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"If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint"
- Edward Hopper

March 2014

We welcome the approach of spring with open arms and lots of things to do this month at the Art League!

Spring classes and Summer Art Adventure programs are now up online, register early to save your spot. Hard copies of the catalogs will be mailed starting next week.

The “Hot Off the Press” exhibit is a sight to behold and a rare glimpse into the fine art of printmaking. These are not just any ordinary prints you see at the store. These are fine art works made by celebrated artists who have worked with Universal Limited Art Editions (ULAE) in Bay Shore, LI. If you missed the group tour to the ULAE facility, on March 27 you can get another chance to learn more about this artistic medium from Bill Goldston, who will describe the processes and dynamics involved in the works on view in the gallery. Bill Goldston, who now heads ULAE, will be introduced by the well-respected Independent Curator and Art Historian Dr. Kenneth Wayne.

On March 20, the Art League will be hosting the kick off for the Arthritis Foundation’s “Walk to Cure Arthritis”. If you’re interested in participating in the May 17 event, learn how by signing up for the conference call and/or attending the kick off event on the 20th.

Art After Dark is happening March 28, with Paul Bachem, John P. Cardone and Gloria Golden demonstrating, along with participating artists showing a diverse selection of works. Live entertainment is provided courtesy of Murphy’s Music, with performances by Jeff Frohman, Beverly Jane & Tom Aniano. Then on March 29, Janice Buckner presents “The Art of Performance”, the culmination of a series of music workshops attended by participating musicians playing many different genres of music.

All the events mentioned above are free and open to the public, however due to space limitations some require RSVP’s.

Looking ahead to April, on the 11th we will be having a benefit lecture conducted by Franklin Hill Perrell, held in conjunction with the upcoming juried exhibit “Landscapes: From Metropolis to Arcadia”. Please plan to attend this evening of entertainment and enlightenment and show your support for the Art League.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced"
- Vincent Van Gogh

January 2014

Happy New Year! We are looking forward to an exciting action packed 2014!

We have a calendar chock full of exhibits, events, activities, and classes sure
to satisfy the artistic cravings for people of all ages. Winter session classes began the second week of January with many more set to begin between
now and March. Please take a moment to browse through our class and workshop offerings to see what suits your fancy. Links to the print version of the catalog and online registration site can be found below. Mark your calendars for our 47th annual Art in the Park Fine Art & Craft Fair happening May 31 & June 1 at Heckscher Park in Huntington.

The first Art After Dark of the year is happening on January 24 with ALLI instructors Mary Nagin and Brian Richardson demonstrating drawing and digital sculpting, along with a dozen local artists showcasing their works throughout our studios. We are happy have Janice Buckner and Anna E. Kravis of the “Sweet Rose Revue” along with special Guest Artist Miles Kravis perform at Art After Dark. You may remember, they wowed a crowded gallery full of holiday revelers at the Holiday Cabaret Concert this past December.

Our Bus Tours in collaboration with Mark of Elegance Limousines are back! On February 6 leave the driving to Mark of Elegance as they take you to the Barnes Museum in Philadelphia, a must-see destination for art lovers everywhere. The next tour takes us once again to Philadelphia, this time to their signature Flower Show on March 6. This year’s theme is ARTiculture: How Gardens Have Inspired Art.

Sat/Nite/Draw drew such a great deal of interest, that not even a snowstorm could keep people away. We plan to offer more Sat/Nite/Draw’s to the calendar and welcome any ideas for future themed events, which could include more models in theme clothing, dance, poetry or music. If you have any ideas, or wish to provide artistic talent, please contact me at info@artleagueli.org.

Please visit our website at www.artleagueli.org to see more upcoming events and exhibits!

Charlee Miller, Executive Director,

Art League of Long Island