper
Embroidery Linen
Heat Erasable Fabric Pens
Light tracing box
iPad or drawing tablet (to create and trace patterns if you do not wish to draw freehand)
Stylus or Apple Pencil
Blue Painter’s Tape
Computer with Internet access
Needle minder
Ribbon 1/8” or 1/4” for ribbon embroidery and embellishments
Quilting hoop
Quilting squares/fabrics for appliqué
Pliers for tightening hoop
Scrapbook paper or felt material to finish back
Hot glue gun
Magnetic tray to hold needles, scissors and supplies
Embroidery bag to hold project & supplies
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196751:Tims, Betty Lynn
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-25T07:05:31.977
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-12T07:29:03.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70345
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240921_67e5ede30726a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 68780
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AllSilver- Sat | Sep-Oct
[Description] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 5/25-6/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-05-29T08:58:32.717
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2024-09-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 395
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-05-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 10/12
[Title] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 9/21-10/19| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 395
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $70 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3638373830
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-05-29T08:58:32.717
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T08:36:07.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/68780
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240921_67e5ede3077dd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71223
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 9/21
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-09T11:49:30.163
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-09T11:49:30.163
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-09T11:49:58.207
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-09-09T11:49:30.163
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71223
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240925_67e5ede3078bf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70833
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 9/25
[Description] => Create Nights - Sewing 101 Moderated by Rob Stenzel | 9/25 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-15T11:54:02.453
[NumberOfSeats] => 18
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - Sewing 101 Moderated by Rob Stenzel | 9/25 | 7pm-9pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Have you always wanted to start making or altering your own clothes but don’t know where to start? It is time to demystify the sewing machine! Come join us for a night of Sewing 101 to learn basic sewing techniques, and ways to tailor clothing across the gender spectrum to help you express your most authentic self. No previous sewing experience is needed for this hands on workshop, even first time sewists will get to try a sewing machine and go home with a finished pride themed pillowcase at the end of the night!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-15T11:54:02.453
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-24T12:53:28.417
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70833
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240928_67e5ede3077e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71224
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 9/28
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/28
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-09T11:50:13.81
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 9/28 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-09T11:50:13.81
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-09T11:50:36.34
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-09-09T11:50:13.81
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71224
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20240928_67e5ede307eee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71016
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Sep2024
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 9/28 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-22T12:01:02.673
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-09-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-09-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 9/28 1-4pm| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-22T12:01:02.673
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-09T10:16:41.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71016
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241005_67e5ede30768c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71571
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/5
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/5
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-01T11:09:09.487
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/5 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-01T11:09:09.487
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T11:09:42.943
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-10-01T11:09:09.487
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71571
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241010_67e5ede307bf4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71072
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Graphic Stuart| Oct
[Description] => Graphic Storybook Workshop with Jay Stuart | Thursdays 6pm- 9pm | 10/10-10/24
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-10T10:55:47.16
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Graphic Storybook Workshop with Jay Stuart | Thursdays 6pm- 9pm | 10/10-10/24 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The Graphic Storybook Workshop is a workshop on creating your own book! Instructor Jay Stuart has illustrated and self published many graphic storybooks to teach you from. You will learn the process of taking your ideas and structure them into a plan and a process that will help mold your ideas and concepts into a complete, ready to publish graphic novel. We will go over storyboards, drawing techniques that help express the emotion of the scene and how to make your sequential art flow as an exciting story to be viewed. We will make samples pages to test these new skills and learn how to self publish your own book. This can be a continuing class for students who are working on their book and help need direction.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] =>
HB (or #2) Pencils 1 or 2
Kneaded and Plastic Eraser
Watercolor brushes- Round 2, Round 6, 1/2 Flat synthetic
(good brands: Princeton Red Velvet, Aqua Elites or Selects for budget)
Faber Castell Pitt Pen set Black (or any good fineliner set of pigmented ink)
While Gel Pen (Uniball signo is the best!)
Bottle of waterproof India Ink (Dr. Phil Martin's Bombay or Black Star is good)
9x12 sketch book
11x14 bristol pad (or 11x17 if you are interested in comicbook format)
Plastic 6 cup inkwell tray
Tube of white gouache
12 inch metal ruler with inking edge
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228209:Stuart, Jay
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-27T05:57:11.11
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-12T07:29:51.81
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71072
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241010_67e5ede307d94] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70149
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntoMetal - Oct
[Description] => Introduction to Metalsmithing with Rachel Kalina | Thursdays 6pm-9pm | 10/10-10/24
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-10T11:40:15.677
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 395
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-04-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Metalsmithing with Rachel Kalina | Thursdays 6pm-9pm | 10/10-10/24 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This is a great place to begin your metalsmithing journey! Design and create a pendant or earrings in brass or copper. Learn how to cut out shapes from sheet metal with a jeweler's saw. Add texture, patina, and/or metal stamp patterns to your piece. Sand and polish your work with a flex shaft so that it can be comfortably worn. Class includes all materials and tool usage. Bring a sketchpad, pencil, apron (optional), and a storage box for your project. (Please note: There is no soldering in this class.)
$55 materials fee is due to the instructor at the first class
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 395
[SupplyList] => Class includes all materials and tool usage. Bring a sketchpad, pencil, apron (optional), and a storage box for your project. (Please note: There is no soldering in this class.)
$55 materials fee is due to the instructor at the first class
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 360
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-11T08:01:08.75
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-23T14:22:31.027
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70149
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241011_67e5ede30729a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71033
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ArtClub
[Description] => Art Club: Memories of Summer Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Friday 10/11 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-23T10:26:39.767
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-23T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Club: Memories of Summer Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone Friday 10/11 10am-1pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-23T10:26:39.767
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-08T12:57:03.04
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71033
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241012_67e5ede30766e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71572
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/12
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-01T11:09:59.497
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/12 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-01T11:09:59.497
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T11:10:19.727
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-10-01T11:09:59.497
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71572
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241012_67e5ede30888b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71073
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WtclrIllus Stuart| Oct
[Description] => Watercolors and Illustration Workshop with Jay Stuart | Saturdays 9am- 12pm | 10/12-10/26
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-27T06:04:27.2
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolors and Illustration Workshop with Jay Stuart | Saturdays 9am- 12pm | 10/12-10/26 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn many illustration and watercolor techniques using various of materials from ink, paint and pens! In this workshop we will go over drawing fundamentals with drawing shapes, practice compositions and review perspective to give you drawing more depth. We will use drawing tools like pencils, fine liner pens, bottle ink with brush and more. We will also learn about the importance with using the finest paper for these illustrations and then move onto learning about the basics of watercolor. After we do a few studies together, we will work on a class final using everything you learned in class. This can be a continuing class for beginners or returning students looking to freshen up and sharpen their skills!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] =>
-HB Pencil and sharpener (or a mechanical pencil with HB lead)
-Water Soluble Graphite Pencil
-Pentel Waterbrush pen
-12 inch ruler with inking edge
-Kneaded and Plastic Eraser
-Fineliner Waterproof inking Pens (Microns, Faber Castell Pitt pens, ect) 2 or 3 thin to thick
-Bottle of Waterproof Black Ink
-Nib Pen Holder
-Pen Nibs (Zig G-Nibs are good, Speedball 512 ok)
-Watercolor brushes (decent to good quality) Rounds 2,6,10
Oval Wash (Blick Scholastic or Velvet Touch) 1/2 and 3/4
-Set of watercolors (Anything in your price range. Price does dictate quality but either will work)
-9x12 sketch book
-9x12 or larger Watercolor Pad or Block (Blocks are great but more money)
Only get 100% cotton Cold Press 140 lbs (Arches, Hahnemule, Blick Premier Red Label, Saunders)
-White Gouache
-White Gelpen (uniball signo)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228209:Stuart, Jay
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-27T06:04:27.2
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-11T09:12:13.417
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71073
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241019_67e5ede30767a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71573
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 10/19
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-01T11:10:49.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 10/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-01T11:10:49.69
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T11:11:06.383
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-10-01T11:10:49.69
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71573
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241020_67e5ede30837f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70268
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Raku Workshop 10/20/2024
[Description] => Raku Firing Workshop with Jeff Gomez | Sunday 10/20 8:30am-5:00pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-18T07:21:58.213
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T08:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] => 1
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
Rain Date is 10/27/24.
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Raku Firing Workshop with Jeff Gomez | Sunday 10/20 8:30am-5:00pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The ancient Japanese firing method called Raku combines chemistry, fire and smoke to produce gorgeous displays of color and lusters. The firing process is the heart and soul of the American Raku Technique. The finished pieces are unpredictable. Glazes crackle in fascinating patterns and metallic oxides change colors depending on the amount of oxidation in the post firing reduction chamber.
This workshop is intended for experienced potters who can produce and bisque fire pieces ahead of this workshop. In his hands on Raku workshop, participants should bring 6-8 even thickness bisqueware pots. Bisque firing is not included in this workshop. The pots for raku should be no larger than 6-8” wide and no taller than 13”. Flat pieces are acceptable. Tall and narrow are best. Handbuilt pieces should be built evenly to prevent kiln explosions. The instructor has the right to deny a piece entry into the firing if he determines it is at high risk for explosion. Use Raku clay or Stoneware with grog (not sand). Art League students interested in taking the workshop should give themselves 6 working classes to throw
or hand build 6 pieces. That will allow enough time for the pieces to thoroughly dry out and be bisque fired ahead of the workshop. If you're interested in horsehair firing, pieces need to be burnished. Ask your instructor for assistance on this. Make sure pieces are glazed at least 24 hours ahead of time to the workshop.
Bring a bag lunch. Beverages will be available. Wear cotton clothing, long sleeves, long pants, a hat, covered shoes (no sandals). As stated above this is a hands-on workshop. Please do not make other plans for early that evening, clean up is part of this workshop. Register early -
space limited to 10 participants.
Rain Date is 10/27/24.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 145
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234815:Gomez, Jeff
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T07:21:58.213
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-22T11:51:38.957
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70268
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241022_67e5ede3078dd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70323
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw Oct-Nov
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 10/22-11/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T06:18:38.187
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 16
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 170
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 10/22-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 170
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 150
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730333233
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T06:18:38.187
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-29T14:29:47.4
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70323
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241022_67e5ede307c79] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70384
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-11:30 | 10/22-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-25T11:29:07.597
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 233
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will:
* Develop an understanding of basic ceramic techniques and terminology
* Create a personal body of work that reflects individual artistic vision
* Analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art
* Cultivate critical thinking skills through self-reflection and peer review
* Grow creatively through experimentation and exploration of different techniques and styles
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-11:30 |10/22-11/19| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this comprehensive course, students will delve into the fundamental methods of hand-building with clay, exploring the endless possibilities of this versatile medium. The course will introduce students to essential ceramic terms and techniques, providing a solid foundation for creating unique and thought-provoking pieces.
Throughout the program, students will be encouraged to develop their personal artistic vision, experimenting with different techniques and styles to produce a cohesive body of work. As they explore the possibilities of clay, students will also analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art, gaining a deeper understanding of the medium's evolution and significance.
Through this course, students will develop their critical thinking skills, analyzing and refining their own work as well as that of their peers. By the end of the program, students will have created a distinctive portfolio showcasing their growth and artistic development in the ceramic arts.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 233
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 213
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236241:Henson, Mandy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-25T11:29:07.597
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-25T11:34:09.78
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70384
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241022_67e5ede30803d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70835
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Oct-Nov
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 10/22-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-15T12:03:13.66
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 140
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 10/22-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 140
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 120
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-15T12:03:13.66
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-15T12:12:25.08
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70835
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241022_67e5ede3081dd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70275
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 10/22-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-18T10:59:37.35
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 15
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 10/22-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730323735
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T10:59:37.35
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-25T10:54:48.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70275
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241022_67e5ede30829b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70280
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PortFig- Folk| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 10/22-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-21T11:41:28.603
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 250
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 10/22-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course offers a comprehensive exploration of figure drawing, suitable for presenting a piece with your portfolio. Through formal instruction, students will engage in a range of exercises from quick gestural studies to extended long poses.
Throughout the course, students will experiment with a variety of mediums, including charcoal, graphite, ink, and pastels, to develop a versatile approach to figure drawing. Each session will conclude with a class critique, providing an opportunity for constructive feedback and discussion to foster artistic growth and a deeper understanding of the figure drawing process.
Students will gain confidence in rendering the human figure with precision and expressiveness in a professional studio environment.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 250
[SupplyList] => Materials: (not limited too)
Newsprint pad 18x24
Sketch book
Drawing pencils
Soft charcoal sticks
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 230
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T11:20:55.8
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-18T11:32:57.957
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70280
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241022_67e5ede308643] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70616
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Oct-Nov
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 10/22-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-21T11:41:02.577
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 5:00-6:00pm | 10/22-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T10:01:21.553
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T10:06:38.403
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70616
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241023_67e5ede307c2d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70433
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Wed| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 10/23-11/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-30T10:31:18.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 360
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 10/23-11/20| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 360
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 340
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-30T10:31:18.96
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-30T10:32:52.927
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70433
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241023_67e5ede3080dd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70618
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Wed OS Short Oct-Nov
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 10/23-11/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T10:11:27.377
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 10/23-11/20 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T10:11:27.377
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T10:21:50.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70618
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede3070db] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70346
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic |Oct-Nov
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 10/24-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-25T07:33:48.8
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Requisite: Students should have taken a drawing fundamentals class.
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 10/24-11/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-25T07:33:48.8
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-22T13:29:51.53
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70346
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede307254] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70491
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | Oct-Dec
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 10/24-12/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-02T06:29:50.71
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 523
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/28
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 10/24-12/12 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 523
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 483
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730343931
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-02T06:29:50.71
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-04T05:56:23.47
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70491
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede307590] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71485
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg 202 Ceram| Oct-Dec
[Description] => Beyond Beginner 202 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 10/24-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-24T07:23:55.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 523
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 10/31, 11/28
[Title] => Beyond Beginner 202 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Thurs 6-9 pm | 10/24-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Dare to get MUDDIER! In this program, you'll get your hands dirty and make personalized gifts and/or handmade, food-safe dinnerware for your home while advancing your skills in ceramics.
Designed to take you beyond beginner to the next step, while working with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn how to throw tall cylinders, 2-part pieces, and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Push your skills to create lidded jars and multiples using a technique called “throwing off the hump.”
Individuals should have taken at least 2 beginner level courses, have the ability to center clay on the wheel, and all the necessary basic steps to complete a ceramic piece.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 523
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 483
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-24T07:23:55.917
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-24T07:27:08.97
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71485
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede3080bc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70621
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Oct-Nov
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 10/24-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T10:20:50.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 10/24-11/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T10:20:50.05
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T10:23:11.57
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70621
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede3081bb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70277
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Pastels | Thurs | Oct-Nov
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm |10/24-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-18T11:02:47.03
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 10/24-11/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T11:02:47.03
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-18T11:04:57.857
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70277
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede30868f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70767
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| Oct/Nov
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 10/24-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-14T09:05:44.143
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 10/24-11/21 |Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-14T09:05:44.143
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-14T09:06:57.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70767
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede3086cc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70769
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| Oct/Nov
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 10/24-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-14T09:10:30.597
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-16T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 10/24-11/21| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-14T09:10:30.597
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-16T16:37:23.65
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70769
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241024_67e5ede3088ad] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70492
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => TeenCeram| Thur | Oct-Dec
[Description] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm-5:00pm | 10/24-12/12
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-23T13:08:46.03
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 263
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will purchase Art League Reclaim Clay at a $1/lb for the amount they use each class. This payment is to be rendered by the end of each class at the front desk. The Instructor will keep track of each students usage.
Class canceled 11/28
[Title] => Wheel Throwing for Teens with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 3:30pm-5:00pm | 10/24-12/12 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This beginner-friendly wheel class is for teens who want to challenge themselves and who don’t mind getting a little messy. During this 4 - week course, they will be introduced to all the steps needed to create a finished piece. They will learn about the different stages clay goes through, the tools needed to throw and trim their pieces and how to glaze them.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 263
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 243
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-02T06:40:40.45
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-04T05:57:34.763
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70492
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241025_67e5ede30729e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71034
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ArtClub
[Description] => Art Club: Memories of Summer Pt. 2 with Teresa Simeone | Friday 10/25 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-23T10:35:30.417
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-23T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Club: Memories of Summer Pt. 2 with Teresa Simeone Friday 10/25 10am-1pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-23T10:35:30.417
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-08T12:56:40.787
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71034
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241025_67e5ede30731b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70272
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Oct-Nov
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm| 10/25-11/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-18T09:13:11.473
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm | 10/25-11/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 30" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
For the first class, please be prepared with:
-photos taken of trees you would like to paint in hard copies around 4 1/2" x 6" to work from
-a 30" x 40" canvas
-a basic set of paints in either oils or acrylics
-a paper pallette pad or drawing pad
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt Sienna
For the course you will need:
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T09:13:11.473
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-18T09:15:53.607
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-18T09:13:11.473
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-18T09:13:11.473
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-18T09:13:11.473
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70272
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241025_67e5ede307d0c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70294
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Fri| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 10/25-11/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-19T10:18:01.61
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 10/25-11/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-19T10:18:01.61
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T09:57:16.057
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70294
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241025_67e5ede307d7a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71608
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BegAcry Oct-Nov
[Description] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 10/25-11/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-04T09:11:14.65
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 288
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 10/25-11/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course is designed as a basic introduction to the versatile medium of acrylic paint. Introducing students to the properties and characteristics of acrylic and how to develop proficiency in the various acrylic painting techniques such as layering, blending, and texture creation. In each class we will complete a 9”x12” canvas, exploring different subjects like landscape, still life and florals. We will paint from life and from photographs. There will be step-by-step instruction with each project along with individual guidance as well.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 288
[SupplyList] => Acrylic Painting Class Materials List
Acrylic Paint:
Any brand: Liquitex, Golden, Grumbacher (stay away from store brands and student grade if possible)
Paint Colors:
Titanium White
Hansa Yellow
Cadmium Yellow Light hue
Yellow Ochre
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Light hue
Phthalo Green (blue shade)
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
10. Burnt Sienna
11. Burnt Umber
Brush Suggestions:
1. Flat Brushes Sizes 1/2 inch, 1 inch
2. Round Brushes Sizes 2, 4, 6
3. Filbert Brushes Sizes 4, 8
4. Fan Brushes Sizes 2, 4
5. Detail Brush Size 1
Palette Knives- In addition to brushes, having a couple of palette knives can be useful for mixing
colors and applying thick layers of paint or texture.
Variety Pack of Brushes: Starting out you may consider getting a variety pack that includes different
shapes and sizes for a cost-effective way to build your brush collection.
Recommended Brush Brands:
1. Princeton Velvetouch
- Known for their balance of quality and affordability.
- Comfortable to hold and versatile.
2. Winsor & Newton Galeria
- Designed specifically for acrylics
- Durable and offer good control and spring.
3. Royal & Langnickel Zen
- Economical vet durable.
- Ideal for students and beginners.
Painting Surface:
9x12 inch or 11x14 inch canvas panels or stretched canvas
12 x 16 inch palette paper pad
Press & Seal Roll and a 14x18 inch or larger or smaller white cardboard
Additional Supplies:
Plastic container for water
Paper towels
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-04T09:11:14.65
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-04T09:15:10.523
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-10-04T09:11:14.65
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-10-04T09:11:14.65
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-10-04T09:11:14.65
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71608
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241025_67e5ede3087bd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70341
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Oct-Nov
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 10/25-11/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T12:41:37.543
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 10/25-11/15 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T12:41:37.543
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-24T12:44:04.237
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70341
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241026_67e5ede307374] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70310
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 10/26-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-23T09:32:03.22
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-23T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10am-1pm |10/26-11/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-23T09:32:03.22
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-23T09:58:42.063
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70310
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241026_67e5ede3075ab] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71191
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 10/26-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-25T10:31:15.97
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 130
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 10/26-11/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 130
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 110
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-05T08:19:18.893
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-05T08:23:13.423
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71191
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241026_67e5ede307ca5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70296
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Sat- Oct-Nov
[Description] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 10/26-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-19T10:41:54.843
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 10/26-11/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 272
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-19T10:41:54.843
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-04T10:32:07.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70296
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241026_67e5ede307eda] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71494
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Oct2024
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 10/26 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-25T07:01:36.453
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 10/26 1-4pm| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-25T07:01:36.453
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-25T10:38:02.4
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71494
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241026_67e5ede3082f5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71391
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HolCrds WS Laimo 10/26
[Description] => Printing Spooky Holiday Cards Workshop with Anna Laimo | Saturday 10/26 9:30am - 12:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-25T10:59:34.723
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 90
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printing Spooky Holiday Cards Workshop with Anna Laimo | Saturday 10/26 9:30am - 12:30pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => We're carving more than just pumpkins this Halloween season. Join Anna Laimo for a spooky stamp-making workshop to create eerie handmade cards. You will learn to carve linoleum into spooky stamps, roll them up with ink, and print your designs on to paper! These special hand printed eerie holiday cards will be wonderful gifts to send to friends and family.
No drawing skills required - all skill levels welcome
Register for 2 or all 3 of our Card Making Workshops and receive a 10-20% discount off the total price for bundling. Call the office today for the discount code!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 90
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 80
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231856:Laimo, Anna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-18T08:57:36.297
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-04T07:06:31.983
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71391
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241026_67e5ede3085de] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70432
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 10/26-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-25T09:55:55.85
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 10/26-11/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-30T10:25:40.813
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-30T10:29:20.47
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70432
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241026_67e5ede3088cd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71189
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 10/26-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-05T08:10:22.507
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 10/26-11/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-05T08:10:22.507
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-05T08:13:19.6
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71189
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241029_67e5ede3071a6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70611
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AdvSilv- Tue| Oct-Dec
[Description] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 10/29-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T08:19:53.363
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 690
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5, 11/26
[Title] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 10/29-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 690
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $75 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 650
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730363131
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T08:19:53.363
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T08:23:49.677
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70611
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241029_67e5ede30755d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71482
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg101 Ceram Oct-Dec
[Description] => Beginners 101 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9pm | 10/29-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-24T07:10:09.803
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 523
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
Class canceled 11/26
[Title] => Beginners 101 Ceramics with Amy Tischler | Tues 6-9pm | 10/29-12/17| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Dare to be MUDDY! In this program, you'll get your hands dirty and work towards making finished bowls, mugs and small vases. This course is for the true beginner who has never taken a ceramic class or is still working on budding basic skills in clay.
Designed to take a beginner from the very first step of opening their first bag of clay to glazing a piece to take home. We will spend time on wedging and centering clay to work on the very basics of wheel throwing, as well as coil, slab and pinch-pot techniques in hand-building. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 523
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 483
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-24T07:10:09.803
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-24T07:13:12.083
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71482
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241029_67e5ede307569] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70337
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Oct-Nov
[Description] => Beginners Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 10/29-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T10:41:07.333
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Beginner Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 10/29-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T10:41:07.333
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-11T07:31:07.81
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:41:07.333
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:41:07.333
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70337
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241029_67e5ede307b94] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70325
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw Fusco| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30 pm | 10/29-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T07:06:08.673
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30pm | 10/29-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T07:06:08.673
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-25T10:54:08.367
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70325
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241029_67e5ede307cac] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70610
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue | Oct-Dec
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 10/29-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T08:03:55.33
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 528
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5, 11/26
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 10/29-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 528
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $75 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 508
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730363130
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T08:03:55.33
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T08:14:08.22
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70610
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241029_67e5ede307cf8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70334
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WC-Int Oct-Nov
[Description] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9-11am | 10/29-11/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T10:24:27.43
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/5
[Title] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9am-11am | 10/29-11/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T10:24:27.43
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-25T10:53:34.93
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:24:27.43
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:24:27.43
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70334
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241030_67e5ede307879] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71489
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 10/30
[Description] => Create Nights - "Bad Art" Party! Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 10/30 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-24T08:51:32.21
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - "Bad Art" Party! Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 10/30 | 7pm-9pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come have fun and let loose at our first Create Night “Bad Art” Party! Play art games, enjoy snacks, and then make some art with no expectations. Sometimes the best art happens when you least expect it.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-24T08:51:32.21
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T10:28:34.893
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71489
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241031_67e5ede307419] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70612
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Thur | Oct-Nov
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 10/31-11/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T08:25:43.773
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-10-31T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 317
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 10/31-11/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 317
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 287
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730363132
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T08:25:43.773
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T08:31:36.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70612
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241102_67e5ede30725d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70614
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AllSilver- Sat | Nov
[Description] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 11/2-11/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T08:36:55.653
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2024-11-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 395
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 11/2-11/23 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 395
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T08:36:55.653
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T08:38:47.13
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70614
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241102_67e5ede307698] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72230
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 11/02
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/02
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-01T07:12:16.12
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/02 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-01T07:12:16.12
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-01T07:12:42.4
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-01T07:12:16.12
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72230
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241102_67e5ede308165] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71390
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HolCrds WS Rimmelin 11/2
[Description] => Painting Holiday Cards Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 11/2 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-18T08:52:57.877
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 90
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting Holiday Cards Workshop with Lorraine Rimmelin | Saturday 11/2 10:00 am - 1:00 pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Lorraine Rimmelin as she shares her favorite card paintings and the simple step by step process of painting them. Lorraine will guide students with watercolor to enjoy painting from the heart to kick off the holiday season. These special hand painted holiday cards will be wonderful gifts to send to friends and family.
No drawing skills required - all skill levels welcome
Register for 2 or all 3 of our Card Making Workshops and receive a 10-20% discount off the total price for bundling. Call the office today for the discount code!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 90
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 80
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-18T08:52:57.877
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-18T10:00:57.063
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71390
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241108_67e5ede3072d8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72156
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ArtClub
[Description] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Friday 11/8 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-25T07:23:59.133
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Friday 11/8 10am-1pm| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-25T07:23:59.133
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-29T11:26:56.403
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72156
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241109_67e5ede30769c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72231
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 11/09
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/09
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-01T07:12:58.27
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/09 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-01T07:12:58.27
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-01T07:13:46.067
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-01T07:12:58.27
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72231
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241109_67e5ede307869] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70586
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ColorTheory Nov
[Description] => Color Theory Workshop with Liz Fusco | Saturday 10am-2pm | 11/9
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-07T08:24:39.773
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 60
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Color Theory Workshop with Liz Fusco | Saturday 10am-2pm | 11/9 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding color is the key to successful painting. But for some people it is very complicated. Let’s make it simple! We will break down the color wheel, understand the concept of “warm” and “cool” colors and learn how to create commonly used colors and neutrals. Students will gain a real understanding of color mixing working from a limited palette. Students will paint a color wheel and some color charts to bring home. All work will be done in watercolor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 60
[SupplyList] => Supplies:
Arches watercolor cold press paper
H, HB, 2H pencils and kneaded eraser
watercolor paintbrush- round size 4, 6 or 8
2 containers for water
paper towels
palette for paint (preferably one that closes)
Paints in the following colors: (Preferably Winsor & Newton, I use tube
paints but pans are fine)
Cadmium yellow
lemon yellow
ultramarine blue
Prussian blue
Permanent Rose
Scarlet Lake
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 55
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-07T08:24:39.773
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-17T06:36:31.577
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-07T08:24:39.773
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-08-07T08:24:39.773
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70586
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241109_67e5ede308188] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71393
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HolCrds WS Stenzel 11/9
[Description] => Paper Cutting Holiday Cards Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Saturday 11/9 10:00am - 1:00pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-18T09:13:31.43
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 90
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Library
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Paper Cutting Holiday Cards Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Saturday 11/9 10:00am - 1:00pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this workshop you will join Rob Stenzel to learn how to approach cutting a design in paper, using a combination of Chinese and European scissor techniques, to make unique greeting cards for any occasion. These special hand-cut holiday cards will be wonderful gifts to send to friends and family.
No drawing skills required - all skill levels welcome
Register for 2 or all 3 of our Card Making Workshops and receive a 10-20% discount off the total price for bundling. Call the office today for the discount code!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 90
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 80
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-18T09:13:31.43
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-07T11:54:44.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71393
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241113_67e5ede307e11] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72025
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => FundWh| Wed| Nov/Dec
[Description] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 11/13-12/18
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T12:04:22.187
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 373
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-22T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 11/27
[Title] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 11/13-12/18| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginners will learn how to create functional pottery on the wheel, from throwing the basic forms to trimming, embellishing, and finally glazing. This class also welcomes those who have had some experience on the wheel and are looking to refresh their skills and explore new techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 373
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 353
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-22T07:24:34.16
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-01T08:02:32.547
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72025
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241114_67e5ede307945] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71504
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => MultCul Sumigcay| Nov
[Description] => Creative Voyage: Inspiration in Diversity with Alvin Sumigcay |Thurs 6pm-9pm| 11/14-12/5| Ages:12-16
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:32:34.207
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 180
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/28
[Title] => Creative Voyage: Inspiration in Diversity with Alvin Sumigcay |Thurs 6pm-9pm| 11/14-12/5| Ages:12-16
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Multicultural art can be defined as art rooted on cultural values. The artwork created can serve as a narrative representing a culture’s beliefs, traditions, and history. This course aims to expand the student’s creativity through the analysis of multicultural art and teach them how to implement a universal artistic language within their creative process.
Studying multicultural art can help uncover underlying meanings within the artwork and provide insight into the represented culture. Furthermore, this insight can become fuel for inspiration and simultaneously help students avoid stereotypical multicultural representation. This class will teach students how to discover inspiration rooted in their personal cultural history, how to
properly represent different cultures with empathy and understanding, and how to implement elements of multicultural art to improve visual communication.
The class will teach the basic fundamentals of design, composition, shape language, storytelling, color theory, skin tones and iconography with a strong emphasis on knowledgeable research and working with references.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Young Artists/ Teens
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 180
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 239864:Sumigcay, Alvin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-25T12:31:49.14
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-07T11:57:21.76
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71504
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241114_67e5ede307a89] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71486
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm| 11/14-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-24T07:32:32.403
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/28
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 11/14-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 215
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-24T07:32:32.403
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-01T11:36:05.61
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71486
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241116_67e5ede3076a4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72232
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 11/16
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-01T07:14:05.947
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-01T07:14:05.947
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-01T07:14:28.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-01T07:14:05.947
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72232
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241116_67e5ede3084c7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71605
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => SelfPortraits Gonzalez
[Description] => Self Portrait for Teens with Patricia Lind-Gonzalez| Saturday 11/16 12-3pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-16T09:56:50.053
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 70
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Self Portrait for Teens with Patricia Lind-Gonzalez| Saturday 11/16 12-3pm| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Students will be guided to draw a self-portrait from observation. Through demonstrations and discussion, they will learn the structure of the head, proportions of the face, how to use facial expressions and point of view to communicate artistic intention, and how to represent various textures to depict hair. Examples of historical and contemporary portraiture styles will be examined.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 70
[SupplyList] =>
- at least a 11 x14 piece of fine drawing paper or pad (strathmore drawing paper 400 series is good).
- a soft graphite pencil (HB or any number B) - faber castell is a good brand
- a pink pearl eraser
- a drawing board to tape your drawing to
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 60
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 240123:Lind-Gonzalez, Patricia
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-04T07:52:11.037
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-29T11:09:54.393
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71605
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241120_67e5ede3078c3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72359
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 11/20
[Description] => Create Nights - Teen Craft Night Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 11/20 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-12T07:59:25.727
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - Teen Craft Night Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 11/20 | 7pm-9pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for an exciting LGBTQIA+ Teen Craft Night! Get ready to unleash your creativity as we make colorful Swiftie-inspired clay bead friendship bracelets. Whether you're a crafting pro or a beginner, everyone is welcome to join in the fun, allies included! While we create our beautiful bracelets, we'll enjoy a movie that celebrates love, friendship, and being true to yourself. It’s a perfect night to connect with friends, make new ones, and express your fabulous self through art. Let’s make some magical memories together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T07:59:25.727
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T08:49:50.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72359
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241122_67e5ede3072e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72154
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ArtClub
[Description] => Art Gathering Pt. 2 with Teresa Simeone | Friday 11/22 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-25T07:21:59.993
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering Pt. 2 with Teresa Simeone | Friday 11/22 10am-1pm| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-25T07:21:59.993
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-25T07:23:16.753
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72154
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241122_67e5ede30731e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70273
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ArtForest Nov-Dec
[Description] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm| 11/22-12/20
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-15T11:11:32.93
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/29, 12/6
[Title] => Art of the Forest: Painting Trees with Shain Bard | Fri 10am-1pm | 11/22-12/20 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => "Artists can in paint create
Trees at imagination's gate
as we to Mother Nature bow
For she will always show us how"
-Shain Bard
Welcome to the vast, ubiquitous, and always wondrous world of Trees! Nature lovers and ecologists will thrive in this all levels painting course that celebrates the wonders of the bodies that make up our forest networks - the mighty tree. Students may work in the paint of their choice - either acrylic or oil (watercolors will not be covered in this course). In this workshop, students will work from reference photos of trees that speak to them to paint stunning 30" x 40" tree portraits. Students will provide their own pictures of trees up close and personal, with attention to bark markings and textures, angles, color, light, and mood. Shain Bard will guide students through the exciting and meditative process of translating their tree pictures on the canvas, along the way learning the important art concepts of shared edges, positive and negative shapes and interchange, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
For the first class, please be prepared with:
-photos taken of trees you would like to paint in hard copies around 4 1/2" x 6" to work from
-a 30" x 40" canvas
-a basic set of paints in either oils or acrylics
-a paper pallette pad or drawing pad
We recommend the following colors:
Titanium white, payne's gray, lemon yellow, naples yellow pale, cadmium red, permanent alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, pthalo or permanent green deep, golden ochre, and burnt Sienna
For the course you will need:
-several 5"x7" reference photos, printed (Shain will go over how to take reference photos on day 1)
-painting medium (if using oils)
-cup for painting medium or water
-paper towels
-brushes of your choice
-painting palette of your choice
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 191950:Bard, Shain
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T10:17:23.42
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-19T10:49:38.28
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-18T10:17:23.42
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-18T10:17:23.42
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-18T10:17:23.42
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70273
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241122_67e5ede307d0f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70295
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Fri| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 11/22-12/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-19T10:33:42.3
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/29, 12/6
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 11/22-12/20 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-19T10:33:42.3
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T09:58:03.233
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70295
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241122_67e5ede3087c0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70342
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WCworld Barbera| Nov-Dec
[Description] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 11/22-12/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T12:44:37.99
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/29, 12/6
[Title] => The World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 10am-1pm | 11/22-12/20 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of all skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from ones supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730333432
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T12:44:37.99
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-20T11:28:43.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70342
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241123_67e5ede307378] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70311
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 11/23-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-22T09:44:34.66
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-23T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/30, 12/7
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 10am-1pm |11/23-12/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-23T09:40:36.973
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-23T09:43:43.947
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70311
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241123_67e5ede3075ae] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71192
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Oct-Nov
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 10/26-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-22T09:50:24.623
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/ 30
Class canceled 12/7
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 11/23-12/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 85
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-05T08:23:42.257
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-05T08:26:08.923
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71192
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241123_67e5ede3076ac] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72233
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 11/23
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/23
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-01T07:14:47.207
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/23 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-01T07:14:47.207
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-01T07:15:28.457
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-01T07:14:47.207
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72233
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241123_67e5ede307ca9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70297
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Sat- Nov-Dec
[Description] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 10/26-11/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-19T10:51:20.523
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/30, 12/7
[Title] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 11/23-12/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-19T10:51:20.523
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-04T10:32:45.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70297
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241123_67e5ede307edd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71495
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Nov2024
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 11/23 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-25T07:03:04.067
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 11/23 1-4pm| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-25T07:03:04.067
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-25T07:03:37.157
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71495
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241123_67e5ede3088d0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71190
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 11/23-12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-05T08:14:00.123
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 120
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/30
Class canceled 12/7
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 11/23-12/21| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 120
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 100
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-05T08:14:00.123
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-05T08:18:22.42
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71190
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede30756d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70338
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg Nov-Dec
[Description] => Beginners Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T10:43:58.88
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 11/26-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton cold press watercolor paper. You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T10:43:58.88
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T10:19:33.47
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:43:58.88
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:43:58.88
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70338
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede3078ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70324
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw Nov-Dec
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues |5:30-7:00pm|11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T06:23:59.233
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 170
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 11/26-12/17| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 170
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 150
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T06:23:59.233
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-24T06:25:56.04
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70324
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede307b2a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71569
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => FingKnit WS Tisch Nov24
[Description] => Finger Knitting Workshop with Amy Tischler | Tuesday 11/26 6pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-01T09:45:52.827
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Finger Knitting Workshop with Amy Tischler | Tuesday 11/26 6pm-9pm| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come and join us for a fun night of FINGER KNITTING for adults and teens. A master of crafts, artist Amy Tischler, will walk us step-by-step through the art of finger knitting chunky chenille yarn into a warm cuddly blanket. Please bring a pair of sharp scissors & 4 skeins of Chunky Chenille Yarn in the color of your choice. (125 yards creates approximately a 3’ x 5’ blanket)
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => $12.99/skein of Chunky Chenille Yarn at Michaels found here.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196756:Tischler, Amy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-01T09:45:52.827
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T10:19:54.547
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71569
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede307b97] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70327
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw Fusco| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30 pm | 11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T07:31:25.133
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30pm | 11/26-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T07:31:25.133
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-22T08:01:28.303
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70327
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede307c82] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70385
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 | 11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-22T09:53:45.603
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 233
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T00:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will:
* Develop an understanding of basic ceramic techniques and terminology
* Create a personal body of work that reflects individual artistic vision
* Analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art
* Cultivate critical thinking skills through self-reflection and peer review
* Grow creatively through experimentation and exploration of different techniques and styles
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 |11/26-12/17| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this comprehensive course, students will delve into the fundamental methods of hand-building with clay, exploring the endless possibilities of this versatile medium. The course will introduce students to essential ceramic terms and techniques, providing a solid foundation for creating unique and thought-provoking pieces.
Throughout the program, students will be encouraged to develop their personal artistic vision, experimenting with different techniques and styles to produce a cohesive body of work. As they explore the possibilities of clay, students will also analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art, gaining a deeper understanding of the medium's evolution and significance.
Through this course, students will develop their critical thinking skills, analyzing and refining their own work as well as that of their peers. By the end of the program, students will have created a distinctive portfolio showcasing their growth and artistic development in the ceramic arts.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 233
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 213
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236241:Henson, Mandy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-25T11:35:05.723
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-19T07:57:53.813
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70385
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede307cfb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70336
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => WC-Int Nov-Dec
[Description] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9-11am | 11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-24T10:31:05.8
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-24T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9am-11am | 11/26-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-24T10:31:05.8
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-22T08:00:32.05
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:31:05.8
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-07-24T10:31:05.8
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70336
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede308040] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70837
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong Nov-Dec
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-15T12:10:40.23
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 140
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses with Donna Harlow Moraff | Tue 1pm-4pm | 11/26-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join Open Studio monitor Donna Harlow-Moraff for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over 6 weeks with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 140
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 120
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193787:Harlow Moraff, Donna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-15T12:10:40.23
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-15T12:12:02.407
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70837
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede3081f2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70276
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm |11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-18T11:00:11.35
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 194
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 11/26-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 194
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 174
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730323736
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T11:00:11.35
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-22T08:02:03.477
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70276
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede30829e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70281
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PortFig- Folk| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-18T11:29:55.353
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 250
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 11/26-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course offers a comprehensive exploration of figure drawing, suitable for presenting a piece with your portfolio. Through formal instruction, students will engage in a range of exercises from quick gestural studies to extended long poses.
Throughout the course, students will experiment with a variety of mediums, including charcoal, graphite, ink, and pastels, to develop a versatile approach to figure drawing. Each session will conclude with a class critique, providing an opportunity for constructive feedback and discussion to foster artistic growth and a deeper understanding of the figure drawing process.
Students will gain confidence in rendering the human figure with precision and expressiveness in a professional studio environment.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 250
[SupplyList] => Materials: (not limited too)
Newsprint pad 18x24
Sketch book
Drawing pencils
Soft charcoal sticks
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 230
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T11:29:55.353
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-18T11:31:22.15
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70281
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241126_67e5ede308646] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70617
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Nov-Dec
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 11/26-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-27T08:57:15.897
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 155
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 11/26-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 155
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 135
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T10:04:29.44
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-20T11:15:17.533
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70617
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241127_67e5ede307c30] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70434
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Wed| Nov-Dec
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 11/27-12/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-30T10:33:55.613
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 292
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 11/27-12/18| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 292
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 270
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-30T10:33:55.613
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-03T06:13:56.913
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70434
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241130_67e5ede3076b0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72234
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 11/30
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/30
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-18T17:52:20.973
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-11-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-11-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 11/30 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-01T07:15:44.46
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-01T07:16:05.22
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-01T07:15:44.46
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72234
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241202_67e5ede30761c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72468
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 12/2
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 12/2
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-15T11:41:05.987
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 12/2 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-15T11:41:05.987
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-15T11:43:08.147
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-15T11:41:05.987
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72468
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241203_67e5ede308340] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70431
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PrintSample - Dec
[Description] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 12/3-12/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-30T10:17:33.9
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 12/3-12/17 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => For both novices and experienced artists, printmaking can broaden your skills and get new creative juices flowing. Try several types of printmaking such as monotype/monoprint, drypoint, collagraph, carborundum, woodcut and solarplate etching. Through demonstrations, explore different ways of working within each technique using both oil- and water-based mediums. No experience necessary. Beginners more than welcome - first timers will experience the excitement of various students working in different types of printmaking and quickly observe that the world of printmaking is endless! Students can expect to generate 1-3 prints per week depending on working speed and techniques used. Stephanie works with students individually to develop personalized projects based on the skills you are most interested in. Learn, experiment, and make wonderful prints in this energetic class!
Materials fee of $20 payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels - beginners welcome!
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Bring:
• 1/16” or 3/32” thick plexiglass (11”x14” or larger)
If you own any of the following please bring:
• Watercolors
• Water-soluble crayons
• Watercolor brushes
• Oil paints.
• Oil base etching/relief inks
• Oil brushes
• Palette or palette pad
• Wax paper
• Paper towels. Rags or white towels that have been washed
• 18”x24” newsprint pad
• Brayer
• Printmaking Paper: Rives, BFK, Stonehenge, Folio, etc.
(Paper can also be purchased in class)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195310:Navon-Jacobson, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-30T10:17:33.9
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-30T10:19:49.903
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70431
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241204_67e5ede307859] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71601
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => ChDev Cinque| Dec
[Description] => Character Development with Maddie Cinque | Wed 6pm-9pm| 12/4-12/18
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T11:58:34.787
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 180
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Character Development with Maddie Cinque | Wed 6pm-9pm| 12/4-12/18| Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn and practice basic concept design techniques such as: brainstorming; sensitivity to sequence; movement; compositional design; development of character backstory; environment. Acquire familiarity with overall production sequence in creation of films, graphic novels, and games. Gain understanding of the role of illustrator in the pre-production and production sequence. This class will only cover character design, excluding environmental design, prop design, story writing, and worldbuilding.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Young Artists/ Teens
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 180
[SupplyList] =>
- Digital mediums (iPad/drawing tablet)
- Traditional mediums (Graphite pencils, eraser, ruler, 9”x12” or 11” x14” sketchbook),
- Something that can access the internet (Laptop, phone, iPad)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 217601:Cinque, Maddie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-04T07:08:15.203
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-04T07:59:30.543
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71601
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241204_67e5ede3080e8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70619
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Wed OS Short Dec
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 12/4-12/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T10:15:26.697
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 95
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-01T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 12/4-12/18 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 75
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T10:15:26.697
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-01T10:21:24.09
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70619
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241205_67e5ede3070e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70347
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic |Dec
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 12/5-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-25T07:42:08.557
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-07-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Requisite: Students should have taken a drawing fundamentals class.
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 12/5-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-25T07:42:08.557
[ModifyDate] => 2024-07-25T07:44:42.49
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70347
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241205_67e5ede30741d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70613
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Thur | Dec
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 12/5-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T08:32:26.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 12/5-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730363133
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T08:32:26.05
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T08:34:24.23
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70613
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241205_67e5ede307d83] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72205
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => BlackSmith- Thurs| Dec
[Description] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Thursdays 6-9pm | 12/5-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-30T08:26:21.49
[NumberOfSeats] => 4
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Thursdays 6-9pm | 12/5-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come make a ring the way a Blacksmith would. Swing a hammer, work the anvil, and leave with a piece of art that fits around your finger— one crafted from more than just your hands. This class is intended for those new to the world of blacksmith jewelry. It is open to all who are willing to swing the hammer and endure the fires of the forge.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $65 payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 237369:Colombo, Nicholas
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-30T08:26:21.49
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-30T08:27:03.233
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72205
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241205_67e5ede3080bf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70622
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Dec
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 12/5-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T10:23:34.943
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 95
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 12/5-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 95
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 75
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T10:23:34.943
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-12T10:17:33.667
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70622
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241205_67e5ede3081a1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70278
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Pastels | Thurs | Dec
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 12/5-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-07-18T11:05:45.757
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-07-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-24T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 12/5-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-07-18T11:05:45.757
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-24T07:38:57.507
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70278
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241205_67e5ede308695] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70768
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| Dec
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 12/5-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-14T09:07:36.363
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 12/5-12/19 |Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-14T09:07:36.363
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-14T09:13:36.88
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70768
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241205_67e5ede3086d2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70770
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| Dec
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 12/5-12/19
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-14T09:11:42.683
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 12/5-12/19 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-14T09:11:42.683
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-14T09:12:56.83
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70770
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241207_67e5ede30818b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71498
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HolSnow PM Stenzel 12/7
[Description] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Saturday 12/7 1:00pm - 2:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-25T09:05:28.8
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Saturday 12/7 1:00pm - 2:30pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => During our 59th Holiday Fair, Rob Stenzel will introduce the art of paper cutting. Paper snowflake making is a time honored winter decorating tradition. Take it up a notch with this 3D twist! Made from paper bags, these low effort, big impact snowflakes are fun to make and the perfect addition to any winter display.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-25T09:05:28.8
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-25T09:08:32.37
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71498
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241207_67e5ede30818e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71497
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HolSnow WS Stenzel 12/7
[Description] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Saturday 12/7 11:00am - 12:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-25T08:57:50.15
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Saturday 12/7 11:00am - 12:30pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => During our 59th Holiday Fair, Rob Stenzel will introduce the art of paper cutting. Paper snowflake making is a time honored winter decorating tradition. Take it up a notch with this 3D twist! Made from paper bags, these low effort, big impact snowflakes are fun to make and the perfect addition to any winter display.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-25T08:57:50.15
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-25T09:04:12.833
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71497
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241208_67e5ede308192] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71499
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HolSnow PM Stenzel 12/8
[Description] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Sunday 12/8 1:00pm - 2:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-25T09:08:49.89
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Sunday 12/8 1:00pm - 2:30pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => During our 59th Holiday Fair, Rob Stenzel will introduce the art of paper cutting. Paper snowflake making is a time honored winter decorating tradition. Take it up a notch with this 3D twist! Made from paper bags, these low effort, big impact snowflakes are fun to make and the perfect addition to any winter display.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] => 3731343939
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-25T09:08:49.89
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-08T08:04:03.43
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71499
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241208_67e5ede308195] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 71500
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => HolSnow AM Stenzel 12/8
[Description] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Sunday 12/8 11:00am - 12:30pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-09-25T09:17:20.48
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-07-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-09-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Paper Cutting Snowflake Workshop with Rob Stenzel | Sunday 12/8 11:00am - 12:30pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => During our 59th Holiday Fair, Rob Stenzel will introduce the art of paper cutting. Paper snowflake making is a time honored winter decorating tradition. Take it up a notch with this 3D twist! Made from paper bags, these low effort, big impact snowflakes are fun to make and the perfect addition to any winter display.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 0
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-09-25T09:17:20.48
[ModifyDate] => 2024-09-25T09:18:09.103
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/71500
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241209_67e5ede307620] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72469
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 12/9
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 12/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-15T11:43:24.973
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 12/9 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-15T11:43:24.973
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-15T11:43:46.383
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-15T11:43:24.973
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72469
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241210_67e5ede307d42] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72331
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => IntroRing WS Salta 12/10
[Description] => Intro to Metalsmithing: Open Rings Workshop with Jen Salta | Tuesday 12/10 | 7-9 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-07T13:36:06.76
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Metalsmithing: Open Rings Workshop with Jen Salta | Tuesday 12/10 | 7-9 pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Spark a love for creating with this intro to metal working project. This open initial ring project will teach students how to measure, cut and hammer their own custom ring. They can then flex their design skills by using different metal stamps to customize their ring. This class is structured to utilize jewelry saws, hammers and files.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 100
[SupplyList] => $10 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 100
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-07T13:36:06.76
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-22T08:57:44.88
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72331
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241214_67e5ede3076bb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72690
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 12/14
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-29T19:54:43.283
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/14 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-29T19:54:43.283
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-29T20:02:35.38
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-29T19:54:43.283
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72690
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241214_67e5ede3084f3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 70615
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => SpinRingsMencher | Dec
[Description] => Spinner Rings Workshop with Marla Mencher | Saturday 12/14 & 12/21 | 9:30 am-1:30 pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-08-08T08:46:55.467
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 210
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-08-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Spinner Rings Workshop with Marla Mencher | Saturday 12/14 & 12/21 | 9:30 am-1:30 pm | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Make something new for yourself or as a gift!
Experience simple jewelry making in this exciting one day workshop.
Make a dynamic movable spinner ring using sterling silver and mixed metals.
Learn how to texture and form metal, build ring shapes, spot solder and finish your unique ring design.
Material fee approximately $35 per student (depending on size). Instructor has gold solder at an additional charge
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 210
[SupplyList] => Material fee approximately $35 per student (depending on size).
Students will need to bring a thin sharpie and small pad for sketching.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 200
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3730363135
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-08-08T08:46:55.467
[ModifyDate] => 2024-08-08T09:03:08.517
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/70615
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241216_67e5ede307618] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72470
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 12/16
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 12/16
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-15T11:44:05.98
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 12/16 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-15T11:44:05.98
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-15T11:44:43.73
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-15T11:44:05.98
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72470
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241218_67e5ede307889] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72514
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 12/18
[Description] => Create Nights - Holiday Ornaments Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 12/18 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-19T07:30:01.073
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by TD Bank.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - Holiday Ornaments Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 12/18 | 7pm-9pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us this season for a festive and fun ornament making workshop! This free event is perfect for anyone looking to add a splash of color and pride to their holiday décor. All materials will be provided, so just bring your creativity and festive spirit! It’s a great way to connect with others, share some holiday cheer, and create something meaningful. Don’t miss out—reserve your spot today!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-19T07:30:01.073
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-27T09:20:37.773
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72514
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20241221_67e5ede3076c3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72691
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2850
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 12/21
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/21
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-29T20:03:09.863
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2024-12-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2024-12-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-29T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 12:30-3:30pm | 12/21 | Fall 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-29T20:03:09.863
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-29T20:03:58
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2850
[Description] => Fall 2024
[StartDate] => 2024-08-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-04T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-29T20:03:09.863
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72691
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede3071a1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72434
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AdvSilv- Tue| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 1/7-2/4
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:27:33.583
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 575
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 1/7-2/4 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 575
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $75 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 535
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343334
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:27:33.583
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:29:14.713
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72434
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede307555] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72704
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg101 Ceram Jan-Feb
[Description] => Beginners 101 Ceramics | Tues 6-9pm | 1/7 - 2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:29:47.21
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beginners 101 Ceramics | Tues 6-9pm | 1/7 - 2/11| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Dare to be MUDDY! In this program, you'll get your hands dirty and work towards making finished bowls, mugs and small vases. This course is for the true beginner who has never taken a ceramic class or is still working on budding basic skills in clay.
Designed to take a beginner from the very first step of opening their first bag of clay to glazing a piece to take home. We will spend time on wedging and centering clay to work on the very basics of wheel throwing, as well as coil, slab and pinch-pot techniques in hand-building. Learn about layering slips with glazes as an exciting way to complete simple forms.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 204058:Daly, Sara
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373034
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:29:47.21
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-28T13:06:48.05
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72704
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede307565] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72735
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Beginners Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 1/7 - 2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T11:46:48.5
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 1/7 - 2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton cold press watercolor paper. You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T11:46:48.5
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-27T08:37:52.727
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:46:48.5
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:46:48.5
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72735
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede3078da] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72384
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw | Jan-Feb
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 1/7-2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T10:30:54.193
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 5:30-7:00pm| 1/7-2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T10:30:54.193
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-13T10:38:43.82
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72384
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede307b91] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72733
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw Fusco| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30 pm | 1/7 - 2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T11:35:20.52
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30pm | 1/7 - 2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T11:35:20.52
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T11:41:46.583
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72733
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede307c7f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72902
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 | 1/7-2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T09:46:21.03
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T00:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will:
* Develop an understanding of basic ceramic techniques and terminology
* Create a personal body of work that reflects individual artistic vision
* Analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art
* Cultivate critical thinking skills through self-reflection and peer review
* Grow creatively through experimentation and exploration of different techniques and styles
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 | 1/7-2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this comprehensive course, students will delve into the fundamental methods of hand-building with clay, exploring the endless possibilities of this versatile medium. The course will introduce students to essential ceramic terms and techniques, providing a solid foundation for creating unique and thought-provoking pieces.
Throughout the program, students will be encouraged to develop their personal artistic vision, experimenting with different techniques and styles to produce a cohesive body of work. As they explore the possibilities of clay, students will also analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art, gaining a deeper understanding of the medium's evolution and significance.
Through this course, students will develop their critical thinking skills, analyzing and refining their own work as well as that of their peers. By the end of the program, students will have created a distinctive portfolio showcasing their growth and artistic development in the ceramic arts.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236241:Henson, Mandy
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T09:46:21.03
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T09:47:43.663
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72902
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede307cf5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72731
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC-Int Nov- Jan-Feb
[Description] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9-11am | 1/7 - 2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T11:25:31.543
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9am-11am | 1/7 - 2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T11:25:31.543
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T11:27:00.657
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:25:31.543
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:25:31.543
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72731
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede308031] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72792
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong| Jan
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses | Tue 1pm-4pm | 1/7 - 2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T08:05:26.54
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses| Tue 1pm-4pm | 1/7 - 2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over the entire block with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T08:05:26.54
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T08:16:06.673
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72792
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede3081da] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72361
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue | Jan-Feb
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 1/7-2/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-12T10:29:20.687
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 252
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 1/7-2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 252
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 232
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T10:29:20.687
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-12T10:45:31.49
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72361
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250107_67e5ede308298] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72895
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PortFig- Folk| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 1/7 - 2/11
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-07T12:49:26.603
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 376
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 1/7 - 2/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course offers a comprehensive exploration of figure drawing, suitable for presenting a piece with your portfolio. Through formal instruction, students will engage in a range of exercises from quick gestural studies to extended long poses.
Throughout the course, students will experiment with a variety of mediums, including charcoal, graphite, ink, and pastels, to develop a versatile approach to figure drawing. Each session will conclude with a class critique, providing an opportunity for constructive feedback and discussion to foster artistic growth and a deeper understanding of the figure drawing process.
Students will gain confidence in rendering the human figure with precision and expressiveness in a professional studio environment.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 376
[SupplyList] => Materials: (not limited too)
Newsprint pad 18x24
Sketch book
Drawing pencils
Soft charcoal sticks
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 356
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:51:37.65
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:54:05.303
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72895
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250108_67e5ede3072dc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72805
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtClub
[Description] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 1/8 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T10:48:21.097
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-09T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 1/8 11am-2pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T10:48:21.097
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-09T10:48:07.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72805
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250108_67e5ede307c2a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72471
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Wed| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 1/8-2/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-15T12:03:56.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 1/8-2/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-15T12:03:56.69
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-15T12:05:06.3
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72471
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250108_67e5ede307d5d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72795
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WaxCarveAM WS Salta Jan
[Description] => Intro to Wax Carving Pendant Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 10:30am-1:30pm | 1/8-1/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-08T07:57:21.57
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Wax Carving Pendant Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 10:30am-1:30pm | 1/8-1/22 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the art of wax carving during this two-part beginner class. Lead by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta. This class is structured toward true beginners and is project based. Each student will leave the course with a finished pendant! Spending the first class working in wax and the second finishing up their piece in metal!
Students will choose from a variety of 3d knot designs to explore and clean the ins and outs of wax carving. This class is designed to help you start thinking in 3d and help bring depth and movement to your carvings.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T08:24:48.67
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T10:29:54.853
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72795
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250108_67e5ede307d61] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72797
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WaxCarvePM WS Salta Jan
[Description] => Intro to Wax Carving Pendant Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 1/8-1/22
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-08T07:58:40.78
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Wax Carving Pendant Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 1/8-1/22 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the art of wax carving during this two-part beginner class. Lead by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta. This class is structured toward true beginners and is project based. Each student will leave the course with a finished pendant! Spending the first class working in wax and the second finishing up their piece in metal!
Students will choose from a variety of 3d knot designs to explore and clean the ins and outs of wax carving. This class is designed to help you start thinking in 3d and help bring depth and movement to your carvings.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T08:31:16.457
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T08:48:44.463
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72797
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250108_67e5ede307e0e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72667
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FundWh| Wed| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 1/8-2/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-26T13:09:20.213
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 11/27
[Title] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 1/8-2/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginners will learn how to create functional pottery on the wheel, from throwing the basic forms to trimming, embellishing, and finally glazing. This class also welcomes those who have had some experience on the wheel and are looking to refresh their skills and explore new techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T13:09:20.213
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T13:10:49.293
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72667
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250108_67e5ede3080d9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72882
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Wed OS Short Jan-Feb
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 1/8 - 2/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T07:51:42.41
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 1/8 - 2/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T07:51:42.41
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T07:55:49.627
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72882
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede3070d3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72716
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic | Jan-Feb
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 1/9 - 2/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:02:31.997
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 450
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Requisite: Students should have taken a drawing fundamentals class.
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 1/9 - 2/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 450
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 405
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:02:31.997
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T09:07:25.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72716
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede30722f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72669
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | Jan-Feb
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 1/9-2/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-26T13:17:23.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 1/9-2/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732363639
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T13:17:23.05
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-08T09:19:12.12
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72669
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede307415] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72437
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Thur | Jan-Feb
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 1/9-2/6
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:45:27.163
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 397
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 1/9-2/6 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 397
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343337
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:45:27.163
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:55:08.92
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72437
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede30758c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72708
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => TH Beg 202 Ceram| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Beyond Beginner 202 Ceramics | Thurs 6-9 pm | 1/9-2/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:42:00.72
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-22T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Beyond Beginner 202 Ceramics | Thurs 6-9 pm | 1/9-2/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Dare to get MUDDIER! In this program, you'll get your hands dirty and make personalized gifts and/or handmade, food-safe dinnerware for your home while advancing your skills in ceramics.
Designed to take you beyond beginner to the next step, while working with clay using hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Learn how to throw tall cylinders, 2-part pieces, and create volume along with the knowledge to combine hand-built parts to enhance the wheel thrown forms. Push your skills to create lidded jars and multiples using a technique called “throwing off the hump.”
Individuals should have taken at least 2 beginner level courses, have the ability to center clay on the wheel, and all the necessary basic steps to complete a ceramic piece.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 243909:Southard, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:42:00.72
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-04T09:48:02.917
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72708
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede307a65] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72381
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 1/9-2/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T09:30:58.277
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 1/9-2/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T09:30:58.277
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-13T09:36:30.993
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72381
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede3080b9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72885
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Jan-Feb
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 1/9 - 2/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:04:04.967
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 1/9 - 2/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:04:04.967
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:05:26.423
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72885
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede30819e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72366
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Pastels | Thurs | Jan-Feb
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 1/9-2/13
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-09T10:48:19.847
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 378
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 1/9-2/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 378
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 358
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T11:22:38.87
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-12T11:23:31.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72366
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede308688] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72786
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| Jan-Feb
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 1/9 - 2/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T07:41:52.777
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 1/9 - 2/13 |Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T07:41:52.777
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T07:43:16.083
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72786
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250109_67e5ede3086c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72789
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| Jan-Feb
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 1/9 - 2/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T07:53:23.443
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 1/9 - 2/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T07:53:23.443
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T07:54:37.577
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72789
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250110_67e5ede3071ee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72368
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WCAdv Barbera| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Advanced World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 9:30am-12:30pm | 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-12T12:25:54.8
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => A prerequisite of 1 beginner watercolor session required
[Title] => Advanced World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 9:30am-12:30pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your watercolor skills to the next level with this advanced course led by master watercolorist
Ross Barbera. Designed for students with experience in watercolor, this class focuses on refining your technique and deepening your creative expression. Through in-depth demonstrations, you’ll explore advanced methods such as complex color mixing, multi-layered washes, precise dry-brush detailing, innovative masking techniques, and expressive wet-into-wet applications.
Class projects will challenge you to push boundaries, develop your personal style, and experiment with new approaches to composition and subject matter. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of materials, tools, and historical influences to enhance your artistic practice. Bring your own reference materials or work from photographs provided by the instructor.
This course offers a supportive and inspiring environment for experienced watercolorists ready to elevate their artistry and create more sophisticated, impactful works.
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T12:25:54.8
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-05T10:29:28.733
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72368
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250110_67e5ede307d08] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72888
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Fri| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:16:03.46
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/29, 12/6
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:16:03.46
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-08T11:26:01.323
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72888
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250110_67e5ede307d77] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72423
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegAcry | Jan-Feb
[Description] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T12:43:50.693
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course is designed as a basic introduction to the versatile medium of acrylic paint. Introducing students to the properties and characteristics of acrylic and how to develop proficiency in the various acrylic painting techniques such as layering, blending, and texture creation. In each class we will complete a 9”x12” canvas, exploring different subjects like landscape, still life and florals. We will paint from life and from photographs. There will be step-by-step instruction with each project along with individual guidance as well.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] => Acrylic Painting Class Materials List
Acrylic Paint:
Any brand: Liquitex, Golden, Grumbacher (stay away from store brands and student grade if possible)
Paint Colors:
Titanium White
Hansa Yellow
Cadmium Yellow Light hue
Yellow Ochre
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Light hue
Phthalo Green (blue shade)
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
10. Burnt Sienna
11. Burnt Umber
Brush Suggestions:
1. Flat Brushes Sizes 1/2 inch, 1 inch
2. Round Brushes Sizes 2, 4, 6
3. Filbert Brushes Sizes 4, 8
4. Fan Brushes Sizes 2, 4
5. Detail Brush Size 1
Palette Knives- In addition to brushes, having a couple of palette knives can be useful for mixing
colors and applying thick layers of paint or texture.
Variety Pack of Brushes: Starting out you may consider getting a variety pack that includes different
shapes and sizes for a cost-effective way to build your brush collection.
Recommended Brush Brands:
1. Princeton Velvetouch
- Known for their balance of quality and affordability.
- Comfortable to hold and versatile.
2. Winsor & Newton Galeria
- Designed specifically for acrylics
- Durable and offer good control and spring.
3. Royal & Langnickel Zen
- Economical vet durable.
- Ideal for students and beginners.
Painting Surface:
9x12 inch or 11x14 inch canvas panels or stretched canvas
12 x 16 inch palette paper pad
Press & Seal Roll and a 14x18 inch or larger or smaller white cardboard
Additional Supplies:
Plastic container for water
Paper towels
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T12:43:50.693
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T12:45:36.37
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:43:50.693
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:43:50.693
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:43:50.693
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72423
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250110_67e5ede3088b9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72645
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC Barbera| Jan-Feb
[Description] => World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 1-4pm | 1/10-2/14
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-25T14:25:33.003
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 1-4pm | 1/10-2/14 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of beginner or intermediate skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from those supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-25T14:25:33.003
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-05T10:35:25.79
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72645
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250111_67e5ede307258] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72440
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AllSilver- Sat | Jan-Feb
[Description] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 1/11-2/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:58:43.46
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 329
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 1/11-2/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 329
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 289
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343430
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:58:43.46
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T14:00:52.14
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72440
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250111_67e5ede3075a3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72413
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 1/11-2/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-10T11:35:24.623
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 1/11-2/15 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T09:27:27.19
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-27T08:35:03.647
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72413
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250111_67e5ede3077ed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73064
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 1/11
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 1/11
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-07T11:08:42.2
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 1/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-07T11:08:42.2
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-07T11:09:41.73
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-07T11:08:42.2
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73064
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250111_67e5ede307c9f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72891
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Sat- Jan-Feb
[Description] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 1/11-2/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:30:34.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/30, 12/7
[Title] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 1/11-2/15 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:30:34.34
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:32:32.143
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72891
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250111_67e5ede307db2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72801
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => JewelFix WS Salta 1/11
[Description] => Jewelry Hospital Workshop with Jen Salta | Saturday 1/11 | 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T10:21:17.197
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 40
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-02T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Jewelry Hospital Workshop with Jen Salta | Saturday 1/11 | 10am-1pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Don’t let your old costume jewelry sit in a box! Bring it to the Art League for our Jewelry Hospital! Here we will teach you how to repair broken jump rings, add earring hooks or re-string beads!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 40
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T10:21:17.197
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-02T09:40:52.093
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72801
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250111_67e5ede3085db] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72664
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 1/11-2/15
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-10T11:26:36.597
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 1/11-2/15 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T12:37:21.527
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-27T08:33:58.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72664
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250111_67e5ede3088c6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72416
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Jan-Feb
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 1/11-2/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T09:56:02.073
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 1/11-2/15 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T09:56:02.073
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T09:59:01.71
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72416
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250112_67e5ede3088b7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73062
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntroPhoto| Jan
[Description] => Winter Photography Pop Up with Keith Krejci | Sun 1/12 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-08T08:25:57.647
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 65
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] => 1
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Winter Photography Pop Up with Keith Krejci | Sun 1/12 11am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Winter presents both challenges and opportunities for the nature and wildlife photographer. This timely program will provide an overview of time-tested tools, tips, and techniques for creating more successful images at a time of year when many have stowed their cameras away until the arrival of warmer weather. The program will be presented by Keith Krejci, veteran nature photographer and instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] => 1
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 65
[SupplyList] => Bring your DSLR or mirrorless camera, camera phones are acceptable too (no experience required). A fee of 20.00 will also be collected for materials
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 50
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236042:Krejci, Keith
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-07T08:41:13.957
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-07T09:09:13.417
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73062
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250113_67e5ede30760d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73049
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 1/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 1/13
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-03T08:43:44.703
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 1/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-03T08:43:44.703
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-03T08:44:42.77
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-03T08:43:44.703
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73049
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250115_67e5ede307ff2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72954
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegOil | Jan-Feb
[Description] => Oil Painting From Life with Chris Hanson | Wed 6-9pm| 1/15-2/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-20T09:56:54.353
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-20T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class 1 – Intro to Oil painting- Direct painting
In this class, Chris will provide a brief introduction to oil painting and the pros/cons of the various application techniques. This lesson will allow students to become acquainted with their materials and get their feet wet with the process of oil painting.
Class 2 – Indirect Painting part 1– Foundation layer
Chris will demonstrate how to plan out a composition and create a limited palette under-painting. The creation of a strong foundation layer will be our primary goal with this lesson.
Class 3 – Indirect Painting part 2 – Black and white layer Chris will introduce you to paint-mixing and matching exercises in this class. He will use this information to help transform your under-painting into a Grisaille layer, which is a composition made of black and white tones. Refining the subject's proportions and values will be our primary goal of this lesson.
Class 4 - Indirect Painting part 3 – 1st Color layer Chris will introduce color glazing and tinting techniques in this class. This will add realistic looking form and color to their black and white painting layer.
Class 5 - Indirect Painting part 4 – Finishing layer Chris will assist all students with completing their paintings in this class. We will concentrate on finishing any unresolved portions of their canvas, refine edges, and add final details to make their painting pop.
[Title] => Oil Painting From Life with Chris Hanson | Wed 6-9pm| 1/15-2/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course aims to break down my painting process into its most fundamental elements. We will discuss the pros and cons of direct vs. indirect painting and over the course of several sessions, attempt to complete a work in each discipline.
“Direct painting” refers to a painting that is completed in a single session. Our first lesson will serve as a pleasant introduction to oil painting and exploration of this technique. While attempting to complete a work from life in this session, we will emphasize immediacy, experimentation, and mark-making.
“Indirect painting” refers to a painting that is completed over multiple sessions. This process is more deliberate and we will explore this method over the remaining sessions. We will start with a limited- palette foundation layer, which will establish our compositions. Once the composition is locked, each class will offer additional techniques and approaches to take your painting to a further level of finish.
These added techniques, like layers in a cake, will culminate in a finished oil painting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
1. Stretched Canvas/Canvas panels
You will need to purchase 3 stretched canvases/canvas panels for this class.
-Ampersand Gessobord 11x14 or 12x16
2. Oil paint
Brand suggestions:
-Winsor and Newton or Gamblin oil paints.
Pigments Suggestions:
-Titanium White, Ivory Black, Cadmium Red, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Burnt
Set Suggestions:
-Winsor & Newton - Winton Oil Color Paint, Basic Set, 10 x 21ml Tubes
3. Paint brushes
I would suggest a range of sizes and types of brushes to begin with. I would also recommend long handle
brushes if possible. 3 of each type in varying sizes should be fine to start with.
Individual Suggestions:
-Flat brush (squared-off brush tip): differing sizes, small to medium.
-Filbert brush (rounded tip): differing sizes, small to medium.
-Detail brush (fine tip): Meant for small details.
Set Suggestions:
-Creative Mark Pro-Stroke: Studio Complete Set of 20, Premium White Bristle Brushes
-Blick Essentials Value Brush Set - Assorted Brushes, Brown Nylon, Set of 12
4. Medium
Helps flow of paint and will be needed for multi-layer painting techniques.
-Gamblin solvent-free gel: Increases paint flow, aides glazing techniques, shortens drying times without
-Winsor & Newton Liquin Original: Increases paint flow, aides glazing techniques, shortens drying times.
Does emit fumes, requires ventilation.
5. Palette knife
For paint mixing and application.
-Blick Painting Knife - Small Spade 46
6. Paint thinner
Cleans brushes with limited fumes.
-Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits - 4.2 oz bottle
7. Containers
You will need 2 small air tight containers. One to hold your medium and another for your Gamsol (paint
8. Palette
You will need a palette to mix your paint. Make sure that the palette you choose is big enough to hold all
your colors and has ample space for color mixing.
-New Wave Palette - Disposable Palette, Grey Pad, Handheld, 11" x 16"
9. Proportional divider
Helps measure accurate proportions.
-Derwent Scale Divider
10. Paper towels
Used for mark making and cleaning brushes during painting process.
11. Brush cleaner soap
Helps clean brushes thoroughly after painting session. Provides longevity to your brushes.
-The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver - Studio Cake, 2-5/8 oz
12. Pencil/eraser
For drawing.
13. Oak tag paper
Surface for color mixing exercises.
Most of these supplies can be found at or
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 234311:Hanson, Christopher
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-20T09:56:54.353
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-15T07:29:23.693
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-20T09:56:54.353
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-20T09:56:54.353
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-20T09:56:54.353
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250118_67e5ede3077f0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73065
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 1/18
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 1/18
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-07T11:09:59.197
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 1/18 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-07T11:09:59.197
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-07T11:10:16.873
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-07T11:09:59.197
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73065
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250120_67e5ede307610] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73050
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 1/20
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 1/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-03T08:45:01.983
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 1/20 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-03T08:45:01.983
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-03T08:45:25.333
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-03T08:45:01.983
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73050
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250122_67e5ede3072eb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72804
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtClub
[Description] => Art Gathering Pt. 2 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 1/22 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T10:46:36.09
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering Pt. 2 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 1/22 11am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T10:46:36.09
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-08T10:23:35.05
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72804
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250123_67e5ede3079f1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72839
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 819
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Fiber Arts
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Fiber Arts
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/819
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => EmbroiderWS Tims
[Description] => Embroidery Workshop with Betty Lynn Tims | Thursdays 6-9pm| 1/23- 2/6
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-23T12:48:01.223
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students are encouraged to bring a digital device to mockup a quick digital pattern for transfer.
[Title] => Embroidery Workshop with Betty Lynn Tims | Thursdays 6-9pm| 1/23- 2/6 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join fabric artist, Betty Lynn Tims, in generating a vision for your work that could include any of the following fabric mediums to explore: floss, buttons, appliqué, ribbon embroidery, watercolor, frames, hoops, various background fabrics, yarn and more! Emphasis will be placed on creating an original pattern to transfer (no need to know how to draw!) with the use of a computer and drawing app and or
traditional drawing and tracing with a light pad for tracing. Various stitches will be explicitly taught including French knot, Satin stitch, Woven Wheel, various leaf stitches and more in both embroidery floss and ribbon. Finishing the back of a project, in various ways, will also be taught. Students may work on any projects from traditional embroidery hoops to quilting hoops, larger tapestries, stuffed animals, clothing embellishments and more.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] => OPTIONAL:
Light tracing box
iPad or drawing tablet (to create and trace patterns if you do not wish to draw freehand)
Stylus or Apple Pencil
Blue Painter’s Tape
Computer with Internet access
Needle minder
Ribbon 1/8” or 1/4” for ribbon embroidery and embellishments
Quilting hoop
Quilting squares/fabrics for appliqué
Pliers for tightening hoop
Scrapbook paper or felt material to finish back
Hot glue gun
Magnetic tray to hold needles, scissors and supplies
Embroidery bag to hold project & supplies
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 196751:Tims, Betty Lynn
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-10T10:39:54.53
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-10T10:41:20.3
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72839
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250125_67e5ede3077f4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73066
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 1/25
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 1/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-07T11:10:35.56
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 1/25 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-07T11:10:35.56
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-07T11:12:01.22
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-07T11:10:35.56
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73066
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250125_67e5ede307df1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72900
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PrintmakingWkshp
[Description] => Linocut Printmaking Workshop with Anna Laimo | Saturday 1/25-2/8 | 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T09:20:42.253
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 158
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Week 1 - The Basics
On day 1, learn basic linocut safety and procedure. Learn to think reductively, carve linoleum, roll out ink, roll up blocks, and pull prints! We will focus on printing in solid color and practice hand pulling. Students will create their own stamp design.
Week 2 - Color and Shape
On day 2, learn intermediate techniques like color blocking, layering, and rainbow rolls. Come prepared with ideas! More complicated designs require forethought and planning- sketches and outlines are helpful.
Week 3 - Get Creative
On day 3, come prepared with ideas and blocks that have been carved at home. Be creative! Research on pinterest, youtube, and in books to better understand what is possible with linocut. We will work together to plan a print that showcases your new skills.
[Title] => Linocut Printmaking Workshop with Anna Laimo | Saturday 1/25-2/8 | 10am-1pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this 3 week intensive, learn the basics (+more!) of linocut print to create hand-made works of art! Linocut is a reductive printmaking process achieved by removing material from a linoleum block, leaving behind a printable image. You will get familiar with techniques such as hand pulling and rainbow rolls, all while learning to plan and visualize various reductive printmaking projects.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 158
[SupplyList] =>
All materials will be provided
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 148
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231856:Laimo, Anna
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T09:20:42.253
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:04:42.203
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72900
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250125_67e5ede307ed7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72740
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Jan2025
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 1/25 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-04T09:42:32.173
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 1/25 1-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-04T09:42:32.173
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-04T09:43:25.56
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72740
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250127_67e5ede307614] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73051
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 1/27
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 1/27
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-03T08:45:42.92
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-01-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 1/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-03T08:45:42.92
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-03T08:46:37.353
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-03T08:45:42.92
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73051
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250129_67e5ede307d64] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72798
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WaxRingAM WS Salta Jan
[Description] => Intro to Wax Carving Ring Stacker Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 10:30am-1:30pm | 1/29-2/12
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T08:50:14.813
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-17T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Wax Carving Ring Stacker Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 10:30am-1:30pm | 1/29-2/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the art of wax carving during this two-part beginner class. Lead by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta. This class is structured toward true beginners and is project based. Each student will leave the course with a finished pendant! Spending the first class working in wax
and the second finishing up their piece in metal!
Jennifer will guide you through the process on how to lay out your design - transfer it to wax and start your adventure! You will learn a variety of techniques and learn all the essentials that will give you the knowledge and confidence to continue exploring the amazing world of wax carving
and lost wax casting on your own! You will be provided with a tool/vendor list for your reference.
Wax carving opens so many possibilities for design and there is much to learn! This intro course is a great way to start!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T08:50:14.813
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-17T08:43:40.807
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72798
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250129_67e5ede307d6a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72799
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WaxRingPM WS Salta Jan
[Description] => Intro to Wax Carving Ring Stacker Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 1/29-2/12
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-28T08:55:19.81
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-01-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Wax Carving Ring Stacker Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 1/29-2/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the art of wax carving during this two-part beginner class. Lead by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta. This class is structured toward true beginners and is project based. Each student will leave the course with a finished pendant! Spending the first class working in wax
and the second finishing up their piece in metal!
Jennifer will guide you through the process on how to lay out your design - transfer it to wax and start your adventure! You will learn a variety of techniques and learn all the essentials that will give you the knowledge and confidence to continue exploring the amazing world of wax carving
and lost wax casting on your own! You will be provided with a tool/vendor list for your reference.
Wax carving opens so many possibilities for design and there is much to learn! This intro course is a great way to start!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T08:54:18.953
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T09:38:59.677
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72799
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250201_67e5ede3077f7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73416
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/01
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/01
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-21T11:23:59.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/01 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:23:59.34
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:24:18.963
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:23:59.34
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73416
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250203_67e5ede30762f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73412
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 2/3
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/3
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-21T11:08:54.113
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/3 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:08:54.113
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:09:25.843
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:08:54.113
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73412
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250205_67e5ede307dee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72663
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => LightPaint Hunt Feb
[Description] => Light Painting Workshop with Holly Hunt| Wednesday 2/5 | 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-05T08:17:21.45
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 100
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This light painting course features an engaging, full-color slideshow presentation, followed by a hands-on, guided class designed to teach you how to light paint with your DSLR camera and tripod.
By the end of the workshop, students will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of light painting and the skills needed to create stunning light painting photographs at home.
[Title] => Light Painting Workshop with Holly Hunt| Wednesday 2/5 | 6-9pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Light painting involves capturing the movement of light during a long exposure. It's simple to learn and incredibly enjoyable! Anyone can do it!
Students will begin by exploring the history of light painting and the various techniques involved. They will then experience two different types of light painting, taking on both the roles of model and photographer.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 100
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to wear dark, non-reflective clothing and to bring a manual camera and tripod.
While you may bring your own lights, Holly will also provide several options for use.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 90
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228180:Hunt, Holly
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T10:39:35.883
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T10:46:08.49
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72663
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250208_67e5ede3077fa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73417
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/08
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/08
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-21T11:24:47.283
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/08 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:24:47.283
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:25:03.4
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:24:47.283
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73417
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250210_67e5ede307624] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73413
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 2/10
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-21T11:09:39.853
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:09:39.853
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:14:17.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:09:39.853
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73413
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250211_67e5ede3072e0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73724
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtGathering
[Description] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 2/11 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-04T09:07:49.783
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 2/11 11am-2pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-04T09:07:49.783
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-04T09:08:33.66
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73724
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250212_67e5ede3070a5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72937
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Mosaic WS Grama Feb2025
[Description] => "Pieces of My Heart" Picassiette Mosaic with Gabriella Grama| Wednesday 2/12 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-18T08:53:20.053
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => The goal of the class is to introduce participants to this mosaic style, guiding them through techniques such as breaking glass, working with shards, and assembling the pieces to create a cohesive work of art.
[Title] => "Pieces of My Heart" Picassiette Mosaic with Gabriella Grama| Wednesday 2/12 6-9pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Picassiette mosaic is a form of mosaic art that involves creating designs by reassembling broken pottery, china, tiles, or other ceramic fragments. The term comes from the French words pique (to pick) and assiette (plate), reflecting the reuse of discarded ceramics to craft intricate and colorful designs.
In this workshop, participants will transform beautiful china into art by breaking it into pieces and learning the techniques to create a mosaic using the fragmented materials.
This technique is often associated with the French artist Raymond Isidore, who famously decorated his home, La Maison Picassiette, entirely with these mosaics in the mid-20th century. Antoni Gaudí, the renowned Catalan architect, frequently used a similar method, known as trencadís (meaning "broken" in Catalan), in his iconic works in Barcelona, such as Parc Güell and the Sagrada Família. He integrated irregular shards of ceramic, glass, and tiles into his architectural masterpieces, creating dazzling, organic patterns that are both functional and artistic. Gaudí’s innovative use of recycled materials influenced modern mosaic art and resonates with the Picassiette style.
The Picassiette mosaic method celebrates creativity, sustainability, and the transformation of discarded materials into enduring works of art.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Option 1 - $14 per person – All materials are provided; participants will choose a china plate from the selection curated by the instructor.
Option 2 - $10 per person – The participants will bring their own china plate to break and use in the class.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224614:Grama, Gabriella
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-18T08:53:20.053
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-11T07:27:45.207
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72937
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250212_67e5ede3072e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73817
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtGathering
[Description] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 2/12 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-12T08:15:18.47
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering Pt. 1 with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 2/12 11am-2pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-12T08:15:18.47
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-12T14:01:16.59
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73817
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250212_67e5ede307d8b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73398
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BlackSmith- Wed| Feb
[Description] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/12-2/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-12T11:25:39.29
[NumberOfSeats] => 4
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/12-2/26 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come make a ring the way a Blacksmith would. Swing a hammer, work the anvil, and leave with a piece of art that fits around your finger— one crafted from more than just your hands. This class is intended for those new to the world of blacksmith jewelry. It is open to all who are willing to swing the hammer and endure the fires of the forge.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $65 payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 237369:Colombo, Nicholas
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T09:27:45.233
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T09:29:00.523
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73398
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250215_67e5ede3077fd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73418
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/15
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-21T11:25:31.997
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/15 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:25:31.997
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:26:11.377
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:25:31.997
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73418
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250215_67e5ede307942] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73048
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => MultCul Sumigcay| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Creative Voyage: Inspiration in Diversity with Alvin Sumigcay |Sat 10am-1pm| 2/15-3/1 | Ages:12-16
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-14T11:33:00.82
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 180
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Voyage: Inspiration in Diversity with Alvin Sumigcay |Sat 10am-1pm| 2/15-3/1 | Ages:12-16 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Multicultural art can be defined as art rooted on cultural values. The artwork created can serve as a narrative representing a culture’s beliefs, traditions, and history. This course aims to expand the student’s creativity through the analysis of multicultural art and teach them how to implement a universal artistic language within their creative process.
Studying multicultural art can help uncover underlying meanings within the artwork and provide insight into the represented culture. Furthermore, this insight can become fuel for inspiration and simultaneously help students avoid stereotypical multicultural representation. This class will teach students how to discover inspiration rooted in their personal cultural history, how to
properly represent different cultures with empathy and understanding, and how to implement elements of multicultural art to improve visual communication.
The class will teach the basic fundamentals of design, composition, shape language, storytelling, color theory, skin tones and iconography with a strong emphasis on knowledgeable research and working with references.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Young Artists/ Teens
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 180
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 239864:Sumigcay, Alvin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-03T07:56:02.013
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-03T08:08:32.39
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73048
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250217_67e5ede307628] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73414
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 2/17
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/17
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-16T12:29:00.73
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/17 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:20:37.723
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:21:01.163
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:20:37.723
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73414
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250218_67e5ede3085d8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72977
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => GlassMurph- Feb
[Description] => Stained Glass with Marianne Murphy| 2/18-2/20 | 10am-1pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-14T09:53:22.77
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 156
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All Levels, Ages 15 1/2-18
[Title] => Stained Glass with Marianne Murphy| 2/18-2/20 | 10am-1pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Participants will have the opportunity to create a unique artwork using colorful stained glass. We will study Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Tree Of Life” as an inspiration to design a geometric style soldered artwork. This class will include drawing, cutting glass, glass grinding, copper foiling, soldering, cutting metal framing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels, Ages 15 1/2-18
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 156
[SupplyList] => -Safety goggles
- Fitted work gloves
- Dust mask.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 136
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236202:Murphy, Marianne
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-26T08:37:02.817
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-27T08:45:58.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72977
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250219_67e5ede3071fa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72756
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Hochberg 2/19
[Description] => African Style Clay Masks with Lori Hochberg | 2:30-4:30pm | 2/19
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-18T11:30:35.257
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 185
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => African Style Clay Masks with Lori Hochberg | 2:30-4:30pm | 2/19 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Join us for an exciting workshop where you'll create your own African-inspired clay masks! Drawing inspiration from a discussion on the rich history and cultural significance of African art, participants will explore various styles and techniques while working with clay. Experience the beauty of African craftsmanship and express your creativity as you design a unique mask that reflects your personal artistic vision.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 185
[SupplyList] => All materials included.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 175
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-05T11:20:48.1
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-20T10:10:39.76
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72756
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250219_67e5ede307dc8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73074
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Novel Feb
[Description] => Kickstart Your Novel: From Concept to Plan with Jeannie Moon | Wednesday 2/19| 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-08T08:32:15.37
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-08T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Known for her supportive teaching style, Jeannie Moon guides writers through every stage of their creative journey. Since landing her first publishing contract with Penguin Random House in 2012, she has authored nineteen books and brings nearly forty years of classroom experience to her workshops, blending proven teaching methods with real-world publishing insights. With master’s degrees in English education and library science, along with certification from UCLA’s Writers’ Program, Jeannie breaks the novel-writing process into manageable, practical steps that inspire confidence and creativity.
[Title] => Kickstart Your Novel: From Concept to Plan with Jeannie Moon | Wednesday 2/19| 6-9pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Got a story idea but not sure what to do with it? In this two-hour workshop, learn how to build your idea into a story worth telling, create memorable characters that drive it forward, and understand the foundational pieces every novel needs to succeed. Perfect for beginning writers or anyone ready to finally turn their idea into a novel.
Bonus: A local intellectual property attorney joins us to share important information about protecting your creative work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 50
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 242825:Moon, Jeannie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-08T08:32:15.37
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-08T08:46:00.643
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73074
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250220_67e5ede308198] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72758
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Hochberg 2/20
[Description] => Pastel Pet Portraits with Lori Hochberg | 2:30-4:30pm |2/20
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-05T11:26:58.12
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 185
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-23T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastel Pet Portraits with Lori Hochberg | 2:30-4:30pm | 2/20 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Unleash your artistic talents in our Pet/Animal Pastel Portraits workshop! Students can bring in a photo of their beloved pet or choose from a selection of beautiful animal photos to create a stunning charcoal and pastel drawing. Guided by our experienced instructor, you will learn techniques to capture the unique features and personality of your chosen animal in a realistic style. Join us for a creative and fun experience, and leave with a cherished portrait to take home.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 185
[SupplyList] => All materials included.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 175
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-05T11:26:58.12
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-23T13:02:22.27
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72758
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250220_67e5ede30888e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72980
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WtclrIllus Stuart| Feb-Ma
[Description] => Watercolors and Illustration Workshop with Jay Stuart | Thursdays 5-8pm | 2/20-3/6
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-20T07:42:58.58
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-06T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 260
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Watercolors and Illustration Workshop with Jay Stuart | Thursdays 5-8pm | 2/20-3/6| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn many illustration and watercolor techniques using various of materials from ink, paint and pens! In this workshop we will go over drawing fundamentals with drawing shapes, practice compositions and review perspective to give you drawing more depth. We will use drawing tools like pencils, fine liner pens, bottle ink with brush and more. We will also learn about the importance with using the finest paper for these illustrations and then move onto learning about the basics of watercolor. After we do a few studies together, we will work on a class final using everything you learned in class. This can be a continuing class for beginners or returning students looking to freshen up and sharpen their skills!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 260
[SupplyList] =>
-HB Pencil and sharpener (or a mechanical pencil with HB lead)
-Water Soluble Graphite Pencil
-Pentel Waterbrush pen
-12 inch ruler with inking edge
-Kneaded and Plastic Eraser
-Fineliner Waterproof inking Pens (Microns, Faber Castell Pitt pens, ect) 2 or 3 thin to thick
-Bottle of Waterproof Black Ink
-Nib Pen Holder
-Pen Nibs (Zig G-Nibs are good, Speedball 512 ok)
-Watercolor brushes (decent to good quality) Rounds 2,6,10
Oval Wash (Blick Scholastic or Velvet Touch) 1/2 and 3/4
-Set of watercolors (Anything in your price range. Price does dictate quality but either will work)
-9x12 sketch book
-9x12 or larger Watercolor Pad or Block (Blocks are great but more money)
Only get 100% cotton Cold Press 140 lbs (Arches, Hahnemule, Blick Premier Red Label, Saunders)
-White Gouache
-White Gelpen (uniball signo)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228209:Stuart, Jay
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-26T09:31:04.233
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-26T09:32:55.487
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72980
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250221_67e5ede307d38] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72976
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic |Feb-Mar
[Description] => Intro to Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Fridays 10am-1pm | 2/21- 3/7
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-26T08:20:35.15
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 235
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Fridays 10am-1pm | 2/21- 3/7| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => You will learn how to create abstract works using various techniques and tools. Learn what abstract art is; its development, and the history of famous “ abstract“ painters. This class is perfect for those who want to discover their own style and immerse themselves in the practice of abstract art.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 235
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 210
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-26T08:20:35.15
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-31T07:26:29.043
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72976
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250222_67e5ede307801] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73419
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 2/22
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-21T11:27:50.687
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 2/22 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:27:50.687
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:57:35.38
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:27:50.687
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73419
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250222_67e5ede307ee0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72741
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Feb2025
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 2/22 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-04T09:43:43.927
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 2/22 1-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-04T09:43:43.927
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-04T09:44:08.113
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72741
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250224_67e5ede30762c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73415
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 2/24
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/24
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-20T13:25:32.59
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 2/24 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T11:21:16.327
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T11:22:51.51
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-01-21T11:21:16.327
[AssignUserId] => 914
[AssignUserName] => Amy Tischler
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73415
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede3071aa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72435
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AdvSilv- Tue| Feb-Mar
[Description] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 2/25-3/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:29:54.983
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 575
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 2/25-3/25 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 575
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $75 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 535
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343335
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:29:54.983
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:30:33.95
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72435
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede307571] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72736
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC-Beg| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Beginners Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 2/25 - 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T11:48:26.643
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 6:30-8:30pm | 2/25 - 4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton cold press watercolor paper. You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373336
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T11:48:26.643
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T11:49:22.93
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:48:26.643
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:48:26.643
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72736
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede307600] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72705
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg101 Ceram Feb-Apr
[Description] => Ceramics 101 with Sara Daly | Tues 6-9pm | 2/25 - 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:32:19.12
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics 101 with Sara Daly| Tues 6-9pm | 2/25 - 4/8| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A true beginners class in ceramics. From hand building to throwing on the wheel you will be taken through several different techniques and styles of working with clay. You will learn the basics from the beginning with prepping your clay, to creating your piece, and then learning how to finish it off with our studio glazes.
In this course we will work on gaining skills and refining them. Whether you have never touched clay before or you’re looking to expand your skills this is the class for you. We will also go over different surface decoration styles as well. This class is a great way to discover your style and your skills.
Students are encouraged to ask questions and come to class with ideas of what they would like to create, such as mugs, small planters, bowls, and other inspirations.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 204058:Daly, Sara
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373035
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:32:19.12
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-04T09:29:54.937
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72705
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede3078e0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72386
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw | Feb-Apr
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 2/25-4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T10:43:54.957
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 285
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 5:30-7:00pm| 2/25-4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 285
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 265
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333836
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T10:43:54.957
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-13T10:45:19.36
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72386
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede307b9b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72734
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FundDraw Fusco| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30 pm | 2/25 - 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T11:42:11.327
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Fundamentals of Drawing with Liz Fusco | Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30pm | 2/25 - 4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Drawing is the basis on which all other art is balanced. Drawing skills can be learned by anyone - and if you can draw, you can paint! Learn how to "see" what you're looking at and transfer the subject to paper. In this class, you will also learn to understand integral drawing concepts like perspective, value, and composition.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => Materials List:
Good drawing paper (recommended bristol paper)
A variety of graphine pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
Kneaded eraser
Clear ruler with grid
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373334
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T11:42:11.327
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:17:33.23
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72734
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede307c85] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72904
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 | 2/25-4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T09:49:01.64
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T00:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will:
* Develop an understanding of basic ceramic techniques and terminology
* Create a personal body of work that reflects individual artistic vision
* Analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art
* Cultivate critical thinking skills through self-reflection and peer review
* Grow creatively through experimentation and exploration of different techniques and styles
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 | 2/25-4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this comprehensive course, students will delve into the fundamental methods of hand-building with clay, exploring the endless possibilities of this versatile medium. The course will introduce students to essential ceramic terms and techniques, providing a solid foundation for creating unique and thought-provoking pieces.
Throughout the program, students will be encouraged to develop their personal artistic vision, experimenting with different techniques and styles to produce a cohesive body of work. As they explore the possibilities of clay, students will also analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art, gaining a deeper understanding of the medium's evolution and significance.
Through this course, students will develop their critical thinking skills, analyzing and refining their own work as well as that of their peers. By the end of the program, students will have created a distinctive portfolio showcasing their growth and artistic development in the ceramic arts.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236241:Henson, Mandy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732393034
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T09:49:01.64
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T09:49:58.833
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72904
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede307caf] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72432
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue | Feb-Mar
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 2/25-3/25
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:22:22
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 1
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 2/25-3/25 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $75 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:22:22
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:24:33.01
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72432
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede307cfe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72732
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC-Int Nov- Feb-Apr
[Description] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9-11am | 2/25 - 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T11:27:28.567
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Watercolor with Liz Fusco | Tues 9am-11am | 2/25 - 4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this beginner to intermediate watercolor course, students can learn everything you need to know about beginning with watercolors, from types of paints and paper, to advanced techniques. First time students will experience demos, one on one teaching time, inter-class discussions, and more to acclimate them into the new and exciting world of watercolor. Continuing and intermediate students will develop more involved pieces with plenty of individual guidance from the instructor.
Watercolor can be a bit fussy and “unforgiving” at times, but with a little patience and practice, it can become a favorite medium because of its many advantages. Techniques covered in this class include transferring drawings onto watercolor paper, color mixing, color theory, creating washes, wet on wet techniques, and dry brushing. The class will experiment with some textures using masking fluid and other tricks of the trade. Working from photos, we will start slow and end up with a finished masterpiece! Continuing students can work from still lives or reference images of their choice.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => • Paints: Winsor & Newton, or Daniel Smith (not Cotman): Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose, Sap Green, Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint Burnt Sienna
• Paper: Arches 140 lb cotton watercolor paper, either hot press or cold press ( I prefer hot press)
You can purchase a block or single large sheets
Support for your sheets of paper- either a wooden board ( I use foam core from the Dollar Tree) Artist’s tape
• Tracing paper
• Pencils: H, 2B, 4B, 6B and kneaded eraser and a good pencil sharpener
• Brushes: I use a variety of brushes. Some synthetic and some Kolinsky sable from Winsor & Newton I recommend either: round #4, #8 and maybe one flat wash brush
• Palette: Any kind to hold your paint. I use Mijello and some ceramic palettes as well
• Paper towels.
• 2 plastic water containers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Watercolor Paint
[InstructorListWithID] => 193372:Fusco, Liz
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373332
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T11:27:28.567
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T11:33:13.663
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 642
[Description] => Watercolor Paint
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:27:28.567
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-12-03T11:27:28.567
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72732
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede308034] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72793
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses | Tue 1pm-4pm | 2/25 - 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T08:09:00.11
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses| Tue 1pm-4pm | 2/25 - 4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over the entire block with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373933
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T08:09:00.11
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T08:16:33.433
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72793
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede3081e0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72362
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue | Feb-April
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 2/25-4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-12T10:46:14.727
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 294
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 2/25-4/8| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 294
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 274
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333632
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T10:46:14.727
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-12T10:48:20.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72362
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede3082a1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72898
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PortFig- Folk| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 2/25 - 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T09:58:11.55
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 439
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-20T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 2/25 - 4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course offers a comprehensive exploration of figure drawing, suitable for presenting a piece with your portfolio. Through formal instruction, students will engage in a range of exercises from quick gestural studies to extended long poses.
Throughout the course, students will experiment with a variety of mediums, including charcoal, graphite, ink, and pastels, to develop a versatile approach to figure drawing. Each session will conclude with a class critique, providing an opportunity for constructive feedback and discussion to foster artistic growth and a deeper understanding of the figure drawing process.
Students will gain confidence in rendering the human figure with precision and expressiveness in a professional studio environment.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 739
[SupplyList] => Materials: (not limited too)
Newsprint pad 18x24
Sketch book
Drawing pencils
Soft charcoal sticks
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 419
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:55:35.54
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-20T10:29:06.18
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72898
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250225_67e5ede308649] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72843
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Feb-Apr
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 2/25 - 4/8
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-10T12:17:34.74
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 269
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 2/25 - 4/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 269
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 249
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383433
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-10T12:17:34.74
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-10T12:20:36.127
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72843
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede3072ee] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73725
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtGathering
[Description] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 2/26 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-04T09:09:21.557
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 2/26 11am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-04T09:09:21.557
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:03:09.58
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73725
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede30786c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73047
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Contemp| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Contemporary Painting with Aleksandr Razin | Wednesday 6-9pm | 2/26-4/9
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-26T10:04:34.833
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This class is designed for students al levels. We will explore a series of painting projects using paint, collage and various mediums and styles of
contemporary paintings.
[Title] => Contemporary Painting with Aleksandr Razin | Wednesday 6-9pm | 2/26-4/9 | Spring 2024
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Contemporary painting is a broad term that includes a variety of mediums, styles, and concepts, and is often characterized by a lack of a uniform
organizing principle.
Students will develop a working knowledge of contemporary painting that challenges them to see and interpret in new ways. Using various mediums and styles students will learn color, line, texture, movement, and form, through individual instruction. Creating a new painting is a challenging and unique experience, involving constant experimentation with intuition and automatism, taking you on a multidimensional journey of self-discovery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Paints-Acrylic
Brushes-Any Assortments and Shapes
Surfaces-Canvas Board, Stretched Canvas, Different Types of Paper,
Wood Panels, etc. *You can paint on any surface provided you seal in first using Gesso primer.
Students may provide different types of materials based on the concept of the proposed project.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 242593:Razin, Aleksandr
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-03T07:43:30.043
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-03T07:53:03.453
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73047
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede307890] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73408
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 2/26
[Description] => Create Nights - Mug Rugs Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 2/26 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-21T10:33:18.873
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 14
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by an anonymous donor.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - Mug Rugs Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 2/26 | 7pm-9pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Dating back to the Victorian era, Crazy Quilting is a fun, no rules method of making quilt blocks using fabric scraps and embellishments. These can be made on the go, with no machine, and are the perfect project for a first time sewist! In this workshop we will be working with fabrics
from Kaffe Fasset, an influential LGBTQ contemporary artist and textile designer. Learn the essentials of this foundation piecing method to create a 5 by 7 inch mug rug in a variety of colorful fabrics to brighten up your winter cup of cheer.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T10:33:18.873
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T10:36:51.077
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73408
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede307c33] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72472
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Wed| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 2/26-4/9
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-15T12:05:46.71
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 2/26-4/9 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343732
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-15T12:05:46.71
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-15T12:07:34.107
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72472
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede307d9e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73316
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WS Yellin 2/26
[Description] => Introduction to Storyboarding Workshop with Stu Yellin | Wednesday 2/26 | 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-16T11:20:20.247
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-16T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Storyboarding Workshop with Stu Yellin | Wednesday 2/26 | 6-9pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn about the pre-production technique utilized by animation and live action film makers to map out their work before the animation/filming begins! Become familiar with staging, cropping, camera angles, lighting, spatial considerations, storytelling and more. Great for anyone with aspirations in film, animation, or comic books! (Instructor has created storyboards and animation for Fox, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Disney)
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => -Pencils
-Fine point sharpies or inking pens
-Colored pencils or markers
-Blank index cards
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-16T11:20:20.247
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-14T08:35:17.11
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73316
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede307dce] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72420
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntroPhoto| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Landscape and Nature Photography with Keith Krejci | Wed 6:30-8:30pm | 2/26-4/9
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T10:19:43.073
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 300
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => -Dive into the world of aesthetic photography. Learn how to use composition, lighting, and color to create visually pleasing images. Discover what makes a landscape truly captivating.
-Master your camera settings for landscapes, seascapes, and wildlife. Understand exposure, depth of field, and focus techniques. We’ll demystify technical jargon and empower you to take control of your gear
-Explore the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing. Learn how to create balance and visual harmony in your shots. Discover the magic of foreground and middle ground elements.
-Capture the drama of sunrise and sunset. Learn optimal shooting times, long exposure techniques, and how to harness golden hour light. The ocean becomes your canvas.
-Get up close and personal with nature’s creatures. Understand animal behavior, patience, and ethical practices. Learn to freeze motion and create intimate portraits.
-Your image isn’t complete until it’s printed and exhibited. We’ll cover monitor calibration, choosing the right print service, and framing options. Discover how lighting affects your display.
[Title] => Landscape and Nature Photography with Keith Krejci | Wed 6:30-8:30pm | 2/26-4/9 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => By the end of this workshop, students will walk away with the understanding and what it takes to create breathtaking landscape and wildlife images ready for exhibition. Whether you dream of gallery shows, home decor, or sharing your work online, this course will empower you to showcase your artistry.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 320
[SupplyList] => Bring your DSLR or mirrorless camera, camera phones are acceptable too (no experience required). A fee of 20.00 will also be collected for materials
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 320
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236042:Krejci, Keith
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343230
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T10:19:43.073
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T10:23:05.07
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72420
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede307e14] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72668
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FundWh| Wed| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/26-4/9
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-26T13:11:22.323
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 11/27
[Title] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 2/26-4/9 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginners will learn how to create functional pottery on the wheel, from throwing the basic forms to trimming, embellishing, and finally glazing. This class also welcomes those who have had some experience on the wheel and are looking to refresh their skills and explore new techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732363638
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T13:11:22.323
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T13:12:58.253
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72668
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250226_67e5ede3080eb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72884
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Wed OS Short Feb-Apr
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 2/26-4/9
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T07:56:25.45
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 2/26-4/9 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383834
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T07:56:25.45
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T07:58:04.397
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72884
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede3070ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72723
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic | Feb-Apr
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 2/27 - 4/10
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:08:34.727
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 8
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 515
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Requisite: Students should have taken a drawing fundamentals class.
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 2/27 - 4/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 515
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 470
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373233
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:08:34.727
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T09:09:58.463
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72723
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede307234] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72670
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | Feb-Apr
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/27 - 4/10
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-26T13:18:55.883
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 10
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 2/27 - 4/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732363730
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T13:18:55.883
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T13:20:11.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72670
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede307421] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72438
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Thur | Feb-Mar
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 2/27-3/27
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:55:34.923
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 2
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 397
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 2/27-3/27| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 397
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343338
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:55:34.923
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:56:14.753
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72438
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede307a6d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72382
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 2/27-4/10
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T09:33:08.51
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 3/6
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 2/27-4/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333832
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T09:33:08.51
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-13T09:35:09.75
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72382
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede307c72] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72709
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => TH HandBCeram| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Handbuilding with Linda Southard | Thurs 6-9 pm | 2/27-4/10
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-27T07:09:04.193
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Linda Southard | Thurs 6-9 pm | 2/27-4/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the art of handbuilding ceramics, including various techniques to build and finish your work. Broaden your skills and knowledge of ceramics and learn techniques such as pinching, coiling, slab construction, and hollowing out solid clay forms. Learn techniques to finish your work such as glazing, slipping, and staining.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 243909:Southard, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:44:38.81
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-04T09:41:43.707
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72709
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede3080c3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72887
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Feb-Apr
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 2/27 - 4/10
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:06:57.303
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 237
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 2/27 - 4/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 237
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 217
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383837
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:06:57.303
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:08:01.397
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72887
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede3081a5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72365
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Pastels | Thurs | Feb-Apr
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 2/27-4/10
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-12T11:14:33.613
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 441
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 2/27-4/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 441
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 421
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333635
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T11:14:33.613
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-07T08:56:12.57
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72365
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede30869b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72787
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| Feb-Apr
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 2/27 - 4/10
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T07:43:40.677
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 2/27 - 4/10 |Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373837
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T07:43:40.677
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T07:44:43.37
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72787
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250227_67e5ede3086d8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72790
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| Feb-Apr
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 2/27 - 4/10
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T07:55:24.283
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 2/27 - 4/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373930
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T07:55:24.283
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T07:56:24.477
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72790
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250228_67e5ede3071f2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72380
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WCAdv Barbera| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Advanced World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 9:30am-12:30pm | 2/28-4/11
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T07:24:24.477
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 12
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => A prerequisite of 1 beginner watercolor class is required.
[Title] => Advanced World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 9:30am-12:30pm | 2/28-4/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your watercolor skills to the next level with this advanced course led by master watercolorist
Ross Barbera. Designed for students with experience in watercolor, this class focuses on refining your technique and deepening your creative expression. Through in-depth demonstrations, you’ll explore advanced methods such as complex color mixing, multi-layered washes, precise dry-brush detailing, innovative masking techniques, and expressive wet-into-wet applications.
Class projects will challenge you to push boundaries, develop your personal style, and experiment with new approaches to composition and subject matter. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of materials, tools, and historical influences to enhance your artistic practice. Bring your own reference materials or work from photographs provided by the instructor.
This course offers a supportive and inspiring environment for experienced watercolorists ready to elevate their artistry and create more sophisticated, impactful works.
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333830
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T07:24:24.477
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-05T10:57:59.743
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72380
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250228_67e5ede307d12] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72890
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Fri| Feb-Apr
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 2/28-4/11
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:19:00.58
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/29, 12/6
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 2/28-4/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383930
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:19:00.58
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:26:16.26
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72890
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250228_67e5ede307d7d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72424
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegAcry | Feb-Apr
[Description] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 2/28-4/11
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-28T05:59:10.553
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 2/28-4/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course is designed as a basic introduction to the versatile medium of acrylic paint. Introducing students to the properties and characteristics of acrylic and how to develop proficiency in the various acrylic painting techniques such as layering, blending, and texture creation. In each class we will complete a 9”x12” canvas, exploring different subjects like landscape, still life and florals. We will paint from life and from photographs. There will be step-by-step instruction with each project along with individual guidance as well.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] => Acrylic Paint:
Any brand: Liquitex, Golden, Grumbacher, Winsor Newton (stay away from store brands
and student grade if possible)
Paint Colors:
1. Titanium White
2. Hansa Yellow or Lemon Yellow
3. Cadmium Yellow Medium
4. Yellow Ochre
5. Raw Sienna
6. Alizarin Crimson
7. Cadmium Red Light or medium hue
8. Phthalo Green (blue shade)
9. Cerulean Blue
10.Ultramarine Blue
11. Burnt Sienna
12.Burnt Umber
13.Raw Umber
14.Windsor Violet
Brush Suggestions:
Flat Brushes Sizes 1/2 inch, 1 inch
Round Brushes Sizes 2, 4, 6
Filbert Brushes Sizes 4, 8
Fan Brushes Sizes 2, 4
Detail Brush Size 1
Palette Knives- In addition to brushes, having a couple of palette knives can be useful
for mixing colors and applying thick layers of paint or texture.
Variety Pack of Brushes: Starting out you may consider getting a variety pack that
includes different shapes and sizes for a cost-effective way to build your brush
collection. Recommended Brush Brands:
1. Princeton Velvetouch
Known for their balance of quality and affordability.
Comfortable to hold and versatile.
2. Winsor & Newton Galeria
Designed specifically for acrylic
Durable and offer good control and spring.
3. Royal & Langnickel Zen
Economical yet durable.
Ideal for students and beginners.
Painting Surface:
9x12 inch or 11x14 inch canvas panels or stretched canvas
12 x 16 inch palette paper pad or
Press & Seal Roll and a 14”x18” inch or larger or smaller white cardboard
Additional Supplies:
Plastic container for water
Absorbant paper towels
Saral — transfer paper
2H-pencils, HB pencil, kneaded eraser
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T12:46:46.573
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-14T09:56:56.347
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:46:46.573
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:46:46.573
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:46:46.573
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72424
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250228_67e5ede3088bd] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72647
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC Barbera| Feb-Apr
[Description] => World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 1-4pm | 2/28-4/11
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-25T14:30:20.313
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-02-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 495
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 1-4pm | 2/28-4/11 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of beginner or intermediate skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from those supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 495
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 455
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732363437
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-25T14:30:20.313
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-05T10:30:52.883
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72647
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250301_67e5ede307261] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72441
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AllSilver- Sat | March
[Description] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 3/1-3/29
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T14:01:17.967
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 3
[StartDate] => 2025-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 329
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 3/1-3/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 329
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 289
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343431
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T14:01:17.967
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T14:06:09.837
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72441
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250301_67e5ede307380] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73046
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf| Mar-Apr
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 3/1-4/12
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-03T07:19:56.28
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 561
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/17
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 3/1-4/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 561
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 516
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] => 3733303436
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-03T07:19:56.28
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-03T07:25:39.44
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73046
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250301_67e5ede307804] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73893
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/1
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/1
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-13T12:45:43.057
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/1 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-13T12:45:43.057
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-13T12:48:04.053
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-13T12:45:43.057
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73893
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250301_67e5ede307c9c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72894
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Sat- Mar-Apr
[Description] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 3/1-4/12
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:33:55.33
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 536
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/30, 12/7
[Title] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 3/1-4/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 536
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 496
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383934
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:33:55.33
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:35:02.69
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72894
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250301_67e5ede3085e5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72666
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| Mar-Apr
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 3/1-4/12
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-13T12:42:26.34
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 323
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 3/1-4/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 323
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 303
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T12:41:01.46
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T12:42:32.177
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72666
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250303_67e5ede30763f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74066
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 3/3
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/3
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T07:39:49.187
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-03T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/3 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-25T07:39:49.187
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-25T07:40:16.993
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-25T07:39:49.187
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74066
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250305_67e5ede3072f9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74043
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtGathering
[Description] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 3/5 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-21T08:03:33.2
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 3/5 11am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-21T08:03:33.2
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:03:53.323
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74043
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250305_67e5ede3084ed] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74046
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Silv.rings-|March
[Description] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 3/5 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-05T08:53:40.84
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 200
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 3/5 6-9pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Design, torch, hammer, and stamp sterling silver to turn it into an heirloom-quality ring! Students learn to use metalsmithing tools, such as a torch and hammer, to create a unique piece of jewelry. Add words and/or stamped patterns to your piece. Professionally finish your work so that it can be comfortably worn.
This workshop is great for beginners, as well as experienced artists who just want to have fun in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. It includes all materials and tool usage. Class is for students ages 18 and older.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 200
[SupplyList] => Bring sharpie and small pad for sketching and notes
Materials Fee of $40 payable to the instructor
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 175
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-21T08:10:47.627
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:13:44.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74046
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250308_67e5ede3075ba] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72415
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Mar-Apr
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 3/8-4/19
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T09:33:27.667
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 197
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 3/8-4/19 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 197
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 177
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343135
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T09:33:27.667
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-28T07:38:33.023
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72415
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250308_67e5ede307813] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73894
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/8
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/8
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-13T12:48:45.79
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/8 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-13T12:48:45.79
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-13T12:50:04.987
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-13T12:48:45.79
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73894
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250308_67e5ede3088d9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72418
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Mar-Apr
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 3/8-4/19
[StatusDescription] => Underway
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T10:01:15.507
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 9
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 247
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 3/8-4/19 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 247
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 227
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343138
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T10:01:15.507
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-28T07:37:36.15
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72418
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250309_67e5ede307345] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73230
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtTherapy Retreat 3/9
[Description] => Art Therapy Retreat | Sunday 3/9 | 9am - 4pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-28T06:11:18.243
[NumberOfSeats] => 60
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 10
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 150
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] => 1
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-28T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Therapy Retreat | Sunday 3/9 | 9am - 4pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
Join us for a transformative one-day retreat at the Art League of Long Island, designed to help you reconnect with yourself through the healing power of art. This immersive experience will combine movement, meditation, and creative expression. Through guided art-making sessions you’ll discover new creative outlets, let go of what no longer serves you, and take what you need to heal and grow. No prior art experience is needed—just come as you are. Take the time to reset, and rejuvenate. Leave feeling refreshed, with a renewed sense of calm and clarity. This retreat is an invitation to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
Experience a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing at the Art League of Long Island’s one-day retreat. Guided by art therapists Brittany Colasanto ATR-BC, LCAT of Good Samaritan University Hospital and Rachel Woelfel CAT-LP, ATR-P of Greenpoint Psychotherapy, this immersive retreat blends movement, meditation, and art-making to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
Begin the day with gentle breathing and stretching exercises, provided by yoga instructor Kelly Albanese Scherer of Good Samaritan University Hospital, to center yourself. Transition into guided art sessions exploring both additive and subtractive techniques, including ceramic sgraffito and negative watercolor painting with our art instructors. These creative processes invite you to release what no longer serves you and embrace what supports your healing and growth.
The retreat concludes with a mantra-making exercise and a group meditative moment, fostering a sense of calm and clarity. No prior art experience is needed—just bring an open heart.
What to Bring:
- Comfy clothing suitable for movement.
- A yoga mat, beach towel, or blanket (you’ll be seated/lying on the gallery floor, which can get cold).
- Optional: A small pillow for under your head or knees for added comfort.
Take the time to reset, rejuvenate, and leave with a renewed sense of peace and purpose.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All are Welcome
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 150
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 125
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel|195906:Rimmelin, Lorraine|212514:Colasanto, Brittany
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-13T11:19:26.663
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-28T09:28:32.76
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73230
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250310_67e5ede307633] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74067
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 3/10
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/10
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T07:40:39.65
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-10T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-25T07:40:39.65
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-25T07:41:22.78
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-25T07:40:39.65
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74067
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250312_67e5ede3072f2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74044
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtGathering
[Description] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 3/12 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-21T08:04:11.38
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 3/12 11am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-21T08:04:11.38
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:04:27.43
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74044
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250312_67e5ede307d8e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73400
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BlackSmith- Wed| March
[Description] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/12-3/26
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-12T09:53:42.557
[NumberOfSeats] => 4
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Introduction to Blacksmith Jewelry with Nicholas Colombo | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 3/12-3/26 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Come make a ring the way a Blacksmith would. Swing a hammer, work the anvil, and leave with a piece of art that fits around your finger— one crafted from more than just your hands. This class is intended for those new to the world of blacksmith jewelry. It is open to all who are willing to swing the hammer and endure the fires of the forge.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $65 payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 237369:Colombo, Nicholas
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-01-21T09:29:21.897
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-21T09:30:03.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73400
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250315_67e5ede307808] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73895
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/15
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/15
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-13T12:53:24.987
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-15T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/15 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-13T12:53:24.987
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-13T12:54:02.353
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-13T12:53:24.987
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73895
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250317_67e5ede307637] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74068
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 3/17
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/17
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T07:41:44.377
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/17 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-25T07:41:44.377
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-25T07:42:10.777
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-25T07:41:44.377
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74068
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250319_67e5ede3072f5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74045
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtGathering
[Description] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 3/19 11am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-21T08:05:09.44
[NumberOfSeats] => 20
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-19T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-19T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 10
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Art Gathering with Teresa Simeone | Wednesday 3/19 11am-2pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun new way to gather and support our creative community! Each month, we’ll explore exciting themes across various mediums—watercolor, pastels, acrylics, oils, clay, and more. Let’s challenge ourselves to create beyond our comfort zones while learning from each other.
This group will be guided by Teresa Simeone, a volunteer with experience in facilitating creative and social opportunities for adults. No instructor will be present, but the environment will be supportive and inspiring. We can’t wait to create together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 10
[SupplyList] => Please bring any materials you’re comfortable with! In the spirit of community, we encourage everyone to share supplies. Let’s create and collaborate together!
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 5
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 238651:Simeone, Teresa
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-21T08:05:09.44
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:05:26.423
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74045
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250321_67e5ede308184] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73729
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WS Broughton 3/21
[Description] => Painting with a Limited Palette Acrylics Workshop with Rita Broughton | Friday 3/21 1:30-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-21T10:59:18.07
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting with a Limited Palette Acrylics Workshop with Rita Broughton | Friday 3/21 1:30-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Are you overwhelmed with the choices of colors and which ones to use? This class is an exercise in pairing down and getting to know the basis of choosing color and color mixing. A limited palette can create s richness and variety of color in your paintings without needing every color on the store shelf.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => -Cadmium Yellow Light
-Alizarin Crimson
-Ultramarine Blue
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-04T10:12:32.51
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-11T07:31:45.583
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73729
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250322_67e5ede30780d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74064
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/22
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/22
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T07:36:42.967
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/22 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-25T07:36:42.967
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-25T07:37:16.153
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-25T07:36:42.967
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74064
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250322_67e5ede307ee4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72742
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Mar2025
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 3/22 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-04T09:44:28.84
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 13
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 3/22 1-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-04T09:44:28.84
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-04T09:44:54.717
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72742
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250324_67e5ede30763b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74069
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 3/24
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/24
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T07:42:49.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 3/24 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-25T07:42:49.96
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-25T07:43:29.517
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-25T07:42:49.96
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74069
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250326_67e5ede30787c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74088
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => CrtNght with Rob 3/26
[Description] => Create Nights - "Mush Love" Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 2/26 | 7pm-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Completed
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-27T10:08:23.58
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 0
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-27T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => This workshop is sponsored by an anonymous donor.
All skill levels, no experience needed.
[Title] => Create Nights - "Mush Love" Moderated by Rob Stenzel | Wednesday 3/26 | 7pm-9pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => March’s wild weather means mushrooms are around the corner! Shake off those winter blues and get some “Morel” support at our “Mush Love”
Garland making workshop. Learn how to crochet a beginning chain stitch, and how to draft fun foam shapes and letters to become a garland making “Champignon”.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] =>
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] =>
[SupplyList] => All supplies will be provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] =>
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231851:Stenzel, Robert
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-27T10:08:23.58
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-27T10:16:15.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74088
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250326_67e5ede3084ea] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74047
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Silv.rings-|March
[Description] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 3/26 1-5pm
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-26T09:05:48.2
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 200
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Wednesday 3/26 1-5pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Design, torch, hammer, and stamp sterling silver to turn it into an heirloom-quality ring! Students learn to use metalsmithing tools, such as a torch and hammer, to create a unique piece of jewelry. Add words and/or stamped patterns to your piece. Professionally finish your work so that it can be comfortably worn.
This workshop is great for beginners, as well as experienced artists who just want to have fun in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. It includes all materials and tool usage. Class is for students ages 18 and older.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 200
[SupplyList] => Bring sharpie and small pad for sketching and notes
Materials Fee of $40 payable to the instructor
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 175
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-21T08:14:17.08
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:18:19.39
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74047
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250329_67e5ede307810] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74065
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 3/29
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T07:37:40.08
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-03-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-03-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 3/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734303635
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-25T07:37:40.08
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-25T07:38:14.28
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-25T07:37:40.08
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74065
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250402_67e5ede3073a7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73760
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegMetal - Apr
[Description] => Beginner Metalsmithing: Organic Explorations with Rachel Kalina | Wednedays 6pm-9pm | 4/2-4/30
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-06T08:44:00.023
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 460
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Metalsmithing: Organic Explorations with Rachel Kalina | Wednedays 6pm-9pm | 4/2-4/30 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Embark on an adventure into metalsmithing! Design and create jewelry from copper and brass sheet metal. Cut out intriguing organic shapes with a jeweler's saw. Explore various textures by using hammers and steel stamps. Then, emphasize areas of light and shadow in your designs with a liquid patina. Finally, you’ll sand and polish your jewelry using a flex shaft and myriad attachments.
Metal, wire, and findings are included in the class, as is tool usage. Students are invited to bring additional supplies, such as gemstone or other beads, to wire wrap and incorporate into their work. Supply fee is due the first session of class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 460
[SupplyList] => Class includes all materials and tool usage. Bring a sketchpad, pencil, apron (optional), and a storage box for your project. (Please note: There is no soldering in this class.)
$65 materials fee is due to the instructor at the first class
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 430
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3733373630
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-06T08:44:00.023
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-07T07:51:02.503
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73760
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250402_67e5ede30785d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72988
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ChDev Cinque| Apr
[Description] => Character Development with Maddie Cinque | Wed 6pm-9pm| 4/2-4/16
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-27T08:43:16.517
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-16T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 180
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-27T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-01-31T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Character Development with Maddie Cinque | Wed 6pm-9pm| 4/2-4/16 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn and practice basic concept design techniques such as: brainstorming; sensitivity to sequence; movement; compositional design; development of character backstory; environment. Acquire familiarity with overall production sequence in creation of films, graphic novels, and games. Gain understanding of the role of illustrator in the pre-production and production sequence. This class will only cover character design, excluding environmental design, prop design, story writing, and worldbuilding.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Young Artists/ Teens
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 180
[SupplyList] =>
- Digital mediums (iPad/drawing tablet)
- Traditional mediums (Graphite pencils, eraser, ruler, 9”x12” or 11” x14” sketchbook),
- Something that can access the internet (Laptop, phone, iPad)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 217601:Cinque, Maddie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732393838
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-27T08:43:16.517
[ModifyDate] => 2025-01-31T07:14:41.823
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72988
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250402_67e5ede307d67] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74309
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WaxRingAM WS Salta Jan
[Description] => Intro to Wax Carving Ring Stacker Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 10:30am-1:30pm | 4/2-4/23
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-18T10:31:46.65
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => No Class 4/16
[Title] => Intro to Wax Carving Ring Stacker Workshop with Jen Salta | Wednesdays 10:30am-1:30pm | 4/2-4/23 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Learn the art of wax carving during this two-part beginner class. Lead by designer and model maker Jennifer Salta. This class is structured toward true beginners and is project based. Each student will leave the course with a finished pendant! Spending the first class working in wax
and the second finishing up their piece in metal!
Jennifer will guide you through the process on how to lay out your design - transfer it to wax and start your adventure! You will learn a variety of techniques and learn all the essentials that will give you the knowledge and confidence to continue exploring the amazing world of wax carving
and lost wax casting on your own! You will be provided with a tool/vendor list for your reference.
Wax carving opens so many possibilities for design and there is much to learn! This intro course is a great way to start!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => $20 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734333039
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-18T10:31:46.65
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-18T10:33:23.387
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74309
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250402_67e5ede307db9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74042
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => JunkJ WS Andriotis Apr25
[Description] => Junk Journaling Workshop with Mary Andriotis | Wednesday 4/2 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-21T07:53:16.69
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-02T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-02T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Junk Journaling Workshop with Mary Andriotis | Wednesday 4/2 6-9pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Junk journaling involves using items that would normally be considered ‘junk’ (e.g. receipts, business cards, wrapping paper, tissue paper,
shopping bags, gift bags, price tags, old magazines and books, wallpaper samples, pressed flowers, etc.) to create unique pages within a journal. Although junk journaling is similar to collaging and scrapbooking, it can involve other creative aspects, such as adding your own illustrations or paintings to your journal. This particular workshop will allow attendees to create numerous pages in their own junk journals.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to bring their own junk journal materials with them, as there will be a potluck-type situation in place, allowing everyone to acquire materials from fellow junk journalers.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236226:Andriotis, Mary
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734303432
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-21T07:53:16.69
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-25T07:39:32.46
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74042
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250403_67e5ede307d9a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74158
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Sgraf25
[Description] => Introduction to Sgraffito Decoration with Linda Southard | Thurs 6-9 pm | 4/10-4/17
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-07T07:03:44.843
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-17T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Introduction to Sgraffito Decoration with Linda Southard | Thurs 6-9 pm | 4/10-4/17 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your decorating techniques to the next level with the sgraffito technique!
What is Sgraffito?: In Italian, Sgraffito means “to scratch”. It is a technique of ceramic decoration where you apply colored slip on leather hard clay and then etch an image or pattern into the surface to reveal the claybody underneath.
Students will learn the decorating technique of sgraffito by practicing on small ceramic tiles and then perfecting it on their own work!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 205
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 243909:Southard, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734313538
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-07T07:03:44.843
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-18T12:33:31.24
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74158
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250404_67e5ede307bf7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73730
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WS Broughton 4/4
[Description] => Grisaille Acrylics Workshop with Rita Broughton | Friday 4/4 1:30-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-04T10:20:51.173
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => In this class we will be making a finished painting and mixing our own black/sepia tone instead of using black paint.
[Title] => Grisaille Acrylics Workshop with Rita Broughton | Friday 4/4 1:30-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Grisaille is a French termfor a monochromatic painting style in shades of grey. The purpose of grisaille underpainting is to act as an under layer which oil can be painted on top of woth colorful transparent layers. Rembrandt and Rubens used grisaille as an underpainting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Basic acrylic painting kit along with:
- Raw Umber
-Ultramarine blue
-Titanium white
-Matte medium glazing liquid
-Four small plastic containers for mixing paint
-Canvas panel 9"x12"
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] => 3733373330
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-04T10:20:51.173
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-11T07:31:00.73
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73730
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250405_67e5ede30781d] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74452
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/5
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 4/5
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-25T07:14:54.357
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 4/5 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734343532
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-25T07:14:54.357
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T07:17:16.14
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-25T07:14:54.357
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74452
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250405_67e5ede30794e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74314
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => ArtLang
[Description] => Deciphering the Artistic Language with Marlene Bezich | Saturday 4/5-4/12 | 10am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-19T11:13:03.147
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 140
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => First Saturday
“Introduction to the Visual Language of Artists”
Why do I love/hate Artwork? What Makes an Artwork consume the viewer? “Dissecting the Language of Art”.
Connecting Artistic Language with Various Painting Styles. My Child could have done that! Do I have to Like Everything I See? Why do I feel so Intimidated?
Linking History to the Evolving Language of Artists
Homework – Choose your favorite painting/explain what you love about it. Choose a painting you dislike and explain why.
Second Saturday
“Now that I can “Speak” the Language, can I Comprehend it and apply it to what I’m viewing!
Participants will present their choices of Artwork that they like and dislike.
In your opinion, how was the Language of Art successfully/unsuccessfully used in each? Was the Language Dictated by the Era that the Artist was living in?
Explain the correlation between Artistic Language and Emotions. What made Me Love/Hate it? Is the Artistic Language visible in my everyday life?
[Title] => Deciphering the Artistic Language with Marlene Bezich | Saturday 4/5-4/12 | 10am-2pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Have you ever looked at a work of art and wondered what makes you love or hate it so much? Do you feel intimidated when you’re in an art museum wondering if you’re the only one who just doesn’t “get it”? This course is designed for Artist and Art Enthusiast alike!! Participants will learn the alluring power of the many techniques Artists utilize to create emotion and interest in their artworks. The instructor will demonstrate through lectures and illustrations how the viewer can understand and appreciate looking at artwork! The course will conclude with students examining selected artworks to decipher their perceived meaning emotionally and technically! Participants will emerge from this course with confidence and appreciation in understanding the “Language” of art and the joy of creativity!!!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 140
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734333134
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-19T11:13:03.147
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-26T07:51:55.65
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74314
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250405_67e5ede308220] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73997
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PleinAir- Germano Apr
[Description] => Plein-Air Painting with Tom Germano | Saturday 4/5 11am-3pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-18T09:49:53.4
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => State Park
[RoomDescription] => This is the meetup point
[LocationName] => Dove/Torr Cottage
[LocationFullAddress] => 30 Centershore Road Centerport, NY 11721 United States
[LocationId] => 794
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 794
[Name] => Dove/Torr Cottage
[LocationTypeDescription] => Park
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11721
[Address1] => 30 Centershore Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Centerport
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] =>
[ContactPerson] =>
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Plein-Air Painting with Tom Germano | Saturday 4/5 11am-3pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] =>
The Plein-air painting workshop introduces the student/participant to the act of creating landscape painting in the landscape-a process of direct observation painting. Plein air painting is different from the studio practice due to only the essential portable materials brought into the landscape to faithfully observe, translate and record what is before the artist standing before the motif. This is a hands-on studio workshop. The teacher will demonstrate each subject and paint alongside the students who will create an individual works with direction and guidance throughout the process. Participants with a variety of painting skills and creative experience are welcome, from the beginner to the advanced artist. The instructor will guide the student from laying out the palette, to setting up the composition, establishing the planes, blocking out the shadows, and recording an individual landscape painting. This workshop meets on location.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Easel: this should be a portable, collapsable travel easle.
Canvas boards: (1) 9x12"; (1) 12 x 16"; (1) 11x14; (1) 16x20"
-1 quart of gesso (optional*)
-An assortment of brushes: bristle and sable, 6-8 brushes ranging in size from 3" down to .001. Assorted flats
and rounds, NO Fan Brushes.
-14x17” Palette: Disposable Paper palette
Your palette MUST have a flat surface
-Two palette knives (no plastic ones and each knife must have a beveled stem)
-Water Mixable (Soluble) Oil Color recommended brand: Artisan.
Other brands: Holbein, Van Gogh, Cobra, or Maxx by Grumbacher.
If you have traditional oil paints, you may use those however, organic solvents should replace the harsh solvents, ie: no turpentines may be used, use a citrus based cleaner instead.)
NOTE: water soluble oil paints can not be mixed with regular oil-based paints.
Check the paint tube carefully and be certain you
buy and use only one type of material!
Colours: 1.25 fl. oz tubes unless otherwise noted
-Two (2) tubes of mixed white (titanium + zinc)
-Ultramarine Blue
-Indian Red
-Yellow Ochre
-Phthalo Green (or Veridian)
-Burnt Sienna
-Burnt Umber
-Cerulean Blue
-Cadmium Red
-Cadmium Yellow
-Alizarin Crimson
-water mixable painting glaze medium 2.5 fl. Oz (royal talens, Cobra Brand)
-A color wheel
-Loew Cornell storage + medium cups
-soft vine charcoal (small package)
32oz Water container, Paper towels
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231243:Germano, Thomas
[ProgramDetailId] => 3733393937
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-18T09:49:53.4
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-26T12:45:57.983
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73997
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250405_67e5ede3084e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74048
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Silv.rings-|Apr
[Description] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Saturday 4/5 12-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-21T08:16:13.51
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-05T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 200
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-21T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Solder and Stamp a Silver Ring with Rachel Kalina | Saturday 4/5 12-4pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Design, torch, hammer, and stamp sterling silver to turn it into an heirloom-quality ring! Students learn to use metalsmithing tools, such as a torch and hammer, to create a unique piece of jewelry. Add words and/or stamped patterns to your piece. Professionally finish your work so that it can be comfortably worn.
This workshop is great for beginners, as well as experienced artists who just want to have fun in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. It includes all materials and tool usage. Class is for students ages 18 and older.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 200
[SupplyList] => Bring sharpie and small pad for sketching and notes
Materials Fee of $40 payable to the instructor
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 175
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734303438
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-21T08:16:13.51
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-21T08:17:35.49
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74048
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250407_67e5ede307652] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74070
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 4/7
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/7
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-25T07:50:36.77
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/7 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734303730
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-25T07:50:36.77
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T08:16:21.51
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-02-25T07:50:36.77
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74070
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250409_67e5ede307f5b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73727
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WS Broughton 4/9
[Description] => No Brush, No Problem Watercolor Workshop with Rita Broughton | Wednesday 4/9 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-04T09:54:53.723
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-09T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-09T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => No Brush, No Problem Watercolor Workshop with Rita Broughton | Wednesday 4/9 6-9pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Let the water do the work! This workshop focuses on using free-spirited watercolor and mark- making techniques with plenty of water, different tools, and lots of experimentation to create beautiful free-flowing watercolor art.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => ***Bring your basic watercolor kit with watercolors in tubes and several sheets of watercolor paper along with all the other tools mentioned below
-Small spray bottle
-Masking fluid
-Plastic credit cards
-Sea Sponges
-Inking Nibs, bamboo pens
-Two plastic quart containers for water
-Any other marking tools available to you
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] => 3733373237
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-04T09:54:53.723
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-05T13:29:28.023
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73727
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250412_67e5ede307817] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74453
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/12
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 4/12
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-25T07:17:32.767
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-12T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-12T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 4/12 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734343533
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-25T07:17:32.767
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T07:45:18.71
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-25T07:17:32.767
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74453
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250413_67e5ede307643] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74460
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 4/13
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/13
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-25T08:13:48.303
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-13T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-13T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 0
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/13 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734343630
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-25T08:13:48.303
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T08:14:57.66
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-25T08:13:48.303
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74460
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250414_67e5ede307646] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74461
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 4/14
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/14
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-25T08:17:19.033
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-14T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/14 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734343631
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-25T08:17:19.033
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T08:17:45.693
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-25T08:17:19.033
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74461
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250416_67e5ede307d91] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74138
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Intro- Foley
[Description] => Introduction to Colored Pencil Workshop with Ryan Foley | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/16-4/30
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-06T09:42:32.703
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-16T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 144
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Introduction to Color, the Color Wheel and Shading
Objective: Students will learn about the color wheel, basic color theory, and how to use colored pencils to blend and mix colors.
1. Introduction to the Color Wheel
Discuss primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.
Explain complementary and analogous colors.
2. Color Mixing Exercise
Students practice blending colors to create secondary and tertiary colors using colored pencils.
Students can experiment with mixing colors
3. Basic Color Application
Applying colored pencils using light layers.
Introduce the concept of layering to achieve depth and richness in their artwork.
Introduction to Shading with Colored Pencils
Objective: Students will learn basic shading techniques and how to create dimension using colored pencils.
1. Introduction to Shading Techniques
Discussing the difference between light and shadow and how to replicate it with colored pencils.
Basic shading techniques:
¦ Hatching, Cross-hatching and Layering
Practice making a color gradient using a color of their choosing
2. Shading Practice
Students practice shading basic geometric shapes (cylinder, sphere, cube) using different techniques.
3. Combining Color and Shading
4. Enlarging an Image
Introducing the grid method: how to divide an image into smaller sections to enlarge it accurately.
How to transfer the image onto larger paper by replicating the grid squares.
Enlarging an Image and Completing a Colored Pencil Drawing
Objective: Students will practice enlarging an image and complete a simple colored pencil drawing using the techniques learned in the previous sessions.
1. Drawing the Enlarged Image
Students practice transferring their image onto the larger sheet using the grid method.
2. Completion and Final Touches
Students time to complete their drawing, focusing on details and shading.
Students share their artwork with the class and discuss the challenges and successes they encountered.
[Title] => Introduction to Colored Pencil Workshop with Ryan Foley | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/16-4/30 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Discover the versatility of colored pencils in this engaging and approachable course. Through small exercises in color theory, shading, and blending, students will develop fundamental techniques to create depth and realism in their artwork. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this course provides a supportive space to explore artistic expression. Step by step, you'll work toward rendering a realistic image (or as close as possible for beginners), gaining confidence in layering, detail work, and precision. With an emphasis on patience, creativity, and enjoyment, this course is perfect for anyone looking to incorporate art into their life in a fun and relaxing way.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 144
[SupplyList] => 1. Basic Colored Pencil Set - 12 Pack - Prismacolor Preferred, but any soft artist quality pencil will work. Please no Crayola, Cra-Z-Art, or similar brand)
2. 9x 12 Sketchbook (Colored Pencil or Multimedia paper is encouraged, but standard sketch will do)
3. #2 pencil (I like a mechanical pencil)
4. Pencil Sharpener
5. Eraser
6. Standard Ruler
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 124
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226237:Foley, Ryan
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734313338
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-06T09:42:32.703
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-06T12:16:38.32
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74138
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250421_67e5ede30764a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74462
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 4/21
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/21
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-25T08:18:02.417
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-21T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/21 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734343632
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-25T08:18:02.417
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T08:27:03.15
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-25T08:18:02.417
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74462
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede3071ae] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72436
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AdvSilv- Tue| Apr-May
[Description] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 4/22-5/20
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:31:20.147
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 575
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tuesday 1-5pm | 4/22-5/20 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry in a high energy, collaborative intermediate class. Students will learn advanced techniques in working with metals and machinery. Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create advanced projects. Instruction includes teacher demonstrations, one-on-one development and critique, and collaboration with other intermediate students. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
**Pre-requisite of 3 beginner jewelry classes required to take intermediate class.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 575
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $75 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 535
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343336
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:31:20.147
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:31:58.903
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72436
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede307605] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72706
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => TU Beg101 Ceram Apr-May
[Description] => Ceramics 101 with Sara Daly| Tues 6-9pm | 4/22 - 5/27
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:34:12.48
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics 101 with Sara Daly | Tues 6-9pm | 4/22 - 5/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A true beginners class in ceramics. From hand building to throwing on the wheel you will be taken through several different techniques and styles of working with clay. You will learn the basics from the beginning with prepping your clay, to creating your piece, and then learning how to finish it off with our studio glazes.
In this course we will work on gaining skills and refining them. Whether you have never touched clay before or you’re looking to expand your skills this is the class for you. We will also go over different surface decoration styles as well. This class is a great way to discover your style and your skills.
Students are encouraged to ask questions and come to class with ideas of what they would like to create, such as mugs, small planters, bowls, and other inspirations.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 204058:Daly, Sara
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373036
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:34:12.48
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-04T09:32:26.2
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72706
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede3078e3] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72385
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => YA-Draw | Apr-May
[Description] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg |Ages 8-12| Tues |5:30-7:00pm| 4/22-5/27
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T10:41:54.977
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 245
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Creative Cartooning & Realistic Drawing with Lori Hochberg | Ages 8-12 |Tues 5:30-7:00pm| 4/22-5/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Welcome to the world of Realistic Drawing and Cartooning! Students typically complete multiple drawings per week and quickly develop a wide variety of drawing skills to add to their artist's tool kit. The students will use their own ideas and style, as well as inspiration from many walks of life.The history of cartoons will be explored showing genres, such as animation, comic strips, greeting cards, book illustrations, etc. Through demonstrations and examples, they will learn how to fine tune their drawing skills. Students will study composition, value, contour line, texture and proportions. They will sharpen their drawing skills through direct observation drawings and cast drawings. Students will draw a variety of subjects including people, animals, objects, etc. They will practice gesture drawings, shape building techniques, expression/attitude poses, movement and more. Students will be using pencil, ink pens, colored pencils, charcoal, and watercolor to bring their cartoons to life.
Students enjoy an atmosphere of excitement and friend making in this class, as they get to meet and work alongside other young artists with the same interests as them. Join in on the fun on Tuesday nights and let your creativity run wild!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 245
[SupplyList] => • #2 or HB pencils
• eraser
• approximately 9 x 12 drawing pad or white copy papers
• black Micron ink pen
• watercolor colored pencils and/or watercolor paint pan set
• watercolor paper
• paint brush
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 225
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 6/29/2021: increased # seats from 7 to 10 - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 205029:Hochberg, Lori
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333835
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T10:41:54.977
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-13T10:43:05.96
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72385
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede307c88] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72903
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Tues| Apr-May
[Description] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 | 4/22-5/27
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T09:48:07.277
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T00:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Students will:
* Develop an understanding of basic ceramic techniques and terminology
* Create a personal body of work that reflects individual artistic vision
* Analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art
* Cultivate critical thinking skills through self-reflection and peer review
* Grow creatively through experimentation and exploration of different techniques and styles
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Mandy Henson| Tues 9:30-12:30 | 4/22-5/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this comprehensive course, students will delve into the fundamental methods of hand-building with clay, exploring the endless possibilities of this versatile medium. The course will introduce students to essential ceramic terms and techniques, providing a solid foundation for creating unique and thought-provoking pieces.
Throughout the program, students will be encouraged to develop their personal artistic vision, experimenting with different techniques and styles to produce a cohesive body of work. As they explore the possibilities of clay, students will also analyze and discuss historical perspectives on ceramic art, gaining a deeper understanding of the medium's evolution and significance.
Through this course, students will develop their critical thinking skills, analyzing and refining their own work as well as that of their peers. By the end of the program, students will have created a distinctive portfolio showcasing their growth and artistic development in the ceramic arts.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236241:Henson, Mandy
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732393033
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T09:48:07.277
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T09:48:32.233
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72903
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede307cb2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72433
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntSilv- Tue | Apr-May
[Description] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 4/22-5/20
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:25:03.153
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-20T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 440
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intermediate Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Tues 9:30am-12:30 pm | 4/22-5/20 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course, students will learn everything they need to know to create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Marla Mencher offers demonstrations in varying smithing techniques and spends one-on-one time with students to develop their own unique designs. In the first few weeks of class, students can expect to finish a few completed beginner projects and gain experience using a wide variety of tools and machinery in the Art League's state of the art metal smithing studio. Bring a small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 440
[SupplyList] => Thin sharpies, small sketch pad and pencil, pair of old driving gloves, any cabochons or sea glass you have that you’d like to work with. $75 materials fee payable to instructor.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 420
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343333
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:25:03.153
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:25:53.373
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72433
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede307d45] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74310
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntroRing WS Salta 4/22
[Description] => Intro to Metalsmithing: Open Rings Workshop with Jen Salta | Tuesday 4/22 | 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-18T10:38:39.157
[NumberOfSeats] => 13
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Intro to Metalsmithing: Open Rings Workshop with Jen Salta | Tuesday 4/22 | 6-9pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Spark a love for creating with this intro to metal working project. This open initial ring project will teach students how to measure, cut and hammer their own custom ring. They can then flex their design skills by using different metal stamps to customize their ring. This class is structured to utilize jewelry saws, hammers and files.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 100
[SupplyList] => $10 materials fee payable to instructor covers all materials.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 100
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226256:Salta, Jen
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734333130
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-18T10:38:39.157
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-18T10:41:05.887
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74310
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede308037] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72794
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => OS w/ModelLong| Apr-May
[Description] => Open Studio Long Poses | Tue 1pm-4pm | 4/22 - 5/27
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T08:14:08.657
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Open Studio Long Poses| Tue 1pm-4pm | 4/22 - 5/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for this unique portraiture open studio experience. Pose will remain the same over the entire block with the same portrait model to give artists an opportunity to generate fully rendered portraits incorporating seasonal attire and exciting backdrops. No instruction - please bring whichever materials you prefer to work with. Join this friendly atmosphere and work alongside other artists in this supportive open studio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All mediums welcome - bring your own supplies. Easels and stool provided.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373934
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T08:14:08.657
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T08:17:01.383
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72794
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede3081e6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72363
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Pastels |Tue | Apr-May
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 4/22-5/27
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-12T10:49:05.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 11
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 252
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm | 4/22-5/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 252
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 232
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333633
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T10:49:05.937
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-12T10:49:49.723
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72363
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede3082a4] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72896
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PortFig- Folk| Apr-May
[Description] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 4/22 - 5/27
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:54:41.583
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 376
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T19:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pre-College Portfolio Figure Drawing with Stephanie Folk | Tuesdays 7:00-9:00| 4/22 - 5/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course offers a comprehensive exploration of figure drawing, suitable for presenting a piece with your portfolio. Through formal instruction, students will engage in a range of exercises from quick gestural studies to extended long poses.
Throughout the course, students will experiment with a variety of mediums, including charcoal, graphite, ink, and pastels, to develop a versatile approach to figure drawing. Each session will conclude with a class critique, providing an opportunity for constructive feedback and discussion to foster artistic growth and a deeper understanding of the figure drawing process.
Students will gain confidence in rendering the human figure with precision and expressiveness in a professional studio environment.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 376
[SupplyList] => Materials: (not limited too)
Newsprint pad 18x24
Sketch book
Drawing pencils
Soft charcoal sticks
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 356
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383936
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:54:41.583
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:55:08.747
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72896
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250422_67e5ede30863c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72845
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => MagicColor| Apr-May
[Description] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 4/22 - 5/27
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-10T12:21:22.58
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-27T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 231
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Magic Of Color with Linda Gottlieb | Ages 5-7 | Tues 4:30-5:30pm | 4/22 - 5/27 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the magical world of color in this fun course for young artists ages 5-7. In this class, students will experience and study color theory through the lens of interactive projects in a wide variety of art mediums. They will explore the fundamentals of art by learning to use mixed media materials, color mixing, and the effects of different color combinations in art. They will also learn to use fundamental art terminology based on the color wheel, such as it applies to harmony, discordance, and temperature. Projects will use a variety of media each week, including but not limited to oil pastels, watercolor, acrylic paint, and more. Each week students will be introduced to a unique experience including at least two of these mediums. All materials are included in the price of this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 231
[SupplyList] => All Materials included. Dress for an artful experience in this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 211
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383435
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-10T12:21:22.58
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-10T12:22:31.44
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72845
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250423_67e5ede307c36] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72473
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => HandBldg-Wed| Apr-May
[Description] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 4/23-5/28
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-15T12:08:42.737
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-15T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding - Plan to Technique with Laura Peters | Wed 1-4pm | 4/23-5/28 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this course traditional handbuilding techniques using soft and
hard slab as well as coil construction will be utilized to create
functional, non-functional and sculptural forms. Students are
encouraged to work at their own pace and to develop their own
unique directions. Through discussion and demonstration
students will explore form, imagery and narrative. Learning how
to make mugs, pitchers, wall pieces, lidded boxes, texture rollers, handles, spouts,
and decorative trays, are just a few examples that may be
demonstrated in class. Students will discover how various
techniques can be combined to achieve exciting new exteriors
on their pieces. Surface treatment can include sgraffito, water
etching, slip trailing, carving, and decorating with underglazes.
The main goal will be to improve clay skills by refreshing and
energizing the student’s approach to clay.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 208559:Peters, Laura
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343733
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-15T12:08:42.737
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-15T12:09:47.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72473
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250423_67e5ede307dd2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72419
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 927
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Photography
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Photography
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/927
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntroPhoto| Apr-May
[Description] => Landscape and Nature Photography with Keith Krejci | Wed 6:30-8:30pm | 4/23-5/28
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T10:17:56.3
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T20:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => -Dive into the world of aesthetic photography. Learn how to use composition, lighting, and color to create visually pleasing images. Discover what makes a landscape truly captivating.
-Master your camera settings for landscapes, seascapes, and wildlife. Understand exposure, depth of field, and focus techniques. We’ll demystify technical jargon and empower you to take control of your gear
-Explore the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing. Learn how to create balance and visual harmony in your shots. Discover the magic of foreground and middle ground elements.
-Capture the drama of sunrise and sunset. Learn optimal shooting times, long exposure techniques, and how to harness golden hour light. The ocean becomes your canvas.
-Get up close and personal with nature’s creatures. Understand animal behavior, patience, and ethical practices. Learn to freeze motion and create intimate portraits.
-Your image isn’t complete until it’s printed and exhibited. We’ll cover monitor calibration, choosing the right print service, and framing options. Discover how lighting affects your display.
[Title] => Landscape and Nature Photography with Keith Krejci | Wed 6:30-8:30pm | 4/23-5/28 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => By the end of this workshop, students will walk away with the understanding and what it takes to create breathtaking landscape and wildlife images ready for exhibition. Whether you dream of gallery shows, home decor, or sharing your work online, this course will empower you to showcase your artistry.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => Bring your DSLR or mirrorless camera, camera phones are acceptable too (no experience required). A fee of 20.00 will also be collected for materials
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236042:Krejci, Keith
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343139
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T10:17:56.3
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T10:19:05.24
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72419
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250423_67e5ede307e17] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74259
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FundWh| Wed| Apr-May
[Description] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/23-5/28
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-13T07:43:38.84
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class Canceled 11/27
[Title] => Mastering the Fundamentals of Wheel with Ruth Lowenberg | Wednesdays 6-9pm | 4/23-5/28 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => In this class, beginners will learn how to create functional pottery on the wheel, from throwing the basic forms to trimming, embellishing, and finally glazing. This class also welcomes those who have had some experience on the wheel and are looking to refresh their skills and explore new techniques.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734323539
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-13T07:43:38.84
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-13T07:44:23.153
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74259
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250423_67e5ede307f51] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74307
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Mosaic WS Grama
[Description] => Mosaic Cherry Blossoms with Gabriella Grama| Wednesday 4/23-5/7 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-18T09:36:59.353
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 3
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => The goal of the class is to introduce participants to this mosaic style, guiding them through techniques such as breaking glass, working with shards, and assembling the pieces to create a cohesive work of art.
[Title] => Mosaic Cherry Blossoms with Gabriella Grama| Wednesday 4/23-5/7 6-9pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us for a fun and creative mosaic class where we reimagine Vincent van Gogh’s Almond Blossom in tile and shells. Learn how to capture the swirling branches, delicate petals, and vibrant background in mosaic form while mastering cutting, placement, and grouting techniques. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just dipping your toes into the world of mosaics, this class will have you blossoming with creativity. Let's make something beautiful together!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Option 1 - $14 per person – All materials are provided; participants will choose a china plate from the selection curated by the instructor.
Option 2 - $10 per person – The participants will bring their own china plate to break and use in the class.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 165
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224614:Grama, Gabriella
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734333037
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-18T09:36:59.353
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-18T09:40:56.957
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74307
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250423_67e5ede3080f1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72883
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Wed OS Short Apr-May
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 4/24 - 5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T07:54:31.967
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Weds 6pm-9pm | 4/24 - 5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383833
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T07:54:31.967
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T07:54:58.057
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72883
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250423_67e5ede308630] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73728
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WS Broughton 4/23
[Description] => The Art of Masking Watercolor Workshop with Rita Broughton | Wednesday 4/23 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-04T10:05:13.917
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-23T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Art of Masking Watercolor Workshop with Rita Broughton | Wednesday 4/23 6-9pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Join us to explore fun effects in watercolor achieved with the help of masking fluid to make easy and interesting watercolor paintings.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => -Watercolor block or paper mounted on a board
-Watercolor paints
-Masking fluid
-Watercolor brushes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] => 3733373238
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-04T10:05:13.917
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-04T10:10:36.74
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73728
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250424_67e5ede3070fa] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72726
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AbstractAcrylic | Apr-May
[Description] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin | Thursdays 2-5pm | 4/24 - 5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:10:20.96
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 450
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Requisite: Students should have taken a drawing fundamentals class.
[Title] => Abstract Painting: Acrylics with Kevin Larkin |Thursdays 2-5pm| 4/24 - 5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore abstract painting through an understanding of space, color, energy, tension, and form. Emphasis is placed on self-expression and developing a wholly-personal style with individual instruction and critiques. All levels. "I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own." - Jackson Pollock
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 450
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST
•ACRYLIC PAINT- 4 oz tubes or larger. 8 or more colors plus black & white
•CANVASES- 2 -18'X24' or larger stretched canvases
•CUPS- 1 dozen large (solo type) drinking cups( to mix paint)
•PAINT BRUSHES- 3-4 flat acrylic paint brushes various sizes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 405
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194461:Larkin, Kevin
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373236
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:10:20.96
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T09:26:27.167
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72726
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250424_67e5ede30723c] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74260
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AllCeram| Thur | Apr-May
[Description] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 4/24 - 5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-13T07:45:18.89
[NumberOfSeats] => 11
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Ceramics with Ruth Lowenberg | Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm | 4/24 - 5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is meant for both the absolute beginner as well as the seasoned veteran of pottery classes. Emphasis is placed on individual expression and exploration. Skills ranging from basic pinch pots and coil vessels to advanced wheel and decoration techniques will be shown. Beginners happily welcomed as well as advanced students looking for guidance and new inspiration. All steps of the ceramics process will be studied in this class, including building your piece, multiple kiln firings, and glazing.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 227050:Lowenberg, Ruth
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734323630
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-13T07:45:18.89
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-13T07:45:50.03
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74260
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250424_67e5ede307425] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72439
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegSilver- Thur | Apr-May
[Description] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 4/24-5/22
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T13:56:45.53
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 5
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 397
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T12:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Beginner Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Thursdays 12pm-4pm | 4/24-5/22 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 397
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 375
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343339
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T13:56:45.53
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T13:57:32.993
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72439
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250424_67e5ede307a71] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72383
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => FigCon Yellin| Apr-May
[Description] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm | 4/24-5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T09:37:31.24
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 225
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 5/1
[Title] => Figure Construction & Anatomy with Stu Yellin | Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm | 4/24-5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Understanding the human form and the importance of spatial concepts in drawing. Work from professional models, with a focus on making use of anatomical landmarks and forms to create more accurate representations in your work.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner - Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 225
[SupplyList] => Drawing Board and 18x24" newprint pad
Preference of soft drawing tools (Pencils, ebony or color pencils, charcoal, conte crayons)
Black sharpie marker
Eraser, sharpener
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 215
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 228195:Yellin, Stu
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333833
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T09:37:31.24
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-13T09:39:27.16
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72383
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250424_67e5ede307c75] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72710
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => TH HandBCeram| Apr-May
[Description] => Handbuilding with Linda Southard | Thurs 6-9 pm | 4/24-5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:46:18.92
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Handbuilding with Linda Southard | Thurs 6-9 pm | 4/24-5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Explore the art of handbuilding ceramics, including various techniques to build and finish your work. Broaden your skills and knowledge of ceramics and learn techniques such as pinching, coiling, slab construction, and hollowing out solid clay forms. Learn techniques to finish your work such as glazing, slipping, and staining.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase a basic beginner ceramics tool kit. For a limited time kits are available in the front office for purchase. Instructor will go over tools that need to be purchased during the first class meeting. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 243909:Southard, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373130
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:46:18.92
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-04T09:43:59.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72710
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250424_67e5ede3080ca] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72886
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 823
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Open Studios
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Open Studios
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/823
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => OS w/Model Short Apr-May
[Description] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 4/24 - 5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:05:52.41
[NumberOfSeats] => 14
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 206
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Pre-Registration REQUIRED.
[Title] => Open Studio w/Model - Short Pose | Linda Gottlieb | Thurs 10:30am-1:30pm | 4/24 - 5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Open life drawing sessions. No instruction. 3-Hour Open Studio Workshop- Long and Short Poses ranging from gestures to 20 minute poses.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 206
[SupplyList] => All media welcome- bring all materials needed.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 186
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] => 7/17/2021-Class is full, sent roster sent to instructor - AB
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193613:Gottlieb, Linda
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383836
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:05:52.41
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:06:25.79
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72886
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250424_67e5ede3081ab] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72364
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 926
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pastels
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pastels
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/926
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Pastels | Thurs | Apr-May
[Description] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 4/24-5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-12T11:11:46.28
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 378
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-12T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Pastels: Beginning and Beyond with Marlene Bezich | Thursdays 6-9pm | 4/24-5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This class is perfect for the beginner as well as the advanced pastel artist. Students will learn what pastel is and is not as a medium, plus the many different papers and techniques to utilize. We will discuss the varieties of pastels and how they work in unison and layering to create glorious color passages. Students are encouraged to explore any given subject - from portraits to landscapes to pets. Students must supply their own reference images. This class will familiarize the student with the application process and the technique of layering colors to obtain that "glow" that makes pastels so exciting.
Come one, come all and enjoy the beauty of pastels in a friendly and educational environment. All are welcomed!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 378
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 358
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333634
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-12T11:11:46.28
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-12T11:25:20.717
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72364
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250425_67e5ede3071f6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72379
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WCAdv Barbera| Apr-May
[Description] => Advanced World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 9:30am-12:30pm | 4/25-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-13T07:22:54.6
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Advanced World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 9:30am-12:30pm | 4/25-5/30 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your watercolor skills to the next level with this advanced course led by master watercolorist
Ross Barbera. Designed for students with experience in watercolor, this class focuses on refining your technique and deepening your creative expression. Through in-depth demonstrations, you’ll explore advanced methods such as complex color mixing, multi-layered washes, precise dry-brush detailing, innovative masking techniques, and expressive wet-into-wet applications.
Class projects will challenge you to push boundaries, develop your personal style, and experiment with new approaches to composition and subject matter. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of materials, tools, and historical influences to enhance your artistic practice. Bring your own reference materials or work from photographs provided by the instructor.
This course offers a supportive and inspiring environment for experienced watercolorists ready to elevate their artistry and create more sophisticated, impactful works.
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732333739
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-13T07:22:54.6
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-05T10:30:13.79
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72379
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250425_67e5ede3079ff] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 73942
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WS Broughton 4/25
[Description] => Experimenting with Acrylics Workshop with Rita Broughton | Friday 4/25 1:30-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-02-14T10:00:26.607
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 105
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-02-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Varous techniques will include:
1. Sgraffito Technique- Sgreaffito: from the italian for "sctraticjoing" descroibes cratching theough fairly wet, thick or dry paint to reveal te original surface and another color underneath
2. Removing paint
3. Dabbing with a sponge
4. Layering paint
5. Stamping
6. Sandpaper rub
7. Toothbrush stipple
8. Wax resist
9. Wiping out
10. Stenciling and printing
11. Making patterns lifiting off
12. Collage
[Title] => Experimenting with Acrylics Workshop with Rita Broughton | Friday 4/25 1:30-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Acrylic painting is a versatile medium, this class is geared toward investigating the different possibilities of creating with acrylic. Using various tools and techniques, we investigate the freedom this medium provides.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 105
[SupplyList] => Bring your basic acrylic tool kit along with:
1. Bring different tools you'd like to experiment with- rubber tools, combs, stamps, stencils, etc
2. Palette knives
3. Several canvas panels 9"x12" or 11"x14"
4. Rubber gloves
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 95
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] => 3733393432
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-02-14T10:00:26.607
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-05T13:28:41.347
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/73942
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250425_67e5ede307d15] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72889
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Fri| Apr-May
[Description] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 4/25-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:18:01.873
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/29, 12/6
[Title] => Intermediate Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Fridays 10am-1pm | 4/25-5/30 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383839
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:18:01.873
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:18:36.233
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72889
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250425_67e5ede307d80] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72425
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegAcry | Apr-May
[Description] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 4/25-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T12:48:24.107
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 7
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 5/9
[Title] => Introduction to Acrylic Painting with Rita Broughton | Fri 10am-1pm| 4/25-5/30 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course is designed as a basic introduction to the versatile medium of acrylic paint. Introducing students to the properties and characteristics of acrylic and how to develop proficiency in the various acrylic painting techniques such as layering, blending, and texture creation. In each class we will complete a 9”x12” canvas, exploring different subjects like landscape, still life and florals. We will paint from life and from photographs. There will be step-by-step instruction with each project along with individual guidance as well.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] => Acrylic Painting Class Materials List
Acrylic Paint:
Any brand: Liquitex, Golden, Grumbacher (stay away from store brands and student grade if possible)
Paint Colors:
Titanium White
Hansa Yellow
Cadmium Yellow Light hue
Yellow Ochre
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Light hue
Phthalo Green (blue shade)
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
10. Burnt Sienna
11. Burnt Umber
Brush Suggestions:
1. Flat Brushes Sizes 1/2 inch, 1 inch
2. Round Brushes Sizes 2, 4, 6
3. Filbert Brushes Sizes 4, 8
4. Fan Brushes Sizes 2, 4
5. Detail Brush Size 1
Palette Knives- In addition to brushes, having a couple of palette knives can be useful for mixing
colors and applying thick layers of paint or texture.
Variety Pack of Brushes: Starting out you may consider getting a variety pack that includes different
shapes and sizes for a cost-effective way to build your brush collection.
Recommended Brush Brands:
1. Princeton Velvetouch
- Known for their balance of quality and affordability.
- Comfortable to hold and versatile.
2. Winsor & Newton Galeria
- Designed specifically for acrylics
- Durable and offer good control and spring.
3. Royal & Langnickel Zen
- Economical vet durable.
- Ideal for students and beginners.
Painting Surface:
9x12 inch or 11x14 inch canvas panels or stretched canvas
12 x 16 inch palette paper pad
Press & Seal Roll and a 14x18 inch or larger or smaller white cardboard
Additional Supplies:
Plastic container for water
Paper towels
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 192268:Broughton, Rita
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343235
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T12:48:24.107
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T12:50:14.883
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:48:24.107
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:48:24.107
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2024-11-14T12:48:24.107
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72425
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250425_67e5ede3088c0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72648
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 932
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Watercolor
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Watercolor
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/932
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC Barbera| Apr-May
[Description] => World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 1-4pm | 4/25-5/30
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-25T14:33:09.49
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-30T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 430
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-05T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => World of Watercolor with Ross Barbera | Fri 1-4pm | 4/25-5/30 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Jump into the world of watercolors with master watercolorist Ross Barbera. This course is designed for students of beginner or intermediate skill levels in the medium of watercolor. Students will study methods of transparent watercolor painting, and apply these techniques in the creation of their individual watercolor paintings. Instructor demonstrations include lessons on drawing, color mixing, wet into wet, dry-brush, pouring, masking, paper preparation and more. Class projects are designed to cultivate technical skill, visual sensitivity, creativity, and knowledge of painting tools and materials, history, and processes. For subject matter, students will have the option of working from their photographs, or from those supplied by the instructor. This class is suitable for all levels and will provide a fun, informative, and supportive atmosphere for artists of all backgrounds to develop their skills!
To view a selection of Ross' watercolor paintings, go to his website here:
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 430
[SupplyList] =>
Ross Barbera, Watercolor Supply List
Click on this link to view the following supply list with links.
Winsor & Newton tube watercolor paint. Suggested tube size 14ml:
Neutral Tint
Brown Madder
Burnt Sienna
Winsor Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Winsor Red
Cadmium Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Antwerp Blue
Cerulean Blue
Winsor Blue
French Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Paynes Gray
Block of 140lb, Arches Watercolor Paper, Cold Press, 8" x 10", or larger.
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 6
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold II Brush - Pointed Round, Short Handle, Size 3
Princeton Neptune Synthetic Squirrel Brush - Quill, Short Handle, Size 6
Blick Covered Palette
Grafix Rubber Cement Pick-Up
Pebeo Drawing Gum - 45 ml bottle
Kneaded Eraser
Masking Tape
HB Pencil
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 390
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 226288:Barbera, Ross
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732363438
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-25T14:33:09.49
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-05T10:28:59.41
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72648
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede307265] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72442
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AllSilver- Sat | Apr-May
[Description] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 4/26-5/24
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T14:06:35.623
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 4
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 329
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => All Levels Silversmithing with Marla Mencher | Saturdays 9:30am-1:30pm | 4/26-5/24 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create beautiful sterling and mixed metal jewelry! Learn how to shape, cut, pierce, solder and finish metals to create simple projects such as hammered silver rings, dangle earrings and tri-colored metal pendants. Bring small pad, pencil, black marker and small plastic box or container for your projects. Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 329
[SupplyList] => Material fee of $75 payable to instructor.
Please bring thin sharpie, small sketch pad, old gloves for polishing
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 289
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195040:Mencher, Marla
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343432
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T14:06:35.623
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T14:07:13.95
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72442
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede307383] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74258
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 818
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Drawing
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Drawing
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/818
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AtelierAD-Graf| Apr-May
[Description] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 4/26-5/31
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-13T07:40:34.717
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 473
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-13T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 7
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-13T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 8/17
[Title] => Atelier Drawing and Painting with Bill Graf | Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm | 4/26-5/31 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This drawing and painting atelier style class with cover everything from the basics to the finer points of academic drawing and painting. Atelier-based training is a practice based on a thorough training of the eye and fundamentals stemming from the 1800s. These centuries-old practices have been making a full revival in recent year, and foundational atelier skills are now prevalent in countries all across the world, and especially in Fine Arts Academies throughout Europe. Atelier students hone their fine art skills through the practice of training the eye in observational drawing utilizing the "sight-size" method of drawing.
This course will incorporate working from the Charles Bargue Drawing Plates as a foundation for training the eye before students will move onto drawing from plaster casts. The instructor will demonstrate how to create the "construct" as well as showing how to see and render the subject fully.
Students with a firm foundation of knowledge in drawing fundamentals will move on to still life painting in this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 473
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Graphite Pencils - Derwent or Faber Castell - B, 2B, 4B, 6B
Paper: Canson XL bristol 96lb "two distinct side" (in green packaging)
Kneaded erasers
Pink or white solid eraser
20" x 30" foam core board
Small sketch book
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 448
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221650:Graf, Bill
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734323538
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-13T07:40:34.717
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-13T07:42:17.633
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74258
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede3075be] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72414
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BookBrush| Apr-May
[Description] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 4/26-5/31
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T09:30:29.887
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 175
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T12:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Book and Brush Painting with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 5-7 | Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm | 4/26-5/31 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This unique and interdisciplinary course for students ages 5-7 incorporates the worlds of storytelling and painting into one fun experience. Instructor Rachel Woelfel will begin each class with a reading of children's literature from children's literature powerhouses such as Eric Carle, Shel Silverstein, and more. Then, students will be guided through the painting process of creating scenes of their favorite moments, themes, or characters in acrylic paint. Students will learn painting fundamentals such as color mixing, shading, brush application, and narrative. Each week a new book will be covered and a new exciting painting will be ready to take home and shown off.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 175
[SupplyList] => Students are required to come prepared to class with as many 16" x 12" canvases or canvas panels as there are weeks in the class. Please dress your students for an artful experience, aprons recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 155
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343134
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T09:30:29.887
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T09:31:14.62
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72414
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede30781a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74459
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Sat 4/26
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 4/26
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-25T07:46:00.497
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-01-30T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Saturdays 1pm-4pm | 4/26 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734343539
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-25T07:46:00.497
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T08:10:50.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-25T07:46:00.497
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74459
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede307ca2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72893
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 816
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Ceramics
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/816
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => IntWhThr-Sat- Apr-May
[Description] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 4/26-5/31
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-11T08:32:55.237
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 448
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-11T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class canceled 11/30, 12/7
[Title] => Intermediate & Advanced Wheel Throwing with Jesus Antoshka | Saturdays 10am-1pm | 4/26-5/31 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Through teaching different forms and techniques, I aim for students to eventually find their own voice in clay. By exposing students to a breadth of both historical and contemporary ceramics – and how I’ve found inspiration for my own work – it helps to establish a foundation, as they learn
and grow into their own work.
The purpose of this class is to show how you can combine proportion, form and glaze technique to create wheel thrown functional pottery for the table and home. Participants will learn how to pull tall cylinders, pull and attach handles, as well as discuss aesthetics in pottery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 448
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance.
Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Your teacher will review clay types on the first day of class, and you will be able to purchase at that time. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 408
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 231648:Antoshka, Jesus
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732383933
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-11T08:32:55.237
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-11T08:33:21.72
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72893
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede307ee7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72743
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens Apr2025
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 4/26 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-04T09:45:14.703
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 4/26 1-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373433
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-04T09:45:14.703
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-07T07:14:52.27
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72743
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede3085e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72665
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 931
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Teens
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Teens
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/931
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => AnmeTN| Schrage| Apr-May
[Description] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 4/26-5/31
[StatusDescription] => Canceled
[StatusDate] => 2025-01-31T08:23:26.293
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 280
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Teen Anime and Manga Illustration with Zach Schrage | Ages 13-18 | Sat 1:00-3:00pm | 4/26-5/31 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Anime and Manga is a style of illustration and animation that originated in Japan. Today the style is widely used globally in many spheres of art including: Illustration, Animation, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Comics, and Fine Arts. In this class, students will explore the art of illustration in the stylistic forms of anime and manga while meeting peers with the same interests in this form of pop culture.
The class will teach drawing techniques such as: Perspective, Form, Gesture, Anatomy, Shape Language, Costume Design, Expressions, Panel Design and Storytelling, Composition. These techniques will allow the student to build a powerful visual library to be able to create anything from their imagination and to communicate a story and idea to an audience. All the students need is just a few materials to get started.
Students will complete a large project each session of 5-6 classes, along the way building skills, doing smaller studies, and observing demos from Zach. Plenty of one on one instruction is given in this class, as well as talking amongst classmates giving help and encouragement. Come join a group of like-minded teen artists and anime lovers!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 280
[SupplyList] => SUPPLY LIST:
Drawing Pencils
Erasers (kneaded and hard)
Ruler or straight edge
Pens - Pigma microns or a quill pen and india ink
Watercolor set - Winsor and Newton Cotman 12 set)
Watercolor round brush size 6 or 8
Watercolor paper 9x12 or larger (prefered brands are Legion Stonehenge or Arches Hot pressed)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 260
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 221653:Schrage, Zach
[ProgramDetailId] =>
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] =>
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-26T12:39:32.127
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-26T12:40:17.703
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72665
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250426_67e5ede3088dc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72417
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 934
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Young Artists
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Young Artists
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/934
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => YACeram| Sat| Apr-May
[Description] => Young Artists Ceramics Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Sat 9:30-11am | 4/26-5/31
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-11-14T09:59:51.85
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-26T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-31T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 215
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-11-14T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Young Artists Ceramic Hand Building with Rachel Woelfel | Ages 6-10 | Saturday 9:30-11am | 4/26-5/31 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Enjoy all the fun sculpting has to offer! This course teaches children ages 6-10 the foundations of ceramic hand-building techniques through project-based learning. Projects will cover essential skills such as coil, pinch, and slab techniques of building. Students will complete three projects over the course of the class. Throughout these projects, students will also learn about glazing and painting techniques to make their projects truly unique. All materials will be provided for this course.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 215
[SupplyList] => Materials are included with this course.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 195
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 207631:Woelfel, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732343137
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-11-14T09:59:51.85
[ModifyDate] => 2024-11-14T10:00:37.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72417
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250428_67e5ede30764e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74463
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 1003
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] =>
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/1003
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Ceram OS Mon 4/28
[Description] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/28
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-25T08:27:33.86
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 1
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-04-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 35
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-01-03T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T11:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 6
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-25T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Ceramics Open Studio | Mondays 11am-2pm | 4/28 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => No instruction. Pre-Registration is required. Open Studios is open only to students who are currently enrolled in another ceramics course at ALLI. Students must have enough experience to work independently. Open to both wheel throwing and hand building.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 35
[SupplyList] => Students must purchase ceramics tool kits in advance. Students may only work with and fire clay purchased from ALLI. Clay is $40 per bag.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 35
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Handbuilding
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734343633
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-25T08:27:33.86
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-25T08:28:01.897
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 644
[Description] => Handbuilding
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-25T08:27:33.86
[AssignUserId] => 916
[AssignUserName] => Julia Alessio
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74463
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250430_67e5ede307ff5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74164
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => BegOil | Apr-May
[Description] => Oil Painting From Life with Chris Hanson | Wed 6-9pm| 4/30-5/28
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-07T08:17:11.817
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-04-30T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-28T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => Class 1 – Indirect Painting – Foundation layer
Chris will provide a brief introduction to oil painting and will demonstrate how to plan out a composition by creating a limited palette under-painting. The creation of a strong foundation layer will be our primary goal with this lesson.
Class 2 – Indirect Painting – Black and white layer
Chris will introduce you to paint-mixing and matching exercises in this class. He will use this information to help transform your under-painting into a Grisaille layer, which is a composition made of black and white tones. Refining the subject's proportions and values will be our primary goal of this lesson.
Class 3 - Indirect Painting – 1st Color layer
Chris will introduce color tinting techniques in this class. This will add realistic looking form and color to their black and white painting layer.
Class 4 - Indirect Painting – 2nd Color layer
Chris will introduce color glazing techniques in this class. This will push the established color layer further.
Class 5 - Indirect Painting – Finishing layer
Chris will assist all students with completing their paintings in this class. We will concentrate on finishing any unresolved portions of their canvas, refine edges, and add final details to make their painting pop.
[Title] => Oil Painting From Life with Chris Hanson | Wed 6-9pm| 4/30-5/28 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course aims to break down my painting process into its most fundamental elements. This technique is known as “Indirect painting” which refers to a painting that is completed over multiple sessions. We will start with a limited-palette foundation layer, which will establish our compositions. Once the composition is locked, each class will offer additional techniques and approaches to take your painting to a further level of finish. These added techniques, like layers in a cake, will culminate in a finished oil painting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] => 1. Stretched Canvas/Canvas panels
You will need to purchase 3 stretched canvases/canvas panels for this class.
-Ampersand Gessobord 11x14 or 12x16
2. Oil paint
Brand suggestions:
-Winsor and Newton or Gamblin oil paints.
Pigments Suggestions:
-Titanium White, Ivory Black, Cadmium Red, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Burnt
Set Suggestions:
-Winsor & Newton - Winton Oil Color Paint, Basic Set, 10 x 21ml Tubes
3. Paint brushes
I would suggest a range of sizes and types of brushes to begin with. I would also recommend long handle
brushes if possible. 3 of each type in varying sizes should be fine to start with.
Individual Suggestions:
-Flat brush (squared-off brush tip): differing sizes, small to medium.
-Filbert brush (rounded tip): differing sizes, small to medium.
-Detail brush (fine tip): Meant for small details.
Set Suggestions:
-Creative Mark Pro-Stroke: Studio Complete Set of 20, Premium White Bristle Brushes
-Blick Essentials Value Brush Set - Assorted Brushes, Brown Nylon, Set of 12
4. Medium
Helps flow of paint and will be needed for multi-layer painting techniques.
-Gamblin solvent-free gel: Increases paint flow, aides glazing techniques, shortens drying times without
-Winsor & Newton Liquin Original: Increases paint flow, aides glazing techniques, shortens drying times.
Does emit fumes, requires ventilation.
5. Palette knife
For paint mixing and application.
-Blick Painting Knife - Small Spade 46
6. Paint thinner
Cleans brushes with limited fumes.
-Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits - 4.2 oz bottle
7. Containers
You will need 2 small air tight containers. One to hold your medium and another for your Gamsol (paint
8. Palette
You will need a palette to mix your paint. Make sure that the palette you choose is big enough to hold all
your colors and has ample space for color mixing.
-New Wave Palette - Disposable Palette, Grey Pad, Handheld, 11" x 16"
9. Proportional divider
Helps measure accurate proportions.
-Derwent Scale Divider
10. Paper towels
Used for mark making and cleaning brushes during painting process.
11. Brush cleaner soap
Helps clean brushes thoroughly after painting session. Provides longevity to your brushes.
-The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver - Studio Cake, 2-5/8 oz
12. Pencil/eraser
For drawing.
13. Oak tag paper
Surface for color mixing exercises.
Most of these supplies can be found at or
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] => Adults (Ages 15+), Oil Painting, Painting
[InstructorListWithID] => 234311:Hanson, Christopher
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734313634
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-07T08:17:11.817
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-07T09:40:31.673
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 561
[Description] => Oil Painting
[IsActive] =>
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-07T08:17:11.817
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[1] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 648
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-07T08:17:11.817
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[2] => stdClass Object
[MediaTypeId] => 703
[Description] => Adults (Ages 15+)
[IsActive] => 1
[AssignDate] => 2025-03-07T08:17:11.817
[AssignUserId] => 923
[AssignUserName] => Ersule Metelus
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74164
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250501_67e5ede3086a1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72788
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathAM| May
[Description] => The Painters Path waith David Peikon | Thursday 10am-1pm | 5/1 - 5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T07:45:21.26
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painter's Path with David Peikon | Thursdays 10am-1pm | 5/1 - 5/29 |Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373838
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T07:45:21.26
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T07:46:20.96
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72788
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250501_67e5ede3086e7] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72791
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 925
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Painting
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Painting
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/925
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PaintersPathPM| May
[Description] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 5/1 - 5/29
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-06T07:56:51.473
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-29T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 5
[TuitionFee] => 345
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => The Painters Path with David Peikon | Thursday 1:30-4:30pm | 5/1 - 5/29 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Take your passion for painting to the next level! This course, taught by accomplished landscape and portrait painter David Peikon, will help students set and achieve personal goals. Through active studio work, class critiques, and one-on-one guidance, each student will learn to paint intuitively, finding his or her own "voice" as a visual artist. Students work on their own content. Regardless of the subject matter, Dave's hands-on approach will help you strengthen your portfolio. Intermediate to advanced students will benefit from his comprehensive teaching methods and personal experience creating a "business plan" as an artist. Prepare for individual growth, begin your path as a professional artist, or just focus on becoming a better painter.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 345
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 325
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195576:Peikon, David
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373931
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-06T07:56:51.473
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-06T07:57:49.993
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72791
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250503_67e5ede30815b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72194
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => WC Workshop MayMASI
[Description] => Painting Bold with Watercolor Workshop with Antonio Masi | Saturday 5/3 & 5/10| 10 am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-29T11:35:47.703
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-03T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-10-29T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Painting Bold with Watercolor Workshop with Antonio Masi | Saturdays 5/3 & 5/10 | 10 am - 2 pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Antonio Masi, an internationally renowned painter and president recently for 8 years of the American Watercolor Society, is offering a workshop titled "A Fearless Approach to Watercolor." This workshop is designed to help artists of all levels enhance their watercolor techniques, with a particular focus on controlling values, recognizing large masses, and understanding the relationship between color and values.
The workshop is structured into two segments:
Demonstration Session: In the first half, Antonio Masi will conduct a live demonstration, during which he will discuss his choice of paints, paper, palette, and brushes. He will delve into various watercolor techniques, including brush strokes, glazing, and the use of body color.
Hands-On Painting Session: In the latter half, participants will have the opportunity to apply what they've learned. Antonio will provide personalized, one-on-one guidance to assist each student in discovering and refining their unique artistic voice.
This comprehensive workshop welcomes artists of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners, aiming to foster growth and confidence in watercolor painting.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] =>
(These are the basic materials I use; or bring what you are used to)
Naples Yellow
Cad. Yellow
Yellow ochre
Cad. Orange
Cad. Rd
Alizarin Crimson
Burnt Sienna
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Payne’s Grey
4-6 sheets of 140# watercolor paper
(11x15 and 15x22)
Black Ebony pencil
Sketchbook (any size)
Kneaded eraser
Single edge razor blade
Masking tape, ¾” or 1” wide
Drawing Board (Foam board big enough to hold your W/C paper)
water container
Spray Bottle
Roll of paper towels
Pen black waterproof ink (Micro or Sharpie)
Paper Towels
Bristle brushes flats: # 2, 4, 6, and 12
Watercolor brushes:
Synthetic flats in ¼”, ½”, 1”, 2”
Rounds in 4, 8, and a liner
Hake brushes: 4”, 8”
Reference: 4-6 photos of images you like to paint.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 194877:Masi, Antonio
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732313934
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-29T11:35:47.703
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-26T10:02:50.91
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72194
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250507_67e5ede307dbc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74133
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => JunkJ WS Andriotis May25
[Description] => Junk Journaling Workshop with Mary Andriotis | Wednesday 5/7 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-06T07:15:14.423
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-07T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Junk Journaling Workshop with Mary Andriotis | Wednesday 5/7 6-9pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Junk journaling involves using items that would normally be considered ‘junk’ (e.g. receipts, business cards, wrapping paper, tissue paper,
shopping bags, gift bags, price tags, old magazines and books, wallpaper samples, pressed flowers, etc.) to create unique pages within a journal. Although junk journaling is similar to collaging and scrapbooking, it can involve other creative aspects, such as adding your own illustrations or paintings to your journal. This particular workshop will allow attendees to create numerous pages in their own junk journals.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to bring their own junk journal materials with them, as there will be a potluck-type situation in place, allowing everyone to acquire materials from fellow junk journalers.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236226:Andriotis, Mary
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734313333
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-06T07:15:14.423
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-06T07:15:43.177
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74133
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250507_67e5ede308372] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74161
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Prongs - May
[Description] => Prong Setting: Curiosities in Metal with Rachel Kalina | Wednedays 6pm-9pm | 5/7-6/11
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-07T08:01:16.233
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 460
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Prong Setting: Curiosities in Metal with Rachel Kalina | Wednedays 6pm-9pm | 5/7-6/11 Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create jewelry with small specimens such as minerals, fossils, shells, flora, pottery pieces, sea glass antiques, and other found objects! This intermediate/advanced-level course will challenge you to design a pendant and/or brooch with curiosities that you have collected. Learn how to solder prongs with a torch to attach your specimens to copper, brass, and/or silver.
Although soldering basics will be covered, the class focuses on advanced techniques and multiple joins, as well as setting irregularly shaped items. Discover how to attach various pieces to one project without melting off your previous work. Upon class completion, you’ll recognize the difference among solder types (“easy”, “medium”, “hard”) and when to use them. Other skills addressed are: hand sawing metal sheet, assembling settings, texturing with hammers and steel stamps, patina application, and polishing jewelry with a flex shaft.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 460
[SupplyList] => Bring small objects that you’d like to consider for your designs to the first class. Items may be purchased from other collectors on a site like Etsy if you don’t have them readily available. Objects that are 2 inches or less are ideal. Sheet metal and wire are included in the class, as is tool usage.
Keywords to spark your inspiration: mineral specimens, crystals, fossils, seashells, ceramic sherds, porcelain figurines, toys, flowers in resin, dollhouse miniatures, buttons, coins, watch parts, photo brooches, game pieces, sea glass/pottery, magnifying glasses, etc.
Other supplies to bring: a sketchpad, pencil, and a storage box. Supply fee is due the first session. Prior metalsmithing experience with a torch is highly recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 430
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734313631
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-07T08:01:16.233
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-07T08:10:07.553
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74161
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250517_67e5ede30812a] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74308
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PhotoDraw
[Description] => Painting & Drawing from Photographs with Marlene Bezich | Saturday 5/17-5/24 | 10am-2pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-18T10:18:41.533
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-17T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 140
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-18T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => First Saturday
“Introduction to Photographic Referencing”
Instructor Introduction
Understanding the Pros/Cons of a Photographic Reference
How do I successfully edit the image?
How do I successfully translate the color in the photo to my Artwork?
What tools can I use to create my Artwork utilizing more than one photo?
How do I train myself to, as Degas put it, “Don’t Paint what you see, Paint what you want others to see” !
Homework – Choose a number of photographs from your favorite Long Island scene and create a series of “Thumbnail” Sketches illustrating your compositional ideas for your artwork.
Second Saturday
“The Keys to Successful Editing, go beyond the Photo!
Participants will present their various “Thumbnail” sketches for discussion.
In your opinion, how well does each sketch illustrate your original artistic conception?
Using your selected Thumbnail sketch, create two more Thumbnails. One depicting your values and one illustrating your color palette.
Now you can begin!!!!!!
[Title] => Painting & Drawing from Photographs with Marlene Bezich | Saturday 5/17-5/24 | 10am-2pm | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => This course will familiarize each student with the techniques of painting and drawing from photographs. The instructor will demonstrate how to capture “the essence” of a photographic subject, while capturing the true values.
Photographs can be very misleading regarding value and color. Students will be taught how to go beyond the photograph to create a true work of
art!! All levels of experience are welcomed, students may work in any medium using photographs representing your favorite Long Island scene.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 140
[SupplyList] => Paper:
Canson MiTientes paper - felt grey, steel grey, or any other neutral color. Students may purchase separate sheets or purchase in pad form (grey toned)
A smooth drawing board or surface to attach the paper to. Masonite hardboard to gator board work well.
Attach paper to boards using masking tape for hardboard or drafting tape for gator board.
The largest set of Nupastels, Rembrandt, or Girault you can afford. A few small sets of each would also work.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 130
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 213926:Bezich, Marlene
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734333038
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-18T10:18:41.533
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-19T11:22:23.7
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74308
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250520_67e5ede308349] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72979
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 928
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Printmaking
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Printmaking
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/928
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => PrintSample - May/June
[Description] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 5/20-6/10
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-26T09:22:33.283
[NumberOfSeats] => 8
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-20T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-10T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 4
[TuitionFee] => 350
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-26T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T13:30:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 2
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Printmaking Sampler with Stephanie Navon Jacobson | Tues 9:30-1:30 | 5/20-6/10 | Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => For both novices and experienced artists, printmaking can broaden your skills and get new creative juices flowing. Try several types of printmaking such as monotype/monoprint, drypoint, collagraph, carborundum, and solarplate etching. Through demonstrations, explore different ways of working within each technique using both oil- and water-based mediums. No experience necessary. Learn, experiment, and make wonderful prints! Materials fee of $20 payable to the instructor.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 330
[SupplyList] => Bring:
• 1/16” or 3/32” thick plexiglass (11”x14” or larger)
If you own any of the following please bring:
• Watercolors
• Water-soluble crayons
• Watercolor brushes
• Oil paints.
• Oil base etching/relief inks
• Oil brushes
• Palette or palette pad
• Wax paper
• Paper towels. Rags or white towels that have been washed
• 18”x24” newsprint pad
• Brayer
• Printmaking Paper: Rives, BFK, Stonehenge, Folio, etc.
(Paper can also be purchased in class)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 330
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 195310:Navon-Jacobson, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732393739
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-26T09:22:33.283
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-26T09:23:35.967
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72979
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250524_67e5ede307eeb] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72744
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => Collage WS Owens May2025
[Description] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 5/24 1-4pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-04T09:46:00.24
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-05-24T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-05-24T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-04T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Mixed Media Potluck Workshop with Derek Owens | Saturday 5/24 1-4pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => A workshop for artists and/or writers interested in combining various media: collage, painting, poetry, etc.
All participants will work towards having a finished and framed mixed media piece by the end of each gathering. This workshop is designed for seasoned artists and beginners alike--it's an anything goes, kitchen sink approach with an emphasis on experimentation.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Participants are encouraged to bring any and all materials (paper, fabric, unfinished paintings, sketches, photos, bits of prose) for their own compositions, as well as to share with others if they wish (hence "potluck"). But this is hardly a requirement; we have bags and boxes of materials for people to work with.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 224617:Owens, Derek
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373434
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-04T09:46:00.24
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-04T09:46:34.217
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72744
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250604_67e5ede307dc5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74134
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2916
[ShortDescription] => JunkJ WS Andriotis June25
[Description] => Junk Journaling Workshop with Mary Andriotis | Wednesday 6/4 6-9pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-06T07:16:07.153
[NumberOfSeats] => 15
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-06-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-04T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 55
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-06T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T18:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T21:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-06T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Junk Journaling Workshop with Mary Andriotis | Wednesday 6/4 6-9pm| Spring 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Junk journaling involves using items that would normally be considered ‘junk’ (e.g. receipts, business cards, wrapping paper, tissue paper,
shopping bags, gift bags, price tags, old magazines and books, wallpaper samples, pressed flowers, etc.) to create unique pages within a journal. Although junk journaling is similar to collaging and scrapbooking, it can involve other creative aspects, such as adding your own illustrations or paintings to your journal. This particular workshop will allow attendees to create numerous pages in their own junk journals.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 55
[SupplyList] => Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to bring their own junk journal materials with them, as there will be a potluck-type situation in place, allowing everyone to acquire materials from fellow junk journalers.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 45
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 236226:Andriotis, Mary
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734313334
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-06T07:16:07.153
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-06T07:16:33.86
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2916
[Description] => Spring 2025
[StartDate] => 2024-12-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-30T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74134
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250608_67e5ede30838e] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74315
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2927
[ShortDescription] => Raku Workshop 6/8/25
[Description] => Raku Firing Workshop with Sara Daly | Sunday 6/8 8:30am-5:00pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-19T12:12:51.99
[NumberOfSeats] => 10
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-06-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-06-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 160
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-19T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T08:30:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T17:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] => 1
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-19T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => All clay used in Art League ceramics classes must be purchased at the Art League. Clay purchased at the Art League cannot be brought outside of the studio. If additional time is needed to complete projects, students in a ceramics class may enroll in open studio time. Work produced in Art League classes must be constructed at a reasonable size so as to not overload the kilns. The Art League ceramics studio is a communal educational space - we are not responsible for broken or lost work that has been left behind. The Art League thanks its students for following guidelines to keep the kiln schedule under control so that all students receive their work back in a timely fashion.
[Title] => Raku Firing Workshop with Sara Daly | Sunday 6/8 8:30am-5:00pm | Summer 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => The ancient Japanese firing method called Raku combines chemistry, fire and smoke to produce gorgeous displays of color and lusters. The firing process is the heart and soul of the American Raku Technique. The finished pieces are unpredictable. Glazes crackle in fascinating patterns and metallic oxides change colors depending on the amount of oxidation in the post firing reduction chamber.
This workshop is intended for experienced potters who can produce and bisque fire pieces ahead of this workshop. In his hands on Raku workshop, participants should bring 6-8 even thickness bisqueware pots. Bisque firing is not included in this workshop. The pots for raku should be no larger than 6-8” wide and no taller than 13”. Flat pieces are acceptable. Tall and narrow are best. Handbuilt pieces should be built evenly to prevent kiln explosions. The instructor has the right to deny a piece entry into the firing if he determines it is at high risk for explosion. Use Raku clay or Stoneware with grog (not sand). Art League students interested in taking the workshop should give themselves 6 working classes to throw
or hand build 6 pieces. That will allow enough time for the pieces to thoroughly dry out and be bisque fired ahead of the workshop. If you're interested in horsehair firing, pieces need to be burnished. Ask your instructor for assistance on this. Make sure pieces are glazed at least 24 hours ahead of time to the workshop.
Bring a bag lunch. Beverages will be available. Wear cotton clothing, long sleeves, long pants, a hat, covered shoes (no sandals). As stated above this is a hands-on workshop. Please do not make other plans for early that evening, clean up is part of this workshop. Register early -
space limited to 10 participants.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 160
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 145
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234815:Gomez, Jeff
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734333135
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-19T12:12:51.99
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-19T12:17:42.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2927
[Description] => Summer 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-05-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-09-13T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74315
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250707_67e5ede3083e1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72711
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 11-12 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 11-12, Session One, 7/7-7/18
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:47:38.16
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1046
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 11-12 | Session One: July 7-18
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will find inspiration through our weekly theme, artist of the week, as well as other non-theme related skill building projects.
Session ONE: July 7-18
Themes: “Food-topia”& Wildy Fluffy “Tiny” Critters
Week 1: Dive into the world of delicious creativity as we embark on a journey through “Food-topia”! Set a formal table with your favorite yummy bites-like oozing cinnamon buns or a gooey cheesy grilled cheese. Learn techniques in food sculpture and multimedia, as well as draw and paint a “still life” stacked with these delectable treats. Popular modern comfort foods and labels will set the stage for “old world” painterly charm. Study artist Noah Verriers’ Oil paintings titled: PBJ and Jar of Milk and McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. Cap off week 1 with a Miniature Food Sculpture Jewelry-Making Party!
Week 2: Snuggle up with your miniature animal pals, as “Wildly Fluffy Tiny Critters” become our muse. Learn techniques in drawing, painting, sculpture, as well as work with multimedia to create that soft and squishy fur. Q-tip sized animal friends will bounce around in a painterly world of rolly polly fun. Bedazzle them with the latest mini-fashions or take them with you in a Tote. Study Henriëtte Ronner Knip’s playful kittens in her Romanticism painting titled: “Tea Time Animal Cat” . Enjoy a live animal show and venture into the outdoors with a Plein Air Painting Field Trip at Heckscher Park on July 15th (parent transportation required).
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1046
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 996
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373131
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:47:38.16
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-10T12:05:06.343
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72711
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250707_67e5ede3083fe] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72712
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 13-14 Session 1
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 13-14, Session One, 7/7-7/18
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:50:24.687
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1046
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 13-14 | Session One: July 7-18
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will find inspiration through our weekly theme, artist of the week, as well as other non-theme related skill building projects.
Session ONE: July 7-18
Themes: “Food-topia”& Wildy Fluffy “Tiny” Critters
Week 1: Dive into the world of delicious creativity as we embark on a journey through “Food-topia”! Set a formal table with your favorite yummy bites-like oozing cinnamon buns or a gooey cheesy grilled cheese. Learn techniques in food sculpture and multimedia, as well as draw and paint a “still life” stacked with these delectable treats. Popular modern comfort foods and labels will set the stage for “old world” painterly charm. Study artist Noah Verriers’ Oil paintings titled: PBJ and Jar of Milk and McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. Cap off week 1 with a Miniature Food Sculpture Jewelry-Making Party!
Week 2: Snuggle up with your miniature animal pals, as “Wildly Fluffy Tiny Critters” become our muse. Learn techniques in drawing, painting, sculpture, as well as work with multimedia to create that soft and squishy fur. Q-tip sized animal friends will bounce around in a painterly world of rolly polly fun. Bedazzle them with the latest mini-fashions or take them with you in a Tote. Study Henriëtte Ronner Knip’s playful kittens in her Romanticism painting titled: “Tea Time Animal Cat” . Enjoy a live animal show and venture into the outdoors with a Plein Air Painting Field Trip at Heckscher Park on July 15th (parent transportation required).
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1046
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 996
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373132
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:50:24.687
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-10T12:04:43.147
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72712
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250707_67e5ede30846b] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72715
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Week 1
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 1 " Food-topia Blast", 7/07-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:00:31.273
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 1 " Food-topia Blast", 7/07-7/11
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week One: Food-topia Blast July 7-11
Set a formal table with your favorite yummy bites-like oozing cinnamon buns or a gooey cheesy grilled cheese. Learn techniques in food sculpture and multimedia, as well as draw and paint a “still life” stacked with these delectable treats. Popular modern comfort foods and labels will set the stage for “old world” painterly charm. Study artist Noah Verriers’ Oil paintings titled: PBJ and Jar of Milk and McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. Miniature “Food Sculpture” Jewelry Making Party
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373135
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:00:31.273
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:21:23.34
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72715
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250707_67e5ede3084b6] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72717
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Week 1
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 1 " Food-topia Blast", 7/07-7/11
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:02:35.23
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-07T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 1 " Food-topia Blast", 7/07-7/11
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week One: Food-topia Blast July 7-11
Set a formal table with your favorite yummy bites-like oozing cinnamon buns or a gooey cheesy grilled cheese. Learn techniques in food sculpture and multimedia, as well as draw and paint a “still life” stacked with these delectable treats. Popular modern comfort foods and labels will set the stage for “old world” painterly charm. Study artist Noah Verriers’ Oil paintings titled: PBJ and Jar of Milk and McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. Miniature “Food Sculpture” Jewelry Making Party
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373137
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:02:35.23
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:22:24.947
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72717
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250708_67e5ede3082cc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72200
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => PreCollege Session1
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 1 Human Anatomy | 7/8-7/11 | 10am-3pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-30T07:54:09.23
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-08T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-11T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 550
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 1 Human Anatomy | 7/8-7/11 | 10am - 3pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Pre-College Portfolio Development Summer Program is designed for aspiring artists looking to refine their skills and build a strong portfolio for college applications. This intensive program offers hands-on instruction in various mediums, personalized feedback and guidance on portfolio presentation. Students will explore new techniques, develop their artistic voice and gain valuable insight into the expectations of art school admissions as well as completing required portfolio projects.
Week 1: Understanding the Human Anatomy:
Students will draw the human form through live model sessions and skeletal studies. Working with charcoal and pastels on large-format paper they will capture the essence of both short and long positions.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 550
[SupplyList] => Required materials-Sketchbook
-Thin charcoal sticks
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 500
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732323030
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-30T07:54:09.23
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-30T10:38:43.42
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72200
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250714_67e5ede30846f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72719
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Week 2
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 2 "Wildly Fluffy “Tiny” Critters", 7/14-7/18
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:04:54.997
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 2 "Wildly Fluffy “Tiny” Critters", 7/14-7/18
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Two: Wildly Fluffy “Tiny” Critters July 14-18
Snuggle up with super fluffy, cuddly miniature animal pals. Learn techniques in drawing, painting, sculpture, as well as work with multimedia to create that soft and squishy fur. Q-tip sized animal friends will bounce around in a painterly world of rolly polly fun. Bedazzle them with the latest mini-fashions or take them with you in a Tote. Study Henriëtte Ronner Knip’s playful kittens in her Romanticism painting titled: “Tea Time Animal Cat” . Live Animal Show This Week. Animal Bobble Head Button Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373139
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:04:54.997
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:22:53.8
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72719
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250714_67e5ede3084b9] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72718
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Week 2
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 2 "Wildly Fluffy “Tiny” Critters", 7/14-7/18
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:03:48.14
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 7
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-14T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 2 "Wildly Fluffy “Tiny” Critters", 7/14-7/18
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Two: Wildly Fluffy “Tiny” Critters July 14-18
Snuggle up with super fluffy, cuddly miniature animal pals. Learn techniques in drawing, painting, sculpture, as well as work with multimedia to create that soft and squishy fur. Q-tip sized animal friends will bounce around in a painterly world of rolly polly fun. Bedazzle them with the latest mini-fashions or take them with you in a Tote. Study Henriëtte Ronner Knip’s playful kittens in her Romanticism painting titled: “Tea Time Animal Cat” . Live Animal Show This Week. Animal Bobble Head Button Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373138
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:03:48.14
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:23:31.113
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72718
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250715_67e5ede3082d0] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72201
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => PreCollege Session2
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 2 Portraiture & Movement | 7/15-7/18 | 10am - 3pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-30T07:59:25.61
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-15T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-18T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 550
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 2 Portraiture & Movement | 7/15-7/18 | 10am - 3pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Pre-College Portfolio Development Summer Program is designed for aspiring artists looking to refine their skills and build a strong portfolio for college applications. This intensive program offers hands-on instruction in various mediums, personalized feedback and guidance on portfolio presentation. Students will explore new techniques, develop their artistic voice and gain valuable insight into the expectations of art school admissions as well as completing required portfolio projects.
Week 2: Portraiture and Movement:
Fractured Self-Portraits project. Students explore a conceptual approach to self-representation by deconstructing and reimagining their likeness. Using a blend of hand drawing, digital filtering, and collage techniques they will create large-format portraits.This project encourages creative experimentation allowing students to express themselves through layered and fragmented imagery.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 550
[SupplyList] => Required materials
-Optional- paints, brushes, pens, markers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 500
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732323031
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-30T07:59:25.61
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-30T10:45:05.74
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72201
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250718_67e5ede30836f] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 74162
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 822
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Jewelry
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Jewelry
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/822
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2927
[ShortDescription] => Prongs - July
[Description] => Prong Setting: Curiosities in Metal with Rachel Kalina | Fridays 12-4pm | 7/18-8/22
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2025-03-07T08:07:21.937
[NumberOfSeats] => 6
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 4
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-22T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 6
[TuitionFee] => 460
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T13:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T16:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 1
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-03-07T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Prong Setting: Curiosities in Metal with Rachel Kalina | Fridays 12-4pm | 7/18-8/22 | Summer 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Create jewelry with small specimens such as minerals, fossils, shells, flora, pottery pieces, sea glass antiques, and other found objects! This intermediate/advanced-level course will challenge you to design a pendant and/or brooch with curiosities that you have collected. Learn how to solder prongs with a torch to attach your specimens to copper, brass, and/or silver.
Although soldering basics will be covered, the class focuses on advanced techniques and multiple joins, as well as setting irregularly shaped items. Discover how to attach various pieces to one project without melting off your previous work. Upon class completion, you’ll recognize the difference among solder types (“easy”, “medium”, “hard”) and when to use them. Other skills addressed are: hand sawing metal sheet, assembling settings, texturing with hammers and steel stamps, patina application, and polishing jewelry with a flex shaft.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 460
[SupplyList] => Bring small objects that you’d like to consider for your designs to the first class. Items may be purchased from other collectors on a site like Etsy if you don’t have them readily available. Objects that are 2 inches or less are ideal. Sheet metal and wire are included in the class, as is tool usage.
Keywords to spark your inspiration: mineral specimens, crystals, fossils, seashells, ceramic sherds, porcelain figurines, toys, flowers in resin, dollhouse miniatures, buttons, coins, watch parts, photo brooches, game pieces, sea glass/pottery, magnifying glasses, etc.
Other supplies to bring: a sketchpad, pencil, and a storage box. Supply fee is due the first session. Prior metalsmithing experience with a torch is highly recommended.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 430
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 234131:Kalina, Rachel
[ProgramDetailId] => 3734313632
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2025-03-07T08:07:21.937
[ModifyDate] => 2025-03-07T08:08:34.753
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2927
[Description] => Summer 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-05-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-09-13T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/74162
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250721_67e5ede3083e8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72713
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 11-12 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 11-12, Session Two, 7/21-8/01
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:52:35.92
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 4
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1046
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 11-12 | Session Two: July 21- August 01
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will find inspiration through our weekly theme, artist of the week, as well as other non-theme related skill building projects.
Session TWO: July 21-Aug 1
Themes:“Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom & Monster Bash Chuckle” – Unleash your creativity in two weeks of magical, monstrous fun!
Week 1: Swim among the Kelpies & MerPeople in your very own underwater kingdom. Learn to draw, paint, sculpt and combine multimedia to create an underwater metropolis. Create the illusion of deep seawater, through reflective lighting techniques and the warm glow of the sun’s rays. Have fun stylizing your imaginary version of Atlantis, where lost treasures and ancient sunken buildings are home to bioluminescent sea creatures. Study Pamela Arsena’s “Enchanted Atlantis Mystical Temple”. Visit The Art League on July 23rd for a hands-on experience in quilting and ceramics wheel work (parent transportation required).
Week 2: Step into the hilariously spooky world of monster fun! Learn to illustrate, paint, and sculpt playful “funny monsters” with toothy grins, bulging eyes, and ghoulish charm. Create a lively monster dance party scene inspired by Christopher McMahon’s “Funny Monster Paintings”. Let your imagination run wild as you bring these quirky creatures to life!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1046
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 996
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373133
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:52:35.92
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-10T12:06:25.157
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72713
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250721_67e5ede308404] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72714
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA MA 13-14 Session 2
[Description] => SAA - Mature Artists Ages 13-14, Session Two, 7/21-8/01
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T08:55:24.79
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 6
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 1046
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-10T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Summer Art Adventure | Mature Artists Ages 13-14 | Session Two: July 21- August 01
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Mature artists will find inspiration through our weekly theme, artist of the week, as well as other non-theme related skill building projects.
Session TWO: July 21-Aug 1
Themes:“Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom & Monster Bash Chuckle” – Unleash your creativity in two weeks of magical, monstrous fun!
Week 1: Swim among the Kelpies & MerPeople in your very own underwater kingdom. Learn to draw, paint, sculpt and combine multimedia to create an underwater metropolis. Create the illusion of deep seawater, through reflective lighting techniques and the warm glow of the sun’s rays. Have fun stylizing your imaginary version of Atlantis, where lost treasures and ancient sunken buildings are home to bioluminescent sea creatures. Study Pamela Arsena’s “Enchanted Atlantis Mystical Temple”. Visit The Art League on July 23rd for a hands-on experience in quilting and ceramics wheel work (parent transportation required).
Week 2: Step into the hilariously spooky world of monster fun! Learn to illustrate, paint, and sculpt playful “funny monsters” with toothy grins, bulging eyes, and ghoulish charm. Create a lively monster dance party scene inspired by Christopher McMahon’s “Funny Monster Paintings”. Let your imagination run wild as you bring these quirky creatures to life!
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 1046
[SupplyList] =>
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 996
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373134
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T08:55:24.79
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-10T12:05:57.413
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72714
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250721_67e5ede308471] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72720
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Week 3
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 3 "Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom", 7/21-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:05:36.05
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 3 "Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom", 7/21-7/25
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Three: Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom July 21-25
Swim among the Kelpies & MerPeople in your very own underwater kingdom. Learn to draw, paint, sculpt and combine multimedia to create an underwater metropolis. Create the illusion of deep seawater, through reflective lighting techniques and the warm glow of the sun’s rays. Have fun stylizing your imaginary version of Atlantis, where lost treasures and ancient sunken buildings are home to bioluminescent sea creatures. Study Pamela Arsena’s “Enchanted Atlantis Mystical Temple”. Underwater Themed “Foil Art” Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373230
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:05:36.05
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:24:46.177
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72720
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250721_67e5ede3084bc] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72721
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Week 3
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 3 "Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom", 7/21-7/25
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:06:38.65
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 3
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-21T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 3 "Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom", 7/21-7/25
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Three: Enchanted “Sea” Kingdom July 21-25
Swim among the Kelpies & MerPeople in your very own underwater kingdom. Learn to draw, paint, sculpt and combine multimedia to create an underwater metropolis. Create the illusion of deep seawater, through reflective lighting techniques and the warm glow of the sun’s rays. Have fun stylizing your imaginary version of Atlantis, where lost treasures and ancient sunken buildings are home to bioluminescent sea creatures. Study Pamela Arsena’s “Enchanted Atlantis Mystical Temple”. Underwater Themed “Foil Art” Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373231
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:06:38.65
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:26:34.117
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72721
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250722_67e5ede3082d2] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72202
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => PreCollege Session3
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 3 Conceptual Sculpture | 7/22-7/25 | 10am - 3pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-30T08:01:05.413
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-22T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-25T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 550
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 3 Conceptual Sculpture | 7/22-7/25 | 10am - 3pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Pre-College Portfolio Development Summer Program is designed for aspiring artists looking to refine their skills and build a strong portfolio for college applications. This intensive program offers hands-on instruction in various mediums, personalized feedback and guidance on portfolio presentation. Students will explore new techniques, develop their artistic voice and gain valuable insight into the expectations of art school admissions as well as completing required portfolio projects.
Week 3: Conceptual Sculpture using found objects:
Assemblage art challenges students to repurpose found objects and reassemble them into sculptural works that combine aesthetics with concept. This project encourages creative problem solving and pushes students to think in a 360-degree perspective.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 550
[SupplyList] => Required materials
-"Found objects” for found object sculptures (i.e. hardware, interesting pieces of plastic,
wood, and other scraps)
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 500
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732323032
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-30T08:01:05.413
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-30T10:45:44.64
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72202
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250725_67e5ede307a62] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72911
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 933
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Workshops
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Workshops
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/933
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2927
[ShortDescription] => WC Workshop JulyGuarino
[Description] => Fearless Watercolor Workshop with Jan Guarino| Fri & Sat 7/25-7/26| 10am-3pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-12T11:07:51.63
[NumberOfSeats] => 12
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 5
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-25T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-07-26T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 2
[TuitionFee] => 270
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2024-12-12T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] =>
[MeetOnWednesday] =>
[MeetOnThursday] =>
[MeetOnFriday] =>
[MeetOnSaturday] => 1
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Studio
[RoomDescription] => Studio 9
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2025-02-26T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] => These techniques will be taught throughout the class - most all will be used based on the subject matter we will be painting:
Color Wheel & Color Temperature - what it is, how to use it and why it matters. An understanding of analogous and complementary colors will help your paintings come alive by exaggerating and varying your colors. Learn to let the paints do the work for you.
Building on techniques and tools, the use masking fluid (when necessary), salt and splatter to add excitement to our paintings. Before painting we will practice parts and then bring them all together. Learn Soft and Hard edges as well as how to MELT your watercolors into the paper. Learn that although watercolors can seem to be unforgiving than other mediums, if you allow it, the most wonderful “mistakes” can actually appear and “make” the painting.
Learn now to find the IMPACT area, where it is and how to find/create it. How to build the painting with your best color, contrast and edges. Learn to give your painting a purpose and change your picture to a painting. We will discuss values, bridging the palette and how color and contrast work together.
[Title] => Fearless Watercolor Workshop with Jan Guarino| Fri & Sat 7/25-7/26| 10am-3pm| Summer 2025
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => I invite you to be part of an immersive experience that will open new ways to approach a blank sheet of white paper. The result will likely forever change the way you think of painting in watercolors. Along with techniques, my clear process to putting paint and water to paper will help you more successfully express your passion for this medium.
I’ll teach you in a way that emulates what I needed as a student and didn’t get. The outcome will be that you become empowered by clear and innovative ideas. You already have the passion and desire, combined with my suggestions ~ you can become a more confident watercolorist.
You’ve taken classes with highly regarded masters . . . watched their videos . . . read their books. I invite you to be part of something that integrates the best of the best and puts them together in one workshop. One in which you will come out the other end a better watercolorist than when you came in and take home tangible ideas to integrate into your paintings.
Participants will come with their own supplies and it is totally hands on experience with demos and one to one guidance throughout the day.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => Intermediate, Advanced
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 270
[SupplyList] => If you have student grade paints Windsor Newton Cotman OR Grumbacher Academy DO NOT BRING THEM, I highly recommend that you purchase SOME of the colors I have listed below because the techniques I teach require . You will see the difference in your paintings.
For the best results, buy the best quality and less colors. I have found these paints and papers help get you the very best results. IF you have Professional Grade Paint, bring them and fill in with some other colors. Below is the list of paint colors I’ll be using:
Maimeri Blu Brand (available on line):
• Indigo • Dragons Blood
Daniel Smith Brand:
• Cobalt Blue • Phthalo Turquoise
• Cascade Green • Undersea Green • Rich Green Gold • Alizerian Crimson • Quinacridone Lilac
• Imperial Purple • Rose of Ultramarine
• Raw Sienna • Quinacridone Gold • Quin Gold Deep MISC: • Shadow Violet • MoonGlow
Holbein Brand: Leaf Green • Jaune Brilliant 1
• Lilac • Lavender
QOR Brand: French Cerulean Blue
Schmincke Brand: Translucent Orange
Windsor Newton Brand: Designer Gouache
IF you have professional grade tubes of any of these colors in another brand, don’t buy more, just fill in as needed. Important to know: I use TUBES not PANS!
If you can share the initial purchase with another painter will help with the cost as these tubes will last you 1 year or better
2. PAPER: Brands: Arches, Kilimanjaro, Saunders Waterford 140lb Cold Press
You can purchase 11” x 14” Blocks or 22 x 30 Sheets quartered to be 11” x 15”
Buy only professional grade paper never student grade
3. BRUSHES: Brands: Silver Black Velvet, Escoda Prado, King Art, Simply Simmons
#0 Rigger
#8 & 10 Round Escoda Prado or King Art
#8 Tri Wedge King Art
#16 Escoda Prado Round
1/4” , 1/2” Angular Escoda Prado Fan brush
Note: You do not have to purchase expensive sable brushes. I also I prefer short handle brushes
• Paint Palette, I use a Mijello Fusion 33 make sure there are wells to pull paint out and control water
• Brush Holder
• Water container (I use a collapsable dog bowl) • Large Water Spray Bottle w/adjustable nozzle • Small mist spray bottle
• Dot spray bottle • Old Toothbrush
• Large Dish Drying Mat
• Paper Towels or Absorptive Rags
• Transfer Graphite Paper
• Mechanical Pencil
• Kneaded Eraser
• Pebeo Drawing Gum & Rubber cement pickup • Mr Clean Magic Eraser
• 11 x 14 black mat
Web sites to purchase your supplies from sign up for their specials: Cheap Joes, Dick Blick, Jerry’s Artarama and what you can’t find there you can get on Amazon.
I have chosen all of these materials so that you get the very best results possible using my techniques.
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 250
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 193691:Guarino, Jan
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732393131
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-12T11:07:51.63
[ModifyDate] => 2025-02-26T12:52:05.94
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2927
[Description] => Summer 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-05-18T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-09-13T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72911
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250728_67e5ede308474] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72724
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Week 4
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 4 "Monster Bash Chuckle", 7/28-8/01
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:09:01.4
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 4 "Monster Bash Chuckle", 7/28-8/01
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Four: Monster Bash Chuckle July 28-August 1
Masquerade among giants and peak through the portal to see how these ogre-like goblins live and party. Create a fun-filled monster dance party full of toothy-fanged smiles, bulging eyes, and ghoulish faces. Learn to illustrate, paint, sculpt, and stylize multimedia “funny monsters”, guided by Christopher McMahon’s “Funny Monster Paintings”. Monster Face Mask Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373234
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:09:01.4
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:27:06.44
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72724
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250728_67e5ede3084be] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72722
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Week 4
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 4 "Monster Bash Chuckle", 7/28-8/01
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:08:01.37
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-28T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 4 "Monster Bash Chuckle", 7/28-8/01
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Four: Monster Bash Chuckle July 28-August 1
Masquerade among giants and peak through the portal to see how these ogre-like goblins live and party. Create a fun-filled monster dance party full of toothy-fanged smiles, bulging eyes, and ghoulish faces. Learn to illustrate, paint, sculpt, and stylize multimedia “funny monsters”, guided by Christopher McMahon’s “Funny Monster Paintings”. Monster Face Mask Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373232
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:08:01.37
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:31:02.68
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72722
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250729_67e5ede3082d5] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72203
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => PreCollege Session4
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 4 Gel Plate Printmaking | 7/29-8/01 | 10am - 3pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-30T08:03:14.577
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 0
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-07-29T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-01T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 550
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 4 Gel Plate Printmaking | 7/29-8/01 | 10am - 3pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Pre-College Portfolio Development Summer Program is designed for aspiring artists looking to refine their skills and build a strong portfolio for college applications. This intensive program offers hands-on instruction in various mediums, personalized feedback and guidance on portfolio presentation. Students will explore new techniques, develop their artistic voice and gain valuable insight into the expectations of art school admissions as well as completing required portfolio projects.
Week 4: Gel Plate Printmaking using Observation Drawings:
Students will learn the basics of using a gel plate to create monoprints.Transforming their charcoal and pastel observational drawings into textured prints. Monoprinting with a gel plate encourages spontaneity and exploration.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 550
[SupplyList] => Required materials
-Set of acrylic paints any variety and brushes
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 500
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732323033
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-30T08:03:14.577
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-30T10:48:05.187
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72203
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250804_67e5ede308477] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72725
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 6-8 Week 5
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 5 "Mystical Dragon Pals", 8/04-8/08
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:10:09.91
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-08-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 6-8, Week 5 "Mystical Dragon Pals", 8/04-8/08
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Five: Mystical Dragon Pals August 4-8
Design iridescent dragons that soar through the sparkling night sky, or saddle up and ride your favorite flying pal into battle to defend a fortress. Learn to create luminous woodlands filled with gnarly trees, fairies, & gnomes, or spin a visual tale of these gentle giants. Author Catherine Rayner’s “Sylvia and the Bird” and Cressida Cowell’s “How To Train Your Dragon” will help to guide your imagination in this medieval adventure. Live Animal Experience This Week / Stained Glass Coaster Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373235
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:10:09.91
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:32:10.893
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72725
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250804_67e5ede3084c1] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72727
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 954
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Summer Art Adventure
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => SAA
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/954
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => SAA - YA 9-10 Session 5
[Description] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 5 "Mystical Dragon Pals", 8/04-8/08
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-12-03T09:11:01.36
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 2
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-08-04T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 591
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2023-12-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T09:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T14:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] => 1
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] =>
[RoomDescription] =>
[LocationName] =>
[LocationFullAddress] =>
[LocationId] => 0
[Location] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-12-03T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => SAA - Young Artists Ages 9-10, Week 5 "Mystical Dragon Pals", 8/04-8/08
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Week Five: Mystical Dragon Pals August 4-8
Design iridescent dragons that soar through the sparkling night sky, or saddle up and ride your favorite flying pal into battle to defend a fortress. Learn to create luminous woodlands filled with gnarly trees, fairies, & gnomes, or spin a visual tale of these gentle giants. Author Catherine Rayner’s “Sylvia and the Bird” and Cressida Cowell’s “How To Train Your Dragon” will help to guide your imagination in this medieval adventure. Live Animal Experience This Week / Stained Glass Coaster Party.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 591
[SupplyList] => Bring a bag lunch and dress for an artful experience. Materials Included.
[CourseNumber] => YASession1(6-8)
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 541
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] =>
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732373237
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-12-03T09:11:01.36
[ModifyDate] => 2024-12-03T10:35:02.933
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72727
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>
[20250805_67e5ede3082d8] => stdClass Object
[ProgramId] => 72204
[ProgramType] => stdClass Object
[ProgramTypeId] => 930
[OrganizationId] => 47
[Description] => Pre-College
[IsActive] => 1
[IsSystemDefined] =>
[AccountCode] => Pre-College
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programtypes/930
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programtypes
[Title] => All Program Types
[Type] =>
[SemesterId] => 2923
[ShortDescription] => PreCollege Session5
[Description] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 5 Figure Drawing Marathon | 8/05-8/08 | 10am-3pm
[StatusDescription] => Scheduled
[StatusDate] => 2024-10-30T08:04:29.55
[NumberOfSeats] => 16
[MinimumNumberOfRegistrations] => 0
[NumberRegistered] => 1
[NumberWaitlisted] => 0
[StartDate] => 2025-08-05T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-08T00:00:00
[NumberOfWeeks] => 1
[TuitionFee] => 550
[DepositAmount] =>
[RegistrationOpenDate] => 2021-04-02T00:00:00
[StartTime] => 1899-12-30T10:00:00
[EndTime] => 1899-12-30T15:00:00
[MeetOnMonday] =>
[MeetOnTuesday] => 1
[MeetOnWednesday] => 1
[MeetOnThursday] => 1
[MeetOnFriday] => 1
[MeetOnSaturday] =>
[MeetOnSunday] =>
[RoomTypeDescription] => Lecture Hall
[RoomDescription] => Gallery
[LocationName] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationFullAddress] => 107 East Deer Park Road Dix Hills, NY 11746 United States
[LocationId] => 594
[Location] => stdClass Object
[LocationId] => 594
[Name] => Art League of Long Island
[LocationTypeDescription] => Campus
[IsActive] => 1
[PostalCode] => 11746
[Address1] => 107 East Deer Park Road
[Address2] =>
[City] => Dix Hills
[State] => New York
[Country] => United States
[Phone] => 6314625400
[ContactPerson] => Art League of Long Island
[Comments] =>
[InternalComments] =>
[IsAvailableOnline] => 1
[OnlineRegistrationOpenTime] => 2024-10-30T00:00:00
[SpecialNotes] =>
[Title] => Precollege Portfolio with Stephanie Folk | Session 5 Figure Drawing Marathon | 8/05-8/08 | 10am - 3pm
[OnlineRegistrationDescription] => Pre-College Portfolio Development Summer Program is designed for aspiring artists looking to refine their skills and build a strong portfolio for college applications. This intensive program offers hands-on instruction in various mediums, personalized feedback and guidance on portfolio presentation. Students will explore new techniques, develop their artistic voice and gain valuable insight into the expectations of art school admissions as well as completing required portfolio projects.
Week 5: Figure Drawing Marathon:
Students will engage in intensive figure drawing sessions with a live nude model. Exploring the human form through various techniques, mediums, and surfaces. Human anatomy studies are essential for developing a cohesive college portfolio.
[OnlineRegistrationHideTuition] =>
[Level] => All Levels
[MinimumDueAtRegistration] => 550
[SupplyList] => Required materials
-A variety of different surfaces- (i.e. cardboard, textured paper, canvas)
-Thin charcoal sticks
-Optional- paints, brushes, pens, markers
[CourseNumber] =>
[CreditHours] =>
[MembershipGlobalOverrideAmount] => 500
[MembershipRequired] =>
[Comments] =>
[CertificationsIssuedDate] =>
[MediaList] =>
[InstructorListWithID] => 197252:Yovino-Folk, Stephanie
[ProgramDetailId] => 3732323034
[HasImage] => 1
[HasActivePaymentPlans] =>
[ImageUrl] =>
[IsCurrentlyOnline] => 1
[CreateDate] => 2024-10-30T08:04:29.55
[ModifyDate] => 2024-10-30T10:48:42.81
[UnitId] => 60
[IsTaxable] =>
[TaxRate] =>
[AdditionalFee] =>
[Semester] => stdClass Object
[SemesterId] => 2923
[Description] => SAA 2025
[StartDate] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00
[EndDate] => 2025-08-31T00:00:00
[ProgramMedia] => Array
[Links] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => self
[Href] => /api/programlist/72204
[Title] => self
[Type] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[Rel] => all
[Href] => /api/programlist
[Title] => All Programs List
[Type] =>